Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Jedi Order (in case you were wondering)...


Anyone who has been following the fortune of the Galactic Republic recently will have seen this coming, but if you haven’t had a chance to read it then here’s the executive summary…

In a story arc that will be played out over the coming months, the Jedi Order have take the loss of so many Republic planets to heart. They aren’t going into hiding, but they’re licking their wounds and re-grouping.

The Jedi Order will still support the Republic but will enter into discussions with the Prime Minister its role going forward — and highlight some changes to policy that have disturbed the Jedi of late — for example the shoot on sight to kill policy.

So expect some great storylines over the coming few months that anyone and everyone can play a part in. The OOC outcome is that The Jedi Order is now a Minor Faction.

This is absolutely not a call for all Jedi to join the Order. But it is an invitation to join if you wish - if only to see what we're up to. Many of the Jedi members are still supporting the Republic. But a sizeable minority are not. We have a range of Jedi that simply reinforce the belief that Corvus shares — that we are one family, merely living at different addresses. And guests are always welcome.

It is — and will remain — Minor. So will not impact any board changes for membership of one Major Faction. It’s goals and beliefs are very, very simple. To be a member you simply need to be Light-sided and follow the Code (and by definition its pillars and tenets).

It remains a member of the Jedi Academy (network) and for the majority of folks, there will be nothing to see. But church and state aren’t the same and this makes the distinction more defined. Often people would say they wanted to skirmish with the Republic when they meant the Jedi Order and vice versa. Now there should be no confusion.

If you have any questions, head over to the site — as most will have already been answered there. It’s open for anyone to view. Or ask away here if you’d like and I’ll get back to you ASAP — or any other Jedi for that matter. It never needs to be me. We are, by definition, all Jedi.

First, foremost and only.


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