Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The First of Many - Mandalorian Clans - The Construction of Citadel AN-Z10 on Myrkr

Originally misread as a hill, the mountain deemed suitable for fortification had yet to be given a name. In time, most had decided not to, using instead the letter and number designation it was initially assigned; AN-Z10.

Arrbi Betna, the Alor of his clan, had been the first to survey the sight in a broad sense and mark it as a defensible location and one set perfectly for a future surface-to-space defensive grid. As the initial transports and workers flowed in, he'd moved on to the next location to survey. With the galaxy in turmoil and war threatening to break out at any time it was deemed crucial that the needed sites be laid down as soon as possible, the construction of each defensive location beginning the moment such locations were found and confirmed.

The benefit of this was a rapid chain of fortifications being built almost overnight, though the reality stretched more into days and weeks rather than hours. The downside was that everyone available had been thrown into the task. For most, it was a simple task and one that gave purpose, strengthening their borders and their people. For a small group, it was a chore they'd been pulled in to when they could be otherwise occupied.

"I could be raiding," Kima muttered as she set down another bundle of supplies from the transport shuttle nearby. Other Mandalorians were unloading the transports or loading the supplies into nearby speeders to move up to the mountain. Between the heat, the humidity, and the labor the young Betna clanswoman was beginning to regret not bringing her armor. She'd made the mistake of opting for simple work clothes. "It'll only be a little hot, they said. You'll be fine, they said. Get a tan, they said. Bastards."

[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"] [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] [member="Anija Betna"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Melina Tervho"] [member="Dango Fess"] [member="Aynea Zyn'meshurok"] [member="Mia Monroe"] [member="Ijaat Mereel"] [member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Marcus Lok"] [member="Malcolm Dusque"] [member="sabrina"]

Help out, move stuff, install stuff, go nuts. Refer to the OOC thread in the Mando forums for specific jobs and feel free to ask questions or for work assignments there, too! And remember, we're on Myrkr. No force powers work here lol
Upon the mountain, a Goran stood. His hammer falling in steady rhythm His work was note powerful Beskar, nor the beloved craft of instrument making. No, today his job was simple, and serving the most standard of commands. His hammer upon a chisel, not an anvil. His brothers, vod who had drummed alongside him at null, now swung hammers with the same fervor, driving stakes into the ground. They were building the fortress to Clan Betna's specifications, fortifying with military-grade hardware and designs. He chuckled as he [member="Kima Betna"] complain about the heat. "At least there's no storm," he mused optimistically. "And, if it helps, visualize the barrels of mead I'm having clan Balor ship in alongside the next shipment of hewn stone. We'll drink like we ought to after all of this!" He said with a laugh.

A man, easily eight feet tall, in an oddly glittering robe, nodded. "Funky," the dour Null said calmly. "The spikes and lines are set to your requested depths."

Funky smirked. "Excellent. Attach them to three of the dewbacks with the cables. Quickly, we must begin this carefully." He bellowed out to men on the other side. "Stop driving, add the detonite and clear up to thirty feet! Blasting this trench open is gonna kick up some dust, HELMETS OOOON!!!"

"One two three, HA! Drive, blast, shake, HA!!!" The various workers chanted as the attached the cables, moving in the same rhythm they chiseled. Some of them set charges while others attached cables, Mandos who happily knew more about explosives than most anything else. A good demolitions expert was also a damn good construction expert, and when Funky had been asked to guide instruction, he requested that whoever knew how to blast duracrete be added to his trench team.

The slow, deliberate Kitonak smirked. First, find the weak points in the rock with natural cracks, jsut like you would with weak ore. Then, hammer and chisel the cracks into faults. Then, lace each fault with just enough explosives, and shovel the gravel down the hill, letting it tumble to erode more, revealing better natural cracks. It created a winding path down the mountain, that was able to be fortified from above with duracrete pours and the placement of embattlements and gun nests. A few trap-walls wouldn't hurt, either, but his goal wasn't to arm the path, simply to make one.

