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Minor Faction The Je'daii Order

Asha Sar'andor



There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge
There is no Fear, there is Power
I am the Heart of the Force
I am the Revealing Fire of Light
I am the Mystery of Darkness
In Balance with Chaos and Harmony
Immortal in the Force

- The Je'daii Code


We are a people borne not from some blind crusade to conquer, but from a desire to learn, to grow, to understand the universe we were born into

The Je'daii were founded with the core principles of balance, moderation, knowledge, and power.* They strive to understand the mysteries of the Force, and the Galaxy it forged, adhering to neither the Ashla (Light) or the Bogan (Dark) and instead finding a path of pure equilibrium they named the Bendu (Balance).

Unlike other Orders, the Je'daii seek primarily to study and observe the Force. They lay claim to no worlds, remain impartial to the sways of Galactic Politics, and answer solely to the Force itself. A Je'daii understands that they cannot stray too far to the Ashla or the Bogan, and falling too close to either results in long periods of meditation to restore their inner Balance.

All Je'daii are encouraged to keep an open mind. They understand that no path is set in stone, and are actively motivated to learn from all branches of their Order before settling down. Even then, no Je'daii is bound to their decision and may continue learning from whichever branch they desire after their Knighting.

There are nine branches to the Je'daii Order, referred to these days as Tho Yor after the original vessels which brought them together as an Order. Akar Kesh, the Temple of Balance. Anil Kesh, the Temple of Science. Bodhi, the Temple of the Arts. Kaleth, the Temple of Knowledge. Mahara Kesh, the Temple of Healing. Padawan Kesh, the Je'daii Academy. Qigong Kesh, the Temple of Force Skills. Stav Kesh, the Temple of Martial Arts. Vur Tepe, the Forge.

Between these a Je'daii can learn practically anything they could ever imagine, and are encouraged to do so.

* Power, to the Je'daii, speaks of personal development and progression, relating to their Journey, not holding control over others.


All who join the Je'daii begin as equals, regardless of who or what they had been beforehand. Even a Master of the Force would be expected to partake in the Great Journey, a series of trials dating back to the arrival of the Tho Yor (ships-turned-temples) on Tython, to ensure that they embody the ideals of the Order. There are six ranks within the Je'daii Order. They are as follows;

Je'daii Youngling, Initiates of the Order who are too young to begin a full training regimen. Historically they were housed within Padawan Kesh, a Temple built specifically to facilitate them, though these days Younglings are few and far between.

Je'daii Padawan, Students of the Order who have begun their training in full. They may find themselves under the tutelage of one specific Master, or they may choose to learn from the Order as a whole and forsake the traditional Master-Apprentice route.

Je'daii Journeyer, Members of the Order who have begun their Great Journey. Historically they would travel between the 9 Tho Yor and seek training from each Temple Master. With no Tho Yor or Temple Masters to speak of at present, Journeyers must draw upon the collective knowledge of the Order as they partake in their trials - one for each branch of the Order.

Je'daii Ranger, Knighted members of the Order who have completed their Journey. These members are tasked with all manner of missions across the Galaxy, and are encouraged to continue learning and growing in the Force. A Ranger is likely to have one or two branches of the Je'daii which they focus on, and their missions are geared around these choices.

Je'daii Master, Experienced members of the Order who turn their attention towards the teaching of the younger generations. Though they still venture forth into the Galaxy, most prefer to spend their time passing on knowledge and ensuring the future of the Order.

Je'daii Temple Master, Leaders of the Nine Temples and members of the Je'daii Council. They oversee the Order and their specific branch within it, and come together to guide the Je'daii and make decisions toward the betterment of their future. Currently, the Je'daii do not have a Council., they are simply too few in numbers. But one day there is hope that the Temple Masters will be reinstated once more.


As mentioned above, the Order has nine distinct facets. Each focuses on a different aspect of life and training, and are as follows;

Akar Kesh, the Temple of Balance, where Mastery over the Bendu is sought.

Anil Kesh, the Temple of Science, where technological advancements are made and biology is explored.

Bodhi, the Temple of the Arts, where self-expression is key and crafts are pursued.

Kaleth, the Temple of Knowledge, where understanding is achieved and leadership is born.

Mahara Kesh, the Temple of Healing, where aid is rendered and compassion is learned.

Padawan Kesh, the Je'daii Academy, where the young are taught and the future secured.

Qigong Kesh, the Temple of Force Skills, where mysteries are unraveled and the Force is felt.

Stav Kesh, the Temple of Martial Arts, where mastery over ones self is essential and defense of others encouraged.

Vur Tepe, the Forge, where much is made from little and the Force imbued in all.


Want to get involved? Reach out to Asha Hex or Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor and we'll help get you started!

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