Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fox's Earth.

"Myrkrr. On the edge of what was Mandalorian space. The planets mostly known for a creature on its surface known as the Ysalimiri which shuts down the force. Luckily, the Ashlans were able to clear a hole long enough for me to have the visions." As she spoke to the code, he gave a small shrug. "Yet you think of others. The problem I often see is that the code is often applied to a person without thoughts of how its application might affect others."
Ra nodded and a brief look of irritation crossed her eyes. Not a look or feeling that was directed at Vulpesen, but at a memory. She had been close to one of those creatures before. It was in the days when the Dominion died. The last time she had given a vow to anybody or faction, anything for that matter. Since that day, she had been very careful in her choice of words, making sure there nothing in them that would be considered a vow.

"I've come across them before. Only it was on Eol Sha. I was captured along with the Archduke of the Dominion, his wife and our troops. Oddly, I was released a week later so apparently the Empire didn't know who I was or a deal was brokered for my release. I really don't know how it happened."

When she had been growing up, it had taken time, but her master in the end had started branching out and took that code further than she did. However, at first it was just the two of them. When their people rebelled, they had to run for their lives and eventually he was killed. While she hadn't seen him die, Ra knew he was gone.

Growling slightly, he somehow worked to bring up her memories of her past. Ones she either didn't speak or think of very often.

"I honestly hope I don't turn into my master. In the end he wasn't a nice person. Heck, he never taught me love. Told me it was a weakness and to never allow it to happen. Why it's been elusive to me. I don't know how."

"They can come in handy. Actually, I've been thinking of taking a shipment and creating a sort of prison here. It'd probably help quite a bit in containing the threat of any enemy force users we can arrest." Reaching over, Vulpesen brought his hand to Shadow's dark pelt, petting the soft fur before turning them around back towards the city. "You've seen the error in his ways, and that's one hell of a start. As for love being a weakness, does that mean its useless? The most power I've ever held came from my love of someone. A zorren's ears are hyper sensitive. It can detect the footstep of an assassin trying to kill me, but a loud grenade can be devastatingly painful. Sometimes, the weakness is just part of a trade for greater power."
"I can help with prison set up. You know I'm pretty familiar with holding cells and such..."

Vulpesen knew of her Dominion days and her role there. That fact wouldn't be missed on him.

"Ah yes, but it was a slow and gradual change. He maybe didn't even notice it. Would I be the same? Change so slow that it wouldn't be obvious until I'm killed."

Chuckling a little when he mentioned his hearing, she was an assassin too. A small part of her wondered if she could sneak up on him sometime and she kept that thought to herself. Maybe an opportunity would come up. Not to try and kill him though. Just to accomplish a startle. The practical joker side Ra rarely got to show off.

"No, I suppose everything has strengths and weaknesses. I've just never known it and trusted him. He...I don't know. He was right about so many things though."

In thinking about him, she didn't really miss him now. The one man she did was her captain. Both of them had a hand in making her who she was today. Somebody had told her that the connection she had with her captain had been love. A mutual caring between something like father and daughter.

"I just might take you up on that offer. I'm sure Claymus will need all the help he can get with securing what enemies we can capture." As Ra questioned her path, and the possibility of corruption, Vulpesen leaned back a bit in his seat on Shadow, his back now pressing lightly against her. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do quite fine in avoiding his failures. But if you want some advice, I would suggest setting boundaries, lines you should never cross. That way, should you ever find yourself doing what you've promised never to do, you will know that you've fallen farther than you'd ever thought possible. That's the purpose of the code among us in Vitae Alliance. It isn't there to tell us what to do, as the sith and jedi codes do. It simply tells us when we've fallen too far. When we stop valuing life or freedom over unity, then we know that we've strayed too far from our path."
"Was Claymus the one that didn't really like me when we first arrived? "

Only one name had been provided then and Ra hadn't asked the other person his name. He had viewed her without hostility, but no real liking either​. More netural she supposed, but the question was still a valid one.