"EYAYTIR!!!" (flee, clear the area) the Stout warrior bellowed into his commlink. The men clear the blast area. "SHUKUR VHEH <break the soil> RESOL!" He began the countdown loudly as many people braced themselves, the handler eyeing the dewbacks and guiding the reins slowly. "RAYSHE'A!" peopel plugged their ears. "CUIR!!" The loudest singer in Al'iit Balor demonstrated his volume, drowning out the other noises of construction, alerting every one nearby to keep a distance from his trench. "EHN!!!" the Kitonak bellowed, opening the switch on the detonator. "T'AAAD!!!" He smirked, his bellowing keeping even animals distant. "SOLUS!!! DAVAAB!!!" He hit the detonator, watching as roughly forty feet of rock and dirt burst, each detonite stick popping to loosen the gravel.

The Dewbacks, displeased with the sound moved, dragging the stakes, working to Funky's plan, actually plowing the loosened rocks and dirt into a ground up mash of earth and gravel with the heavy, strange spikes he had forge for this job. He smirked, holding his breath as he walked through the dust cloud, walking over to a large tank and connecting the hose. Just like a sandstorm, really. He turn on the hose, blasting the loos mess with water, watching as a slurry from and dripped down the trench, pouring down over the cliffside. He nodded, and grabbed a large shovel, and slowly began shoveling as the dust settled, the others slowly emerging and doing the same. He spoke up again. "Nar dralshy'a Vod!" <Put yoru back into it, siblings> "We've got a long mountain to blast!"

[member="Kima Betna"]

OOC: Not sure who else to tag. But if anyone wants to follow me blasting my way down this mountain to literally carve a road system into it, you're welcome to join me.
[member="Kima Betna"] | [member="Funky Balor"]​

With his lust for violence sated, at least for a time, in the wake of the Vanquo campaign, Bloodshot had somewhat uncharacteristically opted to show up and help out with the fortress construction. At first, it had simply been a strategy to present an appearance of brotherhood, but he'd quickly found himself growing fond of the labor and camaraderie. For countless centuries, his memories told him the only joy in life came from boundless self-indulgence, but here on this mountain he was learning something quite the opposite. Hefting a chunk of stone that would have required four other men together to budge, he checked the ledge and heaved it over, watching as it crashed into place on top of the small pile he'd created hundreds of meters below.

He was having a hard time reconciling with how good it felt to just do work, even without murdering people, but his confusion over the matter was quickly set aside in favor of a more singular focus. Turning his eyes upward, he peered through his darkened goggles at the rising rock face, surveying the work done so far. He didn't have much experience with stone-work, but his intuition told him the Kitonak had the right of it. A moment later the next section of trench erupted in dust and sound, though the harshest of the second was largely blocked by the plugs in his ears, and he turned back to the task at hand, selecting another small boulder to add to his collection at the bottom.
The whirling sounds, gears grinding and constant shouts of workmen formulated into a chaotic orchestrated background music. Rhan’s own focus switched between keeping himself safe from the large excavation machines and on the datapad he was holding. It reflected the constant moving numbers of both materials and machinery being off loaded and quickly put in use. Rhan had done some construction jobs during his younger years, fourteen and helping with wielding and moving materials for some large business buildings. Of course this construction on Myrkr dwarfed his previous experience, simple with the sheer volume of excavating and work force. His own plans kept him tied down to monitor a section of the flow of materials and moving machinery as they excavate more of the mountain.

Rhan though, was impatiently waiting for his chance to begin the construction of the kitchen and mess hall. His lips turned into a small smile beneath his mask of the mere thought of constructing a kitchen. He had seen and worked in several cooking environments, and felt well suited to oversee the construction for a military base kitchen. A Mandalorian Military Kitchen at that. Unfortunately the thought of the future did not distract Rhan from the heat and humidity of the planet. His dark clothing, combined with his mask, did not help and Rhan started to get brutal flashbacks of his Basic Training days. The soldier in him flinched inwardly as he turned his attention back to the moving equipment being off loaded.

