Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hand or the Sword

Vengeance waited until Tir had finished speaking and even then took a deep breath before speaking.

"With respect My Lords. These people have arrived on our world unannounced and with unclear intentions. If it were up to me their presence would be met by a Legion of Troopers and treated as a hostile threat. The last thing they see would be this room."

Vengeance paused for ever a brief moment.

"However that is just my belief and I will respect the will of the Circle. Lord Carnifex if I am needed at your side to meet them you have but to ask."

Vengeance then slipped back into silence. Having infiltrated a few Jedi worlds in his time between leaving the One Sith and joining the Ascendency he did not trust the actions of their visitors. He would remain guarded until given a reason not to be.

[member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Darth Carnifex"] [member="Ignus"] [member="Darth Sarcophago"] [member="Krest"] [member="Dante Calgar"] [member="Jianna Raas"] [member="Pierce Fortan III"] [member="Tirdarius"] [member="Nils Brenner"] [member="Asharad Graush"] [member="Ishana Pavanos"]
Ascendant Circle Hall
City of Ravelin, Capital of Bastion

Well, that was interesting.

The First Order, especially its leaders, had always looked upon him with mistrust and scrutiny. They believed themselves and their pet Rens to be better than the Sith, to be many miles higher than the Sith, when it was the Sith who gave birth to the base ideology they adhere to in the first place no matter how far they may tweak it. To be Sith was to be Imperial, there was nothing that could disprove that even if they were given a thousand lifetimes to ponder that fact. Still, if the Ascendancy were to thrive they would need allies, and despite their differences they had more in common with the First Order than any other galactic power in play.

He rose and beckoned to be heard, "I will meet them, Lord. They will see our swords, sheathed as they may be, and know that we are powerful." He moved to leave, his cloak billowing behind him as he ascended the walkway between the rows of Circle seats.

He dispatched several couriers to collect some of his belongings before he made the trip into space. Firstly he desired that his ward be brought to him, the lad would accompany his master on this journey to meet the First Order representatives. Next he would have his personal legion on the Blade of Fate be ferried down to the surface to clear the thoroughfare between the main starport and the Circle Hall and arrange themselves on either side of it. He planned to escort the First Order down to the starport and have them ferried across the entirety of the thoroughfare so they may witness the quickly assembled might of the Ascendancy.

Carnifex boarded the Crestfallen and quickly escaped the bonds of Bastion, light giving way to the darkness of space as he maneuvered himself to meet the Deliberate once it had exited hyperspace. Alongside him were four Imperial fighters in a loose square formation around the Crestfallen.

Ascendancy: [member="Raseri Sarosh"] | [member="Ignus"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Darth Sarcophago"] | [member="Maelasi Eramar"]
First Order: [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"]
The Crestfallen
Bastion Space

The call had not been entirely unexpected.

Kobe had traveled alongside [member='Darth Carnifex'] to Bastion for official business. Nothing the boy needed to concern himself with, but the Panathan King was not one to pass up an opportunity for his Ward to experience something new... And the intricacies of the Ascendancy had thus far eluded the young Seren.

Though he had been studying the notes he had made from his journey through the Galaxy, picking up snippets of information here and there concerning the ancient art of Alchemy, he did not hesitate for even a moment; immediately rising from his seat, he gave a firm nod to the courier and made his way to where Crestfallen had been docked.

"Master" came his usual greeting, upon finding Kaine there waiting to board. No sooner had he appeared than the small entourage entered the vessel, and swiftly made for space. The boy had not been informed of the circumstances, merely that his Master wished for his presence. And he wasn't one to press. If Kaine needed him to know something he would tell him.

For now he stood, one hand outstretched for stability, and watched the viewing port curiously. He could feel the presence of the fighters... Perhaps this was more serious than he had been led to believe. He was beginning to feel grateful that he had remembered to bring his late mother's lightsaber... Would there be a use for it here?

Who knew.
Bastion, Ascendant Circle Chamber

"While I fully agree that it would be nice to have been notified beforehand," and his eyes were more or less boring into Krest at this point, "as I know we have my MIG's stationed for this particular purpose, I disagree with the notion of treating them as hostiles. Even the First Order would be foolish to come directly to Bastion without a serious fleet. And if that were coming, I would know about it just as soon as Lord Krest would."

