Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mara Corridor Offensive

Following the eradication of the Zati Tsis Heresy, the soldiers of the Empire returned home to find that several border sectors were in full revolt against the Emperor’s Justice. The Maelibi King of Iego had been overthrown in a coup by his own palace guard, who had raised one of their own to the throne after executing the Imperial-aligned monarch. Seeking allies against inevitable retribution from the Sith Empire, the Praetorian King of Iego turned to the wealthy Trade Princes of Jabiim for aid. Though financially shrewdish, many of the more ambitious Trade Princes allied themselves with the Praetorian King and supplied them with wealth and well-trained soldiers. Following their example, the Chadra-Fan and the Anzati allied themselves with the Maelibi and created the Autonomous Syndicate, a coalition of system governments united in their resistance to further Imperial encroachment along the Mara Corridor and the Perlemian Trade Route.


Praetorian King
Ruler of the planet Iego and its surrounding protectorates, the Praetorian King ascended the throne following the coup of the previous King; the young Prince of the previous King who had been so brutally murdered by the Sith Emperor. Vowing to never again let an outsider determine their fate, the Praetorian King initiated a system-wide purge of all Imperial officials within the Iego System. Knowing that Iego could never stand alone against the Empire’s fury, he sought out allies in the Jabiimi, Chadra-Fan, and Anzati. With their strength added to his, he stood ready to defend his people’s honor and integrity until his last breath.

Jabiimi Trade Princes
Though Jabiim had conducted commercial business with the Sith Empire for years, they never truly felt any affection or loyalty for the Emperor and his brutish legions. Secretly, they had siphoned wealth and information to dissident groups whenever they arose, to whittle away at the Empire’s strength and keep their blades from pointing at Jabiim. Now they have grown bold, confident in their strength of arms and sharpness of wit. When the Praetorian King of Iego came to beseech their aid, they were more than happy to comply. Now the lockstep legions of Jabiim rise once more, well-equipped and well-trained by mercenary captains far and wide. They will secure Jabiim sovereignty through force.


Stadtholder of Chad
For eons, the Chadra-Fan of Chad have lived in an anarchistic society dominated by feudal clans. Only in times of great need would the clans come together to elect a leader, a Stadtholder, to briefly unite them against a common threat. As the Empire encroached on Chad, the Chadra-Fan looked to a living hero of their age to lead them through the darkness. Bold, innovative, and charismatic; the new Stadtholder of Chad was little more than a pirate lord, having once aided the rebels of the League of Voss against the Sith in the past. Now he returned home to protect his own people against the shadows, no matter the cost.

Umbral Blades
The Anzati were an ancient, dangerous, and mysterious species infamous across the galaxy for their peculiar diet. Though nominally ruled by a cadre of aristocrats and warlords, the true leaders of the Anzati homeworld were the Umbral Blades. A society of assassins and cutthroats who manipulated Anzati politics from behind-the-scenes, ruling through puppets and mouthpieces. The encroaching Sith Empire threatens their millennia old traditions and power, and so they have turned the Anzati Council against the Sith while allying themselves with the Syndicate to protect their interests.
Location: Jabiim
Date: 857 ABY
Enemy Combatants:
  • Trade Prince Emerkam Borcou
  • Trade Prince Demadan Riclet
  • Trade Prince Kayjana Stahar
At the turn of year eight-hundred-and-fifty-seven, Jabiim was ruled by an alliance of three Trade Princes who lorded over the lesser ore barons and merchant nobles that constituted the mercantile aristocracy of the planet. Though each had been opposed to one another in the past, the encroachment of the Sith Empire has made strange bedfellows of once vehement enemies. The most wealthy of the four member-states that constitute the Autonomous Syndicate, Jabiim cedes credits and raw resources to Anzat, Chad, and Iego in exchange for martial power in the form of mercenaries.

Though the alliance of these three Princes is comparatively young, the skill of their armies are well-tested and seasoned. Each Prince commands a mercenary company that had served multiple governments over the course of the past decade, every member a veteran of a dozen battlefields. The Princes delegate field command to the company's nominal captains, giving them mostly free-reign to command as they pleased so long as they fought at the Prince's pleasure.

The bulk of the Trade Prince's power is centered around the capital of Choal, an ancient city that has gradually fallen into neglect when the flow of trade was diverted to Princely fiefdoms many centuries ago. Now it's crumbling walls have been fortified with durasteel and duracrete, resolute battlements riddled with anti-aircraft guns and artillery. The lands stretching out around the capital have been cleared of foliage and past debris, leaving only a flat featureless mudland for miles.

Though fallen on hard times, the Princes know that Choal continues to stand as the symbolic heart of Jabiim. If the Sith were to strike at their world, they would need the capital to consolidate control.

  • Trade Princes are taken into Sith-Imperial custody
  • Jabiim is occupied by the Sith Empire with martial law declared in all population centers
  • The Sith Empire expands across the Phelleem Sector

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