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The Imperial Meeting (TJE & FE Only)

Darth Pyktis

Sith Alchemy created Sith Lord
Fel Embassy, Zarchas Kitza

Darth Pyktis
Sith Warrior

[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Darth Animus"]
[member="Darth Aegis"]
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
[member="Kao Xusros"]
[member="Nicole Callix"]
[member="Jorus Dane"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
[member="Premier William Harris I"]
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]


Zarchas Kitza, a world in perpetual electric storms, constant cloud cover, rain, thunder and lightning. The planet always seemed like it was nightfall even in the day. The planet had grasslands, Tundra, swamps, jungles, tropical islands and beaches, and the rocky mountains. On a massive massive mesa at the top of the mountains stood an enormous metropolitan Imperial city that housed millions of people, as well The Jen'ari Empire, known as the Reconstituted Sith Empire. This city was called Zarchas City, it was the crowning jewel and capital city on the capital planet if The Jen'ari Empire. Millions of Imperial Citizens, Imperial troops, bounty hunters, mercenaries, witches and above all else, Sith, called this place home.

Today was a special day. The Dark Council called a meeting with several members of The Jen'ari Empire to meet with it's fellow Alliance, The Fel Empire. Both were Imperials, both wanted what was best for their individual Empire. The Sith Emperor Darth Vyrassu was eager to hear how this meeting would go. Unaware by all if he was to attend this meeting or not. The meeting would take place in the sky high tower of the Fel Embassy, not far from the even taller Sith Imperial Citadel. Zarchas City was an enormous place, so it was rather easy to get lost here, most would take their personal speeders or an air taxi.

One particular Sith actually enjoyed walking to the Embassy, as it brought him a bit of pride seeing all the Imperial Citizens going about their day, showing what The Jen'ari Empire has built. This particular Sith, was Darth Pyktis. A Sith Warrior for the Empire, a direct clone of the Emperor with enhanced abilities through Alchemy. Pyktis stood 6'7", a Sith Pureblood. He had a very slim athletic toned build for his body, he wore black robes to the ground that rather didn't have sleeves, instead he had black layered tight fabric down his arms over black gloves. He wore a black scarf that hung down his back, the scarf overlapped his hood that went up over his head that he wore a black and silver helmet on.

Pyktis had been walking for about a half hour through the streets of Zarchas City before he finally reached the Fel Embassy. Pyktis stopped right outside looking up at the tower, glowing blue in the dark rainfall sky. Pyktis looked back at the door in front of him and proceeded to enter the building. It was nice looking in here Pyktis thought, white marble flooring, a fountain in the center of the lobby, chairs and benches near the reception desk. Pyktis saw the Turbo lifts behind the Reception Desk, on each side of the desk stood 2 Imperial Stormtroopers. Pathetic excuse for soldiers Pyktis thought to himself. Pyktis approached the desk to see a brunette haired woman with glasses wearing an Imperial uniform sitting behind the desk doing work on a computer. She looked up at him.

May I help you?

Pyktis nodded to her and spoke in an obviously Altered Voice

Yes, I'm here for the meeting between the Fel Empire and The Sith Empire.....The Jen'ari Empire.

The secretary checked on her computer.

Ah Yes, you're Darth Pyktis, the Imperial meeting is on the 75th floor, when you get to the floor, follow the hallway all the way down, the big meeting room with glass windows fully around it.

Darth Pyktis nodded and turned and walked past the troopers and pressed the up button. Once the Turbo lift arrived Kylo got in and pressed 75. It didn't seem long until the doors opened again to a nice elegant blue hallway. Pyktis walked down the hall until he reached the room. It was rather large, glass walls looking into the hallway, massive windows looking out onto Zarchas City. Pyktis opened the glass door seeing he's the first to arrive walked to the window looking out over the city with his hands behind his back while he awaited everyone else.

When Adenn had received the call to come to a meeting in the Fel Embassy, he had chuckled. They were in luck, he was in the military base for his clan on the planet. Though this may be the case, Adenn knew that he didn't have to get there immediately. So, he took his time on the trip. Rather than simply fly directly towards the embassy, Adenn flew his speeder around the city. He looked out across the place, it was raining, as per usual, and was dark and gloomy. Adenn noted that activity still continued undiminished, not unusual considering everyone was used to the rain by now. Though, many had open speeders, and now armor on. Adenn did have an open speeder, for quicker exits if need be, he didn't need a closed one. His armor more than easily enough blocked all the rain out. He was perfectly fine and warm within the confines of his armor.

