Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Old Man

Kaer Olphen, a sunbaked starport in the desolate reaches of the Outer Rim, rarely saw more than a ship every other week at most. Two on a good day.

Today that would all change.

Three Lambda-class shuttles touched down outside the port, their hulls gleaming in the harsh sunlight. As their ramps descended, a tide of stormtroopers surged forth, flooding the streets of the spaceport. Their orders had already been given by Sinestra -- find and capture the Old Man. A mysterious individual with allegiances to the Jedi who possessed vital information sought by her Emperor.

Information that could play a significant part in shaping the Emperor's grand design.

The stormtroopers stormed into homes and shops, barking questions and commands; resistance, no matter how small, was swiftly dealt with -- either by the butt of a rifle or the pull of its trigger. Sinestra strode through the dusty streets beset by soldiers crashing door after door and rounding potential suspects. Her Force senses sharpened for any clues that may lead her to the Old Man.​
Tag: Sinestra Sinestra

Zengel Felgreen was rather perplexed by his latest assignment, to say the least. His benefactor had been unusually vague about the target he was to assassinate, only identifying him as an “old man”. Felgreen was also not told exactly what crime this old man had committed to warrant Felgreen’s deadly brand of justice beyond “theft”. With so little information, most assassins would probably decline a job like this. But not this shadow of a man.

One of the few definitive things that Felgreen knew was that his target was last seen at this dusty, worn-down spaceport. Assuming that the target was still here, it would not take the seasoned assassin too long to find him, and “exact justice”. He would have to be discreet about it though. If the Old Man knew he was being hunted, there was no guarantee that he would stay in this relatively small and easy to search backwater. And Felgreen had no intention for this mission to turn into the extended ordeal of a chase across the Outer Rim.

Unfortunately, not long after Felgreen had begun prowling for his quarry, a complication arose: Three platoons of Dark Empire Stormtroopers, searching for the same target as him, and being anything but discreet about it.
“Well, so much for simplicity.” Felgreen harshly muttered to himself. With a new sense of urgency, Felgreen began making his way towards the vast and foggy swamplands which started at the spaceport’s eastern edge. With the dozens of troopers tearing the spaceport apart, it seemed like the most logical course of action for this Old Man would be to flee deep into the swamp to lose his pursuers. If Felgreen could get there before him, he could cut him off, and eliminate him away from prying eyes.

“Hey, what’s the rush there, friend?” a gruff voice asked from behind. Felgreen turned around to see three Stormtroopers behind him. In response to their question, Felgreen said “Apologies, troopers. I’m just running late for a meeting I need to go to. I did not mean to startle you.” The three troopers briefly exchanges glances at each other. One of them (whom Felgreen guessed was the leader of this group based on his demeanor) stepped forward, and said “Well, just to be safe, we need to ask you a few more questions with our commanding officer present. Follow us. I am sure that whoever you were scheduled to meet with will understand.”

Felgreen knew that he could easily kill these three bucketheads with his bare hands if he wanted to. But that would ultimately do more harm than good for him. Hopefully, this questioning would be over before the Old Man was outside his reach. “Very well then. Take me to your leader.” Felgreen said with a hint of snark in his voice, and began following the troopers.
The commanding officer scratched his head when his stormtroopers brought the Neimodian to him. Worried to take any responsibility when the Dark Side Elite was leading this operation, and just a few months before his deployment ended, the commanding officer pointed in Sinestra's direction. With a nod, the troopers promptly escorted the man to the Emperor's seer.

Bowing his head respectfully, the fireteam leader addressed Sinestra, "My Lord, we found this man hurrying for a..." he exchanged glances with the rest of his comrades, before hesitantly adding, "... uh, a meeting."

Sinestra's sulfurous gaze remained locked into the distance as if prying open destiny itself for the Old Man's trail. After a long moment of silence the Dark Side Elite turned her attention to the man the stormtroopers had brought. Draped in the blandest shades of grey, he may as well have been dry paint plastered across the starport's walls.

Without a word, her hand extended forward, delving into the depths of the ethereal to sift through the mysterious man's mind and uncover the answers she sought.

Elsewhere, stormtroopers continued ransacking the small settlement looking for the Old Man. Someone blasted a stove and a hut was lit ablaze.


