Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Galactic Empire

The Galactic Empire


The Galactic Empire rises once again from the ashes of defeat. The Imperial Mission gives us purpose, and unites us once again against a galaxy controlled by the weak and foolish. Those who stands against the Galactic Empire shall know the might of our Military, and face destruction at our hands as we march to prominence once again. We shall reestablish Order in a galaxy consumed by Chaos, and usher in a new Golden Age for the galaxy.

We shall be ceaseless in our drive to achieve our goals, and unyielding in the face of challenges. We shall stand up to those that bring disorder into the galaxy, and stand by the people who we are charged to protect.

Join the Galactic Empire, and fight for a brighter tomorrow.


I am looking for help in getting the Galactic Empire off the ground. If you think you could help us along, please send me a message and we can discuss the possibilities.

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