It took a few minutes thanks to his detour, but eventually Adenn arrived at the embassy. He parked his speeder near the front entrance before walking in. Upon entering, Adenn noticed the receptionist and the stormtroopers. He walked over, but before he could say anything, she looked up and asked him how she could help. Adenn explained why he was there and was directed towards the meeting room. He entered the turbolift and went to the designated floor. A short walk later, and Adenn was standing in front of the conference door. Chuckling to himself, Adenn opened the door and walked in.

Upon entering, Adenn saw that he was the second person to arrive, the first being some sith lord. Adenn didn't let this bother him though, he had taken his time arriving, yet was still early. This either spoke of laziness, or sloppiness on the other participants part. Adenn walked in and uttered a simple greeting to the sith. He then positioned himself near the front, but didn't seat himself. Adenn much preferred standing in such situations. One never knows what could happen, and standing would give him more chances to evade any attacks.

[member="Darth Pyktis"]
Kalic Daws
Darth Animus
Darth Aegis
Darth Rowe
Darth Necrin
Kao Xusros
Nicole Callix
Jorus Dane
Demitry Draskovits
Lakura Salim
Premier William Harris I
Fel Imperial Guard

Harris was wearing a fine navy colored double breasted jacket as he finished getting ready. He'd been on the world for 2 rotations and had decided to sleep in the embassy as he awaited the meeting. He had been running a few minutes late and had a detachment of 4 Imperial guards meet him at his room as he finished getting ready. The door slid open as the men in their white and blue armor with cloaks stood in front of the door. Harris smiled.

"Wouldn't want to keep our friends waiting now would we?"

One of the men chuckled, "You could have fooled me."

Harris smirked and motioned his head forwards, "Let's get moving."

The group approached and elevator and clicked the down button.

The door slid open as the elevator stopped. Harris stepped out and a group of stormtroopers stepped into view. As he marched past, they saluted and followed in line until there were two rows of 5 troopers behind Harris and his square guard formation. The conference room door slid open and Harris, the guards, and one of the rows of stormtroopers stepped in. William looked at [member="Adenn Kyramud"] and [member="Darth Pyktis"] .

"Sorry I was late gentlemen." He glanced at Adenn, "A pleasure as always," Looking across the room at his new cloaked friend, he dropped a small folder on the round table and approached the man. He reached out to shake the man's hand. "William Harris, Grand Premier of the Fel Empire, And your are?"

[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Darth Animus"]
[member="Darth Aegis"]
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
@Kaos Xusros
[member="Jorus Dane"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
She was not a stranger to these lands. Jairdain had tread here before and had even met the Emperor, though that meeting was likely unknown by these people. In her position as the leader of the Force Order within the Fel Empire, she was expected to be present. With the move of the Jen'Ari and the alliance between them and the Fel Empire, she arrived to participate.

What sight these lands had meant nothing to her. Though she did now have a pair of eyes to look through, Sage looked out of her pocket at everything around them. She did not look with them though and kept her own Force Sight this day. Light or Dark it did not matter to her, she saw beyond that and looked at the world through emotions. Everything had them and so she could see very well.

The rainbow that was her world was different from what others would see. None here knew how she viewed them and her face displayed no thought on that. What it did show was how good she felt being here. In a way, she brought some balance or even Light to the Darkness of the area. Not hiding what she was, the Master walked into the building and was lead to the room where they would be meeting.

Walking in, she bowed to each person and even smiled at Harris. Not approaching anybody personally though, she picked a seat that would place her pretty much halfway between the two respective governments.

[member="Premier William Harris I"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Darth Pyktis"]
Not bothering to arrive early, Necrin was walking at a slow, respectable, speed on his way to the meeting. He hated waiting, and therefor did not want to arrive long before everyone else. But it was an important meeting, so he made sure not to arrive right before it would start. He was walking to the Fel embassy, where the meeting with the Fel Empire were to be held. It was raining, as it always was, and Necrin enjoyed this. Being a chiss, he liked when it snowed, but since it mostly only did on the tundra, rain was the second best. And rain also made it colder than it would without, and cold strengthend Necrin.

To this Meeting, Necrin chose to use more formal clothes, while still showing Power, leaving his armor home. That meant a black formal shirt, With the symbol of the Jen'ari Empire on the right side of the chest, and black pants. Over this he wore a dark-gray cape, partially to net get soaked, but also because it suited the outfit. He also had a dark gray belt, where his lightsaber hung. It was no chance anyone would try anything, or that there would be an attack, but it was a show of rank.

