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The Pion

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In Umbris Potestas Est

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Intent: To create a special ship(per OOC discussion) for Alli Wren, in exchange for the Black Hex she won at auction.
Development Thread: (Stygium dev thread)
Manufacturer: Subach-Innes
Model: Unnamed Assault Frigate
Affiliation: Alli Wren
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Stygium(cloak), Duranium-reinforced Adamithium composite(hull), Agrinium(outer coating), Quadanium Steel(frame)
Description: Considering the importance of the Black Hex given to Alli Wren, due to its position as her former flagship, Circe chose to go the classic route - bribery. Utilizing Stygium acquired through a mutual business agreement, the Pion was constructed, a personal frigate for Alli's own use. Equipped with the latest in automation, a Class 0.5 primary hyperdrive, twin backup hyperdrives, a cloaking device, ample armament, a radiation-proof agrinium coating, energy-resistant hull plating, and exceptionally efficient recycling and waste management systems, the Pion was to be Alli's home away from home... and a spectacular bribe.

Classification: Assault Frigate
Role: Personal Vessel
Height: 75m
Width: 150m
Length: 400m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: 2:1 Matter/Antimatter reactor, fusion reactor(secondary backup hyperdrive)
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 0.75(Class 9 primary backup, Class 18 secondary backup)
Minimum Crew: 50
Optimal Crew: 200
  • 14 twin mass driver turrets
  • 7 turbolasers
  • 5 heavy energy torpedo launchers
  • 8 flak guns
  • 4 fighters
  • 2 shuttles
Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Cruiser-Grade Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Detention Cells
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Advanced Navigational Systems
  • Advanced Sensor Array
  • Sensor Jammer
  • Cloaking Device(Stygium-based)
  • Advanced Targeting Systems
  • Tractor Beams (2)
Passenger Capacity: 250
Cargo Capacity: 5000 tons
Consumables: 2 years
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability:
Class 5
Alright, before we even get into the ship itself there are some things that don't add up with the dev thread. The biggest and most glaring being that you're no where in it meaning that you can't use it at all unless there is a later time where you're given the crystals IC. After that there's the fact that the thread isn't even finished and stops right after the participating members are attacked, furthermore eleven of the eighteen posts are not up to the quality expected for a dev thread coming in at fewer than two full lines, and lastly, the required objective for stygium was never completed.

A class 0.5 hyperdrive also typically requires its own separate dev thread either for the drive or the ship itself showing the extra effort needed to push the ship beyond what is generally considered the normal.
In Umbris Potestas Est

I was told by an RPJ to use that thread for the stygium. As for the hyperdrive, I'll drop it to class 1 if this ship's uniqueness isn't enough for the Class 0.5 rating.
A unique personal ship that takes drawbacks in some way can usually swing a .75 in my book. However the point is null and void in this case as you can no longer bribe Allie for this ship. The design contest is well over and it has been brought to my attention that this was the winning ship, the Black Hex is long gone.
I'll archive this if you have no objections.
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