Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Mandalorian Crusade | MC vs GR Invasion of Kashyyyk




OOC Thread

  • Both factions may allow up to 10 allies to help them in the Invasion.
  • Non-faction non-ally members may participate in the Invasion, but may not lend aid to either faction. Operating under a 1 strike rule, characters found in violation of this will be asked to leave via requesting Staff to boot them from the IC & OOC threads.
  • No writer may introduce more than 3 characters into the thread.
  • Fleeting is allowed. 20km maximum allowed per side.
  • 2 strike No-Drama-Allowed rule enforced by either side for IC & OOC.
  • Contact your Faction Admins if you have issues with other writers.


GR Allies:
  1. [member="Amorella Shamalain"]
  2. [member="Liliane Lancaster"]
  3. [member="Logen Brunner"]
  4. [member="Jessica Med-Beq"]
  5. [member="Kahne Porte"]
  6. [member="Areti Naerys"]
MC Allies:
  1. [member="The Gray Assassin"]
  2. [member="Aver Brand"]
  3. [member="Loray Tares"]
  4. [member="Caid Centurion"]
  5. [member="Aedan Miles"]
  6. [member="Nolan Detta"]
  7. [member="Keira Ticon"]
  8. [member="Alkor Centaris"]
  9. [member="Goran"]
  10. [member="Deneve Verd"]

GR Faction Admins
  1. [member="Suravi Teigra"]
  2. [member="Lady Kay"]
  3. [member="Caius Flavian"]
MC Faction Admins
  1. [member="Ra Vizsla"]
  2. [member="Draco Vereen"]
  3. [member="Davon Karr"]
  4. [member="Anija Betna"]

The Beach Assault
East Beach

Dawn was breaking on Kashyyyk.

Ra Vizsla stood aboard a aquatic transport next to his baslisk war droid at the head of a battalion of men.

Every Mandalorian was waiting for Ra to launch the beach invasion.

He turned to them all, helmet in one hand.

"My brothers,"
Mand'alor began, his voice booming across the Mandalorian Encampment.​
"We swore an oath, you and I. That fateful night, thousands of us swore a silent oath together.
To defend Mandalore, no matter the cost."
Ra turned around and pointed his spear at the West Beach.​
"They are the cost
and our lives are the price.
Mandalore still remembers the debt it is owed
and I aim to make the Republic pay it in full."
He turned back towards the warriors of the Clans.​
"Now, I don't want them to gain another yard.
Take from them, what they have taken from us.
Deliver unto them the Wrath of Kad Ha'rangir,
The Fear of Hod Ha'ran."
Ra mounted his basilisk war droid and began to repeatedly beat his breastplate, sitting his helmet in front of him on the saddle.​
The Iron Wolf put on his helmet and raised his spear.​

The aquatic fleet of the Clans began to leave the East Beach, headed west. The battle was beginning.

Meanwhile, the Republic would intercept a broadcast transmission to all Mandalorians on Kashyyyk. It was parsed poorly, due to the interference the Republic armada was providing for all communication relays groundside. It was a simple, obvious message. A hologram of Mand'alor, fully armored and dressed, standing before them. It uttered only two unmistakable words.

"Unleash Hell."

- OOC Section -

Please remember to have fun. No amount of dueling, no amount of fleeting, no amount of NPCing is going to amount to a win in this Invasion for either side.

Only the story will win, so please try to have a good time writing it.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Location: The Western Forests, West of the Royal City of Kashyyyk.
Objective: The Twilight Raid.
Allies: TBD.

It was night time.

Most stories about Mandalorians told of ferocious warriors, ruthless and driven in their resolve.

They told of explosions, Besu'liik War Droids swooping out of the sky and burning all that was before them, of assaults that defied expectations and a strategy that could be summed up by... disproportional usage of force. One only had to look at Dromund Kaas, the short-lived war that had left the sith world devastated by asteroids launched on the orders of Larraq. But this was a different story and a different perspective on how to wage war and conquer.

Led by [member="Mia Monroe"], one of the Mand'alor's top lieutenants, units of armored Mandalorian operatives landed in the forests of Kashyyyk under the cover of night.

::Status.:: Ronan whispered over the comms. He didn't need to whisper, not truly, not when his beskar'gam internal audio receptors caught all the sounds and filtered it into the encrypted comm systems, but it was a thing of habit. He normally left his beskar'gam behind when hunting in the forests back at home.

::One of the hut'uun detached himself from the squad, got a clear shot, Cabur.::
::Keep him in your sights for now.::
::Gar serim, Cabur.::

They moved up their lines, their steps silent in the cacophony of the jungle and armor obscured by deep dark paint.

Rekali the Hutt

Objective: Take Kachiro Beach
Vod: [member="Caspian Rekali"] ? [member="Samael Rekali"] ?
Enemies: None yet
Equipment: Lightaxe, Custom-Fitted Rekali'gam, Totem of the Unfamiliar

In a custom-fitted and adequately spikey Rekali'gam Rekali the Hutt looked at his Lightaxe as one of the clan's aquatic transports headed for Kachiro beach. He'd press button after button activating one edge, then deactivating it, then activating another, then deactivating it. Testing the weapon before it's first use. A magnificent weapon, or so he thought, it was ready to taste the blood of the Republic. Avenge Mandalore and the damage's they'd taken from it's sins. Yet as interesting as that was, it was the second thing on the Hutt's mind.