Arriving at the embassy, he was told where the Meeting was to be held. He took the elevator up, and walked to the room. Not many had arrived, only four People Necrin could see. One man was standing With Pyktis, saying he was the Grand Premier of the Fel Empire. Necrin walked over to him. "Greetings, Grand Premier. I am Darth Necrin."

[member="Premier William Harris I"]
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
[member="Darth Pyktis"]
[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Darth Animus"]
[member="Darth Aegis"]
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Kao Xusros"]
[member="Nicole Callix"]
[member="Jorus Dane"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
Demitry arrived a few moments after Darth Necrin, having had a similar idea of not wanting to to wait for too long. He'd did not look particularly prepared for this meeting, his hair dishevelled and it seemed he had dressed in a rush. Immediately after walking into the room, he set about introducing himself to to anyone he didn't know, then paying his respects to all those he felt deserved it, after this little ritual thing, he moved off to the side of the room, going to stand with the other apprentices.
Harris shook the mans hand and then turned around to [member="Darth Necrin"] and smiled, "Nice to meet you."

Harris, after introducing himself to those he didn't know took a seat next to [member="Jairdain"]
Kalic had been [member="Premier William Harris I"]'s pilot for this particular mission, though he had chosen to sleep at an in instead of the embassy. He had come back that day to join Harris and the others for this meeting, bringing along Jee and his T-21 with him. As he walked in, he noticed the familiar face of @Jairdain. The person who had help train him to handle the amount of Force he'd probably be dealing with today. He gave her a smile and a nod, speaking to her with the telepathy she taught. This should be interesting.

He then watched as [member="Darth Necrin"] walked up and shook Harris's hand, though he pretty much stayed silent. Better for him to just listen than to cause a scene or something.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Darth Pyktis"]

Darth Rowe

Jen'ari Empire Imperial Hand


Darth Rowe showed up a Tad late, but it didn't matter to her. She was a Dark Lady for the Empire, respect was a demanded thing with her. She reached the Fel Embassy and went inside and spoke to the receptionist. Rowe listening to her directions then would go past the stormtroopers and into the Turbo lift. Once on the correct floor she entered the meeting room to notice Necrin, and Pyktis as well as an acolyte and of course the Fels, but who was the mandalorian, would the fel Empire really allow that filth to join their ranks? Appears so. Rowe stood next to Narcin and introduced herself. Darth Rowe, Dark Lady for the Jen'ari Empire.


Tag list
[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Darth Animus"]
[member="Darth Aegis"]
[member="Darth Pyktis"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
[member="Kao Xusros"]
[member="Nicole Callix"]
[member="Jorus Dane"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
[member="Premier William Harris I"]
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]


Duma Shallotte

Like a shadow, Lakura followed her master. She was just part of the background at the moment and taking lessons from Darth Rowe. So far they had yet to be able to accomplish anything privately, but the woman hoped that would change soon. In her position as an apprentice, she took a spot near her master and stood silently. Her glowing eyes looked around the room at the people gathered.

Giving nods to each person, the only one she showed any real respect to were those she was loyal to. That loyalty was ingrained into her race and she could not ignore it. With her eyes the way they were, there was no easy way for people to know what they were looking at. She had no cornea or visible pupil, only the tilt and angle of her head indicated the direction she was looking in.

Being the shadow she was, Lakura remained silent. Unless she needed to speak, she was here to watch, observe and take lessons.

Darth Pyktis

Sith Alchemy created Sith Lord
Fel Embassy, Zarchas Kitza

Darth Pyktis
Sith Warrior

[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Darth Animus"]
[member="Darth Aegis"]
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
[member="Kao Xusros"]
[member="Nicole Callix"]
[member="Jorus Dane"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
[member="Premier William Harris I"]
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]


Darth Pyktis turned to see people arriving. He looked to Harris offering his hand in a handshake. Pyktis didn't take the handshake, it wasn't disrespect, he just didn't like being touched. He replied to Harris. Greetings Harris, a pleasure to meet you in person, I am Darth Pyktis, a Darth of The Empire. Pyktis then saw Darth Rowe and Darth Necrin come in. Pyktis quickly bowed to both his Dark Council masters. Pyktis towered them both, but still would always bow and respect the Dark Council. Pyktis took a chair and sat Down.