Kaer Olphen was far enough from the Core Worlds and the reach of the Jedi that it had probably been over a decade since the last time anyone had seen a Jedi. When she'd first landed here under the guise of a spacer looking for work, she'd adjusted her timeline to...Ever. Considering it was such a small port and located in such a far-flung area, she was surprised that some smuggler or pirate outfit hadn't snatched it up and converted it into a shadowport. Today that sleepy life out on the Rim was over.

She'd seen the transponder as it approached. Thalia had taken up work as a port controller and a mechanic, one on a small staff team that ran the station. Her brow furrowed. What was an old Imperial shuttle doing this side of the Rim? She'd heard of the warlords but...

"Hey Kyra, I've got a real mean hangover, you think you could cover the rest of the day?" Kyra, her Nikto co-controller snarled.

"I told you to stay away from that Port in a Storm at the cantina. Snorgosht hasn't had an honest shipment come in in over a year. Everything he's serving is homebrewed. He's probably just funneling carbon thinner into a bottle and selling it." Thalia smiled. It was an authentic Port in a Storm, though Force knew how Snorgosht got his hands on it. But she nodded and stood up to leave. She cast one last glance down into the hangar as the stormtroopers exited. She was about to turn away to leave when a familiar presence in the Force entered her awareness.

No. He's dead. He-

A Mirialian woman walked off the shuttle, her armor a far cry from the curated military look of the Imperial Knights. She felt her heart beat in her throat. Her breaths came out in short gasps and puffs, her eyes locked on the woman. He could feel his touch on her. He should have been dead. He should have been-

She felt the gorge rising in her belly.

"You alright Thalia?" She thought the woman was going to look in her direction as a pair of troopers brought a man over to her. Before she could wait to find out Thalia turned on her heel and stamped from the controller's office. She tried to run herself through her Jedi breathing exercises but only felt herself slump to the floor as she choked back ragged sobs. She gave herself a minute. A minute of grief for what that woman represented. A minute of grief for the things she'd done in his name. Then she stood and beelined for her closet of a room. She had to get out of here. She dug in her pocket. Did she have enough credits to pay off her tab? No. She cursed.

"I'll have to repay you some other time Snorgosht," she murmured as she tugged her go bag open. Beneath a pile of clothes and ration packs gleamed two silvery tubes wrapped in old, sweat-stained leather. She pulled them out and strapped one to either side of her belt then she pulled a third out and gripped it tight and slipped it into the familiar slit across her chest. There was one more thing she needed, she cursed herself as she sprinted back to the controller's office.

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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto had ventured to Kaer Olphen on a regular supply run, arriving in his old Corvette, The Conquests Agenda. He was out looking for possible trade routes for the Lilaste order and conducting investigations on the neighboring systems that might one day become part of the order's territories.

So it was quite a surprise when, while examining some of the local produce for lunch in the open market, he was suddenly set upon by several stormtroopers. While he didn't dress like a Jedi, he was adorned in his Customized Set of LO-56A MKII armor, the Broad Saber on his hilt. However, it always seemed to give off the Jedi vibe. So, at first, when the stormtrooper was yelling that the Jedi should turn around. And that this was his last warning, so he ignored it. For, of course, he wasn't talking to him. Laphisto was no Jedi and had never tried to appear like such. So when the warning shot whizzed by his head, striking a woman nearby, it finally dawned on him who the man was talking to.

And then, suddenly, he was thrown back. His Precognition gave him a small glimpse of what was to come. Knowing what would happen, he quickly reacted, spinning on his head and drawing his blade, the ignition pulling the trooper's aim from a warning shot to an attack. The bolt is flying through the air, and Laphistos's blade throws the bolt to the ground nearby. A slight growl rolled from his throat, and his ear pinned back on his head. Facing one opponent while being blind was terrible enough, but now, with the shot echoing in the air and the soft hum of his blade, the nearby troopers seemed to begin to gather. Just what he needed. " now, I don't want to harm you. Should it come to it, however? Well, I won't be so easy to pray to take down."

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn Sinestra Sinestra Zengel Felgreen Zengel Felgreen
/ooc: not gonna DM the stormies, cleave through them if you like, go nuts. May or may not throw occasional curve balls.