The first was this trinket in his hands. a simple necklace piece made of bone, yet affixed with strange dathomiri magic to control the animals around him. Strange Dathomiri magic that apparently he had a talent for. Despite the exploits of his father he had never really thought that he might have the talent. Yet the witches of Clan Rekali had confirmed it, he was able to touch the force. This totem was a medium, something to train his use in the Force. The Hutt in him thought it strange, yet the mando in him realized it was a tool. A tool to further the Clans, a tool to exert his will, and a tool to make the Republic rue the day they misjudged a Hutt in combat.

The time was now, or rather in another five minutes, when this boat finally hit the sands. Then, oh then, they would pay.
Location: East Beach
Allies: The Republic @captain august
Enemy: [member="Ra Vizsla"] and the Mandalorians who can not Surf
Equipment: Dueling Armour, a pink lightsaber, 1 A.P.T.G.G. 1 A.I.C.M.G.

Elaine had set up her forces on the beach, they had entrenched themselves with the help of the Pioneers. The first line of trenches was Scout Troops, there job was to relay to rear where the Artillery based, so they could target incoming mandalorains better. As well as give withering fire on the enemy, they would fall back as the mandalorian approached to close. The second line of the trenches was designed to hold the mandalorains at bay, they had all the rifle men of Thul Infantry companies, lined up to hold the line as well as the Housecarls. Her captain was in with them, and she was confident in his abilities. The last line was where all the heavy weapons, from infantry company. As she watched the lines of defense, it was time address her forces.

To all House Thul troops we are here, not for The Alliance, but for The Republic. This is there hour of need, we lose today there nothing to stop Mandalorians enforcing there backward feudal system, on the rest of the galaxy. So to your post defend this world, from the growing menace of mandalorains. Let this be your finest hour, and remember we do this in name of DEMOCRACY!

As she finished speaking, the artillery began to fire E.M.P. rounds toward incoming mandalorians, and missile where fired at basilisk war droids. She stood over watching the trenches waiting to see when the mandalorians make beachhead.
Location: East Beach → West Beach
Objective: Win, Conquer, Repeat
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Gear: Signature​


Finally the Crusade had begun in full swing, the Wookiees home planet of Kashyyyk the first target to be liberated from instability, weakness, and tyranny. War had come, and with him, Conquer.

The Mand’alor had given his speech, riled the armies of Mandalore once again, and the army was pushing for the Republic. Blood had been spilt, more would come to pass, and in the bright of day, Mandalore would stand tall, her children would avenge their fallen brothers and sisters.

The Mandalorians were beginning an assault of the city of Kachirho, a bastion of the Republic’s support and defense, and already the skies were alight with fire and death. And the river roiled with activity as the tanks and the walkers of the Mandalorians' vanguard began making their way to the beaches of Kachirho.

Two Ori’edee shield walkers formed the vanguard, protecting the Mandalorian foot hold and drive the enemy back, meter by meter. The massive walkers were hard to put down, and their shields covered hundreds of meters of Mandalorian vehicles. The moved in a staggered pattern so that the first could hit the beach head shielded by the other before it had to become stationary in order to pulse its own shield bubble. Between the legs of each Ori’edee, a cloaked Bral traveled quietly, providing the Mandalorian advance with protection from the Force. While they traveled, the preliminary artillery pattered against the shields like rain on a window. It would be like that for much of the day no doubt.

In the lead Myrkava Main Battle Tanks with mine rollers lead the group of armor and infantry trudging through the river. Basic helmets could catch mines, much less with the Myrkavas' advanced sensors. Within them Mandalorians rode quietly ready for the upcoming battle. Walkers moved within the armored formation, Mandalorians swimming, walking, or using repulsors to skim through the water traveled in groups or in aquatic transports. Mobile Defense units moved throughout the assault group, providing support to the two command vehicles.

War was coming.

Draco sat in one of the lead Myrkava with his Einherjar, warriors experienced in dozens of battles. It was finally time. Shukalar sat quietly, unspeaking for a time as he gathered his thoughts and steeled himself for the coming battle. His fellow shamans had a plan after they hit the beachhead, and they rested in their transport, quietly chanting under their breath just outside the Bral and its bubble of Force protection. They needed to use this time they had been given to prepare themselves to do what they planned for Kachirho.

Sklor, are you in place?” Draco asked over the comms, checking in on his ally moving through the forests.

Grak and I are working on it. He got distracted so we will be a little late, but we shall be there.” The reply was guttural and deep, spoken by a man consumed by his bestial quailities. Not all who wielded the Force were civilized after all. The Comm caught the end of a deep growl, made by something very mean, very angry, and very large tromping through the forests to the north of the city several miles away.

Good.” The waters roiled around outside as the Mandalorians approached the beaches of Kachirho. “Hit the beach, deploy the big shield, use Offensive Sensor nodes to map the area. Keep comms rolling through the frequencies." He swapped from the command frequency over to Mandalorian channels. "Remember what they said boys, they are better than us in every way. Better whiners, better liars, better losers, and better diers. OYA’CYE!

The War Kindred of Clan Vereen answered the Shukalar. “KYR’AM!



