Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The God of War (First Order)

Aldous Hofmann

Pilot, Welder, Troublemaker
Aldous made a brief comment about the weather to the stalwart trooper before throwing his spent cigarette into the air and returning to the warm confines of the shop bay. Most had cleared out, and while the oddball worker typically spent his time reading during lunch but his mischievous nature took hold at the present, like one of the aging Gods of forgotten lore on so many of the worlds he'd had the privilege to step foot on during his short life. The welder moved as if he was supposed to be wandering the halls of the area, peeking around various corners as he wandered half aimlessly about. A sign that read "Flight Deck" caught his eye and he proceeded in the general direction as the arrow underneath instructed. Several First Order members passed him without so much as batting an eyelash. Apparently he looked enough like one of their own dregs to not warrant a talking to. A pair of large durasteel doors opened at the end of a long hallway as he approached them and his eyes grew wide with wonder.

It'd been a while since he'd seen a fully filled hangar bay, brimming with machines that had the capacity to turn entire cities into molten slag. Aldous contented himself with absorbing every angle of the beautifully crafted vehicles. Fully enthralled in their majesty as he imagined them gliding listlessly through the cold black of space. It incited chills. From a short distance he spotted [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] and [member="Sara Lee Jones"], the later of which appeared to be fixing the brilliantly designed vessels he admired so.

With the tact of a burglar he approached and said in an excited voice "You get to fix these?" to the female.

Completely ignoring the fact that he was most definitely not supposed to be in this location at this time. As often was the case with Aldous.
The Chiss woman looked around the command deck. The room was quickly becoming crowded and felt more like a social event than a military demonstration. Not unlike most First Order gatherings, Sentiri was the only non-human in a room filled with humans. After several months of adjusting to the feeling of being surrounded by those alien to her own culture, that ratio was almost comfortable to the Agent. Not that she was comfortable with human attitude and their perception of the Chiss being alien to them, but simply that those feelings were present and that Sentiri could accept them. There was little that the Deputy Director could do to dissuade humans from thinking of the Chiss people as a whole any differently. After all, Sabosen'tir'inrokini didn't hold them in high regard either. All she could do was continue to prove herself as an individual loyal to the First Order.

Those thoughts passed through her mind as she approached Commodore [member="Evangeline Ovmar"] after Grand Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"] moved on to other company. She had worked for the Navy officer twice before. Both times Sentiri had been impressed by the woman's operation. Ovmar was dutiful, organized, and thorough. All of which were traits Sentiri admired and frequently could not find in other humans. The Commodore almost resembled a proper Chiss military officer. Almost.

The Grand Moff on the other hand, Sentiri knew better than to delve to much into a direct superior's business, and she had had to resist her curiosity's temptation. The Deputy Director really only knew the Moff from her speeches and interviews. The two had not yet had a chance to interact and Sentiri would withhold forming a proper opinion. And the slicer would do so without hacking into the Grand Moff's files. Sentiri wasn't in the mood for being shot or worse.

But the moment for introducing herself to the Grand Moff wasn't pertinent to the situation at hand. And the head of state seemed more interested in conversation elsewhere. Introducing herself to the Commodore, though, was pertinent to the situation.

In human tradition, she outstretched her hand for what the humans called a handshake, a formal business-like greeting. "Good day, Commodore Ovmar. Sabosen'tir'inrokini. Or Sentiri if you prefer. Deputy Director with the First Order Security Bureau, head of Intelligence. I look forward to seeing your demonstration today."
Roderik returned a crisp salute to [member="Sara Lee Jones"] .

"Fresh out of the academy, hmm?" He offered a smile and motioned for her to carry on her maintenance, only to be interrupted by the voice of another passer-by, [member="Aldous Hofmann"].

The captain noticed the difference in the man's uniform attire, in comparison to the two pilots. A technician of some kind? An admirer of starfighters, at the very least, by the sound of his voice. Roderik could appreciate that sentiment.

