Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Fox meets a Snake

As Aeizori entered the kitchen, she used her gift of the Force to simply grab the necessary items. Bowls. Cooking utensils. Pots. Pans. The food it self. Spices and the like. Who says you can't use this gift for day to day things like cooking? Still. She carefully prepares this meal as skillful as a proper chef would. Though as she prepares this meal, she does look up occasionally to a certain cupboard. An ear twitches, her tails sway softly.

"No. I shouldn't. Not today. Maybe..." She mutters to herself.

It was around this time that she heard her name being called 'Aeizori' followed by that several other words from earlier. Did that man truly stalk her?!

In this sudden outcome, she flinched and lost her focus. A plate came crashing down shattering upon the floor. An ear twitched, she turned to face the invisible man, she in turn, spoke in a hushed tone. 'What are you doing here?' And Aei once more uses that wonderful gift, this time to grab a broom to clean up the mess she had just made.


At the sound of the crash. Jane shouts out. "That better not have been expensive!" As she looks towards the sound. Though she goes back to her reading, mumbling something else underneath her breath.


Harold, on the other hand, seemed rather oblivious to the sound, as he seems to be having a rather important phone call, though without anyone around. No one can hear the desperation in his voice.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
She used the Force well enough, though considering she only used it to pull items towards her... for cooking of all things, and then using telekinesis to summon a broom to clean the mess his surprise had forced her to make. Now, yes one could use the Force for these rather useful utility based reasons certainly.

But though he appreciated the idea of the great Force, in all its will being simply used for housework...

...It also was entirely farcical that a Sith, or at least a darksider her like would use her gift, use her powers, for entirely... a slave task.

Still, as he cringed as the plate came crashing down, as he heard the muffled voice of the witch through the door, his gaze followed up to her red eyes.

"I told you at the very beginning, I will not allow you to remain in bondage, now come with me, I can make you invisible as well, and we will be out, with them none the wiser." Malum answered, whispering just as quietly as her, as he offered her a hand, allowing the cloak to dispel, revealing himself to her.

Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
Aeizori moves the broom over to sweep up the plate that broke on the floor. Her tails swishing and swaying around as she does this. Why does she look and seem content with this line of work? An ear twitches at his proposal. That is what he said earlier today when they were alone in the alcove. But why does this man desire her to be away from this household. After cleaning up this mess, the fox looks over at the man and watches as he dispells his cloak and appears fully in the kitchen. Her mouth opens up to speak. To give him an answer.


Harold, in the other side of the household, hurries over towards the living room and looks at Jane. "We have to leave." The man seems to be cowering a bit in fear.

Jane looks up from her book. "Oh what is it this time?"

"Jane. Now isn't the time, I can't explain-"

Then the front door is heard by all. Someone's fist is pounding on it with a few muffled words coming from the door. Followed by the door openning moments later. A few armed gunmen makes their way inside.


Now, Aeizori heard the door pounding, but not the voice that was behind the door. Her head soon turns towards the sound and an ear twitches. "Ah-...." With a defeated look upon her face, she admittedly, takes his hand. From one owner, to the next. She remains silent.


Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
His ears flicked at the sound of the knock, he doubted he had any better hearing than the fox woman, however, what he did imagine he had over her was the paranoia and caution that came from years of war. The knock could be nothing... but it could also be...

He snapped his eyes shut, forcing his mind to resist the temptation of sight, all other senses enhanced for but a moment.

The sound of boots.

The sound of weapons.

He had been found.

"Fuck..." He whispered under his breath, he could still go invisible certainly, but looking after another, needing to stay close to them, while the law enforcement already presumably knew he was here? It was a risky plan and he knew it.

On the other hand, he could attempt to incapacitate the foes, he knew he was capable enough to do that, law enforcement normally dealt with civilians, and while they were more than able to do that... anything stronger would be a challenge.

And well, a Sith like him, even if simply an apprentice, would certainly count.

