Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Joining(Tenevi, Phoenix, and Grey)

Vulpesen smiled as he rested back in his pilot seat. One though kept on racing through his mind, again and again. I'm going to see Alexandra again. Normally, such thoughts were alone in his head, but this time of all they were joined by another. One of business. She had known since their days on Myrkr what he was planning, and now the time for idle talk was over. Every decisions was hers to make, but he prayed that when he reached her new planet of Crystal song, that she would join him in creating this new group. A group dedicated to the good of the galaxy.

He turned to the person behind him. [member="Dux Kotass"] had turned out to be a fairly unexpected ally, but one he was happy to have. "I certainly hope this goes well. If it goes sour, I'm afraid that I may not have a proper love to run to." He held a small grin as he started to set the ship down. Of course Alexandra had been contacted before and as he called Ace to his shoulder and stepped off the Vixen, he started to the grey temple, keeping his force presence outstretched to find the mother of his children.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

Good Job :D

You know, its days like these when you look back and say what could have happened differently... or was it other types of days... Alexandra wasn't all too sure at the second though she did find the beacon of fox brain closing in fast and with a glance up from her work she leaned back and tapped her fingers on her leg. "Well, guess i should go greet them..." Forsaking any attempt to make her robes look less dirty than they were, she pulled her cloak around her and smiled at how impractical the white robes really were some times. With a few steps she washed off her hands in a fountain before pulling her hair out of the tie she had it in, letting it rest on her shoulders before going to the front gate and waiting as Vulpesen came in from the landing pad.
She was traveling to crystalsong with [member="Vulpesen"], to meet the leader of order of the grey [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]. The plan was to sign an accord uniting the three factions under one banner, though she knew this could be more difficult than vulpes thought. Though he seemed to have fond feeling with their leader, she had never met her before so she did not know why. Well I have my to run to after this, I got meet him on tatooine. She then follow him towards the grey temple, to meet their leader.
"Don't worry, I'm sure I can convince her not to go after you." He looked forward from his walking, smiling as he saw a familiar white figure. It took restraint not to run to her as he made his way over to Alexandra. "Ello, love." He opened his arms and hugged Alexandra, hoping his greeting was seen as stereotypical, much like his other one. One that had earned him a force push as a welcome.

[member="Dux Kotass"]
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Dux Kotass"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Alexandra smiled as he hugged her and then looked past him at his companion with an amused smiled. "Hanging out with former Sith i see, hello Banshee, you know im pretty sure arcanix still wants the money you stole from the company thank you very much..." She smiled though to her words, not a single feeling of malice behind them showing she didn't care about the money one bit. "So, what can do you two for hmm?"


Well-Known Member
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

How long did it take her to find out, that I stole that? She wonder if she knew the true amount, or she only found some of amount she had taken. Oh I use sabrina know, I am not darth anymore. She spoke in a happier tone, she was on way to tell [member="Rexus Drath"] about her. She hoped he take the news well, well he would he was the calmest people she had ever met.
Vulpesen grinned and backed away, producing his saber staff from his belt. Hitting the activation stud, the produced his trademark blade, a beam of black and gold, just as it had been when he was a jedi. "It's time. I've left the sith and I'm working to revive the Tenevi in a new fashion. Sorry I wasn't able to tell you before, but I was a bit busy with my work under cover." He motioned [member="sabrina"] over to them. "Why don't we head inside before I speak the rest? If you don't mind that is, Alex."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Vulpesen"] [member="sabrina"]

"Come now Vulps, i would not have you and your friend stand out here when we can all go sit down... follow me." She turned and led them into the temple, her feet falling slowly and and carefully on the floor of the extensive complex, her hands brushing over the inside of her robes before bringing them to what looked like a council chamber, her form lowering into the chair and rubbing the back of her neck. "So, what is it that you have come to explain to me if i might ask Vulpesen?"
Vulpesen smiled and took a seat at the large table within the room, a sudden memory turning his face a shade of red, something he quickly turned to his abilities with illusions to lighten. He wasn't the best, but that, at least, was something he could manage. After pushing away the flush of embarrassment, he took a moment to compose his words. "Well, I won't waste time explaining the Tenevi since you were there when I discovered it, but I have found that reviving an ancient order and government is a bit difficult. Because of that I found that help was needed and such necessity led to me meeting Miss [member="sabrina"], here." He motioned to the third order's diplomat. "Together, we've come up with a plan and I want you and the grey to be a part of it. A single order, made of three to do what the Tenevi did, only on a much larger scale. We The Tenevi make the first part and the light. The Phoenix make the second and the dark. I was hoping you would allow Grey to become the third part, and the balance between us."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
@Vulpesen@Alexandra Lianne Feanor

