Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gathering Calm


"I does, but I am seeing a lot of the work Sasori and your friend did with it and those phrik crushgaunts that channel the force as really really cool. Also she made this phrik weave that can make protective clothing. Imagine shell spider silk with phrik weaving throughout it so it is even more protective." Wendy was looking at her while she walked and her master was right if they got phrik in everything it could make it more expensive compared to others but they could also do it and try to undercut the other companies that charged an arm and a leg for it. "There is just so much stuff we could be doing with it or thinking about that get all excited as to choice."
Or she could just do a phrik armor weave and get the best possible protection, but that wouldn't be the most tactful answer to give. And it would also be less stylish, nor as comfortable. "Tell you what, if you feel so strongly about what she's doing, I'll give her first pick of the second batch and at below market. Just remember, this mine works best if nobody knows its location, so don't go sharing it." That wasn't a promise she minded making. In fact it would make finding a market for the mine's output easier without so many awkward questions as to where it came from. Had to sell it to someone, no reason not to sell it to someone she kinda trusted to be reasonable. And supplying such a large company would look good on ORR's books to boot, not to mention the possibility of working with Phenex again.
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

"So no selfies in front of the coordinates?" She said it with a smile while they could work on some of the things with a nod. She liked the idea of getting some picks and working on things with her master as well as the others. She had seen that design for an armored healing crystal the one jedi healer could use for herself..... It was just that highly impressive and built in a way that few could compete with. So she was more then happy to do some of the things looking over the mine. She didn't have to tell other people where the mine was and that was an alright thing to keep to herself. She had worked to keep things her master taught her nice, secret and safe.
That pulled an annoyed smirk from Domino. A sense of professionalism had been one of the things she'd never been able to instill in her apprentice and this wasn't a topic she felt appropriate to joke about. Still though... "Not such a good idea, if someone sees that. They've got shoot to kill orders here." The way she said it, almost sounded like maybe she wasn't joking, but it was hard to tell for sure. Dry humor and sharp wit were her preferred repertoire, she'd left the youthful cattiness behind and looking back what disturbed her the most was that she couldn't recall where. It hadn't been on her own mater's torture table, or some blood-soaked battlefield, or even in the crater of a wrecked drop-ship.

Exiting the darkness of the cavern and into the light of the mining camp snapped Domino back and she was barking out orders like her usual self. "The mine is clear. Once the probes are out begin operations." Gazing at the pink cyclops, she jerked her head towards the racks and sent it zipping off. "Wendy, thank you for your visit, but I think its time you were off. Your friends will be needing you." She turned to head off to the ops center before stopping herself. "Best you wipe your navi computer once your clear, and don't worry, I'll be getting in contact with Miss Ike with an offer."
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

Wendy gave a nod of her head to her master. She could had back to her ship and wipe the navicomputer of the location. Really not a pressing things since she rarely had need of such a mine. "Understood master." She offered a look but didn't need to smile they hadn't died or been attacked so that was a good thing for them. "We shall be able to handle the things when they come and if you should need me just say so I will be back there to help you whenever you need me."
"Likewise," she replied a bit wistfully. Truth was she felt like she'd failed the girl, hadn't been a true master for her or really been there for her, always busy busy busy... Like now, she shook her head to clear it, had to stay focused, get the phrik. Instead of seeing Wendy off, she headed into the now operational ops center to oversee the start of the mining op. She could watch Wendy's departure on the screens and make sure she was safely away.

The main screen was currently hosting a stencil map of the mine tunnels that the Cyclops Droids had provided and showed the first of the droids proceeding in. Once they'd established safety and ore locations, the actual organic miners would head in to direct and get hands-on. "How long until the refinery is operational?" She asked one of the controllers. There was a slight pause as they checked a readout. Two days, was the answer, which left plenty of time for them to start stockpiling phrikite and for the first tydirium freighter to make its delivery. Then the two would be combined into phrik and escorted to the build site.
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