"Thing is those boundaries or lines sometimes need to be crossed now and then. Of course, after the fact I've felt rather bad about it. End goal and all though. If somebody stands in my way something, they need to be removed from my path. One of the things I learned from my master. Don't let anything stand in my way of a goal. Who knows maybe I can incorporate all of them to suit me."

He leaned against her lightly and Ra rested her head on his back. In a way, she felt at home with him. She had no fear or real concern to be something other than who she was.

"He was, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he doesn't like you. Claymus was here during the exodus, so he takes his job as the leader of Veran security rather serious. I'm sure he'll warm up." As she spoke of crossing the line, Vulpesen flicked his ear back towards her. "Maybe, but we're very careful about such times. Genocide, tyranny, and treason are the three crimes we kill for. Though of course, we do what we must to defend ourselves."

Continuing on the path back to the city, Vulpesen kept a keen eye out on the wilds around them. Veradune was his home, and a place he knew quite well. But that didn't mean he was above being attacked by predators. After all, to a zipher, a zorren was a potential meal no matter what its status was. While the paths he took were generally cleared of such dangers, that didn't mean that there hadn't been men of stature before him who were lost to the wilderness. "Maybe when we get back, we'll hit one of the dining halls. Might be a good way to impress Claymus and the others."
"I see. Well, people base so much off first impressions and he seemed to not really like me. It'll work out if you say so, I'm sure. Maybe I just need to show I know what I'm talking about or something."

A little smile crossed her face when he mentioned the three things they did kill for. Even if it wasn't in her nature normally to be like that, there were times when Ra wanted to do just those things. Not sure if it was the sith in her or not, but the need to feel powerful and use it to exploit the weaknesses of others. To be able to rule over them more through fear than anything else. It wasn't often, but when that need did appear, she gave into it.

He mentioned going to one of the dining halls when they got back and how it might impress Claymus. She looked at him curiously.

"How would eating be a good way to impress anybody?"

"Claymus is a man that reserves his judgement until one has proven themselves." When Ra spoke about ways of proving herself, Vulpesen grinned widely and urged Shadow into a light trot. "Talking isn't the way to his favor and nor is eating. But I promise you, that the dining halls are still one of the best places to impress him." There as a spark in his eyes as he spoke. Upon rebuilding this home of his, Vulpesen had found many joys in its culture and the great rowdy dining halls were among the greatest.
He said Claymus needed to have something proven to him before he made an actual judgement on them. The warrior in her had a good idea what he meant, but wasn't sure if that was right either.

Still slightly confused, Ra listened to what Vulpesen said about the dining halls. Whatever he planned, he was excited about it though and it showed on him. Even without the help of the pin her cloak, she would have been able to pick up on the joy he felt.

Not being one used to company, parties or loud activities, she had the feeling that's exactly where they were heading.

"I'm not going to have fun am I?"

Vulpesen looked over to her with a grin, his tail started to flick and wave eagerly in the air. "That depends on your definition of fun. Zorrens live for revelry. I'll be honest in that the meal you had with my parents is far from the sort of thing that usually happens when we go out for meals." Reaching down, he scratched behind Shadow's ear, encouraging a faster pace from his mount. "Only thing is, you'll have to leave any weapons you might have at the door."

She shook her head at his answer as it was an accurate statement. Fun wasn't something she had ever really had much of and lived a solitary life on a world that rained acid. Maybe what she thought of as fun another would consider boring, but that was who she was. In saying his people lived for revelry was of a small interest to her. Knowledge was just that could be used in the future.

"Does that include using the Force? It's a weapon just like anything else or can be."

Not relishing the thought of being parted from her knives and sabers, Ra would follow the rules. Then she let out a small groan as she realized she was likely going to have to remove the ball that held her braid together. That meant her hair was going to be down and likely in the way of pretty much everything.

"I would suggest keeping it to a minimum. Both for the safety of the bar, and your honor. Within our walls, honor is somewhat important, even in a barroom brawl. Its mostly done as a precaution since drink and rowdy company can sometimes lead to brash decisions." Not long after he was done talking, Vulpesen would see the walls of the city rising up before him, its gate opening to allow the riders through.
"The bar? Honor I get totally, I mean in the end that's all a person really has."