She followed them, and took a seat and gave her piece on the perposed plan Well not unless you got native amongst the one sith, she laughed at she made the comment. She did wonder why [member="Dux Pontus"] intel, was never enacted upon. The one sith was definitely slipping, in their ability to root out traitors. The plan as I understand it, is we form a council and we agree to foreign policy, and other mutual point of interest. Though we keep internal affairs to each individual order, so no one order lose their independence. We only venture into mutual area of aid, where cooperation is best suited. Her eyes then glanced over to vulps, to see if he agreed with her summary of this.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Dux Kotass"]

"Interesting... and might i ask why the grey should join this Vulpesen and Miss Sabrina?" She smiled as she listened, she already knew a great deal on the Tenevi, and second hand info on the Phoenix, but she was curious as to what it would that would come of her order joining them. Alexandra wanted to make a difference but the Grey had always been teachers, not warriors... well they used to be but they seem to leave to fight more and more now.
[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

She smiled and probably gave a darkish answer, Simple together we would be stronger. You no longer be at mercy of others, coming and taking your temples. Even if you just teach, then our warriors would stronger thanks to it. She answered honestly, though she did not know if the grey jedi valued power.
He nodded to [member="Dux Kotass"]' words before bringing up his own points. "I'm willing to bet that no other group wold accept you without turning you into some sort of puppet faction, meanwhile we want you to be a third of our group, making you at level with us. Also, I don't want us bound by the restrictive codes given by pure light, yet I want us tempered from the blood craze brought by pure darkness. The grey will help us find that medium. As for expanding your own group specifically, being with us will mean you have a dependable method of recruitment as we allow you to train the apprentices that come to us."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Dux Kotass"] [member="Vulpesen"]

Alexandra rubbed her neck, thinking of those who she knew would not like this. Especially how the arrangement with the mandalorians had gone over and ended. "Vulpesen, you know that i trust you with the hardest things in my life, and Sabrina, i already know of your past more than enough than to know what to expect from you... but i need to know what assurance my people will have that you won't betray us, either of you. Yes, i know you won't but not everyone in the order is as close to either of you to support this blindly, they will question it, especially after the removal of Krest and minna from my council. They need to know some how that you won't, what is your thoughts there. Both of you."
Vulpesen smiled and listened to her concerns. They were good to say the least, and he of course, found himself happy to answer them. "I can't say anything for [member="sabrina"]'s group, but I can tell you this. You would be equal with both of us and thus it would take both of us to betray you. I love you and you were the one who helped me take Veradune back. The zorren people owe you a debt they can never repay and thus you have loyalty from both me and my species, both of which are closely intertwined with the Tenevi Order. If anyone were to be turned on in this group, though I doubt it would happen, it would be the Phoenix Order."

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
She looked at [member="Vulpesen"] with disdain, when he said the only order that would be betrayed was hers. Her eyes then went over to [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"], Well we are both traitors to the one sith, so I guess we are both capable of that. She did not like that idea, but she was sure her was only saying to appease her.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Dux Kotass"]

She tapped her fingers, looking at the two of them for a long time so much so that she seemed to be on the verge of simply stating the words no, or never. It was a long time and soon she stood and went over to look out over the temple for a few long moments as she said nothing. It wasn't and easy decision, putting her people's lives in the hands of another, even if it was Vulpesen she was still worried and her eyes shown it if she had been looking at them. She instead looked out and said nothing while she stood there, taking it in and breathing for a few moments as she pushed through her mind.
Vulpesen reached over and placed a hand on [member="sabrina"]'s shoulder. "I by no means mean that its likely. Just more likely than the impossible." He grinned and turned back, watching Alexandra. Unlike usual, her actions were hard to read. Still, he prayed for a good answer and not a rejection, even if he also elected to not reach out in the force for a clue.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
I shall forget you said that [member="Vulpesen"], she was lying a little but she wanted and need this deal. So she was going to let it lie for now, though she might keep one eye open for signs of betrayal. There again she would of done anyway, as she always liked to be cautious. Why don't we change the subject, vulps tell [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] about how we plan to run this alliance of orders. She hoped by talking about their political structure, they would alleviate any misgivings she may have about the idea.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Vulpesen"] [member="Dux Kotass"]

"Oh?" She looked behind her and blinked, confused how it it is that they plan to run the alliance. Knowing vulps well enough she had an idea and eve now what it was that would come out of the formation of this force but she had to hear them out so she turned back around and leaned against a window, waiting for the to continue with the meeting and to tell her what exactly it was when they came to running the alliance.

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