Pyktis noticed Jair, and wondered if that was the woman the Emperor mentioned to him. Pyktis raised an eyebrow curious at it. Pyktis looking to the acolytes, Demitry and Lakura, respectable that they were keeping to themselves. Pyktis wondered where his apprentice Knight Kao was at as he hadn't arrived yet. Pyktis also noticed The Mandalorian in the room, a respectable warrior but hardly worthy of being called an imperial.

Adenn had remained standing close to the glass but at the edge of the wall. He didn't know who else would show up, so best to remain aloof of them all and still have a quick exit handy. Then the Premier walked, Adenn nodded to him in greeting. At first, Adenn was going to move forward to see what the Premier would want to discuss in this meeting, but then he spoke with one of the Sith there so Adenn stayed where he was. He simply observed who else came.

Due to this he saw a woman he'd only heard of so far(Jairdain), though he didn't move to talk with her. Perhaps he could do so later, it would be an interesting conversation. Next arrived someone who was undoubtedly on the Dark Council, when he came in, Adenn tilted his head forward to him. It was more to see the reaction than anything else. Next came in someone who was probably an acolyte, or some other such lower rank. When that acolyte came over to introduce himself, Adenn merely looked to him not saying anything. That might come later; though Adenns hypothesis that he was an acolyte was confirmed when he stood to the side of the room. Kalic as well came in, and a small smile appeared under Adenns helmet but it disappeared just as quickly, he nodded to Kalic as well.

After that, what could've been another Darth or Council member arrived, didn't matter, Adenn simply nodded to her. The lady that followed the prior person in was most likely the apprentice, Adenn did the same thing to her that she did to him, which was essentially nothing. It took a few more moments, but it seemed like nobody else would be coming in.

Adenn shook his head to himself. He was always ready for anything, but he was also partially here to protect Harris. Head of Security and all that, wasn't always fun. Here, if things went south, it would be hard getting Harris out. Regardless of that, Adenn simply walked over to Harris and sat down next to him. Let the others think what they may, Adenn didn't care. He'd killed many of their kind before, and could do it again. It may seem smug and overconfident, but that's what he was. He can't change that, so Adenn didn't really do much to hide his confidence(in the force). After sitting down, Adenn nodded to Harris and Jairdain, he didn't say anything, that would be for later.

Tag List
[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Darth Animus"]
[member="Darth Aegis"]
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
[member="Kao Xusros"]
[member="Nicole Callix"]
[member="Jorus Dane"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
[member="Premier William Harris I"]
It was nice to feel the familiar people around her from the Fel Empire. This meeting was meant to forge additional ties between the two governments. She had already some personal tie to them herself, but that was known by these people. Her encounter with the Emperor here was something she would never forget. Jairdain wondered if he was going to appear to this meeting, but decided that probably wasn't going to happen.

It will indeed be interesting, my friend. What do you expect from this?

This was directed only at Kalic and there was no outward sign of her focus on him. Only a brief sensation of the Force being used. There was no negativity or hostility in its use and she did not attempt to conceal it from any of these people. Neither friends or soon to be allies.

She was silent and simply waited for anybody else to arrive or the purpose of the meeting to be called.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Darth Pyktis"] [member="Darth Rowe"] [member="Kalic Daws"] [member="Premier William Harris I"] [member="Demitry Draskovits"] [member="Darth Necrin"]
Kalic smiled a bit as he felt Jairdain answer back. Telepathy was still a bit weird for him, but he was getting use to it little-by-little. He looked around at everyone else entering. Mostly other Sith, and perhaps an apprentice. This was definitely beginning to test him a bit, but it still wasn't as bad as the summit. He then sent his own message over to Jairdain, not skilled enough to even try to hide it.

As long as someone doesn't drop a star destroyer on us, I'm thinking it'll at least be better than the Summit. Probably helps that the Fel and Jen'ari are already friendly.

The Miraluka didn't really have anything to say aloud. So far he had decide to let Harris deal with the political parts of this, and no one other than Jairdain had spoken to him. He was pretty much a guard observing the event anyway, and probably couldn't really most of what the Jen'aris would want to know.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Darth Pyktis"] [member="Lakura Salim"] [member="Darth Rowe"] [member="Premier William Harris I"] [member="Demitry Draskovits"] [member="Darth Necrin"]
Kao Xusros, the TJE Minister of War, was late. Not a good sign, and one which Kao rarely showed. He strode into the FE Embassy, having just gotten out of a private airspeeder. His personal speeder was undergoing repairs... At his sides were his apprentices, [member="Khali Strahd"] and [member="Felran Natri"] . They had come together, but what would happen later was to be told later.

