Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaile Vera"]

Kurt had never really liked going to markets.

Sure it was a way to meet girls, and on Tatooine he had done that plenty of times. Regularly on weekends he and his friends would travel to Mos Eisley to go to the local Bazaar run by Arceneau Trade Company. Lots of women, lots of fun women generally hung around there, getting away from their parents moisture farms and trying to enjoy something of a city. He had good memories there, but other then those...Markets were really rather boring.

When he needed something he bought it. Kurt wasn't the type to shop around.

"Uhhh." The pilot said as he looked around. "Not really."

Mostly he just wanted to feel better, maybe get the gaps in his memory back. "Lets go see if they have any podracing stuff."

Kaile knew his history now, and Podracing was something that he would always be interested in. It was his passion, his talent, it was what had given him fame. It was something that Kurt could always turn to, something that would always be there for him. A comfort when he felt out of place.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Okay!" Kaileann sang out, dusting off her hands after tossing away their rubbish. Her brows drew together, as if trying to remember a phrase in passing.

"I think there was something about some kind of classic going on," she would point out, scrunching her face as she withdrew her datapad again. Without a thought she waited for Kurt to get done with his water, seeing him stuff the rest of his pretzel bread in succession.

His lanky figure slid in besides her, still a bit light sensitive, but certainly better than he had felt before. There was even some color to his cheeks and he didn't look like a Nagai after a six month long-haul run.

"Oh! There it is!" she said, reaching over to pluck the last bit of the pretzel bread and popping it into her mouth. Brown eyes swept up and she gave a slight grimace. "It's a walk though..."

Her finger would swivel across the holographic map, brows furrowing in intense concentration. "I think we can get a rail to bring us closer..."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"A classic?" Kurt's face scrunched slightly.

He hadn't heard of any races out here, and he had heard of most races. Perhaps it was because he had been unconscious for the past three days, or perhaps it was because this world was...well still rather backwater. Either way it perplexed him that he hadn't heard of this race. Was it an official one? He didn't imagine so, and even if it couldn't be as large as the Boonta Eve or some of the other races that he had attended, otherwise he would have heard about it.

"I wonder whose racing." There was genuine curiosity in his voice. "I know most of the good racers."

Unlike him, most pod racers didn't just quit after winning three championships.

Most racers ended up doing it for a career, going all their lives until they were either burnt out, washed out, or simply killed during one of the races. The latter happened most of all, something that disturbed people that were new to the sport. He shifted slightly, leading Kaileann towards the rail. There was a spring to his step, an indication that Kurt was more than eager to get to the races.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kaile gave a shrug, not quite in the know when it came to what podracing jargon was or what sort of races there were. "Buck Blazestar and J'ka Va are some of the contestants," she told him, going through the information. "Nothing too fancy... but still something to go see."

It was ran by the overseers of the bazaar itself. Made a humble name of itself and with more and more spacers coming over their way, was picking up in business and visitors. "The next race is in about an hour." she checked her chrono. "We can make it there and see if we can get some good seats." she suggested, glancing up at him expectantly.

"Could be f-uun!"

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"BUCK!?" Kurt sounded excited, weary, and confused all at the same time. It was clear that he knew whoever Buck was, and it was even more clear that the knowledge brought rather mixed emotion. "Buck is here? Holy shit."

"Man, he must have gone down hill after the last classic." Kurt touched his beard, scratching for a moment as he thought about the last time he had seen Buck. The two of them had been fellow competitors, not really friends, not really enemies. He had gotten on well enough with the man, but there was always with him. Kurt would say the word 'shady' best described Buck. The man would do anything to win, and once he won...well whatever money he got usually went to drinks and women.

"I know him." Kurt explained to Kaile as he realized she was giving him the most confused face of her life. "We raced together back on Tatooine."

