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Approved Lore The Knighthood of Illyria

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"They are the sons & daughters of our world, who fight every day to realize a dream that many believed would never come to fruition, Illyria." - King Adron Malvern

  • Intent: In recent years, the Knighthood of Illyria has been reformed. It exists now to honor and empower those who would dedicate their life to the betterment of Illyria.
  • Image Credit: Link1, Link2, Link3 {Edited by Alessandra Creed Alessandra Creed }
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Illyria
  • Organization Name: The Knighthood of Illyria - Chevalerie de Illyria
  • Classification: Knighthood
  • Affiliation: Illyria, The Illyrian Monarchy
  • Organization Symbol: A Noble crest, two short swords crossed over an open book.
  • Description: The Knighthood was created to honor those who are prepared to live a life in service to Illyria. Any citizen of the planet is eligible for Knighthood and can be knighted for great feats in many fields including, but not limited to Literature, Science, Art, Law, Medicine & Martial might. It is most common for Knighthoods to be bestowed based on Martial might or military excellence. As Knights are honorary members of the Illyrian nobility they are privy to the customs and courtesies of the upper class. All members of the Illyrian Knighthood are honored in the Hall of Heroes in Jassin City. Members of the Knighthood are often given grants & lands from their noble overlords in exchange for their service in a particular field or matter. To be a Knight is not merely to be a warrior of the body, but one of the mind as well. The Knighthood is actually very organized and while many Knights report directly to a Noble Lord, some Knights have been given their titles without attachment and work directly for the Hall of Heroes or remain independent. There are many different types of Knights and their day to day responsibilities and duties vary greatly. The Knighthood is broken up into three categories of Knights.
    • Chevalier de l'esprit: Knight's of the Mind are members of the Knighthood recognized for their elite contributions in the fields of Law, Science, Math, Medicine, & other professionally related fields. Head Doctors, elite lawyers, and mathematiciens are often sought out by the Knighthood and given a title for their exemplary service to Illyria's development.
    • Chevalier du coeur: Knight's of the Heart are members of the Knighthood who have excelled in the arts of Literature, Painting, Sculpting, & music. They are the smallest branch of the three types of Knights and the most difficult to enter into. They are recognized for their special contributions to the planet's art's and progressing the soul of Illyria.
    • Chevalier de l'épée: The Knights of the Sword are the largest branch of the Knighthood, taking up over sixty percent of the Knightly Order. These are men and women whose martial talent have led them to be recognized by the Illyrian nobility or the Knighthood itself. They are often the most progressive knights, however short lived. They are credited with safeguarding the world of Illyria as it is.
  • Headquarters: Hall of Heroes, Illyria
  • Domain: The order itself lays claim to no lands, even if their individual Knights may own a number of lands and organizations.
  • Notable Assets: Hall of Heroes
  • Hierarchy: Among the three knight classes there are a number of ranks that a Knight can aspire to reach. Many Knights begin as Squires, the assistants and apprentices to a member of the Knighthood who hope to become a Knight themselves.
    • Grand Master of the Knightly Order of Illyria: The Grand Master of the Knighthood is considered the pinnacle of Illyrian civility. They are a man who has mastered all three classes of Knighthood and oversees the workings of the Hall of Heroes. This title is held by only a single person and is not hereditary, the Grand Master is selected by the King of Illyria. He is the ultimate curator of the Hall of Heroes and Keeper of the Order. The Grand Master reserves the right to annul any Knightship he believes was ill-gained or if that individual no longer holds themselves to the tenets of an Illyrian Knight.
    • The Knights of the Royal Court: Aside from Grand Master there is only one other position that is decided by the Monarchy of Illyria. The Knight's of the Royal Court are Knights who were granted their title by the Monarchy for faithful service or extremely astonishing acts. It is considered more difficult to become a Knight of the Court than it is to become a member of the Illyrian Nobility. These Knights stay in Azurine City and are often at the service of the Monarchy and their closest cohorts. Commonly Knight's of the Royal Court who excel in Martial might go on to join the Illyrian Royal Guard and serve as personal bodyguards or Knight-Captains.
    • Knights of Mastery & Excellence: Knights of Mastery are considered experts even amongst the Knighthood. These men and women are dedicated and practiced Knights with years of service under their belt. They are often the recipients of special grants & positions that the Knighthood organized on their behalf.
    • Bachelors of the Knightly Order: Knight Bachelor's are fully recognized Knight's of Illyria who have sworn to uphold the tenets of Knighthood. Their life is service to the planet and they often take on Squires as proof of this service.
    • Squires: Squires are not technically members of the order. Instead they are hopeful's who are in the service of a Knight, hoping that their service can set them on the proper path to be Knighted themselves one day.
  • Membership: The Knighthood has approximately seven thousand active Knights. Becoming a Knight of the Order can happen a number of ways, although the requirement is theoretically the same across the board. A Knight must be of sound mind and character, focused on their talent and field with the result for the betterment of their fellow man and planet. They must strictly adhere to the tenets of Knighthood and always serve as an example for future generations. To become a member of the Knighthood, you must be recognized. This can be done through a Noble House, The Knightly Order itself, or any member of the Illyrian Monarchy. Your "sponsor" may request you enter into a type of contractual agreement, service for service, or they may just award the title with no attachment. Upon being entered into the Knighthood as a Bachelor, you must be recognized by the Knightly order for the Grand Master to promote you to the rank of Bachelor or recommend your service to the King. Knightly titles are not hereditary, however it is considered a great honor to be the scion of a Knightly House and they are often shown a special courtesy when applying for a Squireship.
  • Climate: The Knighthood is respectful and respected across their homeworld.
  • Reputation: Trusted, often given the honorific Sir.
  • Curios: Upon being knighted a Knight of the Heart receives a black leather book with silver embroideries. The pages of this book are filled with the tenets of Knighthood and precious stories surrounding those tenets. A Knight of the Mind receives a black pocket watch with silver embroideries upon it. A Knight of the Sword receives a Phrik Sword, with a thick leather pommel. Each of these trinkets have the words Faith in service written upon them in High Illyria.
  • Rules: The Code de Chevalerie is the book of tenets that explains the rules of Knighthood, they are as follows:
    • Honor the Planet
    • Defend the Planet
    • Protect the Innocent
    • Honor your Family
    • Punish the Guilty
    • Obey the King & Queen
    • Honor your Heart
    • Never Give Up
  • Goals: The goal of the Knighthood is to unify the "heroes" of Illyria so that they may be organized and better serve the existence of the Knighthood.

The Knights of Illyria were actually founded several hundred years ago. However, when the current Monarchy took over the Knighthood was in supreme decline. Most Knights were given titles for being berserk thugs or hired dogs in the past. As such, the Noble Houses eventually quit funding the Knightly Order and it fell into decline. Upon taking the throne, Adron Malvern reignited the Knighthood under a new Grand Master. With the new Knighthood he abolished the old ways, separating the Knighthood from the base of the Illyrian Nobility and instead making it something a commoner would aspire to be. He introduced the Knight of the Heart & Mind to the Order, making a Knightship more than a sign that you can swing a sword.
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