They were permitted without much hassle into the elevator, partly because of who Kao Xusros was, but mostly because he was wearing his armor, which had been shined, polished, and cleaned very recently. At his back were his Swords, at his hips his sabers. He was not carrying his weaponry as a sign of hostility or for use, which was the normal case, but because he felt a little empty without something to call his own. He had made them, so he would keep them...

In the elevator, Kao said: "My apprentices, i do not believe that i must educate you two on your behavior, however, I must say this... No matter what, NO KILLING. If anything goes wrong you may capture or inflict some harm, but no Killing." He also took a look straight at Khali, as if he were trying to silently tell her to keep her fangs to herself... There would be no bloodshed tonight. It was a meeting, and one which should only go perfectly. And so it would...

The elevator opened up to show the meeting its new members. Kao, followed by his apprentices, went up to his Master, Darth Pyktis, and took a knee. Saying that he was sorry for his lateness, he stood back up and went to meet the others. He bowed to the Dark Councilors, and shook hands with the Premier. Before shaking hands though, he took of his helmet, partly to diffuse any ideas of hostility and fear, and because it was not all-too-polite.

[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
[member="Darth Pyktis"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Premier William Harris I"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
[member="Felran Natri"]
[member="Khali Strahd"]
Khali Shifted uncomfortably in the private speeder. She could hear the continual storm outside and greatly desired to submerse herself in its fury again like she did the first time she arrived on this planet.

She was dressed in her normal chosen attire. Tough trousers and short leather jacket that exposed her heavily tattooed midriff. She didn't dress that way to please anyone, she simply recognizes the advantage of using her own skin as a distraction to her enemies. Since she became a sith she had grown accustomed to many things that she hadn't had the luxury to entertain before. Half her head was shaved of her black hair which had grown much since her days in slavery, leaving the other half long. Her golden eyes glinted in the passing lights of the city. Her new blade, a gift from her master, was sheathed to her right thigh.

She was traveling with [member="Kao Xusros"] and her fellow apprentice [member="Felran Natri"]. They were on their way to attend a meeting and she could tell that Kao was prepared to make a good impression on their allies. His armor polished and fresh and he looked as imposing as he did respectable. She remembered when they first met, how young they both were when he found her in the slave pens and brought her into this new life. When she met him she swore to herself that she would always serve him, but she couldn't believe it when that unspoken desire was actually granted. Beside her master she felt appallingly under-dressed for the occasion, but she reasoned that the focus should be on her master instead of her in any case.

Kao got out of the speeder quickly and that was the first sign she caught that her master was not pleased, and she deduced that it must be because of the role he was to play and he was late. She hopped out of the speeder and quickly followed after him, not looking to see if Felran followed. She stood by his side and slightly behind him as they went through reception and then to the lift.

She was slightly concerned for her master, she didn't like to see him nervous or displeased and wished she could think of something to ease his tension.

Inside the lift Kao gave them both instructions. "Do not kill" was the overarching message of his words and she nodded her confirmation of his orders. Then he looked meaningfully at her through his armored mask, as if to say "Don't lose control". She bowed her head in respect to his unspoken words. She prepared herself as the elevator reached its destination. The room was bound to be full of powerful force users, she had to be prepared to hide her urges that she knew would come. Before the lift doors opened she removed one vial from her utility belt and drank the contents. The potion was created for her to stave off her unusual hunger and remain in complete control of her mind.

She followed her master into the meeting room, noticing that several people were already there and that this would only add to her masters displeasure at being late. She followed Kao and did as he did when he bowed to [member="Darth Pyktis"]. The smells and sounds of all the force users around her was strong, but with her hunger sated for now, she was able to ignore them. She proceeded to follow Kao as he greeted everyone else in the room, standing quietly to the side and behind her master, bowing when her master bowed and saying nothing. All throughout she kept a protective eye over her master, even using her senses to detect what he is feeling and monitoring his emotional state.

After all the pleasantries were dispensed with she continued to remain at his side, but sitting down when the time finally came. In general doing her best to not be noticed while she keeps an eye out for danger and her masters safety.

@Kalic Daws
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
@Lakura Salem
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Premier William Harris I"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
@Darth Nacrin

Felran Natri

Felran was less than pleased about this meeting with the Jen'ari's allies. This meeting took out valuable time that could have been used to train rather than pleasantries with those he did not care of. He never admitted to these things of course but he felt them, and he had a nagging suspicion that others could feel it as well. Felran was dressed in traditional black sith robes, more out of comfort than wishing to be more traditional.