Location: in second line of trenches in the east beach
Allies: [member="Elaine Thul"] and The Republic
Enemy: [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Draco Vereen"] and mandalorian who can't surf
Gear in bio

He was knelt down with his reaper his hand, and dress in power armour. He was waiting for the mandalorains, to landed on the beaches, his job was to repulse them. He was newly appointed as captain of the housecarls, and this was his first time leading them. He did argue he should be with Lady Thul, so he could protect her better. Though she insisted they took to trench to repulse the incoming attacks, he listened to her speech. It was good, but not as good as the one Mandalore speech. Then he remembered the joke that was going around the infantry, that mandalorains don't surf. He smiled and decide when the time came that would be the battle cry, that mandos don't surf. He grinned broadly under his helmet, and the first rounds from artillery began to fire, today he would hold this beach from the despots who say they are honourable. They where not, it was lie they used as an excuse to invade and impose there will on others. If they had honour, they would not be invading the republic, they be helping the alliance finish off the one sith, instead of trying stamp out democracy.


Well-Known Member
Location: Kashyyyk, Eastern Forest, Several km outside the Royal City
Primary Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: Clan Betna | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Anija Betna"]
Enemies: None Identified
Post (1)

Twilight. A cool breeze played lightly through the forest, the large trunks of the wroshyr trees. High above their heads, the leaves and branches swayed slightly. All in all, it was shaping up to be a beautiful night. Several kilometers outside the Royal City you couldn't even tell there was a large city nearby. Sounds of the local wildlife began cropping up as the sun cast its last errant rays over the horizon, long shadows stretched along the ground.


A rustle of foliage broke the calm ambiance of the evening.


There it was again. A low grumble of noise came from the beast's mouth. Heavily it plodded through the trunks, stepping on branches without a care in the world. A Kashyyyk Bantha sauntered over to a small cropping of ferns, its teeth finding purchase on the plant's soft stalks. It lumbered there for a moment more, chewing slowly, savoring it's evening meal. The Bantha's furry hide was tangled, burrs and dust collected in its matted locks. The horns atop it's head were long, indicative of a long life. As the shadows grew in length, more of them became visible, weaving their lurching bodies through the foliage that was the terrain of Kashyyyk. As the herd grazed, they began to move on, wandering deeper into the forest as they fed.

A silent sigh of relief passed over the Mandalorian hiding beneath one of the larger fern clusters. He'd come almost literally nose to nose with the creature, only his discipline kept the beast from recognizing him there beneath the ferns. It was time. Slowly putting his hands to his sides, he pushed himself up from the ground, his HUD displaying the time readout. They'd laid in wait mere hours, but it felt like days. Patiently waiting for the appropriate moment to rise to their objective. Around him, 8 others, similarly clad silently rose to one knee. Their weapons were already leveled in the direction the intended to go. They all shared a hunter's instincts, the small squad natural born hunters in their clan. Buruk Surhaai, their leader was clad in his Beskar'gam, identical to their Eukgar'gam in every way... except for his was constructed with Beskar, forged on Mandalore itself.

Buruk motioned for them to rise, a small hand/arm motion signaling the beginning of their journey. They rose in unison and began stepping towards where they knew the Royal City to be. Clan Vhe'viin was a vassal clan of Clan Betna, but they knew how to hold their own in a fight. Soon they would be on line with their allies, ready to begin this war in earnest. As the nine Mandalorians progressed slowly through the forest, they kept their heads on a swivel, looking out for traps both on the ground and in the air. They traveled in a staggered column, maintaining a good five meter spread between each of them as they slunk their way through the forest.

They were there in support of Clan Betna, but they were also there to make a name for themselves. They'd come out of the skirmish above Kashyyyk bloodied, and it was with that baptism in blood that they truly gave in to their warrior nature. They'd hunted everything from Acklay's to Rancors... now they were on the hunt for blood. Human and Xeno alike, they would make the Republic pay for their repeated transgressions on their brothers and sisters, their family.
Royal City - Beneath
Twilight Raid

Aryn climbed. His claws sank deep into the trees, each stabbing thunk screaming out as his hands and feet clung against the massive tree. His muscled flexed under the weight of his armor, the beskar plates rattling slightly as he pulled himself up onto the next branch. His sword clattered against his back, tied into place there for the climb. His good eye shot up, looking towards the distant light of the Royal City. The Togorian simply watched it for a moment, then looked beneath him.

Four Mandalorians followed after him, each of them wearing the marking of Clan Spar, each of them using powerful climbing axes to dig deep into the side of the tree.

The Chief of Clan Spar watched his soldiers for a moment, a low growl rumbling through his throat as he saw one slip and nearly fall only for one of his brothers to catch him. Aryn watched the man from his perch on the branch, growling at the man as he climbed onto a branch opposite him. "Safety over speed."

None of this would matter if they didn't make it through to the City alive. Speed was key, yes, their strike had to be perfectly timed, but it wouldn't matter if they didn't have enough men to actually do what they were supposed to. Aryn cared far more about the lives of his men then he did some silly mission. The Republic was already preparing to crumble, there was no need to take foolish risk in this exercise. Aryn knew that, and he had tried to convey the sentiment to his soldiers.

It was better to do a good job slowly, then a bad one quickly.