Alas, if they knew he was here, that means reinforcements would soon arrive as well, and between constantly fighting off them, he would bring far too much attention on himself.

The last thing he needed was a confrontation with Darth Empyrean's Legionnaires.

Let alone with some Eternalist Sith Lord.

There was another option, attempt to talk his way out of it.

Alas, unless Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar himself was beyond the door, he doubted he would have much luck.

That left him with only one option, unfortunately.

Unfortunately, because... well, he had never looked at the idea beyond the theoretical.

However, what better time than a crisis to bring out achievement?

As he felt the warmth of her hands around him, he gazed down at her with red orbs, cracking a smile that did not quite reach his eyes, "This might hurt a bit," It would hurt him more, however, getting killed, let alone captured, would hurt him all the more.

He bound the Force to his command, demanding its obedience, as he felt time slow around them.

As he thought of the route back to the Marr Manse. The outskirts would be enough, entering within... well he did not wish to risk triggering the defences, nor the questions from his family if he was spotted.

And then with a flash.

They were gone.

Arriving into a vast estate plains around them, with the smoking industry of Jutrand in the distance.

With Malum breaking his grip on Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae and falling to his knees.

As blood trickled down his knees.

And groans filled both their ears.

His heart felt like they were on fire.
Aeizori seems rather puzzled at what was going on. She heard boots entering the household, and her head turned to look towards the entrance of the kitchen. A tail flickered. An ear twitched. She is trying to focus on whoever just had entered the household. As she concentrated, she had no true idea as to what was going on around her. Including as to what the man in front of her had planned to do.

Fuck. Malum had stated. For what reason? Surely the guests who arrive aren't after him. Were they? Aeizori pondered about this, all while trying to focus on what is happening outside.


As the door opened up, and those armed goons arrived. "Hello Harold." One of the men stated, he isn't wearing any sort of gun, but the goons around him are all carrying some-kind of blasters. Be it rifles or pistols.

"Harold?" Jane looks a bit puzzled by this.

"W-Well Mickael. G-Good to see you."

"Cut the shit Harold. I want m-"


"...hurt a bit." He had stated then.

Aeizori would snap back towards him, losing out on this conversation, and a word escapes her lips. "What?" Is all she could muster.

And then... all that seemed to be left from this sudden disappearance is a pile of fluff. Floating in the air before landing on the ground next to the barely swept pile. The abandoned broom. The uncooked meal, barely prepared.

The fox didn't even have time to get that shiny necklace.


What of Harold and Jane? Whose this Mickael character? Alas. The world shall never know. But the authorities would find the body of Harold, hanged in his own room by his necktie. Several battered injuries, stabbings. But Jane is no where to be found. That is a tale for another time.


Aeizori didn't have any time to think. She simply appeared elsewhere. But where is the question? She looks all around this area trying to judge just where she appeared at.

Then the pain kicked in.

Before she got a good look at her surroundings, Aeizori fell down onto her side, and started to hold onto it. This way of transportation is extremely foreign to her, and a soft groan and a pained expression escapes her lips and face.

Of course. She didn't have the same effect that Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr is facing.
It was as if his skull was being cracked open by a hammer.



It was much worse than that, it was as if his skull was marble, and with a hammer and chisel, an amateur with little regard, with little knowledge, and with little capability was hammering away at his skull, and each strike fiercer, bolder, greater than the last. It was a cold mercy that it had not struck his brain, that the miasma and blood of his mind, was not leaking out of his head to bear witness to the sun outside, which it only experienced through the orbs that were summarily shut closed, not baring the will to see the light.

The temptation to slam his head against the grass, to offer some relief through pain, was all the more tempting, as he tasted copper flowing down from his nose, a bleed that was more a torrent, as the blood coated his face, coated his robes, and made their mark upon the grounds in which they stood.

He swayed on his knees, finally falling upon the grass, eyes squinting open, as through the pain he looked for Aeizori.

