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Codex Denied The Paragons

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  • Intent: For my character Background he is raised in a temple this is the religion of the temple, also making it so other people can use it if they want.
  • Image Credit: Dave bolton (343 studios apparently all i could find was a pintrest)
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: eternal empire
  • Religion Name: The Paragon
  • Religion Type: Other: Self religion
  • Influence: Minor (localized to a small area)
  • Symbol: no religious symbol to worship, but it does have a symbol (not provided) given to each person brought up at the temple, each temple has a different symbol which will be recorded for all temples to see
  • Description: Followers of The Paragons call themselves Seekers and come from all walks of life, although Seekers are predominantly human/tygerii. Seekers do not believe in divine beings rather they seek the divinity within themselves through self improvement and the improvement of others . The Paragon Religion tends to appeal to those who wish to improve themselves and those who are driven due to the faith's focus on the individual's inner-self. Some followers join the religion because they believe that the concept of a god is unfathomable.

  • Founder: Karranath Atur
  • Membership: The only way to call yourself a paragon is to be assessed as such by another paragon, how ever if you stray from the path only a temple head can strip you of the title paragon
  • Sacred: The right to improve oneself is considered sacred and any person should have the opportunity to do so on the grounds it does not affect others improvement.
  • Dogma:
    Improvement of the mind and body: keeping yourself healthy and gaining knowledge is considered a basic right to all but like the body you must use your own efforts to gain them or it is not a self improvement and there for not growth

    Children are the future: The younglings look up to us and we must set a good example any under the age of 16 may request your help in improving themselves and a paragon must comply and in doing so become a defacto guardian of the child. on the age of their 16th birthday they are to be given three things to set them out into the world
    -weatherproof clothing: Crafting is a valuable skill, it can keep us warm and protect the body from the elements a valuable lesson on the growth of innovation and a reminder that our ancestors also followed the path of the paragon willingly or not.
    -Steel knife: The most simple of weapons a sharpened bit of rock it also a useful tool in gathering and crafting, A reminder to the lessons taught to the youngling through his training and that "you can show them how to hunt but it is up to them to throw the spear"
    -A single Meal: up to the Paragon to decide how much is given but it never more than a days worth of food, "for even a newborn can survive a single day with the food from the womb" . it is also a harsh reality check that this youngling must now feed himself with his own two hands

    improvement of others: it is everyone duty to help their fellow peers to improve. this is pretty open to controversy amongst its followers as where do you draw the line between beneficial helping (getting them to be self sufficient) to being overly helpful which can lead the person to be dependent on the Paragon in question and there is no clear line but there are no harsh punishments simply the paragon goes into reflection to see where he could have guided the improvement of someone else better and in the process improving themselves
  • Reputation: N/A

Jersan Acklhus

Major event:

Founded by: Karranath Atur in the year 828 ABY, and is currently the head Paragon at the only temple to The Paragons
Excerpt from his opening speech: "There is a fundamental truth in the way we live and it saddens me that more can not see it, i stand here with my brothers on this site to start a home for beacons in this dark universe that anyone can look up to and emulate, not through worship and offerings, but by action and veneration, we should encourage our youths and members of society to be the best that they can be both physically and mentally, this is the lesson taught to us in blood through numerous wars and the hellish landscape that we call home! so come send your old and your young we will show you the truth so that you may show others"

829- Temple construction complete the first paragons begin to pen down their knowledge and pass it to the willing

830- The first younglings are brought into the temple to be looked after, all orphaned survivors from the gulag plague

831- The oldest of the orphans coins the term seeker for those who are not paragons but seek enlightenment

832- Audited by the local police force and an investigation is held to weather this temple is corrupting its youths, the report was never revealed to the public and the temple remains open

833- A second lot of Orphans join the temple

834- Temple expansion begins as there is minor cult following, a boarding wing for the younglings begins construction

835- the oldest of the orphans turns 16 and is sent out into the world.

835- holonets shutdown system wide and something claims to be the harbingers of their evolutions, the temple begins preparation to see what this evolution is.

835- the harbingers turn out to be a sentient AI unfortunately no data was acquired, also the beginning of the debate of mechanical evolution vs biological evolution, and the myriad of schools of thought beneath it with many paragons debating on which path we should go down, it is decided each member should seek their own truth on this matter and follow it wherever it may.

836- science and research complex begins construction, just as the younglings boarding wing is finished.