"And fly one too soon enough, with the right assignment placement." He said off-handedly to the newcomer, while still interested in the work of one of the Starfighter Corps' newest Pilot Officers.
Sir yes sir fresh out bout a week ago"she said as she started to go back up and repair the engine as she worked hard "I'm surprised how messed up actual combat ones get"she said as she was then suddenly interrupted by...what looked like a technician of some sort

She perked up listening to the lieutenants words as she looked out and at him"wait sir don't I need to be in a squadron to go fly? At least that's what I have learn"

She said as she ducked back in before slipping out to get a part and back in yet again

[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"][member="Aldous Hofmann"]
The young noble bowed his head to [member="Natasi Fortan"]. "I'll fetch you a cup, My Lady." Balance forbid she ever just ask him directly. But, the Grand Moff had her quirks. Viktor gave an apologetic nod to [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]. "Excuse me, Captain." With that, he turned on his heels, and walked off.

Passing [member="Sentiri"], he gave the Chiss a bow. Finding the coffee, he prepared a glass for the Grand Moff. Walking back, he presented it to her. "Your coffee, My Lady. I apologize, but it seems to be mediocre at best. We should've stopped at a cafe on the way here."
skin, bone, and arrogance
"No -- " Natasi began, but [member="Viktor DuSang"] had already left the group. The Grand Moff pressed her eyelids tight around her dark eyes and then looked up at [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]. "I trust you're doing... better, Captain Rausgeber," Natasi said coolly, her dark eyes glimmering with just a hint of amusement. "How nice to see you looking so well after your ordeal."

The Grand Moff turned as Viktor returned with coffee. She made a note to remind him of his duties to her, which did not involve fetching coffee. It was a nice gesture and very polite, but she wanted him ready to strike at any danger, something he couldn't necessarily do -- or do as well -- with his hands full of coffee. But it wouldn't do to rebuke him, however gently, in front of strangers.

"Thank you, Viktor. The standard-issue beige paint again, I see," she said drearily. "Now, what were you two saying before I rudely interrupted?"

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Ah, Grand Moff Fortan!" The captain said, trying not to show an embarrassing shade of pink. "I didn't know you were here." He said, "Apologies for having not seeing you sooner." he added before watching Viktor galavant off into the crowd. He was caught off guard by the questioning of his health. "Far better. I see you're also doing well. Congratulations on your promotion, I couldn't think of anyone more fitting." Carlyle said, sipping on the cocktail, "Oh, it's doing rather well, meds are a pain. But it's a little less than what it was at our last meeting. I once again offer my sincerest apologies for my outburst." He added with a curt bow of his head.

[member="Natasi Fortan"]
He bowed to [member="Natasi Fortan"]. My Lady, please relax. This room is small enough I'm within striking distance of everyone here. Besides, you're among First Order Military Officials. Having your bodyguard stuck at your hip sends the wrongs message. You already have their fear and admiration. Now earn their love. These are the men and women who go to war with a sweep of your arm. Don't give them the false impression you don't trust them. Still... Your lack of faith in my abilities is quite wounding. He gave a light, playful jab at the end.

His attention moved back to [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]. "There was nothing rude about you joining our conversation, My Lady. I was just telling Captain Rausgeber how highly my father holds him in regards."

A wise man once asked if it is better to rule through love or fear. I asked why it couldn't be both. Oh. I also have something for you. For your... Coronation. Not the day that you expressly forbid me from ever talking about.
Roderik nodded, to himself and [member="Aldous Hofmann"] mostly, as [member="Sara Lee Jones"] ducked back under the TIE Fighter to continue her maintenance. While she did, he responded to her question.

"That's correct, you need to be with a squadron to fly." He paused, listening to the clanking and tinkering of the work being done on the fighter. "Fresh out of the academy, eh? Sometimes that's a blessing in disguise."

Roderik considered this for a moment, then added, "If you are willing to put the hours in, I might have a position available for you in my squadron. We're not an easy bunch, the spot-light will be on us at all times. But I treat my pilots with respect, especially the ones that go above and beyond the call. You seem like you might have that in you."
The Sith Acolyte remained in his corner, watching as those within the observation centre conversed with one another. Who would want to speak with a Military man when there was a Moff in the room? A Grand Moff at that too. There wasn't any regrets that he didn't appear at all to be approachable. He wasn't born to make friends, his existence was merely for one thing. Killing. And he did it well, but he hadn't combated anyone in single combat in recent times.

