Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The GA Invasion of Lujo OOC and Ally Signups

This is an OOC and signup thread for the GA Invasion of Lujo which kicks off on January 24th. The invasion will be a “Bring your own Objective” battle. Please see the GA Faction Boards or the OS Faction boards for how this type of invasion will work. The creation of objectives is limited to GA or OS members. Remember to keep things civil and chill in the OOC thread.

If you’d like to sign up as an Ally for either faction, tag me, I’ll add you to the list. Allies are limited to ten on each side, are not first-come, first-served, and must be approved by Faction Admins.

Ally signups:

[SIZE=14.6667px]Galactic Alliance Allies:[/SIZE]
1. [member="Mordecai Tal'kyr"]
2. [member="Ashin Varanin"]
3. [member="Taeli Raaf"]
4. [member="Ordo"]
5. [member="Ayden Cater"]
6. [member="Sochi Ru"]
7. [member="Khallesh"]
8. [member="Hamish McNair"]
9. [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
10. [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

[SIZE=14.6667px]One Sith Allies:[/SIZE]
1. Open
2. [member="Talon Vosra"]
3. Open
4. [member="Ileris Sonn"]
5. [member="Bianca"]
6. [member="AI-01"]
7. [member="Dak Canton"]
8. [member="Mordred"]
9. [member="Greifen Ren"]
10. [member="Colrenth Renfrew"]

Final Objectives for the Invasion

Bunker Busters

Aims: Based on advantage either side has in story, open sandbox
Open/Private: Open
Category: PvP
Leaders: Faction Admins
Description: Once upon a time a command centre, formed of a network of interconnected bunkers at the base of a mountain range, was constructed on Lujo. Recently the Sith have been using this as a secure centre to carry out research into Sithspawn. The GA attack swiftly, aiming to end this vile practise. NPCs are background noise as both sides join battle in a series of interconnecting chambers. Warning: from time to time some dangerous sithspawn may be released - these will be a threat to both sides.
A, B, D, E
Traditional military bunker. Wide open spaces with lots of height afford room for acrobatic manoeuvre. Containers in several rooms hold dangerous chemicals and sithspawn being used in experiments


C, F, G, J
Maintenance. Engineering rooms and generators make this a slightly more confined space to fight in. Plenty of cover.
H, I, K, L, N
Sith prisons. Down here the Sith carry out their most depraved experiments. Narrow winding corridors connect chamber that house anything from sentient prisoners for experimentation to the vilest sithspawn. Ceilings are low and there is limited room for manoeuvre.




Fleet Battle
Aims: Secure orbit above Lujo
Open/Private: Open
Leader: [member="Ayden Cater"] (GA) / [member="Taloff Arsov"] (OS)
Category: Fleet / Starfighters
Description: Battles wage on the surface, but an eye must always be kept to the sky. Reinforcements cannot arrive through hellish laser fire, nor can transports speed away with VIPs there is a blockade in orbit. Secure a path for your forces to bring in reinforcements, or should the worst happen make your escape.

Each side will ultimately wind up with 15km fleet totals. The GA will arrive with more forces up front, 10km, to the One Sith's 5km. Reinforcements will come in at a later point and reverse this trend; GA brings in 5km to the 10km the OS brings in. Any folks who wanna do starfighter jockeying can be said to either be arriving in-system with the fleet (GA) or can be a part of the forces present at the start of the fight (OS)


Aims: Attack/defend/raid the Sith temple
Open/Private: Open
Leaders: [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Sage Bane"]
Category: PvP/NPC
Description: The One Sith built a temple there as a sign of friendship with the Fringe. Then they tortured a Fringe founder. The other one isn't amused. The Lujo Sith Temple is a symbolic and strategic target. I don't imagine it will involve anything larger than PVP and fairly small groups of NPCs as both sides fight through the temple.

About the Lujo Temple

In terms of security and defense, the Lujo Temple has standard deflector shields, two turrets in the front and two in the rear, some spider droids peppered about and Sith apprentices and soldiers as security guards. The vaults themselves are guarded by Tuk'ata, who roam the underground tunnels, searching for rogue lightsiders.