Truthfully, Buck had never been in his league. He had always tried to be, but Kurt would rate him as a mid tier pilot at best, though on Tatooine a mid tier racer was a star anywhere else. Perhaps that was why he was here, gathering some glory.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Well that's good." and that settled it! With a sunny grin and a hook of her arm along Kurt's own, she gave a preparatory flounce. "Come on, you can tells me more 'bout Buck en-route."

"Mighty long way from Tatooine," she admitted, thinking on that as they would amble along. "You's friends?" as if being anything but friends cause one enjoyed the same sport was a silly thing to believe. This was neat! She would learn more about Kurt! The espion was always curious, and while she managed to get a good bit from the ex pod-racing champion, it was always nice to hear more.

'Sides, what gal didn't like a man all dressed up for a show?!

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt shrugged as they began moving through the crowd.

"Not really." That was certainly true. "We didn't hate each other, didn't really consider each other rivals. He was...well to be honest he was always middle of the pack during the Boonta Eve. Never won a race, never got past third, always solidly in the middle. He won a few of the minor races, ones I didn't participate in of course."

Kurt gave her a small wink.

"His winnings generally went to two things." Kurt held up his index and middle finger. "Women, and drinks."

A shrug rolled over the pilots shoulders. He wasn't really one to judge on that idea, after all he had met Kaile inside of a Yum Bunnies, but his winnings had been given to his parents, certainly not wasted on things that he didn't really need. Perhaps there was a bit of moral high ground there, though he tried not to let it show too much. "Never a bad guy though. Would have your back in a fight if you needed it."
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Sounds like a keeper," Kaile said with a loopsided grin, "Betcha, we can go say hi!" she added with a note of genuine excitement. Tiny claws went climbing from the right shoulder to the left, Bobo giving a bob of his head while he lightly swayed up and down with every step Kaile took.

"How longs it been since you saw him last?" she continued the conversation, making quiet inquisitive chatter. Their amble was a mix of the Lorrdian giving a cheerful flounce and Kurt attempting to stay in step with her. "Must be nice to find someones you haven't seen in a long while. Kinda like a little podracing family get together."

The rail entrance wasn't to far off, about half a klick. In between the scents of the various food stalls would waft over, some likely to still poke at Kurt's stomach but for Kaile she was all smiles.

"Oh is that a candied geldun sun apple stand?!" just like that, she got distracted as her arms would tug the native of Tatooine over.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Five...six years ago?" Kurt shrugged. "I wouldn't call him anything close to family."

Suddenly Kurt felt himself tugged along with Kaile, flailing slightly as she wrenched him to the side. "He would have your back in a fight, but generally he was also the one starting the fight."

No, Buck wasn't exactly the best compatriot to have. That was why Kurt had always steered away from him, mostly anyway. Then again he had done that with most of the racers in the circuit, only a few were really what most people would call 'honorable'. It was natural, really. Podracing was stiff competition and the winnings were usually enough to guarantee someone a life of luxury. The sport was unforgiving and its competitors were brutal.

There wasn't much room for friends.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"You keep in contact much with anyone else?" came her next question, stopping in front of the candied apple stall she tugged him over for. Her eyes grew as wide as saucers, and despite the fact she just had the stew, she couldn't help but lick her lips.

The stall owner began to cheerfully rattle off in Bocce. Bocce was an interplanetary trade language comprising parts of multiple languages. It was created by the Baobab Merchant Fleet to allow communication between starcraft pilots, crews, and support personnel of various species. Though not commonly used by most, any experienced pilots or spacers would know a few Bocce phrases in case they came across those that did not speak the pilot's native language.

"Koo-loozi!" He was a rather obese Toydarian. One would even wonder how his wings managed to keep him afloat.

"Ge kircayi sikn gandoe bon pkoe wokel ghileed novlein?!" «How about a candy apple for the pretty lady?!»

"You want one?' she turned towards Kurt, an excited expression bathing her face as she went back and forth speaking in Bocce.

"Gion dhae pkoe dhoo? «How much for two?»

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

Kurt shook his head furiously. "No. No no no."

