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The Mandalorian Enclave

Vode An.

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The Karjr | Roster & Information

Current Infamy Level: I - Base
[Threads in IC chronological order, not the order in which they started.]
  • Thread: Mission Unwelcome Guests | The Mandalorian Enclave
  • Action Report: A Jedi Padawan (Lily Decoria) tries to infiltrate an observation platform and steal Enclave secrets. Siv, Sahan, and others check out what's going on and capture the rogue apprentice. Sahan gets Artus up and running, then aims some cryo whistling birds at Lily's feet in an attempt to capture her.

  • Thread: Bounty Before Total Darkness
  • Action Report: Sahan accepts a bounty from a Corpo to track down a FU who stole a rare Voidhuntress heavy starfighter. The odd bird-like style of the target's armor reminds Sahan of a fellow Mandalorian named Corbin Vasher, whom he visits for more information. Corbin reluctantly provides Sahan with information that the man, an Anzat named Lars Orndatti, was a former Jensaarai before going rogue and possibly succumbing to the Dark side. Using the information provided by Corbin, Sahan is able to track down Orndatti's base on a moon in the Suarbi system. However, instead of only confronting Orndatti, Sahan must also contend against an android named Percival Io over who was also looking to claim the bounty. The threeway battle is pretty tough, with Orndatti falling first. Before Sahan can deliver the final blow to defeat the Io android, the android offers to let Sahan keep the bounty if he can have Orndatti to deliver to a woman named Liin Terallo. He has been tasked to hunt down Force users for the woman. Sahan agrees to this and is introduced to Terallo himself. She asks him to bring any Force user bounties he collects to her for even greater pay. Sahan keeps Orndatti's red-orange lightsaber as a trophy.
  • It's fine if you don't want to consider this one in ranking. No actual PvP has been able to happen yet, and the thread is on hold. However, the outcome is established, and is important IC for later threads, including the following bounty.

  • Thread: Campaign The Reclamation War: Shotgun Allegiance | Mandalorian Enclave
  • Action Report: [WIP] Siv and Sahan offer to hand the captured Lily Decoria over to Valery Noble and the Jedi in exchange for her coming with them and providing answers. They refuse, with each side hurling accusations at each other and being stubborn. It leads to an all-out chaotic fight between the Mandalorians and Jedi. Sahan fights against Brian Sal-Soren, and eventually a freed Lily Decoria, who has finally overcome the effects of a spray that inhibited her Force use.

  • Thread: Bounty Drunkenwell
  • Action Report: Sahan visits an alehouse in the lower quarters of Duckenwell to see if he can find any bounties or work commissions for extra money to help build his business. He inadvertently comes across a man named Rann Thress, who evidently has both a bounty with the planet Rannon, is a know member or relative of dar'manda clan Verd, and is a Force user thought to be a Darksider. Sahan confronts him and asks him if he'd be willing to turn himself in peacefully, knowing full well the man wouldn't. A battle ensues, which leads to Thress embracing the Dark side and killing the innocent man who recognized him and called him out. Sahan is eventually able to subdue the man with a combination of Force-suppressing ammunition and an aerosol gas derived from deathsticks to weaken his connection and knock him unconscious. Sahan takes Thress to a woman on New Cov named Liin Terallo, who he has a contract with to deliver FUs with bounties to her for some kind of experimentation (he isn't too sure about the details), and takes the man's mask to Rannon as proof of the man's capture to claim their bounty. He keeps one of the man's lightsabers (a purple one) as a trophy.
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Kid's making me post here I swear.

Current Infamy Level: II - Reknown
  • Thread: Unwelcome Guests | The Mandalorian Enclave
  • Action Report: Response to an observational platform in Kestri orbit gone dark, assumption of mechanical failure. Upon arrival, the discovery of a Jedi starship prompted further investigation. Investigation and hunt yielded the capture of one Jedi Padawan. Brought to headquarters for interrogation.

  • Thread: The Reclamation War: Shotgun Allegiance | Mandalorian Enclave
  • Action Report: Captured Jedi Padawan brought to the established rendezvous point with Jedi leadership on Rodia. After refusing to disclose any information regarding the Jedi Padawan's presence on an Enclave military installation, or exchange prisoners, Jedi erupted into conflict. Mandalorian reinforcements were quickly brought on-scene, resulting in full-scale combat between Karjr and Jedi forces.

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