Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Gathering Calm


"No one knows, the crystals were there and then disappeared. rumor was the old grandfmaster took them for herself and then vanished but Corvus was working to find new ones. That is why the crystals Sasori made are a lot more important. They can heal others while providing a lot of help. Same with some of the crystals they made for belt." She said it slightly careful as she never knew who was listening but she was ready for anything. "They lost a lot of artifacts publicly awhile ago and there was the auctions that had several things going to the GA they couldn't protect or get." Wendy though was ready for anything and had all of her gear in a case she could carry. "So what is the plan master? We fighting some criminals exploiting the poor or going to feed people in a shelter?"
Domino took a moment to digest some of that, it was apparent that she might be too focused on her own ends again, but that focus was also what drove her onward. Without it she'd be to busy flitting from one crises to another, never truly achieving anything. "Today we're going to sweep through a small tunnel system and clear it of anything that might impede Outer Rim Resources from safely mining this area." The cuts on her face still bore the dark red color of recent closing and Domino pointed out the discarded body of a bone gnasher for emphasis. "These guys weren't too deep, mostly stuck to the upper layers before the bedrock started, but I don't know what we'll find in the deeper tunnels. If anything." That was always a possibility, nothing had interfered with her probe droids so far.
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

Wendy looked at her master and was ready for anything as she got ready for going down into a tunnel... well at least inside a tunnel it couldn't rain or something to make them all wet. "Alright then we shall have some fun." She had learned to take working on the ground and in most of the things in stride like a boss just like when she dueled that one knight and he had been the one doing the hair pulling. She had worked with that and gotten herself some nice things while moving ahead drawing her lightsaber from the case so she could hold the magenta bladed weapon as she worked on securing her hair back in a tight ponytail and securing the saber to her hip.
The tunnel they were walking down was just over two kilometers long and by the time it leveled out they had a quarter of that in bed-rock above their heads, but the long walk wasn't what held Domino's attention. Instead she was watching Wendy's face when they came to the end of it and the underground facility. It wasn't incredibly massive as things went, most of the buildings were only a single story tall and were ugly things while unpainted (mental note there), but the business woman thought that it was neat and wanted to catch the younger woman's reaction to it. "Pretty neat huh?" she asked. "Everyone wants to knock over a Phrik mine so I moved ORR's underground. Should be completely hidden and capable of taking an orbital bombardment." She shrugged. "Plus it's a heck of a lot cheaper than building on the surface."
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

Wendy was walking down the tunnel as she had most of her interest in the different things offering a smile on her face. "This is awesome, we can do so much down here and look I see some rust, we can paint everything." Oh she wanted to paint it pink that would be an awesome color to have around for the things they could do while she was looking over some of the things they had. Her main attention went to the buildings and ore. "So the plan is to use this to get all the cool things so we can make stuff for the Lotus Temples master?" She knew her masters dream well hat and the academy home she had still that wasn't being used aside from matsu and some silver jedi.
"Rust? Lotus Temples? What? There better not be any rust it's all brand new, and what Lotus Temples?" Goddess she must have been out of it. The only lotus anything she knew of was her syndicate unless her former apprentice had somehow managed to finagle the Jedi into naming a temple after them... But then Wendy also knew that she didn't do any work for the Jedi, helped them out every now and then when they weren't butting heads at the most. Unless, "You haven't been getting into the rum again have you? You know how you get." This was pretty much how they went together, Domino steady on and Wendy bouncing around with enthusiasm from one thing to another. And never mind that she hadn't answered the question of just what she was planning to do with all the phrik a mine of this scale was capable of putting out.
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

hahaha Wendy was lookiing at her master. "Maybe, or maybe was just bored and fudged a few records in the black sun so we at least seemed cooler. The new ones who have been doing things have been kind of boring and very very stiff." She had met stiff jedi and these ones took the cake. Also needed to have some fun. "With them if you were still in charge we could be rich from all the diamonds we could be making master." Well there was that butt there was also the part where she was nervous and unsure how to proceed, she hadn't found much among the jedi, her home was with her master but she supported the jedi more then the sith or other groups because they had the healers... but then the majority of healers had gone rogue so very very hard to get training.
Well she hadn't really answered Wendy, she couldn't be much surprised when she did likewise. "Never much cared for diamonds," she admitted a bit uncomfortable with how Wendy was talking. She'd thought the girl happy with the Jedi again after her foray into the criminal world, as if it'd been a teenager's fling with the 'bad boy,' now she wasn't so sure. Worse yet was the implication that things would be better if she hadn't given up control to pursue her own interests. So she did what she did best, knuckle down, push the distractions aside, and move forward.

