Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Year: 34 ABY

Location: Supremacy

The hangar's of the Supremacy we're fairly quiet with the only sound emitting from them was the hum of a First Order Cargo Ship settled among the various other Shuttles which sat silently around it. Two Storm Troopers we're stationed on both sides of the ship's hold awaiting the package that they we're to deliver to Starkiller Base. After a few minutes of waiting silently near the craft suddenly a large Cryostasis chamber floated out of one of the many bay doors, followed by a quiet electronic slide from the door's. On each side of the Cryostasis chamber we're five Riot Control Troopers wielding their control batons. What exactly we're these Troopers delivering to Starkiller Base?, Was it a high ranking Resistance Officer? It didn't seem like it from where the two trooper's we're standing it looked as though it was some Ancient Protocol droid.

But, much more different this one was coated with Crimson Red paint and two seals on each shoulder of the Droid. One of the Galactic Empire which looked worn down showing age and on her other shoulder was the fresh mark of the First Order. This was no ordinary Protocol droid obviously this droid was worth something to the First Order what it was no one knew but regardless they asked very few questions. The two troopers would proceed to take each side of the Cryostasis chamber lifting it up before taking it aboard the Cargo Ship.

Neither trooper questioned why a Droid needed to be in Cryostasis or why it had life signs on the side panels of the chamber, but neither one had the courage to ask the Riot Troopers that brought it in. They we're simply tasked with delivering the Droid to the base and to return to the Supremacy to await further instructions. After a few minutes of securing the Cryostasis chamber, and preparing to launch the Cargo Ship. The shuttle began to lift off of the ground of the hangar bay before suddenly lifting off into hyperspace, and just as fast as they left they arrived at Starkiller Base which was currently being attacked by the Resistance who we're fighting off several different fleets that we're attempting to keep the base safe which seemed to be working so far, the cargo shuttle proceeded to dodge blaster fire from all sides. Trying to get to the planet safely however before they we're able to get to the surface of the base.

The entire planet began explode in several places it seemed that the Resistance had succeeded in destroying the base which was bad news for anyone near the planet's atmosphere as the sheer force of the blast would send the cargo ship carrying the "Droid" out of control with it's controls refusing to respond to the pilot and several of the buttons letting off sparks of electricity. To avoid going down with the Ship the two troopers who we're tasked with the safe delivery of the "Droid" would use the one escape pod that the shuttle had and setting off where the would inevitability be captured by Resistance fighter.

The Shuttle would continue to spin wildly out of control in the vacuum of space, until being sucked in by a nearby moon's gravity forcing the shuttle to crash land on the surface of the moon with the only thing to survive the crash was the Cryostasis chamber of the "Droid" which awaited for anyone to open it and awaken it.

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