Private Shif's palms billowed in sweat when the seven-foot tall draconian near-human produced a saber to deflect his bolt. Fear running through his veins called for reinforcements, but loyalty and obedience to the Emperor made him stand his ground. The large near-human's warning fell on deaf ears as the private fired another salvo at the man, while the rest of his fireteam converged to the open market and fired as soon as their crosshairs found Laphisto Laphisto .


Meanwhile, Lieutenant Raftin, who assumed the de-facto leadership role of the small strike unit, after the captain, suffering from temp-flu, had all but abdicated from his duties as a commanding officer, was frantically looking for a reason to avert his attention from the Dark Side Elite's gruelling interrogation. A barely noticeable commotion in the controller's office was enough for him to gather a few of his subordinates and order them to storm the office.​


Blaster rifles rose up in unison and aimed at Kyra and Thalia Senn Thalia Senn .


Blaster rifles rose up in unison and aimed at Kyra and Thalia Senn Thalia Senn .
Thalia flicked her wrist, the Force snatching one of the stormtrooper's blasters. It slid smoothly into her gloved hand. Without hesitation she pulled the trigger.

The rest happened quickly and violently. Thalia pulled the trigger again and again. Without knowing if Kyra had the sense to take cover, she couldn't spare any time to worry about him, she sprayed, ducking one shot, two, and then her blaster pounded into the last of the stormtroopers, the scorched mess slumping to the floor. A black carbon streak where his blood had boiled against the durasteel followed his descent.

Durasteel, cool against her neck, pressed into her. The wine of a blaster powering up and the click of the revolving barrel inside Kyra's scrapper special told her that it was no stormtrooper that had gotten the better of her, but her coworker. She pinched her eyes closed and sighed.

"Kyra, you don't know what you're doing, I-" The barrel clicked again, the revolving power generators inside the modified blaster charging up an even more powerful shot. "Okay, okay." She tossed her blaster away but continued to stand.

"What did you come back for?"

"My comlink. Should be in my desk."


"It has Jedi codes that will allow me to reach the Jedi back on Coruscant." She felt the man's surprise in the Force.

"So you are one of them Jedi..." She heard the smirk in his voice as he spoke. "Looks like we're both leaving this pisshole of a station today, eh Thalia?" He was smart enough to leave the comlink in the room and instead guided her down the halls and down to the hangar. Stormtroopers aimed their blasters at them but when they saw the glint of Thalia's lightsabers they backed off and allowed the rat to approach with his prize. They were heading directly towards the Mirialan.

"Found this Jedi scum snooping around the office," he said to a stormtrooper who stopped them just short of interupting the Mirialan's mind probe. Thalia could tell that was what she was doing from the concentration and from the waves in the Force she made. The Dark Side tended to disturb the natural flow of the Force and her own much more personal experience with mind probes allowed her to read those. She grimaced, old memories she'd thought burried welling up.

"You don't have to do this Kyra," she whispered.

"Quiet," the stormtrooper snapped and lashed out with his fist. It connected and she felt blood in her mouth.

What little clues she may have unearthed from the mysterious Neimodian were quickly shoved away when the stormtroopers brought a captive Jedi to her feet. Sulfuric eyes appraised the woman before her, the blood trickling down her lips brought a satisfied smirk on the seer's face.

This was the future laid out for the Jedi, she had foreseen it.

"Detain her." Sinestra ordered the soldier to bind the Jedi's hands in stun cuffs, before she extended her hand forward.

"You will reveal your secrets to me, Jedi." she commanded, her authority reverberating across the ethereal as her presence shot forward to pry open the Jedi's mind.

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn
Tags: Sinestra Sinestra , Thalia Senn Thalia Senn

As Felgreen followed the three Stormtroopers to their commanding officer, he observed the rest of their comrades continuing to ransack the spaceport in their almost manic search for the Old Man. At this rate, Felgreen supposed that soon enough they would either beat him to his quarry, or come to the conclusion that he was not in the Spaceport. Neither of which would be good for his circumstances.

After a bit more walking, the group arrived at a morose looking Human wearing an officer’s uniform. He seemed to positively radiate apathy. Evidently, this was the Commanding Officer the troopers had spoken of. Felgreen doubted that this man would bother to keep him for long. This hypothesis was quickly confirmed, but not in a way he particularly wanted. The officer simply redirected the troopers elsewhere, evidently too detached to even pretend to bother with a proper questioning.