"Climb." He motioned to the others.

The Mandalorians began their trek once again, quickly digging their hammers into the side of the tree and renewing their ascent. Aryn stayed behind for a moment, his good eye watching the trees for any sign of movement.
Location: Space
Objective: Retrieval
Allies: [member="Loray Tares"]
Mandalorian Buddies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"]
Enemies: [member="Elaine Thul"]
Gear in bio


It was like coming home, into the loving embrace of your family. She could already hear the distant rumble of artillery, the staccato of turbolasers. Screams would come soon, that she knew. Fire, too. Force, how this planet could burn.

The mercenary closed her eyes and filled her lungs with iron-flavored breath. There was blood in the air, caressing her senses like an old lover. Intimate, familiar to the very core. It was whispering in that husky voice, just beside her ear. Asking for another dance on the razor’s edge.

She could do little but accept.

Her garbs were ill-fit for a ballroom, but for a battlefield, they would do. Armored from head to toe, Aver Brand patiently waited for war to wrap around her like the finest cashmere shawl.

She knew this land with a fighter’s step. More than five years after the fact, there were still corpses rotting in the ground down there. Corpses she’d left behind. Comrades, foes, innocents. Doing their part for the food chain as the trees they once sought to cut down fed greedily on their remains.

And they call nature beautiful.

One last time, the woman ran through the files on her datalogger. The dossiers of their two marks and associates were chock-full of underground intel supplied after the rich info they’d received from the Mandalorians. Say what you will, but the beskar lovers could hold a mean grudge. They were paying proportionally, too. She couldn’t complain.

“We’ll be there in five,” she called out to the other Equalizer, then turned off the flickering faces on the screen.

Better men have hit their knees, and bigger men have died.
Beach Assault
Location: The air ---> to the forest
Allies: [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Isley Verd"], [member="Bendak Orden"], [member="3X744"]
Enemies: The Republic
Objective: Make them remember
-Two flashbangs
-One thermal detonator
-One incendiary grenade
-Two Dual WESTAR 34 pistols
-Fett-Kal knife
-Vornskr Mark 8 Scattergun
-Mandalorian Steel beskad

The melody of War would be sung here today on Kashyyyk.

He and his fellow Mandalorians that joined him would be first ones to make to lay upon the hammer of fate on the whole Galactic Republic. A fate that resembled much like a world at the hands of the apocalypse, and the gates of the apocalypse would be opened and unleashed here on Kashyyyk were the demons and nightmares of the Republic would become a reality. There would be no hope for the Republic. Their gods and saviors would fail them. Their warlords and armies would crumble and fall.

The bodies of the wicked and the corrupt of the Galactic Republic would be waiting for the leather whips of War.

A basilisk war droid painted and coated in a crimson red soared the sky and riding it was a figure with a great sword which was granted to take away the peace from the earth of Kashyyyk and symbolized that blood would be spilled. The figure on that red basilisk word would say one sole word.


And the war droid began to descend like an angry demon with dozens and dozens of others following his lead as the Vanguard of Mandalore, comprised of both Munin and Verd clansmen, sought out for vengeance. The Alors of each respective clan did had some quarrel with each other, but all that was forgiven and forgotten as the Akaan and the Warmaster had made amends with each other. "Best hold on tight, cyar'ika," Vilaz said to his beloved Bree in that private encrypted comm of theirs.

"Show them what the true form of War is, brothers and sisters!"
Gear in bio
Allies: [member="Aver Brand"]
Mandalorian Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"]
Enemies: The Galactic Republic
The sins of the past loomed over him, washing him in thoughts of another life and its accolades. How simple were those times, he recalled, when the blood of all traced the imprint of high ground through Kashyyyk. Floodlines against trunks of the shadowlands, like a ring of rust. He had once felt so uplifted, so paramount to the decay, that he felt deep remorse for the loss of concern that now afflicted him. An empty swelling hunger pang, only sated with the madness and chaos of death and dismay. What purpose was there, to him now, but to be satisfied with upheaval? To feel glee in the chasm, the footprint of where a place used to exist - to know that amidst all the torrents and affects, he had an impact on that place. What once stood as a living breathing place, so quickly turned to lingering ghosts and decomposing silhouettes. Revelation would come with a high sun as war birthed above over Kashyyyk, fleets clouding the sky. Through the act of war, celestial bodies would condone through silence.

Who was he now, so changed from Ruusan and Coruscant to Kashyyyk, returning to such a formative arena without pause or thought otherwise? His thoughts bled out, filling his mind with the murky memories of lives taken and a planet utterly destroyed for conquest. He cherished the mental memoir. Not because of impact, the expanse of factions no longer concerned him. No, instead, he found joy in the expression of pain that coated his recollection. Like the thousands struggling, hoping, only to have that expectation crushed. Never was there a sweeter victory than in the offering of hope, to watch as it was so swiftly cut down.

Armored with plates of phrik and the sense of immutable potency, he stared out of the ships viewscreen. What once was a dot in the distance now overwhelmed, a planet rushing towards them. He looked towards Aver, without shifting his helmet, as she moved through the dossiers with lackadaisical purpose. She had obviously read them front and back, lest she enter the battlefield equipped with the unknown. The Equalizers were nothing if not professional. A deal made was a deal sealed in blood, temporally cemented and etched in stone. As the mission was complete, the legislation dictating their actions would erode away with finality. But for now, obligations were a part of the business.