A slight shrug of her shoulders, but Ra fully understood what he meant.

"Well me without weapons against people that can shred with fingernails...I'm at a bit of a disadvantage I think."

Soon enough they reentered the city and they were among the people again.

"There are applications to the force beyond filling a room with wrathful lightning. I'm sure you'll find some subtle means of defending yourself from our claws. And even if you don't, theres a chance they'll refrain from cutting you to ribbons out of courtesy." He slowed Shadow down a bit as they reached the gate, now facing a pair of sentries who quickly parted to let them through. "I should have mentioned that in a way, almost all of our restaurants double as bars. Our heightened metabolism makes it a bit hard to get drunk, but that doesn't mean we don't try."

She was aware of various uses of the Force that weren't violent in nature. So in taking the hint Vulps gave, Ra nodded. Subtle uses of the Force she might be able to accomplish that might not be noticed by his people. He would though she was sure.

Giving him a bit of a dirty look at what she thought of as silly rules, she would follow them the best she could though. Ra listened as he explained most dining halls were also bars, she nodded with a small smile to join with his chuckle.

This was going to be an interesting evening.

"Alright, let's go."

Grinning in anticipation, Vulpesen urged Shadow onwards through the gates and towards the center of town. Of course, there were still quite a few people that took notice of their king and his visitor riding through the street, but the overall surprise had died down since Ra had first arrived. As they rode, Vulpesen managed to move his mount through the various streets and alleys, showing his understanding of his home. He may not have been born here, or even lived in Veradune for a majority of his life, but he had long ago accepted that this was where he belonged, and thus it was his task to know every nook and cranny of his home.

About ten minutes later he pulled back on the reigns, urging Shadow to stop in in front of a new building. While not particularly tall, the structure was impressively long and from within a cacophony of cheers, whoops, hollars, and songs could be heard. At its door, stood a single grey tailed zorren, next to whom was a table which held bins filled with various weapons. Blasters, blades, and what appeared to be jewelry all stood guarded, tagged with the names of their owners. And above this display, emblazoned on a sign atop the entrance where the words, The Long Tailed Fox.

Vulpesen's grin widened as he dismounted and offered a hand to help Ra down from Shadow's back. "Welcome to my favorite place within our beautiful city." He turned to the doorman and offered him a nod. "How are ya Kar?"

"Doin well, sir. I heard you had company. Nice to see you decided to show her the fox. I just hope you told her the rules." He reached over and patted an empty bin to his right. Despite the formality of calling Vulpesen "sir", there was a familiarity between them that was shown in his relaxed stance, and a joviality which permeated his expression. "Just try not to cause too much trouble today. It'd be nice to have an easy shift for once."
Just based off the sounds coming from inside, Ra had the feeling she was going to be way out of place here. A woman used to being alone, keeping herself secluded from large crowds and only really dealing with people one on one, this was a change. Not at all like the gathering with his parents, this was with the common people. It was nice to see him mixing with regular people. So many rulers did not do this and it separated them from the real issues of their people.

Accepting his hand for the help down, Ra looked on as the doorman greeted Vulps and motioned to an empty basket. The rules had been stated and she did not like the thought of not having anything but her skin to keep safe. Rolling her eyes slightly and letting out a sigh, Ra started taking her weapons off and placing them in the basket.

"I really don't like this...makes me feel almost naked."

"It takes some getting used to." While he spoke, Vulpesen reached into his robes, producing his daggers and saberstaff which he placed in the bins. "But considering how most places on Veradune allow for any sort of weapon to be carried, it's a small price to pay." Zorren's were a fairly passionate people, and add alcohol to the mix, with a dash of warrior culture, and it could become a recipe for disaster.

"I guess you're right...This is your home, your rules and what not. As a visitor and learning, I'll have to adapt."

​It was common sense she would have to adjust to his people's culture while visiting. It was something she would do to the best of her ability.

Setting her weapons into the bin with a sense of longing, Ra held an arm out for Vulps to take and lead her into the bar in front of them.

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