The thought of eating 'candied' anything made him want to throw up all over the place, worse actually, it made him want to keel over and lay on the floor. Sugar, the idea of anything that gave him energy turned him right off. He didn't want to trouble his already troubled stomach, and eating candy...well it wasn't really something that was good for a nauseous and slightly worn out pilot, was it?

So he shook his head, invariably making himself dizzy.

Kurt's head began to spin, his vision going blurry, his feet wobbling slightly as he cursed himself for being such a fool. It seemed so coincidental, so idiotic, but the Pilot had managed to nearly throw himself to the earth simply by shaking his head. Clearly the drugs hadn't quite worn off yet, and even three days later their effects lingered within his body.

"Oh god." Kurt said as he half keeled over. "Never again."
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

A sincere expression of concern swept over Kaile.

"Oh.. oh dear. Oh you okay?" she immediately went beside him, both hands reaching over to steady him. She gave a sheepish expression to the vendor.

"Sorry!" so much for the candied apple. If Kurt's stomach reacted so, just the scent of the sweet caramel coated, delicious nutty ... Sigh...

No dice.

"Come on, lets get'cha some fresh air and some water." she offered instead, "Oh! 'n there's the rail!" she gestured, attempting to get the former podracer's mind else where. "Now just breathe in from your nose and out your mouth now. You'll be right as rain once your tummy settles."

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He pushed her off, gently pressing against her own tummy. "No. Go get your apple."

Kurt was quite insistent, his tone more of an order then a suggestion.

He might have thought the idea sickening, but he wasn't about to get in the way of her fun. Kurt had promised Kaile a day on in the bazaar, and he wasn't about to ruin it for her just by being a bit sick. Sure he was half keeled over in the marketplace, but it's not like he was a little boy. His eyes cast up, searching through the crowd for someplace to-ah, there a bench. "I'll go sit, you go get your apple."

That was a good compromise.

Slowly he managed to unlatch himself from Kaile's arms, sliding over towards the bench and plopping himself down.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Yous sure?" there wasn't any wiping of the rather worrisome expression she gave Kurt. "Yous don't look so good."

"Go get your apple." he insisted, flopping down to sit at the bench for a few. Kaileann gave a frown, her brows furrowing. She was caught between the desire of getting the apple and fussing over Kurt. However, Kurt was having none of it. In fact, he batted her hand away.

"Alright, alright.. Don't get your knickers in a bunch." she told him, bringing her hands to perch on her hips. "Yous just sit here for a spell. I'll be right back." she promised, making sure that he was settled before returning to the vendor.

Could have been all of five minutes or more, but at the very least it gave some time for Kurt to make his peace with his irked stomach.

"One only," her forefinger would indicate the change in the order. A credit was exchanged and in turn Kalie looked mighty pleased with her return. Thick coated in caramel, dusted with nuts and stuck on a stick, it was all the Lorrdian could presently wish for.

Sated with her prize, she wove her way back towards where Kurt was, already biting in for her first chuck of candied gelden sun apple.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

The bench was comforting, the fact that he was sitting again made him want to jump for joy. Of course they didn't have all day, and he was feeling better, but sitting on the bench was a nice little prize even during the short walk they had taken. Eventually Kaile made her way back towards him, her footsteps leading towards the bench and where Kurt said. The Pilot looked up, smiling at her just as she took a large bite of the candy apple.

"Alright." Kurt said as he pulled himself to his feet. "Lets go meet Buck."


Kurt looked at Kaile. "Wat."


The Pilot blinked for a moment, then slowly shook his head. He gently grasped her free hand and slowly pulled her towards the railway system, deciding it was best to not even try deciphering what she said.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

The thing about candy apples is that, well, the caramel can get practically everywhere! In this instance, Kaile had to fight between keeping it from sticking beyond her lips and fingers. Like a youngling struggling, but enjoying it none the less, the former waitress enthusiastically took bite after bite of her candied apple.