A blue haired maiden moved her way towards Rhan, her own clothing matching the surrounding mountainside color scheme but her sleeves were rolled up and her hair tied neatly into a bun. Rippana nodded once as she held out her datapad for the rest of the equipment being off loaded and more to come as soon as they had made progress getting the equipment up the mountain to begin their work. The larger equipment needed to construct on the mountainside itself would need a road pathed, and with a large *booming* sounded from the not so far distant, such a plan was already in effect. The explosion attracted both of their attention momentarily, each in turn raised a single eyebrow at one another.

Certainly the climate would make for a bit of difficult working environment for some of the machinery but Rhan was confident in their work force abilities to manage both the humidity and somewhat dangerous terrain of the mountain. The ground beneath Rhan’s feet shook as another pair of heavy drilling equipment was off loaded and rolled on past him.

“The off loading of more equipment is moving along smoothly and without hiccup,” Rippana began her report, looking on her datapad, Cinarin I believe is the proper word- wait no, kandosii'la might be a proper term,” Rippana paused as she continued to run through a list of know Mandalorian words.

Rhan assumed they were a list of adjectives, having still not learned enough to form his own sentence without Anna’s help. “Continue to assist the materials unloading and make sure you get the correct amount allocated to the correct Work Group Forces, we need to get as much done in the first hours,” Rhan said as he gave his partner a nod.

To build a kitchen for the masses. . .
Space. The final frontier. These are the adventures of...oh, wait, this writer has plagiarised this line far too many times. Anyhow, the starship Ardarvia gracefully exited the blue tunnel of hyperspace and steered towards Myrkr.

The vessel was Firemane's mobile command ship. The hefty frigate had considerable firepower of its own and some fighters to help protect it. Of course, it would do very poorly in a slugfest, but Firemane had not come for a fight. No, the corporation was delivering some nice toys for its good friends the Mandalorian Clans. Hence why it was accompanied by cargo ships.

There was hectic activity in the hangar bay when Siobhan Kerrigan exited the turbolift. Tip, tap, tip, tap. Her arrival was heralded by the noise her cane generated on the durasteel floor. Minions and labour droids were loading crates full of equipment into the dropships.

"Move your arses, maggots. The boss wanted those crates loaded up twenty minutes ago!" Freya Solveig barked in the eternal tradition of NCOs across nations, aeons and universes. Or perhaps this writer has been watching too many stereotypical war movies. Anyhow, the Sergeant noticed that her boss had arrived and snapped to attention, delivering a precise salute.

"Cannons are almost all loaded up, ma'am," she said when she linked up with her superior and friend. "So, you ready to join the 99.9% again?" she asked innocently. As was well-known, Myrkr was populated by a lovely lizard species called ysalamiri. They had the convenient effect of pulling 'Force Gods' down from their pedestal and turning them into mortals again once they entered their bubble.

"I'll have you know that Mia and I hunted vornskrs down there. We did just fine," Siobhan declared airily.

Freya tactfully did not point out that this had been a couple years ago. Before Siobhan started limping. Her limp was particularly painful without the Force because she normally used her power to walk better. Of course, if Siobhan were sensible, she'd simply call a healer. Or get a new leg. "Yeah, of course, boss. Does this mean you wanna go hunting? I got a concussion rifle I've been waiting to try out. Shame we didn't take Lacey with us!"