This was the first time he had used Force Travel, and as he felt it burn through his chest, he knew all that was said of the ability was true.

He had escaped those looking for him, yet, the agony he currently felt, was barely worth that.

The texts had said it would become easier.

But as he gazed about, with blood vessels threatening to burst in his orbs, he wondered if bringing another had made it only worse.

And indeed, though she likely felt it much less than him, how she was feeling.

"Aeizori... are you... okay...?" He breathed out, trying, and failing to pull himself up.

Wondering if a member of the Guard would soon find them.

Hoping that his family were not close, having hopefully evacuated the Manse with all the danger there was here.

Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
Aeizori, on the other hand, continues to be on the ground sniffling and writhing in her own pain. She has no idea what he had done to her. Where she is. And why this pain has occurred to her body. Blood trickles out of her two adorable fox ears, which flow down her face and onto the ground below. Her chest remains surrounded by her arms, and in between her grunts and groans of pain, she tries her best to respond back. To make sense of the entire ordeal.

"Ears. Ringing. Mind. In Pain." She tries to explain. "Hard to. Focus. Need...."

Tears begin to flow down her face. Her red eyes are already turning further red from the tears she is spewing out. "Need... I need... I need Master... but he isn't."

She pauses. To breathe and gasp out before a scream escapes her pained body. Perhaps she is trying to hide the pain she truly is feeling.

"But ... But... I... know... He... won't... return..." She states.

Her bleeding ears twitch. Her seven tails flicker, and she moves to try to curl herself up into a ball of fluff.

Poor Aeizori.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Her words filtered to him through a haze, what she said he could certainly comprehend, to understand on the other hand was a much more mixed activity. Pulling himself up, he swiped his hand across his nose, feeling the red liquid flowing freely out, thankfully, whether it was due to the fact his ears were less sensitive than the fox's or not, his ears were not also bleeding.

As far as he could tell.

Truly with this mind-splitting headache, he was sure and sure of less and less.

Red eyes, hollow, heaving with deep breaths, looked towards Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae , at this point, he was unsure which one of them was having the worst of it.

It should have been him, for though he had brought her alongside him, the bulk of bending time and space around them, had come from his will, and though she would experience some effects certainly, as the body was simply not meant to move so fast.

Was it meant to be this bad?

He truly did not know.

He was but an apprentice, and if this war his Mistress, Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia , had started against the Emperor, Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , and against Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex had taught him anything.

It was that he, knew so very little.

Yet, he banished those thoughts aside, doing what no Sith, no noble, should do.

Crawling himself to the fox's side.

He hesitated, before gently cradling the woman, as his vision grew blurry, as he heard the rhymic tapping of boots that alerted him to the fact that they were saved.

"Tell me about your master," He whispered to the air, doing his utmost to stay awake, and knowing she would need to as well.
Oh gods the pain. The fox had closed her eyes, wincing and groaning in this pain. What did he do to her? Why did he do this to her?! One of her bloodied ears flickers, sending a flick of blood around them. She remains on the ground motionless, trying to think and comprehend her thoughts. The desire to simply let her mind drift and wander, to give in to the gift of unconsciousness grows by the second.

But another ear flickered. She heard him crawling towards her. Felt his body touching hers. Holding her. Cradling her. Holding her safe and secure.

But she was safe and secured before she met this man. Sure. Harold and Jane weren't the best of people to be around. Jane wanting to remove her as soon as possible, while Harold enjoyed her company. Might've not been the safest family she has had the pleasure of serving, but definitely not the worst.

And yet, Malum asked her a question. Her red eyes opened back up.

"My master? The man who taught more more to life, showed me that there is more to life then being a mere servant, g-gave me the choice of freedom. But I stayed by his side until his demise. He was everything to me. Still is everything."