At this, the troopers walked Felgreen towards a tall, arrogant-looking Mirialan woman who seemed decidedly more severe than the human officer. In fact, Felgreen shuddered slightly with an unusual chill as he approached her. When the leader Stormtrooper addressed her as “
My lord”, it became abundantly clear to Felgreen that this was no ordinary officer. This was a member of the Dark Empire’s elite cabal of Dark Side users who acted as the faction’s true masters. This Dark Sorceress however, had evidently stepped down from the metaphorical “Wizard’s Tower” to take a more hands-on role in this search.

As the Dark Sorceress began extending her hand to extract information directly from Felgreen’s brain, he considered his options. He had some training to resist this sort of thing, but if this sorceress encountered resistance, that would just confirm that he had something to hide. Instead, he would have to improvise. If he gave her something mundane, unremarkable, and most importantly of all expected; she would probably let him go.



As a Neimoidian wearing what looked like a business suit, it seemed likely to Felgreen that he would be mistaken for a bureaucrat of some sort. As the mind probing started, he filled his mind with images of monolithic skyscrapers, drab offices, and grey-suited Neimoidians like himself. He continued to focus all of his mental energy on conjuring these images. However, he briefly faltered when he was distracted by the arrival of another subject taken to the Dark Sorceress for mind probing. This lapse in attention did not last long, but it may have been enough for the Dark Sorceress to see past his facade.
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Thalia pulled against her bonds in attempt to free herself from the troopers grasp. She was rewarded with a swift crack in the jaw and gut with two different rifle butts and slumped forward, blood dribbling from her lip. She could feel the ebb and flow of the Force around them as the dark Jedi twisted it to her will, created needles meant to pierce her mind. It had been a long time since she had been close enough with anyone to even attempt that kind of connection, her time under the influence of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis forever a scar on her psyche. She could feel herself beginning to panic. Nostrils flared, spittle flew from behind clenched teeth.

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Not again.

Thalia let out a little gasp as the Mirialan pushed through.

Thalia was in the cabin of a small watercraft on a familiar sea. The sea of her homeworld. Pamarthe. The cabin creaked as the craft swayed under the strong current and the waves. There was no light peaking through the tiny cracks in the wooden door. Was it night already? She'd need to change course soon, she could feel the storm coming. Why was she out on the sea in the middle of the storm season anyway? She stood and pushed the door open.

There was a young girl sitting alone, curled up in a ball crying. The sea and storm bled away to black and all she could hear were the girl's sobs. Slowly, afraid, Thalia stepped forward. She looked familiar. Dark skin like hers, a mostly shaved head save for her mohawk of thick curly hair. When she touched her shoulder the crying ceased and with the crack of thunder they were back on the vessel. The younger girl snatched her wrist and pulled herself up to her full height. Now she was an adult, clad in mismatched armor over ragged black robes. Her mohawk ran in a long pleated braid down her back, her eyes a sickly yellow.


Thalia backed away, stumbling on her Jedi robes, her padawan brine and rain soaked padawan braid slapping against her face. She fell and brandished her own lightsaber. The light of her green blade illuminated a face. Her face. No, the face of what could have been. Tempest in all her power and glory. A true Lord of the Sith. She had to be somewhere safe. She scrambled through her memory. Hidden alcoves, small temples on backwater worlds. Church of the Force enclaves, forgotten temples where only the Extolled kept the place from falling into rot and ruin. Safe. She had to be somewhere safe.

All of these locations flashed through her mind as she scrambled back towards the cabin of her water vessel. When she turned it was not an older, darker future self that stood over her. Not Tempest. The Mirialan stood over her, a dark glint in her eye as her memories flowed like water into her.

Thalia slumped forward in the stormtrooper's grasp, unconscious from the exertion.

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto frowned, shaking his head somewhat as the soldiers refused to stand down. with his blade already ignited, he tightened his grip on his saber, waiting for the first strike; the civilians in the area had already begun to run from the impending assault. With a small shake of his head, he soon found himself rushing forward, deflecting a few blaster bolts from the trooper before him before plunging his blade into their sternum. Reaching out with the force, he grabbed a second trooper, his eyes flashing a teal blue before crushing them. The sounds of dura plast and bone-crunching echoed along the trooper's screams before the body was flung into another.