"You ready?" She asked. "Got a light, all your weapons, some form of armor on under those robes?" Again the injuries to her face and lekku were apparent, as was her desire to get down into those tunnels and get them cleared in time so her miners and droids could get to work.
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

Wendy could go either way but she had to admit it was hard to tell someone it was going to be alright and get better when you saw how things got really bad in some places. It was disheartening though while she moved and brought her bag up. "All of it right here, benefit of lighter protective armor master." She smiled though and opened the bag getting her saber out first followed by her gloves with the flashlight on it while she was getting changed quickly into the armored stuit clipping the boots with their micro thrusters and a smile on her face. "One sec." She was getting armred up to help her master while running forward with ome of the big attention on a few of the things now when she turned the light on from her gauntlets. "There we go better master?"
"That's up to you now isn't it, Knight." She started making her way down the main path and onto the one that lead to the mine tunnels proper. "I'd hoped that promoting you and cutting the ties would help you be more sure of yourself, need less approval. I'd like you to work on that if you still see yourself as my student." After that Domino didn't know what to say, so she let the conversation laps into silence as they entered the darkened tunnels. A few meters in and she put her helmet on and tucked her lekku up into their place inside it. In her vision the craggy tunnel and fallen rocks were clear as day once the suit's augmented vision and penetrating radar came online.

Behind her faceplate a small frown danced on her lips. All this tech really took the fun out of this. There was almost no way she wouldn't see anything coming, that combined with the protectiveness her suit offered left nothing to fear, no dance of skill on the knife's edge. She knew it was irresponsible and that dying or getting needlessly injured was also putting the livelihood of the thousands that depended on her at risk as well, but this definitely lacked the terror-tinged excitement she'd felt facing the bone gnashers solo.
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

Wendy was looking at her former master and thought about it. "I tried, I did, I tried to be more independent but things happened. Mostly when I spoke up and questioned one of the healers who was showing how to use the force in more advanced healing methods. Suddenly I was exiled from the Silver Jedi and I don't think we liked us on Vaynai." That had been an interesting training session and only semi useful for her to be able to learn some of the things. She had learned more observing and interacting with the other jedi knight who had been showing how to use the Voss mystics healing ritual to save lives and that jedi was anti social compared to everyone else. "So I have been traveling and trying to find something wothwhile, I did learn that most of the really good healers in the galaxy have been driven away from infighting."
That drew an unlady-like snort from Domino though it was mostly obscured by her helmet. Just went to show that even the most reasonable of organizations could turn on you just for upsetting someone well connected. It was more politics than merit, one of the reasons she'd ran the Black Suns as a dictatorship, things were simplified and people knew where the power rested. And to think that she'd once considered giving the Silver Jedi Reason, at least before she'd found out it'd been stolen by that traitor and sold for pennies. That had thrown her into a rage lasting weeks and even helped to prompt her current project. The Katarina wouldn't be the most powerful ship cruising among the black stars by a far cry but, under the right conditions it'd be the deadliest. Already she'd been designing and redesigning her for half a year, gathering materials, creating systems, stockpiling resources, studying and integrating new technologies never used on ship created within the 'civilized' galaxy. Now all that remained was to build the ship herself, Domino's final and greatest masterpiece.

Walking through the dark tunnel, blinded save where their headlamps cast their harsh lights, that dream seemed a far away reality indeed. "Have you considered starting your own order? Nothing says it has to be particularly large or ambitious. Gather together a few like-minded individuals and give them a simple mission to help those in need regardless of nationality," she expected Wendy would like that part. "Learn about healing from one-another, share experiences, organize doctors and surgeons, that sort of thing."
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