The affectionately named 'Lacey' was a big raptor. It was the universal consensus amongst Siobhan's kids that she was totally adorable. The Countess found this both cute and a bit troubling. "Probably not today, Freya, but maybe another time. Anyway, let's get going. Mandos want their fortress built, we got toys to deliver." Surface to space cannons, various defence and aa turrets, shattergun rotary cannons and heavy bolters that could serve as static weapons emplacements and other toys such as construction materiel to shield sensitive parts of the base.
What was it 50 or 500 years? Dango couldn't remember. how long was she a cyborg now? longer than she was a Miralukan that was for sure.
it was funny she never realy dweled on being able to see. you'd have thaught after a life of being sightless Cyborg eyes would be a blessing. rather it was jist wierd to get used too.
now here she was digging ditches with a tireless boddy and a low sense of time.
the soil around the base was a soft loam perfect for bogging down troops and vehcals.
The contract for her forgeworks had been a boon of her recent trip to Keldabe and now Shae found herself overseeing the delivery of the most mundane but badly needed pieces of metalwork necessary for modern civilized life; plumbing and conduit for the fortress. Sure there were artisans to be had among the Tervho, men and women who could forge armor and swords with hammer and anvil, however the clan was supported by an extruded metal and fabrication business that allowed them to ranch without thought of hardship.

The blueprints for the complex on Myrkr called for miles of pipe of various sizes and gauges, conduit for electrical lines, and extruded cylinder handrails in the less public areas where function was more important than beauty. Sculpted pieces were nice for grand entries but rather wasted on the emergency stairwells.

It wasn't glamorous but it paid the bills.

Shae was supervising the delivery of a load of piping for a ground source heat pump system that would need to be laid prior to the foundation being poured. The surveys and excavation were in full swing, and soon the engineers would be ready to bury these lines. Although there were several other small contractors like herself, she stepped in to help with the organization of the supplies being delivered at the drop site.

It was hot but not unbearable, however, Concord Dawn was not this humid. Shae just rolled up her sleeves and hopped up on a hoverlift to give a hand to the workers needing to turn a load of water lines to fit in the space allotted for them at the supply yard. The rumble of machinery and the beep of back up alarms drowned out whatever song nature would normally sing here, not that there were any to be found in the commotion of construction. The fauna could return when they were done.

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
A Grpound to air missle system was an obvious choice to fit. and logicaly a roof mounting was the place to go. but Lyth had a plan tucled under her tiny little wings. those droids she was planing.
the mountan was a honeycomb of caves and that was perfectt. tou could store a army in there. the ledges could home air to ground turrets.
Sabine came to help protect this world and it's eco system. The best way doing that, is making anyone who wanted to attack it think again. So she came with cargo of droids and fighters, to help mine the raw materials, and loaders to help shift the gear to where it was needed. Then fighters to defend the place from bombers, she was undergoing all this to prove her worth to the clans. She was under no doubt that not all Mandalorians trusted her, well to be fair she was sith. As her workers, not slaves, workers began to assemble the droids. She headed off to see if she could buy a lizard farm, as such she head out to meet with [member="Kima Betna"], as she was in charge of this project.
Marcus cursed as another mindless insect made an attack at his face. He, admittedly, had been slightly reluctant when the call for assistance had first come over the Holonet. It was not that he didn't support the needs of the clans, however, he hardly had any interest at all in enduring the sort of frustrations that construction brought about. It all just seemed very dull to him. But it was to be worthwhile.

The project was to be massive. A citadel of bristling guns that would vaporize just about anything on the surface up into the outer atmosphere. Already, massive trenches were being dug out of the side of the mountain to make way for duracrete walls and fortifications that might one day be employed to fend off a foreign invader. It was really something inspiring, at least to him, and although he was not all to happy about the work involved, he was more than elated to be part of such a unified effort.

His job was no less important than any other on the site, and he had already studied up on the firemane turrets that he would be working with once they arrived. Nasty things, apparently had reputations for tearing ship hulls right in two during testing. They would definitely be a welcome addition.

He stood near the main cargo pads that had been hastily set up to accommodate the incoming supplies and personnel that would be needed to complete such a titanic project. It was a hot day, and he could scarcely imagine what it would be like to wear anything heavier than a microfiber shirt. Underneath a sort of dull grey plasteel helmet, he awaited the arrival of some much needed firepower from the Firemane company and their subsidiaries. From what he had heard, he was to make contact with a rather powerful businesswoman by the name of [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] who would be overseeing the unloading.

'Bout time I start rubbing elbows with the elite.