After saying those words aloud. Malum didn't seem that different. He wanted to see her free from those people. He, being kind enough to touch and caress the woman, to keep her safe and calm. Like he would. Perhaps this man would also take her advice, listen to her and treat her with kindness.

Yes.... Perhaps.

Though her eyes do begin to shut once more. The pain becoming worse by the second.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Malum's eyes flickered to attention, feeling her warmth beneath his hands, holding her ever closer, there was nothing intimate about this, simply two persons in pain, trying to find what little comfort they could in each other. Using each other, to numb what he had caused, to save them both.

"He certainly seems like a man to meet, who was he? How did he die?" Malum continued to whisper, the blood was finally beginning to cease flowing.

His heart was no longer burning.

Yet, it was ever still a fight to keep his eyes open.

She, was his only focus now, the only reason for him to stay awake when his body begged him to collapse into her warmth.

The armoured boots he had heard before finally arrived, silent as statues, disciplined as warrior poets, after a quick examination of what they were seeing, the Guard as swift as ever, had brought out two stretchers, Malum though in the depths of the flight or fight response, knew very well what was coming.

There was no resistance, as his eyes finally closed, and he and Aeizori were placed on a stretcher.

Yet even still, as they were carried off to the infirmary.

His hand did not leave hers.

Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
As he holds onto her, those tails of hers move around to wrap themselves against his body, wanting to keep him close as the pain remains. Her eyes do not open up this time. She is in too much pain to keep them open. Her voice all but a whisper in response to his questioning.

"The former king of Kesh. A man who did what he thought was right... for his planet and those he deemed as friends and family... He died... defending..."

And her words trailed off.

Her body in too much pain.

Her arms going limb as she succumbs to the darkness.

Aeizori is unaware of being picked up and placed on a stretcher and taken away to the nearby infirmary. Nor of his hand remaining by hers.

But alas, the girl is 'saved' so to speak.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Solan Charr Solan Charr

...Why did that sound so familiar?

That was the last Malum thought, as the darkness finally overtook him.

Red eyes snapped open.

The sterile white of the infirmary greeted him.

A skeletal crew of medical staff and Guard were quickly spotted, one of the former quick to reach his side, eying both him and the blinking screen warily, yet remaining thankfully silent.

While of course, the latter remained ever silent and disciplined, doing as they were bid to do.

There were no Marrs here, in the Manse that remained their ancestral home for... how many generations?

From the outside the grand estate would look as inhabited as ever, for after all staff still came and went, but his father for all the disagreements that they had, was a shrewd enough man, and though he had enjoyed the many years of prominence that had been gifted to their family when his son and heir had risen so highly, and quickly, among the Sith Order, as a Triumvirs, and then a Duumvirs apprentice.

Well, as this crisis had begun, he had been as quick to evacuate.

Most likely the Emperor would not strike here, though certainly in his means, the Manse was more fortress than anything else, and though the man could flatten it easily enough, to bring the war to Jutrand, when though one of the apprentices of Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia was the heir of House Marr, the House itself had made no indication that they had chosen a side.

Why make an unnecessary foe?

Still, to trust the rational and logical course of an all-powerful man, when indeed his rationality and his logic may be entirely different to yours, was not the most intelligent course.

His parents.

His sisters.

His cousins.

Even Valstraus Valstraus , had likely already departed to the other branches of the House of Marr, Eliad and elsewhere.

To wait out this storm.

Doing what they could to make sure their son, their brother, would survive having chosen the losing side.

He did so love them.

And he so hated hurting them.

For it was for them, he had done so much, done it all.

For them he would return victorious.

All after this was dealt with.

Speaking of this, as the doctor, the many of which kept on retainer by the Marr's wealth, spoke to him of the no lasting impact, but of stress to the heart, of many other matters.

Malum's eyes drifted to the one that was missing.

Nodding idly, accepting the instruction and chiding from the man, he was allowed up.

Finding himself by a bedside, he noted there were no other patients here.

Had these staff been left here in case he came back?