With him was his master [member="Kao Xusros"] and his fellow apprentice [member="Khali Strahd"]. Felran, despite what might he may say, actually respected Kao and his power greatly and perhaps if Felran's was different he would have tried to be more like Kao. Khali on the other hand.....Felran was not sure what to think about her. There was no doubting her power but Felran always felt that there was something more to her, something he didn't know about.

Felran was the last of the three to exit the speeder, quickly catching up with the two of them. Inside of the elevator when Felran was given his instructions he smirked "Of course....master." Master, a word Felran was still having difficulty getting used to but was certainly necessary due to his apprenticeship. Felran would follow Kao and like Khali remained quiet, just copying his master's actions.

[member="Kalic Daws"]
[member="Adenn Kyramud"]
[member="Lakura Salim"]
[member="Darth Rowe"]
[member="Premier William Harris I"]
[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
[member="Darth Necrin"]
"I am ready any time. Do not keep me waiting."
-John Mason Brown
Harris watched as people poured in. He talked on and off with [member="Jairdain"] but was really just waiting for the formal meeting to begin. He sat and closed his eyes, almost trying to meditate, but there was so much surrounding him, so much light and dark, but it was strangly balanced by the presence of his grey guards, at least it appeared that way to him. It was strange, after closing his eyes, he focused on the force around him. He couldn't help but feel as though he distantly heard voices, familiar, but far far deeper than he could reach into the force, so he ignored them. Harris simply calmed himself before slowly slipping his eyes open and looking at Jair.

Harris shook his head lightly before lightly tapping on her shoulder. "Do you hear a voice? When attempting to meditate, I hear a pair. It's deep into the force, and I'm not strong enough to understand, It sounds almost like a conversation of whispers separate from the conversations of this room."
Interacting with [member="Premier William Harris I"] and [member="Kalic Daws"]
Waiting on the meeting to begin

Chuckling at what Kalic said to her through the Force, that was pretty much what happened at the Summit on Alderaan. That had ended up turning into a fiasco, but it also brought about Kalic learning how to use the Force as his ally as well as telepathy.

Yes, that might be a contributing factor. Another is the embassy here isn't placed on top of a nexus. So you just have to deal with the power of those around you. I'm glad I was able to help you through this.

A few others arrived, but the meeting hadn't started yet so all she did was a glance in their direction as they entered and took up their positions. What roles they played was unclear to Jairdain, but wanted to learn how this government worked. There were some things that never changed about her.

She was a consular and diplomat. In this kind of setting, she was at home and comfortable. Within the Fel government, she ran the Force order and the Jen'ari was a government of Forcers. So she wanted to know how it was run and work with them.

Her focus was drawn back to Harris next to her when he spoke to her and he asked if she heard the conversation going on through the Force. Tilting her head close to his so her words wouldn't carry far, she whispered her answer.

"I was talking to Kalic. Do you not know telepathy, Premier?"

Though she wasn't one to use titles or ranks very often, she knew when they were needed. In private she would have addressed him as Harris. Here though, she used his title to indicate his position and role. Now was the time to use them and she would most likely be Master or Grand Master Jairdain. Accepting her own titles was also part of these things.

[member="Felran Natri"] [member="Khali Strahd"] [member="Kao Xusros"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Darth Pyktis"] [member="Darth Rowe"] [member="Demitry Draskovits"] [member="Darth Necrin"]

Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor


Darth Vyrassu
Jen'ari Sith Emperor


As everyone was making introductions, the doors opened and 4 Imperial Shadow Guards walked in, they were identical to Palpentines red royal guards only inverted colors, black robes red visors, and had Saber Pikes however the sabers on the pikes were currently turned off. As they came in a feeling of death, coldness and pure darkness flooded the room that would make most feel very uneasy.

Behind the Shadow Guards came in the 7'4" Jen'ari Sith Emperor Darth Vyrassu. He wore his Dark Lord armor, pure black floor length robes, black chest armor with Shoulder pauldrons and a Hood up only showing part of his red Sith species face. He stops once he's inside looking around at everyone. Vyrassu greets everyone and when he speaks it's a Dark heavy deep voice with a small echo.

My apologies for my lateness.

Vyrassu goes and takes a seat at the head of the table as the shadow guards stand behind him.


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