He smiled at the prospect. He hardly expected he would meet her for long, perhaps just long enough to offload the turrets and then they would be on their way. Nevertheless, he awaited the arrival of the cargo ship with a few hundred support workers eagerly shuffling about around the zone.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Marcus Lok"]

The Firemane transport ship gracefully descended from the heavens and steered towards the cargo pads, having been assigned a landing zone after exchanging communications with the Mandalorians on the site.

The imposing mountain could be seen in the distance. Siobhan had observed the construction site through the vessel's viewing port during the descent. It struck her as the ideal location for a citadel bristling with firepower and able to rain down death upon invaders. There was still a lot of work to be done, which was no surprise given the magnitude of the project. However, she noticed the massive trenches that were currently being dug. Soon there would be room for duracrete walls, fortifications and mine fields. It would be a tough nut to crack once construction was complete.

The transport ship touched down upon the ground. There was a lot of hectic activity at the LZ. Mandalorians were busy unloading their transports or loading equipment and supplies into speeders in order to transport them up to the mountain. The shuttle's landing ramp lowered, and two tough looking, amazonian Firemane guards stepped out, taking up position on either side. This was probably a needlessly theatrical display, but Siobhan liked dramatics.

Finally, the Lady herself emerged into the sunlight. It was a hot day on Myrkr. The blazing rays of sunlight kissed her skin. Considering the heat, humidity and labour, she did not envy the construction workers one bit. Hence why it was no surprise that Siobhan was dressed casually in some sort of paramilitary outfit. A bandana was wrapped across her forehead and her hair was tied back into a ponytail. Wearing fancy clothes when you came to visit a planet like Myrkr would have been silly anyway. Especially since her customers were a rugged warrior people.

The scarred Lady leaned on a cane. Her limp was more pronounced than usual because she could not use the Force here. However, she still carried herself with pride and held her chin high, though suddenly being depowered made her feel uncomfortable. A bolt pistol was holstered on her thigh. Sergeant Solveig was at her side.

"Su cuy'gar," she said in greeting when she spotted the Mandalorian waiting for her. Far as she remembered, that meant 'hello' in Mando'a. Siobhan was not a good linguist and not used to speaking the language, so her pronounciation might be a bit off. "I'm Lady Siobhan Kerrigan. I take it you're here for the pickup? We've got the toys you guys requested, along with technical manuals." Behind her, minions were busy offloading the disassembled cannons and turrets.
She had been here before under not so happy a circumstances. Here where Ordo had been imprisoned by Strider Garon, here where he had lost his connection to the force. Imprisoned for crimes he wasn't truly responsible for and yet took the burden of guilt for them. The Dark Lord had done more than bring the galaxy to the brink of destruction it had ruined a good man, and gotten him by all accounts killed.

This place had finally taken him completely away, but from the ashes of who he had been he rose up again.

She wasn't going to think on that too much today, well at lease she would try not to. Today she was here to help get a medical facility build, equipped, and staffed. She could do that, she had with her [member="Briika Tor"] a widow again, Rianna felt sorrow for the young woman.

"Well Briika we have our work cut out for us, are you ready to find a place here and see what we can do with it?" She looked over to the blonde who was more than business associate, colleague, she was also a friend.

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
Briika was lucky she supposed. Not being Force-sensitive, the baar'ur didn't have to worry about the nulling effects of the planet on her mind, body, and soul while stationed there. It seemed many of the Mando'ade helping to build the Citadel were suffering from it. She could only imagine how it felt. There was nothing medically she could do for them other than give a reassuring nod as she listened or a comforting pat. It didn't feel genuine, but that was the best Bree could offer.

The blonde was in her own hell though; man-made and no pun about it. After her first husband died, Briika remarried. Now he'd decided to go off and take their son with him. So a widow, and now a divorcée. To top things off, her older daughter had gone off too with her family. The Manda was not being kind, or was it just fate or best that Bree was to be alone. At least now, the medic was totally dedicated to her work, maybe too much as it was taking a toll on her that way too.