She would talk in between chews, an odd combination of basic and intelligible streams of thought. Kurt did what he could, but for the most part humored her. The gist of it revolved around asking more questions about ‘Buck’ and podracing.

The green ping and overhead comm would announce that they could now enter the rail, the doors sliding open as patrons of the bazaar flowed out like a choked bottle neck river. It was crowded, with a few people shoving to get in. Kurt’s hand naturally went to the small of Kaile’s back, making sure she didn’t wander off as much as keeping her focused mid apple chewing.

“Vy uus staph?” came her question, big brown eyes looking at Kurt as they took their place by the corner, Kurt latching onto the overhead strap for balance. There weren’t any spare seats available. Kalie settled in between the wall and Kurt at his urging, his body providing a natural shield. He was, after all a nice guy. He might feel like crap but his momma taught him right.

Another peculiar look and the loft of a thick brow would query the strawberry blonde. Kaile struggled with a particularly long strand of caramel for a second, before licking her lips and swallowing the apple.

“Why did you stop?” she asked again, “ Podracing.”

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh." Kurt said with a shrug.

That wasn't really a secret, at least he had never considered it as such.

"It got boring." That might have sounded a bit conceded. "I won the Boonta Eve Classing three years in a row. The last time I won by a wide margin. The Boonta Eve is the biggest podracing event in the galaxy, at least that I know of. There wasn't really a point to doing it over and over again. The first two times I gave the winnings to my mother and father, the last time I took them and headed off world."

He shrugged again. To him that was simply the story of what had happened, no real big event, no huge ordeal, it had simply been time to quit. The money had helped of course, and later he would go on to join the Republic Navy, but even that hadn't been out of some goal to serve the greater good. Kurt had simply wanted a challenge, and flying starfighters against the Sith? He couldn't have thought of a better challenge then that. Of course at the time he had been young, he hadn't thought of the dangers or what he might face.

In the end, he supposed that's why he didn't try harder to stay.
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

"Ohhmmmmm," the muffled, half mouth fulled 'ohh' came with a nod. Kaile mulled over this a bit, chewing slowly in contemplation. The rail gave a slight lurch as it began to move, making Kaile brace her legs to make sure she didn't stumble.

Leaning back against the curved rail bulkhead, Kaile followed up with, "You ever wanna go back?" to podracing that is. He seemed like he liked flying a lot. Defiantely how he flew the Mesa said he had ample amounts of skill. A half thought came to her if she would be able to pull his record. Hmm, the Alliance might want someone like Kurt.

It was something to think about.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

He shrugged again.

Kurt didn't notice that his stomach was once again beginning to feel better, that the movement of the rail system hardly bothered him at all. It was a good thing of course, and a surprising thing. It likely meant that more then a bit of what was bothering Kurt was simply in his head. Of course, one could hardly blame him for that given what his body had undergone within the last three days. One would wonder how he had the willpower not to become a spice addict in that time.

"Not really." He said honestly. "I'm sure I could still win, but it takes practice to be the best."

That was simple truth. He likely wasn't half the racer that he used to be, hadn't done any practice in a while. People would claim that flying was similar enough, and there was truth in that, but Podracing was a different game from flying and dogfighting. It took the same skills, but the application and handling was wholly different. "I wouldn't be a champion."
[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kaile gave a nod of agreement. That there was right on the mark! She knew well what happened when one didn’t get to ensuring they kept their skills in tip top shape. That’s why she’d been doing some odd jobs now and then for the GA. Hunter had some odd jobs for her, but for the most part, she was still to keep low. Things were starting to rumble though. She saw exactly what the chatter was on about, and it didn’t look too good.

Not with the One Sith Empire. N-oo Sir-ee!

“That’s why yous went to pilotin’ in the Republic?” came her next query, lightly swaying from right to left with the natural motion of the hoverrail’s movement. She took another bite of her candied apple, chewing thoughtfully as Kurt gave a slight squint and thought about things.

Or maybe he was just passing gas.

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