They had completed the work that was needed and the knight was getting a small look at her master. After all of the big things they were easily going to be able to handle the operations from here. Wendy waved to her master while going back towards her ship to head out and maybe go and visit the proposed planet of healers that Rianna had found and worked to make. Something out of the way that the jedi and other healers throughout the galaxy would be able to work on some of the things. "I shall see you soon master when we work on some of the things in the future." She could use the phrik for her own ends mostly in upgrading the armor she had with some of the new systems that Sasori had made. Wendy set off in the ship while relaxing a little in the cockpit.
The next few hours were an exercise in tedious boredom interrupted only by the departure of Wendy's ship rather early on. The droids had sped into the great worm's tunnel heedless of their own peril and then sat about scanning for a good bit to check the structural integrity of the shaft and trying to decide what would happen if their mining program were to be executed on the desired substance. About an hour later they'd come to a consensus with the main computer and busied them selves erecting supports or lining weaker sections with shot-creat to strengthen them. Only once that had settled had the actual mining begun.

When the first sled of rock and ore came out Domino was there to pick up a chunk of the raw Phrikite as it passed by. She turned it over in her hand, studying the ore. It wasn't the first time she'd seen it, that had been before, when she was making her pikesaber. Such an odd thing really, in recent years it'd become more desirable than gold, more valuable than aurodium, and she was planning on committing so much of it to a single endeavor. How many dream projects could she fulfill with this, but if she didn't do it now she probably never would.
The freighters had come in and unloaded which was cause for some excitement as it was the first time the mine had hosted ships flying down the underground tunnel to the double landing pad, and now it had two of them doing it right after the other. While more droids and an cargo master unloaded them, the pilots stood on the edge of the platform and gawked at the size of the operation that had sprung up. Oh it wasn't the largest mining op by a long shot, but ORR was smaller than the mega-corps and seeing a functioning town spring up underground in the span of less than a week was far from a normal thing. It'd look even better when the buildings and cavern walls had paint on them.

"Mam, we're almost finished preparing the refinery. You said you wanted to be there when the first load came through." Beside her stood the techie from earlier. He'd apparently appointed himself her notification aid when nobody was looking, but he wasn't being a brown-noser or sycophant about it so she didn't really mind. It was more helpful than anything else anyways. Domino gave him a curt nod and headed off to watch the start-up. Mine security would keep the pilots to the platform so she didn't have to worry about them running their mouths off about the layout. Not that she needed to worry, they'd been picked based on their discretion.

The heavy machines were already breaking up the ores and sifting out impurities by the time she arrived at the far end of the complex. They hadn't wasted time waiting on her, good. The next step would be to melt them down and skim off any further impurities while the pure phrikite and tydirium exited through a take-off valve in the bottom of the crucible's side wall. From there the purified ores would run into a mixing chamber and be blended together along with several binding agents along with one very special addition. Domino had been bleeding herself for months and had stored up quite a bit. Each ton of phrik produced would forever be bound to Domino with a pint of the stuff, connecting her to it through a blood trail and strengthening her ties to it through the force.
After nearly two weeks of sitting on the surface of Gromas, the Replenish freighter was reading to take off again, camouflage netting was stripped away and abandoned for the miners to use and the emptied cargo holds were packed with powered and pressurized containers containing the molten phrik. They couldn't let it cool otherwise it'd become unworkable, so instead it was kept at a thousand psi and fifteen hundred degrees C to maintain its molten slurry.

Domino had left the mine in full working fury and trusted its security to protect it if its secrecy and isolation failed. Hopefully lesser guarded targets would prove the sweeter temptation for plunderers in the end. She herself now sped on the wings of hyperspace towards a distant jewel of emerald and sapphire, Vaynai, a tropical world of resorts and luxury near the heart of the Silver Sanctum and oddly enough, Domino's Current home. She'd owned real-estate there before they took over and they hadn't bothered her much when they'd moved in aside from needing some reassuring that she wasn't about to do evil things to them or the locals in the middle of the night. Actually their casual attitude about it all had left her a little miffed, the few she had met seemed much more intent on exploring her old school or hearing a story. So they'd promptly ignored each other and Domino's stuff got some added protection from being a resident of a faction with an actual navy.

Gliding into Station Six, Domino waited while the port nearest the construction facilities finished making the necessary connections and security checks before ordering the unloading to begin. Tomorrow the construction would begin, but first Domino headed to her suite. There was no place like home to unwind and recharge and Domino needed a period to distance herself from all the recent activity and focus on the ask to come. It'd push her abilities both mentally and in the Force to the absolute limit in endurance.

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