"Elek… Let's cetar'narir," she nodded to [member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"], who had become not only a mentor and colleague in their line of business, but more so a friend. The Jedi Healer had also gone through much personal strife in her own life so they had bonded in that way as well.
Marcus watched with anticipation as the transport set down on the pad. The size of the the transport itself dwarfed the pad, and for a few moments, Marcus was having doubts that they had cut out enough area! Soon, however, it was apparent that they had cut out just the right amount of space.


As soon as they gear had touched the ground, teams of Mandalorian workers rushed to the cargo ports to assist in the unloading which would be a bit of an undertaking in itself. From the description on their site, they had been able to dig out massive pits in the surface of the mountain to house the turrets, really it was only a matter of getting them to their designated positions. The backbone of the operation would be the train of cargo speeders that eagerly awaited pickup just along the side of the now resting transport. The plan was to carefully fly them over their pre-fabbed housings and slide them into place. It sounded quite simple, but entire teams of men would be needed to properly guide them into place and install the wiring once they had been secured. And that was why Marcus was here, to oversee them. He had in fact jokingly given himself the title "Head Technician" though he didn't dare believe that he was the best man on site, especially when it came to this new technology.

Just then, he noticed the main passenger ramp descend ever so slowly to the earth. At first the silhouette of the three figures made him stand up a bit straighter. The last thing that he wanted to display in front of a respected backer of the Mandalorian cause was any sign of laziness or inactivity, it was just a bit unbecoming. As she stepped into the sun, however, it was quite apparent that this woman was not at all uncomfortable with dressing like one of the workers. She was young, something he was not expecting of someone who apparently was held very high in her company, but she certainly had the confidence. Her Mando'a was good, if it only held a bit of an accent.

"Gar serim. That's right, Marcus Lok. If your men can unload the containers, we'll ship them up the mountainside."

He gave a gesture to the transports that were now humming with activity at the sight of their cargo. It would be a hard day, and the heat would certainly not help to calm everyone's nerves, but they were taking it well so far.

"Will you be staying on-planet with us, Lady Kerrigan? Your technicians would be a welcome sight at the citadel."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Marcus Lok"]

Siobhan looked upon the hectic activity at the LZ. The massive mountain arose in the distance. Mandalorian workers rushed across the cargo ports to load up the train of cargo speeders that would be ferrying equipment up to the construction site. Heavy guns, mines, construction materiel, foodstuffs. All in all, it was a massive undertaking. But the investment should be worth it when the citadel was ready.

She gave the Mandalorian who'd introduced himself as Marcus Lok a smile. He was supposed to be the Head Technician here. "Excellent, come on, people, get the containers unloaded," she ordered her minions, then turned her attention back to the Mandalorian.

"I'm afraid I won't be staying here myself, but I'll leave Firemane's expert technicians behind to aid. They know the ins and outs of our toys, so they can install them easily. And fix glitches if they come up, though I don't think that'll be necessary. We use these turrets for our own fortresses and have successfully tested them in combat." You never knew how good a death dealing toy would be till it had actually blown something up.

She fished a datapad out of her pocket. Damn, she was already sweating. Sweat dripped down her face and back. Good thing she'd worn something practical. "Got some paperwork I need signature for to confirm delivery. Tedious bureaucracy, I know," she passed the 'pad over. It also contained an inventory of all the stuff Firemane had delivered, so that everything was transparent.
"I understand."

Marcus took the datapad and examined the contents of the screen. It was all there, and he was quite impressed by the actual quantities of equipment they would be receiving. From the look of the list he had little doubt that they would have any sort of issue defending the citadel. As the list went on, that name seemed more and more appropriate. Satisfied with his short inventory, he wrote up his signature on behalf of the Mandalorian Clans and handed it back over to her.

"We'll have your technicians back to you before long. On behalf of the Clans, Vor entye.