"Good. I tire of sitting." He spoke plainly, confessing an annoyance with the lack of respective movement. The noise of war filled space and communications and here they were, strapped to a vessel.
Location: East Beach en Route to West Beach.
Objective: Accompaniment for Vereen's team
Friends: [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Rekali the Hutt"]
Targets: [member="Elaine Thul"]

Eukar'gam with funny boots
Grappling rope
Heavy Ripper
Jairi Edee (10 in a quiver on his back)
Jaian Bes'tratur

The Al'Redalur (Chief dancer) of the squad came forward. Clan Balor was not as large or wealthy as some of the otehr clans, but by the Manda, they weren't going to be overshadowed. Some of them walked alongside the tanks and vehicles, but msot of them rode atop it, save for ten in the back, on Banthas. Funky only brought several dozen men alongside him. On the back of each Bantah, was a Drum easily the size of five men and one drummer.

The beat of each drum was as one. Ten massive drums, all in perfect sync.

"Iron and blood and ash and steel," the war-singers of Balor chanted.​
"When we strike this world shall reel!"​
"Each shall hear our iron song,"​
"Scream with us and sign along"​
"Roar like the Mythosaur, fight like the vod"​
"Soar like the Shriek-hawk, shatter their abodes,"​
"Avenge the fallen sons of Roche"​
"As Mand'alor demands,"​
"Meet our foes with drawn Bes'kad"​
"And lay claim to their lands!"​
Funky raised his staff. He'd been called many things. Vode. Ade'ka. Goran. Al'Redalur. Today, a new word would be added to stories of him. Champion.
He stood on top of one of the tanks, raising his staff as if he were some Tusken laying claim to a region. He bellowed, smiling. "OYA! Vod, let us weave a tale of conquest! Let our songs reach this whole land, and let our revelry shake the force itself! When death comes, what does clan Balor do!"

"CHAYAKIR CHABAR!!!!!" The other warriors of Balor hollered back, form their drums, and from their songs. It was a simple principle. Laugh at death. Smile at your enemies. After all, without them, would there be any glory?

Funky bellowed, his heavy, powerful force escaping form his diminutive frame. "For Roche! For Glory! For the hunt! OYA!!!"

Javelins rattled. "Oya vod!"

One of the lieutenants approached him and smirked. "Fuel packs are loaded. we will employ the Screaming teeth at your command, Al'redalur," he said with a nod.

Funky smiled. "Maintain positions alongside the armor until then. When our opponents reveal themselves, we will invite them to dance. But first, keep up the tempo. And the drums!"

"OYA, VOD!" the blue armored lieutenant said with a grin. "Keep that rhythm, vod! Let 'em know we're here to raise hell! OYA!"
Location: Air ---> Forest

  • Mandalorian Crusaders ([member="Zef Halo"], [member="Keira Ticon"], [member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Goran"], [member="Aedan Miles"], [member="Nolan Detta"], [member="Deneve Verd"])
  • Mandalorian Vanguard ([member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Briika Tor"], [member="Bendak Orden"], [member="3X744"])
Enemies: The Galactic Republic & Friends

How long had it been?

The question - laced with frustration - erupted silent within the Warmaster's mind. Its timing was...poor to say the least; for at that very moment all Hell was breaking loose around him. The thunder of comms raging within his helm...The boom of anti-air weaponry exploding whilst his beast tore through the Heavens...these alone would be enough to cause any man discomfort in the head. Ringing ears, thundering temples, the whole nine. Yet Isley was experiencing a different brand of discomfort. His was born of experimentation: of being the inventor who soared too close to the Sun. He had tampered with something Dark...and now, his stomach was rumbling. How long had it been since he had sated this unfortunate consequence?

How long had he denied the appetite which came with such tampering?

Too long.

Landfall came swiftly: his Cin Bes'uliik crashed down through the canopy with a thunderous boom. Entry did not phase the War Droid's hulking form. Frantic hails of blaster fire did not penetrate its shields. The War Droid was primed: ready and eager to tear apart the enemies of the Mando'ade. So, too, were its riders: Sire and Daughter. Although squinting against the pangs of Hunger, the Warmaster could hardly contain his excitement. The Galactic Republic was a cancer that had infected the Core for too long. Its corruption took root in the flesh of many worlds, choking untold billions with unbridled deceit. They were a Cancer. And the Mandalorians had come to rip them asunder.

For Isley, this day was the culmination of all he had hoped for. His people, once scattered, were beginning to feel whole again. His people, once divided, were now treading the path set by their ancestors. The Old Ways were being honored; the Gods were with them...and for that, the Warmaster found himself grinning.

"Crusaders, Break Them."

His order sang through the channel, sounding in the helms of those Crusaders who flew in formation behind the Wolf and the Ram. Today, the Vanguard of the Clans and the Crusaders would work in tandem to achieve a rather vicious goal. Today, Clans Verd and Munin were right where they belonged: at each other's backs. Soon, they would unleash Hell upon the Republic. Soon...Isley could begin to whet his appetite.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Skin a Wookie & prove to her Buir ([member="Preliat Mantis"]) she learned to be a tough Mando'ad'ika in Hell.
Allies: Her Mommy's pet Vornskyr "Bubbie"
Enemies: The Wookies she mistakenly thinks are Ewoks.