He certainly did not deserve his family.

And he was certainly reminded of how bad a son he was.

A matter for another day.

Finding the fox woman, resting peacefully upon a bed, Malum took a seat.

He would wait for her to stir.

He would accomplish what he promised.

And then he could could...

...His time at Jutrand had come to an end, the nostalgia, the boredom... he had to become serious.

His Mistress, and Alister- Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , needed him.

Along with all the Tsis'Kaar.

Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
Throughout the fox-girls rest, she tossed and turned having a restless sleep. Her dreams turned to nightmares in an instant. All of that pain she received reminded her of how she was previously treated, before meeting the man who had set her free from that lifestyle. Or well, attempted, to liberate her from that lifestyle. Her ears flicker. Her body shook. This nightmare of a dream doing wonders to affect her physical body.

Even as she was being treated in her slumber, she turns and shifts around. Grunts of pain and mumbles of desiring his presence escape her slumbering lips.

Was she truly that dependent on the man? Of his family of adopted children?

Never-the-less, her eyes do awaken and her lips open with a faint gasp.

"Master Charr." She whispered, as she shifted to an upright position.

Her red eyes look around to see just where she is. White room. White bed. White blanket. Cold. White cabnets around with people wearing labcoats and presumably doctor uniforms.

She is in an infirmary no doubt.

Then her gaze shifted to look at Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr and the events of yesterday reappear.

Her ears lower followed by her head. Words then escape her lips, before speaking out once more. "My... master is gone. Replaced by another. What do you desire me to do?" There is no sadness in her voice. No emotion. Just acceptance that this man, who 'rescued' her from Harold and Jane, and unknowingly saved her from a far, far worse fate.

Falling back to that lifestyle. The lifestyle He had broken out of her, but what else is a servant such as her suppose to do?
It was unfortunately not an uncommon occurrence, for Malum to be sat at the bedside, watching helpless, as one tossed and turned atop sheets and pillow. Though, of course, it would be usually him unconscious on these plain sheets, after a particularly harsh bout.

Yet, his sisters, had themselves found themselves here, his cousins too, each and every time, worried and sick to his stomach, Malum was there, awaiting for them to stir.

And now here he was again, doing the same.

Yet, for the first time... for one that was not kin.

He wished he could have done more to help, done anything to help, yet as the dream, what he assumed was a nightmare raged through her body, her body still recovering from what he had put her through.

The body which...

... He looked away, he was being an absolute cad, not at all being a gentleman staring like that.

It was the vague shallow words out of her lips that brought his attention back to her.

...To her lips, those soft, red, lips.

He gulped, gazing instead to just above her head, what was going on with him?

It was as comprehensible words fell out of her, as her eyes opened, and she pulled herself up, that Malum was able to contain himself, withdrawing back into the controlled, noble scion, that he had been raised to be his entire life.

"Marr, actually." Malum japed, with the ghost of a smile that did not reach his eyes. Though noting down the name... Charr... King of Kesh... was she refering to... Solan Charr Solan Charr ? Had she served the famous Solan Charr?


It was as her eyes drifted to his, red meeting red, as words flowed out of those lips that had stolen his attention.

That... he had the good graces to blush, as pink dusted his cheeks, and his mouth became dry.

Why ever... would she say something so bold to him?

Thoughts fluttered across his mind.

Improper thoughts.

"I..." Malum began, considering the possibilities, how loyal she had been two those civilians, what use she could be to him...

...But no, he was no hypocrite, he had promised her something beyond bondage.

"...That is up to you now, you are freed, as I wished you to be, what I desire is irrelevant, you are free to choose what you desire."

Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
Aeizori gave out another faint grunt. The pain is mostly gone, but some remained. Medicine can only do so much.

An ear does flicker at his name. Marr. Why does that sound familiar. The tips of her tails flicker. The woman is lost in her thoughts.