836- an underground cavin is discovered by some younglings as they were playing in the construction area it is filled with strange white crystals, it is now a meditation area but some of the younglings have been known to take the rocks which would turn into a different colors. no known use for these rocks other then the fact the can allow a large amount of energy to pass through them the cavern is closed to outsiders.

837- science and research complex is finished the temple further expands its complex to hold a repository of information on dataslates as well as penning down the most important information on hides and scrolls before being cryo stored

838- War Erupts and the temple feels the need to begin to teach the younglings combat, the main entrance is extended to allow space for a training ground.

839- a third lot of orphans join as non-citizens abandoned their children o the temple steps, the temples realises that it can no longer run on the wealth of the founding members and so begins the outings off the younglings who would go and help those who could not help themselves. soon word would spread and the surrounding community would in turn help the temple,

843-the first lot or orphans are all but let out form the temple, a lot of them decide to join straight into the army.

844- Some Younglings scream in their sleep only noteworthy as it was youngling of various ages from different locations in the temple many of the younglings rooms appear to have been hit with a typhoon but shortly everything is in order the troubled younglings would go on to serve in the army with high distinctions.

844- Many people disappear into thin air the temple and local community work closer together to help those affected to get back onto their feet and be self sufficient further rooting The Paragons to this small community

845- the second lot of orphans have all but left with the third almost completing their training

846- yet another large scale war in the aftermath of the great disappearance

847-850: the data for these years is locked to all but the paragons. at this time the third lot of orphans are introduced to the world

851-858: alot of galactic historical data was retrieved from paragons returning from both minor and major wars and the teaching methods were further refined.

thank you everyone for the feedback
and thank you Moe for helping me with the grammar errors :D
[member="Jersan Acklhus"] Looks good. The concept is really interesting and I like the focus on self-sufficiency.

That being said, I would expand the history a bit and also add a few more details about this religion's rituals, how the temples are laid out and decorated, etc
[member="Jersan Acklhus"] Hey there :) This is some very good stuff for a first time submitter, you've done an excellent job! But as you've requested feedback, I would like to offer to you to move the submission to our Pre-Codex forum, which is where we do most of the feedback these days. When the submission is in this forum, it's for the judging, that is, the process to get it approved, and the feedback would be coming from only one person in this case, which would be the Codex Judge that thatwill be working on it with you.

Do you prefer to work with the feedback of a Codex Judge, or would you prefer the feedback from potentially more people than that?

Please tag me (click the @tag below my avatar) to let me know what you prefer :)
[member="Scherezade deWinter"] with it being a faction only thing i think a codex judge would be best. but i have posted it in our discord for members and admins of the faction to look at aswell ^_^
[member="Jersan Acklhus"]

Hey there Jersan! I'll be working with you on this submission. First of all please let me say that for a first submission you've done some phenomenal work here! I only have a few comments to help tighten it up a little bit as a submission on Chaos, and I hope to see more submissions from you after Codex returns from its hiatus :)

The image credit needs to link us to a page in which we can find the image, and not to the image itself :) If you need any help with that please let me know.

Description: Followers of The Paragons call themselves Seekers and come from all walks of life, although Seekers are predominantly human/tygerii.
I would recommend hyperlinking to the Tygerii.

Founder: Karranath Atur
If this is a PC, please link to their character sheet. If this is an NPC that has a submission, please link to that.

Jersan Acklhus

And last thing - I would add on what planet the followers of the religion can be found.

That's it. It's wordier than it looks like, but these are tiny adjustments to make so that I can approve this submission :) Please tag me back once you've made the edits.
[member="Scherezade deWinter"]

Hey thanks again for looking into my submission :D

ive made the above changes and looked a little further into the images origins but couldn't find much other then a dave/david bolton form 343 studios made it but i couldn't find his Art page or a internet footprint for art from him only a pinterest (which i think is made up with stolen art :<)

linked tygerii

no link for the founder as he is just a made up npc that is important but not important enough to make a sheet for i guess well at least not now

Linked Jersan ( me )

:D if you spot anything else let me know here, or hit me up on discord :D
Jersan Acklhus Jersan Acklhus Hello again, from a shiny new year :) Before we resume this, I need to please ask you to make edits; we've updates our templates and this needs to be up to date. You can see the new template here: click me, and from this, under General Information, add the Area of Influence bullet point.

Also please check all your links, as thread URL's on the board have changed and the relevant ones need to be the ones linked to.

If you need help with any of this please tag me :)
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