Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Great Exchange (Silver Jedi, Commenor, Iron Empire)

Arisa was a bit taken aback by the boldness of the Count as he took her hand in his introduction, but she let it slide as she felt no malice emanating from him and chalked it up to observing local customs for greeting. She was a humble woman, but there was something nice knowing that she did have some kind of reputation out there in the wider galaxy. Then it wasn't every day that one received wine worth a small fortune.

"Count Venjuta, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," she replied, now actively grasping his hand with a smile. "Thank you for joining us today."

She would motion for him to join her at her table where the IE delegation also sat. About this time, Queen Kay would launch into an introduction of her own.

It started well enough with all the usual pleasantries, but Arisa's earlier smile faded as Kay announced that Commenor had no intention of joining the trade bloc that Arisa had been proposing, even before she had a chance to go over the outline of her plan.

Arisa had decided to host the event on Commenor with the assumption that they would be signatories, which was not for a political or military alliance, but for a multilateral economic agreement designed to facilitate trade and scientific development. If she had known that wasn't the case, then she would have hosted the event in Izrul, instead. She sat back down, deflated and embarrassed by the turn of events.

So while it looked like it was a bust with Commenor, the Iron Empire and several smaller powers were still on board. Over the course of the week, Arisa would meet with the various delegations, leading talks to hammer out a deal between them all. The crux of the deal was lowering tariffs and reducing import restrictions. However, there would be exceptions made for critical domestic industries that required special protections. A body within the organization itself would be created to help mediate trade and copyright disputes between powers. Finally a grant would be jointly established to help provide funding for scientific pursuits and exploration efforts for the discovery of new

A draft would be completed, which each delegation could take back to their respective governments to review. No doubt there would be some tweaks to the draft, but the meat of the agreement was all there.

Her work would then be complete, and she would return to Voss to resume her normal duties as a member of the Silver Assembly. The conference had served as a great learning tool for Arisa, in advance of future talks with other major powers like the FWC, Dominion, and the Galactic Alliance. Though for future events she knew to invite them directly to Voss moving forward. If she was going to bring out the nice china, then it should be from home.

((Last post from me, thank you all for your involvement in this thread. Took an unexpected turn, but things still turned out fine.))

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Yuroic Xeraic"] [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="Atheus"] [member="Count Marlow Venjuta"]

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