Having been reunited with her father & rescued from Hell, the Hell (Raised) Child of Clan Mantis had a bath, a set of colourful beskar'gam printed pj's and a bedtime story every night in the Mantis Homestead outside Keldabe. At first she needed to sleep in the middle of her Mama and Buir, they might need her there to know she was safe, to feel protected enough so they could sleep. She'd offered to keep first watch, clinging to a stuffed 'sword' she found in her bedroom just in case the walls came down or the homestead wasn't as safe as Mama and Buir said.

Every morning, like clockwork, she'd wake up in her own bedroom with sheets and blankets so cushiony and comfy Yasha thought she might have made it to Manda instead of Mandalore. On the foot of the bed, nestled on top of pink sheets was Bubbie, Mama's pet Vornskyr who'd taken to her little charge. Mama said Bubbie kept the nightmares away. Mama said Bubbie was the good kind of scary, like Daddy in a bad mood or in battle.

Yasha began to learn her letters, having no sc-h-ew-ul in Hell. Her favourite book was "Wimpy the Ewok Finds His Courage", a picture book of Wimpy, smallest of the Ewoks, finding his courage by rescuing the rest of his little Ewokie buddies from a hungry monster. So it was that Yasha began the slow crawl into the life of a child who didn't have to fight for her life every day or eat nothing but the fresh kills her Mama [member="Aditya Mantis"] and her made when they were safe enough to light a fire and cook.

Crunching celery sounded like munching bones. Yasha loved celery!

Yasha's ears perked up when she heard Mama and Buir talking. The Mandalorians were going to a planet that sounded like a sneeze to invade the Wookies. Not wanting to interrupt her parents and tell them they'd forgotten the 'E' in front of the word 'Ewokies', 'cause that might make them feel silly, Yasha decided she didn't understand why the adults were so angry at the Galaxy's Teddy Bears anyway.

Maybe they just needed someone to play with them! Maybe if she skinned a Wookie, Mama would let her make a teddy bear of her very own. How else did a child get a teddy bear? Maybe if she helped the adults, Daddy would see that his daughter was worthy of being a Mando'ad'ika. After all, a bunch of adults going up against a race of three-feet-tall teddy bears didn't seem fair. They were all Yasha sized!

Pity she never told her mother, sneaking off from one of the troop feeder ships [member="Aditya Mantis"] was working in as an Engineer. Mama could have told her little Haran Adiik that there was a biiiiig difference between a Wookie and an Ewok. It hadn't taken much for the little sneak to hide away on a troop carrier and find hidey-holes around the beach.

"OYA!" Yasha yelled, as [member="Ra Vizsla"] the Mandalore told them to unleash the place where she'd been for five years. He must mean it was her turn to run around with her blaster pistol (which she'd borrowed from Mama) and her tomahawk (which [member="Isley Verd"] gave her when he rescued Mama and her from Hell)!

"Oops. Shhhh, Yasha." She smacked the back of her little hand and scampered off from boulder to boulder to find herself a three foot tall Wookie to take as her war prize. Maybe Wimpy would let her duel him! He lived in a tree, and there were big trees all around!

"For Mandalooooooore. For Daddyyyyy" The little girl whispered.
Space --> Beach​
[member="Ra Vizsla"] | [member="Ronan Vizsla"] | [member="Rekali the Hutt"] | [member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Buruk Surhaai"] | [member="Aryn Spar"] | [member="Aver Brand"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"] | [member="Loray Tares"] | [member="Funky Balor"] | [member="Isley Verd"]​
[member="Elaine Thul"] | @Captain August​
Klaxons blared and red light strobed throughout the launch bay, signaling all personnel that wished to avoid getting spaced to clear the area. Kano himself shifted in his saddle, content to watch the proceeding from the back of his Bes'uliik. Unlike most of their brethren, they would be dropping in from a low orbit, falling fast and hard behind enemy lines to disrupt their defenses and give the advancing armies an easier time of it. All told, the bay held roughly two dozen of Clan Oda's best, true mandalorians all. Turning to address the man mounted next to him, his second in command, he raised his voice above the blare of the klaxons so he could be heard.

"Tell me, Onak, has the Manda spoken of this day?"

He spoke of the oversoul, the great consciousness which all mandalorians joined when they died, and the source of his companion's connection to the force. The Korun smiled as he replied, clearly looking forward to the battle ahead.

"Only to tell of our great victory, my Lord."

Good enough. Kano nodded, then pulled his buy'ce on and secured it in place, seals hissing as they engaged and internal pressure was obtained. There was one last long blast from the klaxon, then the bay dropped open beneath them and both the men and their mounts were sucked out into the great vast nothing between them and the planet below. Silence reigned around them as they fell, and for a moment he turned his gaze upward, taking in two fleets arrayed against each other before the feeling of turbulence drew his eyes planetside once again. They'd hit the atmosphere now, and a great rush of wind could be felt and heard building around them, the bottoms of their mounts glowing orange briefly in the heat of re-entry. The rush died away soon after, settling down to a mere dull roar across his armor and that of his metal beast, and he began to pick up the comm signals of his brethren down below. They were faint and distorted at this range and through all the republic jamming, but he had no doubt they would clear up as the distance grew smaller.