Lujo Temple Rooms


War Room: The War Room is the communications and strategy center for executive Sith Commanders of Lujo. The chamber features holo projectors and various communications arrays that are manned by Sith military.


Laboratory: The Lujo Temple Laboratory is a place where the dark arts of Sith alchemy flourish. The laboratory contains a cabinet full of elixirs, poisons, and crystals, as well as a alembics, volumetric flasks, a purification chamber, daggers for bleeding rituals, a philosopher’s stone, and various other scientific apparati.


Library: The temple library is a vast chamber of knowledge, where Sith of all levels come to study Sith history and culture and meditate on the words of the ancients. The Lujo Temple Library also contains repositories and access points for maps, artwork, and other various storage media.


Vaults: The temple vaults are subterranean rooms that contain valuable dark sided artifacts and tomes on Sith history and culture. Also housed deep underneath the temple are dungeons containing cells, restraints, and instruments of torture. Lastly, there are catacombs which contain the mummified remains of honored Sith Knights and Lords of Lujo, untouched by time and tomb raiders. Because of the presence of dark sided relics, light siders may feel a perceptible malaise as they enter the vaults.


Training Grounds: In the temple’s central courtyard are practice grounds for lightsaber and Force training. A rack of practice sabers sits next to a row of inactive unarmed practice droids.


Only after disaster, can we be resurrected
Aims: Beating each other mercilessly. This is a modified objective for a pvp match between Darth Vornskr and The Revenant, objectives provided to prevent claim of PVP objective simply from who won or lost.
Open/Private: Private
Leaders: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Gabriel Sionoma"]
Category: PVP
Description: After killing Darth Vornskr, at Dromund Kaas, The Revenant was tasked with studying the relics of the fallen Sith Lord. After some time, the lightsaber hilt provided a storied future of resurrection, which coincided with the knowledge The Revenant already had of Kaine Zambrano and his ability to resurrect.
Suggested Objectives:
Objectives 1: Prevent Kaine from being resurrected. If he is resurrected, one point to team darkside.
Objectives 2: Win in a bought of PVP, judgment will end upon potential pre-determined outcome between Gabe and Kaine (tbd and provided to the FA during judgment, Kaine and I will be able to judge this objective if the FA's are fine with that)
Tiebreaker: If Darkside wins objective one, lightside wins objective two, than the tie breaker is based on the FA's determining which post was the most brutal.


Objective Five: A Feast For Crows

Aims: To write a fair, and balanced, battle between OS PC characters, and a GA NPC commander.
Open/Private: Private
Category: NPC Troop battle
Leaders: [member="Isamu Baelor"]
Description: In an attempt to wrest control of the planets surface, the GA have launched an assault on the main OS military base on Lujo. Hand of The Dark Lord Isamu Baelor readies to push back against the Galactic Alliance, and their commander. Will OS forces route the attackers? Or will the GA break through, and take the planets surface?


[SIZE=14.6667px]Invasion Terms:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Invasion will run for two weeks, from January 24, 2016 until February 7, 2016[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Members are allowed to assist with creation of objectives. A thread will be opened to allow members of each faction to directly set up objectives with each other. Members will start brainstorming objectives December 27th that are due to their FA by January 10th so that both sides can review.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]To be claimed as a member of either faction and be eligible for participating as a member and not an ally, you must have joined the faction prior to January 9th, 2016 and be an active member (this rule does not apply to new writers on the site. If a new writer joins up, and joins either faction, they are allowed to post in the invasion)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]The Faction Admins will define one sandbox-style PvP location[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]While there will be a PvP objective, should members wish, there can be Ground-NPC, fleeting, and PvE elements at the request of the populace of the faction.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Member-created objectives may be Private or Open and must be tagged as such in the invasion thread[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Ten Allies per side[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Any maps or visual aids will be presented to FAs of both sides and approved by the collective 1 week before invasion (by Jan 10)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]The Faction Admin teams will convene to discuss any writers who are not able to display the appropriate decorum and respect to other writers, and their ejection and disqualification from the invasion
  • [/SIZE]

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