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Private The Hutt Reclamation of Nar-Shaddaa

// The Shadow //
// Location // Sky Palace
// Theme // POWER

Nar Shadda, how Agrippa loved the world. The Hutt often found himself returning to the world where he had got his start. Back when he’d been nothing more than a two-bit gangster with a blaster. Now? He sat on the throne of it all, sat on the precipice of power, domination, wealth. Owner of perhaps the finest eating establishments to pervade the galaxy. A chairman of the Trade Federation, and even of things far more sinister.

Never had the crime lord set foot within the sky palace, to say it was appealing would be a slight to the Hutts that owned it. The gilded halls possessed an ostentatious air that made Agrippa feel at home and a sense of jealousy. He lived in a penthouse, yet here the others lived in the skies above them all.

Unlike other Hutts, Agrippa didn’t need guards, he was a force of nature on his own known to kill both Sith and Jedi alike with his bare hands. His mass not that of fat, but of muscle. Even as he slithered through the halls, and filled from a recent meal the Hutt’s abs were apparent. For too long had his kind let themselves swell on their pride and power while resting on their laurels. Finally, there were others who sought to take charge, to be the change they wanted to see.

Entering the chamber where the other three Hutts sat, Agrippa’s arms spread wide. “Forgive the late intrusion. Time did not permit me to join you on the eve of your planning. Worry not for I am here now.”

Sliding up to the table Agrippa’s gaze fell upon each of the Hutts in turn. Through the grapevine he’d heard of their grouping together, in fact he’d even been invited yet the establishment of the Trade Federation had come first on the Hutt’s list. A foot in the realm of the paper and politics, another in the depths of the underworld where the likes of those Hutt’s before him crept.

Having become so accustomed Agrippa nearly forgot to introduce himself, in fact it was a second thought to the alien. “Forgive me for not introducing myself. Agrippa, Agrippa the Hutt.”

Queen Popara Queen Popara | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Gortta Desilijic Tiure Gortta Desilijic Tiure

Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Broka saw the new arrival. How convenient that someone new came in, and was already willing to support him, Popara, and Gortta with what knowledge they had. It was almost on cue, and Broka did not even schedule this. The name was familiar, as this Agrippa was on the roster for the sitdown's attendance list, but never showed. Broka had never met this Agrippa before, but has heard about his ties with the Trade Federation. A lucrative ally to have for the plan. However, what struck Broka the most was Agrippa's muscular body. This Hutt was a warrior. Wealthy and strong it seemed. Two aspects prized in any ally among his fellow Hutts.

"<Welcome Agrippa. You seem to have somewhat good timing. I was just talking about gaining support and allies among fellow Hutts with Gortta and Popara here, and you showed up wanting to aid us not too long after. Come, sit with us. I shall have my servants bring some food and drink to you. Since you seem to have known where we were meeting, I assume you know our plans for the future of our people?>"

Broka then leaned his incredibly fat self forward to reach for some of the eels. He slurped it up in a second, and then leaned back in his chair waiting for a response from the new arrival. His fat rolling over the chair in a few places as he sat back. Meanwhile servants were bringing out plates of food for Agrippa as well as the other three, and took an order for Agrippa's drink of choice while producing another round of drinks for Popara, Gortta, and Broka.

Gortta Desilijic Tiure Gortta Desilijic Tiure Queen Popara Queen Popara Agrippa The Hutt Agrippa The Hutt Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Solomon Kaid Solomon Kaid Kirill Bratan Kirill Bratan Annasari Annasari Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor Rajo Sobek Rajo Sobek
It wasn't difficult to find where Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt and his guests were. Especially for the twins. What did surprise them however was Agrippa The Hutt Agrippa The Hutt . Moreso the shape that he was in; a far cry from how most Hutts presented themselves.

The twins did not enter the meeting room, despite other servants doing so. They were Councillors of his, but now was not the time for him to seek any advice or comments from them. That would surely come later.