It wasn't long before he was able to pick out the beach, magnifying it in his HUD as he began to study troop formations and weapon emplacements. The republic had three lines on the eastern beach, it seemed, the foremost of which seemed to be primarily composed of scouts. Behind them was the primary infantry line, while much further back the heavy artillery guns were already firing on the shield umbrellas of the mandalorians. Keeping the range short and the line encrypted, he broadcast a message only those in his immediate vicinity would receive, though kept it powerful enough to penetrate the jamming over that small distance.

"Engage the artillery. Pair up and destroy as many as you can, as quickly as you can. We won't be taking them for ourselves, so make sure the enemy can't reclaim them before you move on. Target designations will be distributed in a moment. Kano out."

Closing the comm, he quickly paired off his troops and selected each of their preliminary targets, spaced throughout the artillery line. Once their primary targets were eliminated, they would simply move down the line to the next nearest emplacement, taking out one after another until none remained. From what he was able to discern, the heaviest concentration of troops was in the second line on the beach leaving the artillery largely undefended, and he had little doubt his men and their droids could handle this assignment.

The first of the anti-aircraft fire came out of nowhere, though thanks to their uncontrolled descent, terminal velocity, and delayed proximity detonators, exploded well above the descending formation. "Evasive maneuvers. Engage active countermeasures. We won't get that lucky a second time." His men silently followed his lead, firing up repulsors and jets as the second anti-air salvo rose toward them, each beast only accelerating toward the beach below. Return fire erupted from the iron beasts, eating through the second salvo meant to cut them to pieces. One missile made it through the devastating salvo of fire and detonated to Kano's left. He rolled his mount, presenting the armored belly to the shrapnel explosion rather than his comparably feeble personal armor, and when he righted himself again found that two of their number had suffered significant wounds from the tungsten shards.

This was definitely going to be a day to remember.
Location: En route to West Beach
Objective: Unknown
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Gear: Standard Loadout

The water splashed across the craft he was clung onto. Long had it been since the man had participated in an actual invasion. Too long, he would say to himself later. Artillery shells and incoming indirect fire began to tear the air and water around their craft. A craft several meters to his right flipped over and sent it's men to a watery doom when the artillery shell impacted. Their driver ducked as shrapnel and plasma bolts flew by his head. Preliat gripped the sides of the craft, holding onto the M45 rifle.

Then, the air around him sizzled with heat and a strong gust. They were targeting his craft. Their driver noticed the fact too, and sent the craft speeding forwards, towards the beach. Preliat gripped his rifle tightly in his hands, feeling fear again. Feeling rage. Feeling the chaos of combat. Chaos was the greatest word to describe it. It was short and brutal, or long and ardous. Those were the only truths about combat that he knew. It was long in time, but short in experience to the person.

He didn't say anything. He was beyond the battle cries. He knew the truth about war and combat, a truth that he kept to himself. He just preferred to be a more quiet, reserved professional.

Their craft hit the beach with alarming speed, sending Preliat flying over the sides of the craft. He looked up to curse the driver, but realized it was hard to do, when the driver had been so graciously gifted a hole in his chest. Preliat scrambled as bolts kicked up the dirt around him. He was mostly alone, at the moment. He turned and took cover in a nearby trench, and turned to find himself face to face with a Republic trooper. He dropped to his back, letting the trooper's rifle shot go over where he was.

He plugged the trooper with a hammer pair to his chest, before standing back up.

He spoke into open comms, his tone calm and controlled, betraying the actual situation at hand.

"I have made landfall at the beach. I need help, over."

More accurate fire peppered his position. He was trapped here, until help arrived.
Location: Forests East of Royal City
Primary Objective: Twilight Raid
Allies: [member="Buruk Surhaai"]
Enemies: None Identified

Death had come to Kashyyk. No Basilisk war droid for Davon, no gunship or transport. For some reason the old man had ended up clambering over roots and through branches.

“Suitco: display time.”

The suit responded to his hushed whisper and displayed the current time all Mandalorians across the planet were synchronised to. The attack on the beach would be commencing now on the far side of the planet. It was time for them to take the Royal City.

With one arm he waved the nearby mandalorians forward. Members of Clan Karr of House Betna. There were no voice comms right now. Everyone was running in covert mode: suits set to receive, but not transmit. Long range transmissions and orders could still be picked up and in an instant any of them could revert to comms and call for aid if they came under fire. They also had some point to point comms if they really needed.

Davon had seen Buruk’s squad a few times through the thick forests over to their left and had caught sight of numerous Betna fire teams. The forests were too thick here for vehicles or gunships so they made the approach on foot. The terrain was hard work, tiring for someone of Davon’s years. Fortunate that his power armour was as useful in keeping him marching as it was in giving strength to his arms, particularly as the Ysalmiri nutrient frame he carried weighed so much.