Any doubts about whether the man was a Jedi were becoming reasonably obvious. With every soldier killed, Laphisto only moved on to the next one; blaster bolts that didn't get deflected by his saber bounced off the Siegerium plating of his armor. He had inadvertently followed soldier after soldier in his offense. Following them up the chain of command without even realizing it, whether by accident or by guidance of the force, was unknown to him.

throwing the body of a trooper forward, Laphisto managed to push his way towards the other three parties, his eyes holding the teal blue as he used his force sight to peer into Sinestra Sinestra , then Zengel Felgreen Zengel Felgreen , and finally Thalia Senn Thalia Senn . Peering into them through the force and drawing out thier alignment to the force. Giving his blade a small twirl, he radiated force energy; whether he chose not to conceal himself or didn't know how to was a question for a different time. Taking a few breaths, laphisto gave a small chuckle as he spoke," Am I late to the party?" it didn't take laphisto long to frown seeing the sith and the Jedi.

" always you two when chaos is sown, Jedi and Sith forever entwined in your eternal battle. A battle that will forever leave the galaxy scared and broken." shaking his head laphisto took several deep breaths to try and calm his breathing; pushing himself into a defensive stand, he scanned the area, fighting three force users and several who knows how many soldiers were not optical. However, if he temporarily allied with one side or the other, his chances of survival would increase.

Though he didn't have to make the choice or even ponder it for long as a stormtrooper from behind him began to fire, causing him to hiss; reaching out with force he grabbed and pulled the trooper, launching them towards Sinestra it seems he would be fighting with the jedi this time around
The scent of sulfur lingered in the air, carried by the gentle sea breeze as Sinestra stood upon a watercraft's deck. The tranquil murmur of the waves lulled her senses, a prelude to an impending storm. Yet, her vision remained obscured; the figures before her mere shadows in the dim light. She was, after all, an unwelcome intruder in the sanctuary of another's mind, met with resistance at every turn. Darkness suddenly swallowed her sight before it was shattered by a crimson and green saber hissing to life in a violent clash of past, present, and potential futures. Above it all, a familiar presence loomed over the Jedi's destiny. A shadow blotting out the sun.

Gasping in realization, Sinestra recoiled from the revelation. Before she could press her psychic dagger further into the Jedi's mind, a whirlwind of images flashed before her eyes—temples, enclaves, and hidden alcoves blurred by her limited skill of the mind probe. The eclipse she witnessed offered only a glimpse, yet it was enough to leave her shaken. As her concentration waned, the mind probe faltered, leaving her drained and trembling.

"You... you bear His mark!!" Sinestra exclaimed, but the Jedi had already succumbed to unconsciousness. Who was she?!

She steadied her breathing before ordering the stormtroopers, "Take her away!" With a silent nod, the soldiers carried out her orders, dragging the unconscious Jedi toward one of the shuttles.

"Lieutenant Raftin."

"Yes, My Lord?"

"Torch this settlement," she ordered, her focus now fixed solely on the captured Jedi. "Let it serve as a warning to all who dare oppose our Emperor's will."

The Old Man and his secrets were of no concern to her anymore, not with the mysterious Jedi in tow. She was the reason her visions had brought her here. She was certain.

As Raftin and stormtroopers hurried to carry out her orders, Sinestra's attention was drawn to the unassuming stranger brought in earlier. Perhaps it was his mundane presence, his innate talent to meld into the background, that had him completely overlooked by the lieutenant and his soldiers. The little she had unearthed of the man was not any different than his visage - drab and unvarying; a monotonous hum-drum of an office space hanging high in the Coruscani cityscape.

She turned to leave when a voice called out from behind her. The seer glanced back to see a draconian humanoid driveling. A blaster bolt almost ended it before the near-human reached for the Force and hurled at a stormtrooper at her. A protective barrier formed at the very last moment and the soldier's body cracked upon impact, his lifeless body falling down on the arid ground. Sinestra retaliated, launching the protection bubble at her adversary before hurrying towards the shuttles herself. Her future awaited, bound to the fate of the captured Jedi.

