Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Outbreak

[member="Lord Vyse Magrath"] [member="Haaza Kutter"]

"Unknown pilot, no such orders have been presented, power down your ship or EMP discharge will power down both of our craft, orders are to stop the spread with our life's if need be."

The co-pilot of the craft held his finger over the EMP discarge button, then new orders came in.

"Sith and Doctor," it was Jaster over the radio channel now, "I would very much hate for my cruiser to waist ammo on such a beautiful craft, but we are here to cease the spread of this virus, your craft has been marked with a Hyperspace Transponder, you can flee, but I will find you, I will get those samples, and I will stop the virus here."

The signal went dead for a second, then, "You can help, or be a carrier, the choice is yours."

As the signal went dead for the last time the fighter craft left, heading back into the direction of the camp. Still through the single transport shuttle headed tword them.
He would look to [member="Lord Vyse Magrath"], "Damnit, this pest is irritating, give it to me, ill handle this." he would continue, looking at him, hoping he will comply with the request, if so, then Haaza is confident he can resolve this issue peacefully, though if the lord insists on battle, then he has little hope that they will be able to survive who he believes is the Healer Guilds leader.
[member="Jaster of clan Awaud"]
Vyse would freeze, staring at the radio, as the situation he is in sinks in. He would snap back into reality at [member="Haaza Kutter"]s request. He stares at the Doctor. "All right, but you need to know three things. The hyper drive will be ready in a few minutes, so we may be able to get past. There's another ship incoming. And if you try and sell me out, be sure it will be the worst mistake of your life." He would look at the one of his EA-9 Hunters, then back to the Doctor, and get out of the chair. "Good luck" He says as he get's out of the chair.
"Duly noted." Haaza would take control of the Radio, taking a few short breaths and preparing what he was going to say, this was an all or nothing shot, "Attention, if you attack this ship, you will suffer Grave consequences, I, Haaza Kutter am aboard this ship and am therefore under protection of The Jackals, if this ship is attacked, you can expect harsh returns. Moreover, if you do attack us, and you do survive, I can guarantee you will be hunted down by The Jackals, consider this your warning." he would say, dictating his position towards [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"].

Haaza would look over to [member="Lord Vyse Magrath"], "That should do it, at least if we die we can rest assured that he will be hunted down, and he will be completely destroyed. That I have no doubt of." he would say, his heart pumping from the possibility of his oncoming death. "Though prepare yourself, if we can use the Hyper Drive, I recommend we do it." he would end, sitting down in one of the empty chairs, attempting in vain to calm himself.
[member="Haaza Kutter"] [member="Lord Vyse Magrath"]

Jaster smiled, the jackals, it had been some time since he spoke with the old captain. Jaster gave them a base, a fleet, and money, they were his to command when the time of debt had come. This would not be the time for such a call, Jaster still needed them in the Cartel. Killing one of the Captians men would be a difficult decision, but his current contract meant it would be needed.

"Marshal, get me a line to our agents, I need message sent to [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], now." Jaster sat in his command center in the Hammerhead class Cruiser, 'Reminant'.

He opened a channel to the Doctor, "I know the Captian, been many months, but I still can't let you leave the planet, the desease you carry is unknown, stand down or I will disable your ship, I'll pay for the damages later." He closed the communications line.

He looked back at the weapons officer, "Lock onto the engines, they don't seem to want to stand down, standing orders, I want them alive, treaty stand I can't kill them."
Haaza would look to [member="Lord Vyse Magrath"], "Well, that's a damned shame." he would look down, his face looking contently at the ground, "Oh well, lets call in the Jackals, if he wants a war, he has declared one." Haaza would grin, his hands going to his communication device, "Attention, Captain [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], we got a white knight here. I believe you know him, [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"], well, me and my associate, Lord Vyse could use some assistance." he would inform his captain.

He remained in his seat, now contently looking at Lord Vyse, "Well, like I said, if we die, at least we can rest happy knowing that when we die, we will take down Jaster." he would snicker, resting his head back against the chair.
The replies were distant, the chatter from the com breaking the almost tangible silence, he wasn't on the planet he was in near by orbit aboard a crusader class corvette. "Admiral." he replied to [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"], there wasn't a hint of emotion in that cold metallic voice the inflections that were so human that caught between robot and human, there was none the cyborg pirate was unprepared or didn't care. "Very well, I will tell them to stand down." he shut off communication, he than proceeded to contact [member="Haaza Kutter"], "Stand down, hide the goods on your person. In your person, you are after all more droid than man, they won't keep you for long."

| [member="Haaza Kutter"] | [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] |​
Haaza would heed his captains order, though with some anger, he was saddened his captain would follow this mans order, he knew his captain had the firepower to absolutely annihilate that man, though he followed his orders, "Captains order are law I suppose." he would say, as he moved to hide the vials of the disease inside of his body. "Well, come on then [member="Lord Vyse Magrath"], we better do as he says." he would sigh, waiting for the Lords response.
Vyse would look on in disbelief that they were just giving up. Understanding he has no real choice in the matter he gives in. "Dammit...." Vyse would order his droids to lower his ship. He would then speak on the radio to [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"] . "If you think your going to have your men destroy the inside if my ship, that's not happening. I will allow you to search it, as guests, and I will treat you as such, only if you don't try and ruin my ship." He would get off the radio and turn to [member="Haaza Kutter"]. Well I guess we are having guests. Vyse then reach up and takes off his helmet. That was a close one, shall I prepare them some food? He would say jokingly. Right then, how shall we play this?

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
"I have already hidden the vials inside myself, just act as if we didn't want anyone to enter the ship because we enjoy our personal space. That is all we will really need to do." Haaza would say, figuring that he would need a cover story as to why they were openly hostile towards [member="Jaster of clan Awaud"], he would look around, making sure that nothing would seem suspicious that could possible make Jaster stay on [member="Lord Vyse Magrath"]s ship any longer then he needed to be.
[member="Haaza Kutter"] [member="Lord Vyse Magrath"]

The shuttle landed next to the craft, as the ramp opened men rushed out. They formed a half circle around the enterence ramp of the vessel. A women appeared from the ramp, petit and medium height wearing a black lab coat. Shakk had just returned from missions to assist her father. The two annoyances that stopped her from her work, this was really annoying to her. To drop ones research to scan batha brains that decided to land to close to a Private Quarantine Zone.

The two exited their craft as Jaster was told they were not to enter the ship, she didn't care. She walked up to the two holding a scanner, she programmed it to find any trace of the infection. Main mission was containment, then study for cure. "Hold still." She first scanned the first man, he wore a Siths armor, but could not feel the force in him, "A Sith this close to Republic Space, must say that is interesting."

She moved onto the cyborg, "Interesting cybernetics, muscle reativity seems well within normal calibration, love to study you more, but there is a pluage to contain." The scanner beeped as she was scanning, "you have some contaminants on your clothing, once your cleared as of treaty with the Pirates specified Jackals, in exchange for pertection from convoy attach here is the research material for what we know so far and new codes for our trade lanes, location for ships will be noted inside for the Hutt Cartel and to honor our agreement, once you hand over the data regarding any connection to our facility here, you can leave with your life's and data regarding the sickness, weaponizing of course left out," she looked need more annoyed then a second ago, "any questions?" Before they could answer she said, "Good, now let us into your files and we will be on our way, consider the vials a gift as well."

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