Oh well.

The look [member="Natasi Fortan"] hadn't been lost upon the High Colonel, but before he could even give a reaction to show that he registered what she wanted, she was already looking away from him. Probably wanted updates on the process of ship construction for the First Order. It was doubtful she was curious about small talk with him. In fact, he figured she didn't really care about small talk with anyone within the centre, she was just doing what was expected.

Suppose I'll never know.
The sound of clinking and the occasional drop of the bad part or two to the ground and ducking down to grab new ones as she stopped for a minute to dress admiring her work proudly before ducking out to look to [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]

So I've been told by my teachers that being fresh is good"she said a she grabbed a rag and started cleaning her hands up as she looked to him as she got a little excited/stunned look "w.wait sit do you mean it?....hmmmm I'll log the hours in, as for the spotlight I don't mind that just means the crowd knows you enough "she said as she looked down to a few parts"now let's see i need to reattach the power couplings set the engine in finally and then....yea that works"she said the perked up"oh in sorry I just rambled on didn't I?

[member="Aldous Hofmann"]
The captain nodded at [member="Sara Lee Jones "],

"Completely serious. We need good pilots, and if necessary," Roderik pointed to the work on the twin ion engines that the Pilot Officer had been conducting as he continued.

"people who know how to service their own ships, if it comes to it. We can't always be assured of access to proper support personnel."

He cracked a bit of a smile at the excitement displayed by the woman. Enthusiasm meant high morale, which always worked its way through a squadron. Another bonus for Roderik.

"You needn't worry about any rambling. You'll fit right in with some of the team. Welcome to the 100th Fighter Squadron, Pilot Officer." He extended his hand to be shook, as opposed to a salute.
She sat there stunned....she didn't know what to say...she had just been accept right into a high up squadron....this is something any graduate dreamed of having

She looked to his hand, then hers as it rose, she reached dout and grasped firmly before shaking his hand with a smile"it's a honor to be on the squadron sir

She said as she slowly turned back to her work"I have a little more here to do if you wanna wait, rather have this together then in pieces"she said as she moved and got some power couplings and went back to work

[member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"]

Aldous Hofmann

Pilot, Welder, Troublemaker
Aldous listened to [member="Roderik von Brinkerhoff"] and [member="Sara Lee Jones"] ramble on with a sort of passing interest. Folk and their conversations rarely had the power to pull the psychonaut away from his own internal commentary, which itself was partially a result of abusing a combination of psychedelics and various psychoactive substances. In his mind's eye he both saw and felt a future where he guided such a precisely tuned weapon of will against the enemies of this fascist regime. The surge of power the thought granted him gave the welder a pause, as his Jedi Training had taught him to ignore such impulses for personal glory.

But why?

The thought troubled Aldous. Pulling at his impulsive nature.

"I want in." He mumbled aloud, without even completely registering that he'd done so.
With the soft click of the magnetic locking system securing their landing craft from unauthorised departures, and the drawn out wheeze of the doorway as it lowers. A portion of the requested Stormtroopers would arrive, and along with them CT-47B would wait patiently inside their vessel as the restraining bar that prevented him and his brothers from floating away or falling from their seats in turbulance or during emergency air manouvers and banging into each other lifted away with a clunk. In unison they would stand up together, heading out in formation and reporting in at the nearest checkpoint, before filling out the necessary forms and heading to his newly assigned stations.

CT was not an engineer, though he'd learned a thing or two reading the four hundred page documents on field maintenance for each of his assigned weapons and had successfully attached a flettchette launcher to his F-11D blaster rifle in place of the foregrip with only a moderate bollocking from the quatermaster. Still, he understood why he was there. The scientists and engineers get scared on big projects like this, the threat of sabotage is always looming and if the weapon was destroyed, they were damn well smart enough to know that the people that built it wouldn't be left standing around to give it another go. That, and men work harder when they're being watched. No-one in the Order wants to look lazy or suspicious in front of their own peers, let alone one from another department, and the subtle threat of a white clad smiler that never blinks keeps any man on his toes.

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