Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Hammer's coming down!

For me that is.

So I would like anyone and everyone to critique my characters and myself as a writer. *I have one set up for my character nick, but I wanted one for a writer* so here it goes.

Anything you want to say on one of my many characters.

Xander Carrick
[member="Darren Shaw"]
[member="Nickolas Imura"]
[member="Wanderer EXO"]

These are my more active characters, but if you want to see my other ones, just look on my character list and let me know.

Thanks all.
I've actually played with most of your characters, and even though I think I know them, they surprise me every time. Morna was fun to RP with, and I enjoyed helping you with the magmasaber thread. Nick is a great fighter, even back as an apprentice. I believe I helped Xander as an apprentice once on Xardus... not sure. Anyway, as a writer, I always enjoy a roleplay with you, because you always know how to mix things up to make it interesting. And I've seen several characters progress from their humble beginnings to seriously epic characters. Keep at it bro :) [member="Xander Carrick"]
[member="Xander Carrick"]

I have a fair bit of bias for your writing. :)

I find your threads wonderful to read, I like the style in which you write and you are always detailed. This gives your writing partners much to draw from for their responces. There is alway plenty of imagery and atmosphere in any thread I have done with you, which I just love and it helps me a great deal.

You have developed a lot of wonderful characters, Morna, Darren and Xander (my favourite) which I too have seen grow over time. I read your threads I am not even RPing in just to read a good story. :)
[member="Gherron Vael"], Thank you. I believe Xardus and Xander did one thread maybe here or there. So it's entirely possible.

[member="Coci Sinopi"], Thank you. That means a lot if someone want's to read my threads even if they aren't in them. (Jedi love jedi right?) And your post is so biased. :p
[member="Xander Carrick"]

I've had the pleasure of writing with I think nearly all of your characters, with various of mine, so it's been good to experience the different styles and traits you write for each.

You're a very supportive writer, and one who isn't afraid to speak their mind and give constructive criticism, as you have done with me in the past and actually helped me form new stories and character development from it. As you have a lot of respect for others, it's shared with you also.

The 1st person writing style is very refreshing and makes us pay attention and really get into your character's head to see and understand the story/world he is in to reply to, and it makes for some great reading and writing which always attracts me to your threads.

Keep up the good work, as all your characters have that similar style that is recognisable and also they look good in terms of your Avatars and signature banner and tags. A perfect package!

[member="Xander Carrick"] Ah I forgot to say "Nice one!" :( And you and [member="Coci Sinopi"] are seriously making me think about recycling an old character to make a Bean-character; an admin bod, getting in all sorts of scrapes. An un-cool Lando Calrissian type.

And this isn't my thread to hijack with MY ideas! Sorry Xander - carry on everyone!
I feel as though, especially with Xander, that you're an incredibly flip-floppy character. I'm not saying that I don't mind when characters change flags, but it seems that Xander is faction-hopping a lot.

also thx for comin to da mandos bby
[member="Preliat Mantis"], Thank you for your imput.

I would like to mention that Xander only flipped around from faction to faction in the beginning because he was with the Imperial Knights, and they disbanded. he joined with the CIS, and left because of fighting against them in a thread because he didn't like how they were doing their jobs. After joining the Silver Jedi, he has stayed there. I had him join with the other Jedi factions to keep tabs with them and help them. And the only recent addition with Xander is the Mandos cus of his fathers heritage. (Zayne Carrick)

Once again, thank you for your imput. I will try and not be so flppity floppity.
[member="Xander Carrick"]

Thor = 8/8 gr8 m8

Seriously, fun presence on Dantooine that I WILL continue (I don't lie !)

Nick = Seems like an unpredictable character.... I haven't done much RP personally but in the few times you've RP'd in one of our threads he always seems like more than meets than eye.

Wanderer -- enigmatic done right! Which is bonus points.

In All you've got a pretty diverse set of characters and despite what some people say about your writing style, it's actually interesting because it sort of gives off a more involved feel when reading and I know you can write in the third person or from a narrative because of your Bastion posts :)
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"],

Thank you. I love writing in the first person. it's different. However I started out writing in third person. So the transition from one to the other now is easy. back then when I first did it, now that was hard to make sure I didn't mess up all the pronouns and whatever else.

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