They sat down on a bench in a room nearby, fingers interlocked while they stared at nothing in particular. Their eyes were vacant as their consciousnesses followed the different strands of webbing that connected everyone together on paths in the past, present and future. The strands were a variety of colours, each representing different things that only the twins were able to decipher. Some strands even held different temperatures, a new discovery that they had made recently. A more disturbing discovery was that a Sith Lord had discovered a vulberability in the twins' Force Sight. Their own strands that connected them to all others could be used against them. Such a discovery was one that they held close to themselves and one that wouldn't be shared.

Right now though their focus was on Broka and his guests; and what lay in their futures.


Goyrg and his crew sped across the skyline of Nar-Shaddaa. They just finished another hit on another rival casino. They have a ton of loot, and are gearing up before the next hit on the next rival gang's territory. A bunch of belligerent psychopaths with guns, speeding down the traffic routes, the image of the Nem'ro Clan's private army. Goyrg was proud of being such a figure.

The next casino came into view. It was shocking. These poor losers had no idea they were coming. No preparations, nothing. By now the hit and run shootings at these casinos were all over the holo-net on the planet. Goyrg just guessed these saps thought they were not going to get hit. They are going to learn the hard way they were wrong.

The speeder got closer to the landing point. "Lock an' load boys! We got another hit ta do.", the massive Houk barked at his associates. The speeder pulled up to the entrance to this casino, and the Nem'ro-Suns opened fire on the gangsters. So far, it was going just as they expected, though it seemed too easy. Goyrg shoved that to the back of his mind as the thrill of shooting these unsuspecting rivals to pieces was all too apparent in this moment. The thrill of dirty, gang warfare fueled him, and exhilarated him more than any drug could ever do. His boss said gave the order to go wreak havoc on the neighbors, and Goyrg was all to happy to have some trigger finger exercise. There was no true tactics at play in this battle, like the others, it was just; get in, shoot everyone that they felt like shooting, grab whatever loot they could, and get out.

Agrippa The Hutt Agrippa The Hutt Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Queen Popara Queen Popara Gortta Desilijic Tiure Gortta Desilijic Tiure Rajo Sobek Rajo Sobek Solomon Kaid Solomon Kaid Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor Annasari Annasari Kirill Bratan Kirill Bratan
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Broka sat back, and continued to feast. The monitors showed good progress. The private armies of the three Hutts (him, Gortta, and Popara) were wiping Nar-Shaddaa's lesser gangs from prominence. One of his most successful Underbosses was already on the third casino raid so far. It has been but hours since the reclamation has begun. The day was not over yet, and the Hutts that have taken action, and were waking up from the pipe-dream of safety, were winning. The others, as well as the new arrival Agrippa, were enjoying the meals in front of them. That must be for why the room is now quiet for once. Broka figured, he would let his guests speak first, he was not going to let this fifth round of the meal go to waste. He continued to reach forward to grab bits of food like the truest stereotype of his species. The day was not over yet, and the war is being won so far. This sucker-punch to the undesirables in power would be the advantage these Hutts had against the enemy. This day would have the largest battles, and the Hutts would take over the remaining territories, while tomorrow would be cleaning up any of the unwanted neighbors by bringing them into their organizations, or killing them, while beginning the making of the Hutt Republic that will bring the Hutts from obscurity. He just hoped this could be accomplished in time. The outside galaxy will not be expecting this, and the movement may face enemies. The movement could not slow down. It must keep it's lighting pace. The Sitdown that happened the days before showed the future Hutt leaders. It was therefore their time to make the Hutt's resurgence to power possible.

However, Broka did not worry himself too much. After all, the battles are being won, and this fine dinner is just too irresistible. The eels were also calling for him to slurp them up still. He could not help but oblige this internal beckoning.

Agrippa The Hutt Agrippa The Hutt Gortta Desilijic Tiure Gortta Desilijic Tiure Queen Popara Queen Popara Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kirill Bratan Kirill Bratan Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor Annasari Annasari Rajo Sobek Rajo Sobek Solomon Kaid Solomon Kaid
Location: Nar Shadda.
MIssion: Kill reputable Nar Shadda gang leader and secure their spice reserves.