Age wouldn’t stop him today. The Republic would. Or they would fall.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Survive and thrive, set up machine gun positions
Allies: @Captain August, [member="Elaine Thul"]
Enemies: [member="Draco Vereen"]

They were coming. Hard and fast. He had fought plenty of bad guys before- but the Mandalorians, they, they were themselves a whole different entity. But not immune to being outdone. They had the advantage here. For now, at least. He was running between positions, machine gunners behind him. He threw his hand towards the right most lateral limit of the beach, directing a pair of guns to go there. The teams nodded and rushed over, eager to obey his orders.

He tapped into the artillery comm network."CREEP THE FIRE UP, PUSH THEM BACK!"The artillery gunners chirped back with signs of agreement. That meant that the Mandalorians would have artillery rounds in a line, slowly pushing up the beach, forcing them back, or, hopefully, cut off their reinforcements. Kaiden began to paint targets with an IR laser, starting at a danger-close range to the nearest trench at the base of the beach, right near where the water began to kiss the sand.

He turned and gestured for the other machine gun teams to follow him. If uninterrupted, the deadly 'X' shape that the machine guns crews were about to create were going to make hell for the Mandalorian infantry on the beach. Hopefully the craft would be deterred by the creeping artillery pattern that was going to be let down on them. That is of course, if they weren't interrupted, which was a very real fear, given that the Mandalorians were a cunning, vicious enemy.

Not that Kaiden Rohn wasn't himself a cunning and vicious man.
Location: The air ---> to the forest
Allies: Clan Munin | Clan Verd | [member="Briika Tor"] | [member="Isley Verd"] | [member="Vilaz Munin"]
Enemies: The Republic
Objective: Do that "Real-sore-hair" thing that Briika talks about.
Gear: Clifford the Big Droid Dog (Besuliik Mk II), DC-17 blaster pistol, Survival Knife


Arms raised overhead, the small clone of Jango Fett gave a loud cheer in Mando'a.

It was also, despite Briika Tor's best efforts, the only word he really knew or understood in Mando'a. Still, it was Mando'a. So it counted, if only technically. It had also become his new favorite word. So if the adults around him weren't tired of hearing it yet, they would be by the time this invasion was over.

Now, almost certainly, the lawyers for MandalTech had ensured that the company included safety precautions and warnings against leaving children unsupervised during operation of the Besuliik Mk II. To be clear, Three was not unsupervised. His alor was riding in the front of the formation.

...wait, was this a formation?

It was kinda just a bunch of dudes riding bareback on top of a some hulking droids. Like cowboys, only in space. And with more explosions. Of course, that was also what made it so much fun.

Between the explosions creating pockets of air pressure and the turbulence in the air, the small Mandalorian boy felt as though he was on a roller-coaster. Now, some kids would have been frightened or become overcome by motion sickness. As it happened though, the 3X-series Clone Troopers were made more motion, being primarily designed as airborne rangers specializing in HALO and aerospace assault operations against an enemy.

And, just as when he was in freefall, there wasn't a whole lot for the boy to do. Clifford, that is the war droid, could pilot itself. Three was just along for the ride, to observe and learn what it was to be Mandalorian.

Which apparently meant attacking the Republic that had created him several hundred years ago.

All things consider, after that whole Order 66 thing on the Sentinel, when the Clone Troopers had not only betrayed the Jedi but also gunned down several of his fellow clone cadets... Three honestly had no problems with this.

"OYA!" the boy cried, arms raised as Clifford pitched and dove with the turbulence.
Location: West Beach
Objective: Skin a Wookie & prove to her Buir (Preliat Mantis) she learned to be a tough Mando'ad'ika in Hell.
Allies: Her Mommy's Vornskyr "Bubbie" [member="Preliat Mantis"]
Enemies: The Wookies she mistakenly thinks are Ewoks.

All Hell broke loose. Yasha fled from one barrier to another, watching the chaos of the invasion's beach launch. If she could get to the trees, she'd get to Wimpy and the Ewoks, then she could fight fair! Thanking the Manda that Mama had given her a comm unit of her very own, Yasha listened to the chatter and the voices scattered across it. The ones who died in yelps and pain made Yasha think of the quiet days in Hell, when background noise was nothing but the pained and harrowed cries of the damned.

That is, until she heard her Daddy's voice on the Comm.

"I have made landfall at the beach. I need help, over."

Daddy needed help! "I'll save you, Daddy!" Yasha whispered, sneaking underneath a battle droid and hopping over to another embankment with a roll. This was kinda fun! Yasha was too little for anyone to see her right away. What would be more fun? Pretending she wasn't there and hiding on Daddy! Maybe he'd think a ghost saved him from the bad Republic soldiers.

The adiik made for the beach, where she saw her father's Beskar'kandar shining in the distance. Bringing her blaster pistol our from her backpack, the girl held it like a rifle (it was perfect size, that way!) and fired at the Republic troops holding her father in position. Shots strayed to the left and right, up into a bush (which caught fire) and one even went into the sky!

"Woaaa!" Yasha fell on her backside, getting back to her knees and propping her pistol up on a pile of wet sand, before concentrating hard. Mama taught her how to shoot, they had to shoot things in Hell!

Maybe Yasha wasn't as good at it as she thought, but she did manage to hit one or two of the bewildered Republic fighters trying to find whoever was shooting around like a lunatic. Maybe if she went that way after, she'd get to the Ewoks! Yasha shouldered her gun and crawled past the next bit of sand, behind a Mando tank and watched to see where else she could help her Daddy.

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