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn Zengel Felgreen Zengel Felgreen Laphisto Laphisto


Life before death Knight Senn.

It was over for her. She would be his again- she'd seen it in her visions.

You made an oath didn't you?

He would come for her again and again. Make her do terrible things again. Ride the Tempest.

A light blossomed in her darkness, white like her own lightsaber, the one made from a sliver of that bleeding kyber mountain on Exogol. She had made an oath. To never let her chosen destination lead her off of the right path.

Strength before weakness Thalia. Journey before destination.

The white light grew brighter.

She could never serve him again, even if this woman brought her to him beaten and battered. When she became a Knight of the Jedi Order she had made an oath. Her memory flashed back to the ceremony.

"I will protect those who cannot protect themselves." she had said. The light grew brighter, flooding her senses. She had been running. Running long enough. Her eyes snapped open and she sucked in a deep breath, startling the stormtroopers carrying her once limp form. She planted her feet and pushed out with the Force, palms open. A wave of telekinetic energy exploded from her in all directions, sending the troopers flying. In one fluid motion she drew the lightsaber from her chest and lept into the air, her white blade igniting with a snap-hiss.

She found her target as she tumbled through the hangar and landed hard on her feet. She didn't wait. The dark Jedi had too much information to be allowed to return to Solipsis. She smiled. It was the first time she'd truly thought of his name without fear. She charged the woman, a snarl on her lips, and swung.

Tags: Sinestra Sinestra , Thalia Senn Thalia Senn , Laphisto Laphisto

If the Mirialan Sorceress had managed to penetrate Felgreen’s mental facade, she gave no indication of it. Her attention seemed much more focused on the new arrival. This new arrival was a Human woman, dressed in the attire typical of the denizens of this area. Judging by the cuts and bruises on her face, she had been less cooperative with the Stormtroopers than Felgreen had. When the Dark Sorceress extracted information from her, she was visibly taken aback by what she saw, and made a cryptic comment about bearing “his” mark. Felgreen did not know who “he” was, but had no intention of staying around to find out.

A chance to leave presented itself in the form of a draconic humanoid appearing and tossing a Stormtrooper at the Dark Sorceress. She clearly had other priorities by now, so Felgreen took his chance to leave quickly and silently. By the time the Human captive unleashed a telekinetic pulse, Felgreen was well out of range, and rapidly making his way towards the eastern swamplands where he suspected the Old Man would be.

Once he arrived at the humid, wet and bug-infested swamplands, Felgreen found himself wishing that he had brought more appropriate clothing for the occasion. But with so little time remaining to catch the Old Man, he sighed heavily and accepted that he would just have to get this particular suit a very deep clean once this mission was over. As he stepped forwards, wincing as his rather fashionable slip-on shoes squelched in the mud, Felgreen drew his unique blaster to begin searching for his quarry. For several minutes, he saw nothing but gnarled trees and dense reed clumps. But eventually, he saw what looked like a cloaked shadow moving in the distance. Moving as silently as he was able to in the saturated mud, Felgreen approached it, and fired upon the shadow with his blaster.

OOC: Sinestra Sinestra Not sure if you want to DM the Old Man during this swamp chase, but if you do, the invitation is open.
The seer was focused on the draconian adversary when her danger sense flared just a moment before impending doom. Instinctively, the seer swung behind with her saber. Crimson and green clashed into a deadly interlock, bringing the Elite and the Jedi face to face. She gritted her teeth, sweat pouring down her temples from the scorching heat of the blades.

"So... this is your choice?" Sinestra threw a suggestive glance at the settlement behind her that was slowly being engulfed by flames of the stormtroopers' doing; her or the denizens of the starport.
OOC: Zengel Felgreen Zengel Felgreen go nuts with the Old Man as you see fit!

Thalia took a deep breath, closing her eyes and opening herself up to the Force. This woman, because of her own weakness, now posed a great threat to the Jedi Order. She could only guess how, but deep inside she knew that she had given up information that put hundreds if not thousdands of lives at risk. She could also hear and feel the panic, the pain, the loss as the Stormtroopers moved through the station torching homes and shops and crippling the entire star system. How many would suffer because she chose her own people, who could defend themselves if given a warning? The one versus the many.

She exhaled and opened her eyes, her decision made.