Wendy was moving and looked at her master... former master and thought about it. her own order would be an interesting thing but she didn't have much experience in leading others. Really the things she could think about when it came to them was the truth. "Perhaps though it would be strange. Medicine does not care what a person is but I also know that some people are bad and have seen that first hand. I want to be better then others and say I could put aside personal feelings but I am honest... I doubt I could do such a thing. It is hard to see past opinions and feelings I have learned."
Finally, she was being honest with herself, even if she still doubted her own abilities. So far they'd encountered nothing but the occasional rock that was more annoyance than hindrance (Domino would casually push those off to the side with the force before continuing) and the regular interval of probe droids, their ocular sensors glowing in the pitch. Choosing her next words, the Twi'lek tried to console her friend. "I'm not saying you have to, it was just an idea I had. However I think you're underestimating yourself. I know you know that before I ran the Suns I managed a small syndicate, brand new fresh off the assembly. It was only by my appointment to the Admiralty Board that I managed to keep the legitimacy in power. When the other heads turned to me for leadership I was blown away, didn't think I'd last a week. Kept it going for ten years and even the entire Jedi order and Republic together couldn't keep me out forever." Though that didn't mean that she hadn't fucked up pretty badly there, but this was supposed to be motivational. "Before all that I'd been a dom-sicle for five hundred years, I was about as unsuited to the roll as you could be." She left it for a few seconds before continuing. "Point is that you don't know what you can do until you put forth all the effort you can. You are your own worse enemy."
[member="Wendy La Fey"]

She smiled and moved now enjoying the idea of it and hearing her masters tales well it helped her feel better at times about herself. It gave her a sense that the twi'lek who taught her was at least mortal compared to some who would rather their students believe they are perfect. Wendy kept going while most of her attention went to some of the stuff and the probe droids around them that were coming before. "That is nice to know and I think I'll keep it how it is now. Really I enjoy not being special it lets me move around and have comfort without having to deal with the hassle of others wanting to pin all of their problems on me. It is better to just wander the galaxy preforming good deeds."
Domino just shrugged and kept moving. Not wanting to be special and just help those that needed it made Wendy more special than most in Domino's esteem, though she wouldn't ruin it by saying so. "Suit yourself, I'm not quite done making waves myself though. I am however about ready to call this tunnel clear. I doubt much wants to live in a place that smells like a giant worm and we're too far down for most other subterranean burrowers." And while she didn't know when those fracking spiders had moved in, Domino was willing to bet that nothing living on the surface had made it down either. Anything before then, probably starved.

Tapping at her arm comp, Domino signaled the droids to daisy chain the return signal down the line and then head back to their racks so their scan data could be more thoroughly processed. Clapping a hand on Wendy's shoulder, she shook her head. "Sorry kiddo, looks like I made you get all dressed up for nothing. Maybe we'll find some excitement next time."

[member="Wendy La Fey"]

"Ehh not a problem." Wendy waved it off with her hand while she was looking at the things and her master. "Can never be too careful and besides this is fun and more enjoyable. What else would we be doing?" She didn't have much else to do aside from a couple of things so getting a chance to get out, dressed up and run around the large padawan was more then happy with a couple of the things. "So do we have everything here you need master? I know there is much more that could be od use here."
Going back the way they'd come, they were treated to a show as the neon lights of the droid's emitters zipping by in the dark. Domino had randomized the coloration and other aesthetic options of the pack when she'd put in the order. Which was something else, gone were the days of abusing her position as CEO to get whatever she wanted at production costs but, at least she still got to swing that employee discount on occasion. "Phrik is one of those odd things that you could always use more of, but it sounds like you've got an idea?"

Burbling happily, a pink colored droid with faded white bands on its protrusions hung around, whizzing around the group several times before settling in behind the head of one of Domino's bodyguards. Each time he turned his head to get a look, it'd duck the other way beeping with laughter and flashing its purple lights.

[member="Wendy La Fey"]

Oh she had a few ideas and since Sasori and phenex had gotten together really there was a lot more options. THe upgrades and designs Sasori had with some of their armor would let her re-purpose and organize her armor into something both protective and stylish compared to others. All she needed really as the chance with her master here. "I do have a few ideas of things I can do with it. Just need to work on some upgrades and designs for it. Should be able to work as both a protective suit and a functional piece of tech armor compared to some of the things... and if all else fails. those high quality bodyarmors that are now shown in the Phenex catalog are worth while."
That made Domino feel a little guilty, the thought of giving some of the ore to Wendy hadn't even crossed her mind, so focused as she was on her own ends. "Upgrading the production armor Phenex makes with phrik would most likely make them too expensive to mass-produce, putting them out of reach of the people already buying them as good quality yet affordable alternatives. And I thought your armor already used phrik?" She asked. Not to mention that pulling that much ore from the mine would likely put her own aspirations out of reach for another half year or so. One didn't personally sponsor such an ambitious mine want of a few kilograms or even a tonne. No, Domino wanted fifty thousand tonnes, minimum. Improving the armor line of a company she no longer owned would take up much of that mass with barely a percentage to show for it.

[member="Wendy La Fey"]

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