Let them chew on that little tidbit. Yeah, they all worked together, and generally did so well, but that didn't necessarily mean they all fully trusted each other. But mostly it was because his company built the MIG's and a fair number of their non-Destroyer-class vessels, so it was to be expected that they would know a little bit about their deployment. And, well, he was the master of shadows, so who really knew what pies his fingers were in? Ok, well, Mae knew, but that was a whole different kind of pie, to be fair. That said, his orange eyes trailed after Kaine as the Epicanthix moved off to go and greet their incoming guests. He did not envy him that task, as he knew the First Order types could be a bit, well, stuffy. Or, at least, that's what Kaela had told him after selling them a couple of ship designs recently. Maybe they could use that to their advantage in this meeting.

"To divulge, my company manufactures two ships specifically for the First Order. We might be able to play that into our favor in discussions with them. Food for thought."

He glanced back, briefly, to Mae. She would note the edge in his demeanor that indicated he was slightly perturbed about all of this. If they'd brought the Ren with them? Well, things could get ugly. And oh yes, he knew about the Ren. Leos did a lot of digging, a lot of studying. They could try to hide their activities, but he knew their little cult existed. And he didn't like them.

Ascendancy: | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Darth Sarcophago"] | [member="Maelasi Eramar"] |

First Order: | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] |


тнє ναмριяє ℓσя∂
​The First Order was coming to Bastion, uninvited. It seemed their unannounced visit bred mixed feelings between the Circle, especially with no understandings of their true intentions. So they had sent some of their prominent figure heads to our space, but even that could be a ruse for a more underlining intention. Either they were bold, thought us ill-prepared, or outright ignorant to even come here hoping we would accept them with warm welcomes and praises for their war against the GA. Whatever their true intentions were, I did not trust them. But it was not my place to speak of such ideals.

​What did dishearten me was the fact how our intelligence agency, despite the work they accomplished, failed to give the Circle more ample time to prepare for such a meeting. I worked closely with some of the agents, both in and out of the field, and at the conclusion of this meeting I would be making a formal inquiry into how this happened. I knew spies operated in every major faction and empire, and we may have some within our own ranks; and this is where I thrived the best, rooting out and eliminating traitors.

​With my datapad set to silent mode, I brought up a list of names whom I had on the watch list for some time. I wouldn't call them traitors or spies outright, but it was time to bring each individual before me to discuss certain political, financial, and loyalty topics. I wasn't in the position to hire those employed in the agency, but I was in position to 'fire' those who failed to meet my criteria. I composed a memo detailing the actions I wanted conducted immediately, then sent it to the head of the special forces branch of the intelligence agency. The boys who wore the fancy armor ​would begin rounding up and detaining those individuals on my list; taking them to a secure location until I was ready to deal with them personally.

[member="Ignus"] l [member="Darth Carnifex"] l [member="Vengeance"] l [member="Tirdarius"] l [member="Krest"] l [member="Maelasi Eramar"]


FIV Deliberate
Hyperspace - sitting in cockpit of externally mounted TIE fighter
Gods I have to pee.

Strike Four's last second welcoming tagged onto her flight status report brought out a giggle from Jianna contained within the young TIE pilot's helmet. Songbird sounded like a fun one to know. The rookie only responded though with a double-click acknowledging the other female's comment. She didn't have a feel yet for how Flight Leader liked to run his show. Some in command were very strict on protocol, others not so much. Since the pilot officer hadn't had the proper time of transition into the flight team, she would play it conservatively for now. Not a good thing to tick off your commanding officer right from the get go.

:: Solid Copy, standby for reversion. ETA One Minute. ::

Curls set her timer for reversion, then proceeded to ready herself for detachment and launch. A sudden burst of nerves hit the Riflorian. Jianna took calming breaths - in for two, out for four. If only her astromech droid companion had a personality?! This BB-10 was all business so no banter was exchanged just the facts where spewed across the data screen on the flight console before Gee. How boring! Well at least her bird's systems showed green across the board.

:: Alright Striker Flight, Finger Four on me once we drop - be ready on release. Nice and easy, don't overburn. ::

​Another double-click was given in response to Captain Brenner's order keyed over the flight's frequency. Striker Two's green gaze fixated on the timer ticking down, which was like watching paint dry. Finally, it was go time:

Five... Four... Three... Two... One...