"No," she said and pushed. Hard. The force of the push sent Thalia flying backward, the blast focused on moving her and not her enemy. She careened over the flame troopers and threw her two other lightsabers, the blades activating with a telekenetic press of their activation switches. Green lightning arced through the air, the weapons slicing through flamethrowers and blasters alike. Her mind returned to a simpler time, long ago. When Khefiir Khefiir was still with them.


Thalia landed with a thud, her boots scuffing the durasteel floor. With a flourish she deactivated and stored her silver blade and caught her twin green sabers, one in each hand. She snapped them end to end, the magnetic clasps activating giving her a saberstaff. Blasterbolts rained down on her and with practiced ease she defelected bolt after bolt, her mind falling into a rythm.

Sinestra instinctively wove herself with a protective barrier, anticipating the impact that never came. The Jedi had deceived her, slipping away and hurling herself toward the engulfed settlement. Clenching her fists tightly, Sinestra ascended the shuttle's ramp as it lifted toward orbit. A furious grimace painted across her face as she watched from above, witnessing the Jedi's skirmish against the flame troopers below. Though she had failed to deliver the woman to her Master, the knowledge she had gleaned from their encounter would serve her agenda well enough.

One thing was certain—this encounter was merely the beginning.

She would have her revenge and the Emperor would have what is his.​

Thalia Senn Thalia Senn

Thalia watched the shuttles lift off, its repulsors sending a cloud of dust over the settlement. Pannicked troopers stopped what they were doing and turned to chase after their lost escape as the other shuttles followed suit. The few, the brave, stood their ground and continued their grim work. Or tried. But she was there, her lightsabers slicing through blasters and flamethrowers. The dragon man was doing his fare share as well, dispatching troopers one by one.

"Don't hurt them!" she shouted over the roar of the fire. The fire. She turned to face the beast, the confligration warming her cheeks. Reaching out with the Force, she stretched her awareness around the flames. She'd had to do this once before, she'd once held back an entire forest set ablaze.
"Lizard boy!" Thalia strained through gritted teeth. The fire's flames licked the market district now and she could hear screams as the citizens scrambled for safety from the fire and the troopers. "Forget the stormies, get these people to safety! I'll hold the fire!"


High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto currently had a stormtrooper by the throat. His blade plunged up under the rib cage as he proceeded to use them as a shield against the blaster fire. he hadn't picked up on the actual flames till Thalia Senn Thalia Senn shouted. She didn't use his name, but he knew who she was talking to; he was the only reptilian-like individual in the area. Throwing the now hole-riddled body to the ground. he found at the term though shook it from his mind. grabbing at his wrist he activated his communicator and began to call troops and other personnel from his ship to try and help aid in the evacuation.

rushing up alongside of the jedi Laphisto threw his hands out, pushing the force against the flames " I'm afraid you are not on your own in this endeavor, i have called my people to help deal with stragglers and aid the civilians," he grunted lightly as he pushed at the edges of the flames trying to push them inwards to try and eventually snuff the inferno out " and the Name is Laphisto"

Years of neglect, travel, and avoidance had made her connection to the Force tenuous at best, unstable at worst. She strained agianst the flames, her mind searching for the natural wave pattern in the Force of this planet and trying to find the balance between it and the pattern of the flames. As the flames consumed more and more and grew though it became an imposibility. She had held back flames an a grander scale than this as a Padawan she remembered.


Thalia gritted her teeth, the name of her former master on her lips as she tried her best to keep it together. Suddenly, she felt the weight lift from her proverbial shoulders, as if the ghost of Khefiir Khefiir had come back. For an instant she thought she could see her old master standing next to her, arms outstretched beside her but as her vision focused she realized it was just the strange draconic force user.

"Thank you," she said, fatigue heavy in her voice. She looked him over again. He had the look of a soldier, a commander maybe? He must have been for troops spread out into the burning village pulling people out and guiding them to safety. With the aid of another forcer she relaxed, her breathing slowed, and she finally found the wave of the Force- and she pushed.

Together the two quelled the flame along with a ragtag fire fighting force from the meager port authority and villagers. A smoking village now, she looked on at the ruin, sorrow tugging at her heart.

"We need to do more. Help me make sure we get everyone out of this." She turned to Laphisto.



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