Thoughts that are interrupted as he continues his words. Freedom. Free to do as she wished and pleased. To go out and make a proper name for herself. To choose what path she desires.

She doesn't want to. Its all she has ever done. All she ever knows.

"He said the same thing. And I chose to be his servant. Thanks to him, I have a better understanding of the world. And yet, I chose to remain by his side. I am but a liberated slave. Who has the choice and freedom to leave. Yet I stayed, until he perished."

And she turns down to look at her hands. A life of servitude. Devoted. Servitude at that. Demeaning for a Sith, as he called her, yes.

But a life she willingly chose. A bet, when she finally had the choice to leave that is.

For the second time in her existence, she is offered freedom.

But isn't willingly accepting servitude underneath another a form of freedom?

"And I desire, to serve you. Master Marr. For if you don't accept me, I will merely find another. Its the path I have ever known. Being someone's assistant. Maid. Servant. Even going as far as being called a slave. I have to admit, serving that family though was rather irritating."

Marr. She stated. Similar to him. But is she truly giving herself up to his whims?

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr
Even as Malum had mostly recovered from the effects of the Force Travel, it was clear that she had not. Perhaps it was simply the training he had undergone that she might not have? After all, training in the darkside was training in pain, and if she had not experienced that training... perhaps even in only being the passenger of his first-time use of the ability, she would be struck worse than him...

...It would have to be something he would have to account for in the future.

Yet for now, focused on her... well, it was difficult not to focus on her, her ear and tail flicked, drawing his red orbs, she was... well she was certainly a developed older woman.

But she was also undeniably adorable.

And it was hard not to be drawn to her.

Even as he tried to focus on her words, he was drawn to the lips that said the words, more than the words themselves...

...Again he asked, what was going on with him today?

Still, thankfully, he was not so distracted to miss all she said, even as her eyes turned to her hands.

Saving him the embarrassment of looking away himself.

And he so did wish to, the pink dusted across his cheeks, having turned red, as her desires were indicated to him.

"What all... do you wish... to do for..." His mouth moved before his mind could comprehend, yet still caught himself before he truly embarrassed himself, as he let out a sigh, as an uncharacteristic confidence took hold, standing from his seat, approaching her bedside, and fingers drifting to her chin, red eyes meeting red, as he gazed into them, looking for even a shard of a lie...

...Finding none.

"If... that is what you wish, I cannot deny you that. Better have you at my side, than with another that may abuse you. Yet, there will be terms, you will be paid a wage befitting one of your status and position, and you will have freedoms guaranteed to you, such as movement and such, will that be agreeable?" He had tried to be the gentleman.

But she had pushed, for him to be master.

So he would be.

Master Mar...

...Why did that title feel so right?

Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae Aeizori-Mei Kaeirosae
Yes. It is the path she has taken. Forced upon her as a child. Dealt with pain and suffering as a teen. Granted freedom as an adult. And yet, every moment she gets, she is bound to give herself away to someone as some servant or maid.

As her chin is touched and cupped, She doesn't seem to stop him at all. Her red orbs staring into his. Not a hint of lying escaped her lips. Odd really. Most people in her position would enjoy the new found freedom. But she wallows back to the same life style.

Hearing him out, the woman gently nods her head, and reaches her hands outwards to cup the hand that is touching her chin. Her voice sincere, and calming in her response. "I am well-fitted and well-taught how to maintain households. Be it through chores, or outright maintaining schedules. it wasn't until I met my former king, that I was taught how to properly use my gift with the force. So I can defend myself, and you, if need be. Master Marr."

Being paid for her services also isn't unheard of, and a gentle nod appears when he states his terms. "These freedoms are acceptable. He too, gave me the same."

Another faint grunt does escape her lips though. she releases his hand and moves to touch her chest, where the pain is festering and growing. Aeizori is going to need a few more moments to recover from such travel.

An ear flickers. Her tails sway.

A new Master.

A new purpose.

Always excites the fox.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

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