Jianna pulled the release lever, waited a couple of ticks as the TIE/sf mk2 detached free and clear from the underwing of the Gonzanti-class cruiser, then she feathered the controls and kicked in the afterburners as the fighter was now in real space as the command vessel was too. She quickly followed Striker One out smoothly to assume her fighter craft's position in the "Finger Four" formation; just off to his port side and one length back. So far, so good... A thrill of cautious excitement rushed through the young pilot's veins as she waited for things to unfold from there as they didn't quite know exactly how the First Order impromptu diplomatic visit would be received by the Sith Ascendancy.

[member="Nils Brenner"] [member="Ishana Pavanos"] [member="Pierce Fortan III"]
She held absolutely no part in the discussions. She was of little to no opinion concerning the First Order, and yet she knew deep down that caution was ever wise regardless of who you were. The Tyrant known as Kaine Zambrano was to head the convoy it seemed, and she could not decide if the decision was wise or not. Were they hoping to intimidate the First Order? Perhaps that was so. They were coming unannounced, after all.

For now she would watch and see how things played out.

Her gaze lingered to the side of Leos' head as he addressed the Circle. She could sense his growing disdain, and indeed the tension within the room, and could not help but frown ever so slightly. The Circle needed to be of one mind about this, before the First Order was upon them. It would not do to be making silent jabs at one another. But she could not speak out against her employer, and she would not counsel him in the view of the others.

She looked dead ahead once more. Hopefully they would be of one mind soon.

Ascendancy: | [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Darth Sarcophago"] | [member='Ignus'] |

First Order: | [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] |
skin, bone, and arrogance
Natasi drummed her fingertips lightly against the conference table in the lounge as she waited. She didn't feel anxious, exactly; there was little reason for the Sith to attack the First Order at this point, so she did not expect a hostile welcome. They had failed to send word ahead of time, but this was for a very good reason: information security had become a concern. Somehow [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] had learned of their plans for the Mustafar Offensive ahead of time, and had used that knowledge to shore up control points along their western territories, resulting in a victory for the First Order, but a hollow one; any strategic momentum from the win was lost by the convenient expansion the Alliance had done.

Natasi was sure there were others. People seemed curiously well-informed about the First Order these days -- Natasi was sure that the Ascendancy itself employed spies within their territory, just as she employed spies within the Ascendancy. Geopolitics was a grisly business. But, still: until such a time as she could be convinced that the lines of communication in the First Order were clear, and not subject to interference by the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful scum in the Galactic Alliance, she would not authorize telegraphing their intentions. It was why they arrived in a dinky little ship and not the Concordia; it was why this was a secret visit and not a state one. The intelligent Sith would accept the prudence of this approach; those who insisted on being insulted by it were beneath the Grand Moff's concern.

A few moments passed, the only sound the drumming of her fingers on the table, and then there was a chirp from the intercom in the center of the table. "Ma'am, there is a vessel approaching on an intercept course. Orders?"

Natasi leaned forward. "Shields up -- do not power up the weapons. Open a channel and patch me through." There was a series of clicks as the communications channel cycled through, then a beep of confirmation. "Greetings from the FIV Deliberate -- this is Grand Moff Natasi Fortan, requesting clearance to land at Bastion. Our intentions are peaceful; we mean no harm. May I please be connected with Lord Carnifex, Arch-King of the Pacanth Reach?"
First Order: [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"] |​
Ascendancy: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Darth Sarcophago"] | [member="Ignus"]​
The Crestfallen
Bastion Space

"Sir, incoming transmission!"

Carnifex waved an acknowledgement for it to be played, "Greetings from the FIV Deliberate -- this is Grand Moff Natasi Fortan, requesting clearance to land at Bastion. Our intentions are peaceful; we mean no harm. May I please be connected with Lord Carnifex, Arch-King of the Pacanth Reach?" The Sith Lord steeped his fingers, crossing one leg over the other as he reclined back in his chair to seemingly ponder on the Grand Moff's words as if he were still deciding to let them land at all. Which, of course, was totally incorrect, he had planned from the start to grant them an audience with the Ascendant Circle down on the planet.

But it didn't hurt to feign contemplation.