The KDY Mantis patrol craft being a smaller craft along with light maneuvers the ship zips around the currently fighting amarda without much interference. Direct course for atmospheric entry on Nar Shadda's surface seemed to be the best option, letting the bigger ships fight it out while Tiali's and his band of mercenaries and pirates can cause havoc planetside. Tiali turns facing a the squad seated behind him "We'll be there shortly, once we land unleash hell on them boys." In what felt like a few short minutes later a shudder spread throughout the ship indicating the landing gear deploying bringing the patrol craft down with an audible thud.

Deploying the Patrol craft's Gangway Tiali's crew Jumps immediately to action "Go Go Go." The sound of Blaster rounds and mercenaries yelling on both sides fill the area. Tiali grabs his helmet equipping it on the way to the gangway to join the fray, unleashing his twin LL-30 from their holsters not particularly expecting to hit anything Tiali starts to spray blaster fire until sliding into cover.

Taking in his surroundings the building is noted as a typical huttese style renovated into more of a warehouse, a moderate amount security surrounding the building along with mounted heavy blasters on the rooftop. "We need to clear the rooftop first they'll keep us pinned until then." pointing at a couple randomly picked mercenaries Tiali shouts over the Blaster fire "Flank Left draw their fire the rest of you bunker down try not to die!" As the Mercenaries move to the left Tiali Jumps forward activating his jetpack flying above the skirmish making a beeline for the roof.

Agrippa The Hutt Agrippa The Hutt Gortta Desilijic Tiure Gortta Desilijic Tiure Queen Popara Queen Popara Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kirill Bratan Kirill Bratan Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor Annasari Annasari Rajo Sobek Rajo Sobek Solomon Kaid Solomon Kaid
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Broka and his guests continued to dine on the meal while watching the monitors. Broka noticed a new feed come in. Some mercenaries were taking out another one of the neighbors. It was near militaristic how they handled themselves. Broka was impressed. This group would certainly prove useful in the future. Broka continued to wait for the others to speak up. Broka was fighting the urge, and a few moments he would open his mouth like he would speak yet he would shove an eel or other food item nearby his seat quickly. He hoped Popara or Agrippa would say something as he knew Gortta would remain quiet for most of the time unless he decided to pipe up. Luckily, the private armies, and the new mercenaries, were winning still. The lesser gangs being gunned down in shootouts that lasted merely minutes. It was only a matter of time before the Hutts took back control over Nar-Shaddaa.

Splitting the spoils would not be too difficult, but that would be the most tedious of the aftermath. Luckily, the drawing of lines on this world will at least give way to discussions for the future of the plan. The Hutt Republic will need proper preparation to succeed. All in good time though. Right now, they just had to wait for the word that they won.

Queen Popara Queen Popara Gortta Desilijic Tiure Gortta Desilijic Tiure Agrippa The Hutt Agrippa The Hutt Kirill Bratan Kirill Bratan Taru Cadera Taru Cadera Willow & Ivy Willow & Ivy Kirill Bratan Kirill Bratan Ashelia Solidor Ashelia Solidor Annasari Annasari Rajo Sobek Rajo Sobek Solomon Kaid Solomon Kaid Tiali Orazio Tiali Orazio
Willow and Ivy got to their feet in unison. Their eyes remained vacant as they began to walk in such a smooth fashion that they almost appeared to float. They followed something invisible, with Ivy's left hand stretched out as though it was a guide. Her right still held onto Willow's, their fingers interlocked.

They moved from the adjacent room to the one where Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt and his guests enjoyed their meal. The siamese twins stood at the doorway for a moment before making their way over to their employer. It wasn't until they reached him that their eyes regained their focus. "Your Grace, you and your guests have employees that have served you well and will take back what is yours."

"But there are...monsters that will seek to destroy what's here."

"And some pretty ones too." Willow interjected. However what was considered beautiful to a Hutt was unknown to them.

"Keep your union, keep your strength and you'll overcome their attempts to topple you."

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