He pressed a button on the arms of his command chair, taking over authority from the communications officers. He opened up a direct visual channel with the FIV Deliberate with the hope that his visage would be displayed to not only the Grand Moff, but with the other authoritative personnel as well. "The ANV Crestfallen accepts your greetings, FIV Deliberate, and reciprocates them in kind. As you know I am Lord Carnifex, and it pleases me to see you in good health, Grand Moff Fortan. I must say your arrival was somewhat... unexpected, entirely welcomed, but unexpected. I have been tasked to escort you and your compatriots to Ravelin where you will be granted an audience with my brethren."

The Dark Lord didn't cut the transmission, but his ship and its escorts still moved into escort position to lead them down through Bastion's atmosphere and to Ravelin's spaceport which was large enough to accommodate the Deliberate and the other starships.

Ascendancy: [member="Raseri Sarosh"] | [member="Ignus"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Darth Sarcophago"] | [member="Maelasi Eramar"]

First Order: [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"]
Bastion, Ascendant Circle Chamber

Time seemed to move around him, waking moments spent in the dull clamor spent between shifting armors. Would it be metal or chitin, today? Would he be controlled or would he serve as a force for mania and chaos? An old monument, awoken from the slumber of professional trading of services to feigned image of conquest, found seat amongst the Inner Council.

​Sith Lords had privilege to speak their mind, founded upon some precipice of tutelage or knowledge or vast power. A wealth of ability, seeping from the wounds of the dead that lied somewhere in the distant past. Fingers dipped so deep in the well of destruction that the red was a permanent fixture, a vermillion powder coat that was as thick as it was persistent. He might have had thoughts towards hiding from that, towards finding silence and seclusion within the confines of a space station in deep space. Perhaps he still did. But those ambitions found upheaval in the overture of the Soul Saber and its loud whisperings.

​The Voxyn arm rested beneath Vonduun Skerr Ygdris, obscured by a sanguine robe that just barely hid the hungry expression resting beneath. Within, the soul saber rested in muffle offerings of animosity and undue insult. A look here, a soft word spoken here, all reasons for death for the man that struggled to quiet the mind. There was entertainment in the way each Lord sat here, though in truth, he rarely held hope in the confluence of powers and ambition. This castle rested on old ways, the sort that wouldn't so easily be overlooked.

​[member="Tirdarius"] had called for [member="Krest"] to offer information, suggesting attempt by the First Order to meet with the Ascendancy. Uninvited and without schedule. Reverance liked that, the expression and klaxon of inclement entropy. Or perhaps it was just the flutter of the heart, in hopes of such consequence. As far as he could tell, those within the circle were planning on at least hearing the Order out. [member="Vengeance"] hadn't been nearly persuasive enough, it seemed. In earnest, he wasn't sure he held enough opinion to agree, one way or another.

​Steepling blackened fingers with his natural hand, he remained silent as he waited for the true discussion to begin. More than anything, he desired a singular thing: Strife.

​Ascendancy: [member="Darth Carnifex"] | [member="Tirdarius"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Vengeance"] | [member="Darth Sarcophago"] | [member="Maelasi Eramar"] | [member="Raseri Sarosh"] | [member="Ignus"]
First Order: [member="Natasi Fortan"] | [member="Dante Calgar"] | [member="Ishana Pavanos"] | [member="Asharad Graush"] | [member="Nils Brenner"] | [member="Pierce Fortan III"] | [member="Jianna Raas"]
A'sharad had since exited his quarters on the small Cruiser. The ship was growing nearer to the planet of Bastion, and by the time he had exited he was encased entirely in that black suit of armour of his. There was a chance someone that met with them would recognize it as armour they had seen on Midvinter. Many of the Sith from the attack on the Silver Jedi planet had gone to the Ascendancy the Epicant-Hybrid had figured out. Though, in his immediate vicinity had only been Braxus and his... Lover.

Still, there was a chance...

Catching the tail end of [member="Darth Carnifex"]'s statement of being the one tasked to escorting them to Ravelin, A'sharad's gaze swept back and forth to [member="Natasi Fortan"] and [member="Dante Calgar"], though he would remain silent himself. In this event, not only did his purpose there double as Supreme Commander, but also the protector for both members of the Moff Council.

The following hours would be all about being on edge... Without looking it.

Pray they're of like mind.

Ascendancy: [member="Tirdarius"], [member="Krest"], [member="Vengeance"], [member="Ignus"], [member="Raseri Sarosh"], [member="Maelasi Eramar"]
First Order: [member="Nils Brenner"], [member="Ishana Pavanos"], [member="Pierce Fortan III"], [member="Jianna Raas"]

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