He did not feel the need to over dramatize the situation. As it stood, the Firemane company had provided the Mandalorians with more equipment than they could expect to use within lifetimes, asking only that their fees be paid. As far as he was concerned, they would long be considered respected friends.

"Safe voyages, Lady Kerrigan."

With a short nod to her and her entourage, he turned and set off towards the airspeeder he had been provided. Perhaps he had been a bit brisk, but in all reality there was simply no time to lose! What he needed to do was begin his rounds about the instillation sites. As the crews would be installing their turrets at more or less the same time, it was crucial that he observed each and every station to make sure that when an invading army landed they wouldn't have a hillside covered in malfunctioning peashooters to defend themselves with. With that in mind, he floored it towards the mountain and the first turret housing.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Marcus Lok"]

Siobhan was a fairly blunt woman, so the Mandalorian's attitude did not strike her as brisk. After all, he and his people clearly had a lot of work attend of them, if the massive construction site and the substantial volume of supplies was any indication!

"I look forward to seeing the completed citadel first-hand next time I visit. Ret'urcye mihi," she spoke turned away. The Firemane containers had been offloaded from the transports and now the Mandalorian work crews were getting the equipment to the installation sites so that the turrets could be set up. Siobhan passed on a few instructions to her technicians, and then they were sent on their way to assist the Mandalorians.

She could see that Freya was suppressing the urge to snicker and frowned. "What? Is there something on my face?" she wondered aloud, looking a little perplexed. She felt like her hair really needed a wash, given how sweaty she was.

"Did you hoogle those lines or do you actually speak the language?" Freya asked trollishly. "Didn't know you were such a cunning linguist, boss."

"I'm full of surprises, Sergeant," Siobhan declared airily, probably plagiarising a holovid line in the process. "Come on, let's get going. We're finished here."

"I was just getting used to the space magic free zone. No Vornskr hunting, Boss?"

"Next time, maybe, Freya." And so they boarded their shuttle again and departed from the planet.
[member="Briika Tor"]

Rianna without the force may not have the added advantages of force senses but she was still a doctor and mandalorian. She could use any equipment available to determine location. Anyone could tell if land looked level.

"Ok looking around at where all the activity is, and the plans that are laid out I think we can put a medical clinic over there, we can also create the mobile teams to work out of there and travel to wherever the Clans need help. A medic with them at all times would be helpful." Rianna walked slowly towards the place she had in mind. "I don't know how I feel about this place it feels like a void to me, too much force sense I guess"

She looked at Briika, and wondered, "So how are you doing? Holding up ok?"

Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
[member="Rianna Ar'klim-Organa"]

Briika followed the Jedi Healer's line of sight and nodded in agreement. "That's as good as spot as I've seen here," she answered, then walked along next to the dark-haired woman.

In the battle medic's mind, she started to conceive how the mobile clinic might look, where things would go, how it might proceed with the new vision for the clans to work together and apart to make a whole.

"I can't image what you must be feeling with the nulling of your Force senses. I am actually glad for once I'm not blessed with the gift," Bree chuckled lightly. The Force seemed to be more of a curse than a treasure, but that was just her take on it. Her younger brother had always struggled having it.

The area that they would be utilizing was a good size. One that would afford MandalMedical to put in a nice facility yet not too extravagant, and easy to manage with a minimum of Mandalorian Medical Corps personnel so the baar'ure could be more so out in the field with the active clans as they crusade.

"I'm doing alright. Keeping myself very busy… The hardest thing was saying goodbye to Mesh'la and my grandson when she left with her riduur. Graad's departure with our son was actually a relief. Seeing how things were going with us… Anyways, Jair was so excited to be going off with his buir, I just concentrate on that fact and not that my marriage failed. Though I don't think it was either's fault really, it just wasn't meant to be long term."

Briika took out a datapad and made a configuration of a possible layout of the MandalMedical container boxes used in the battlefield Rimsoo's so Rianna could see.

"What do you think?" she asked, handing the 'pad over. "How have you been?"

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
(Sorry been getting this approved.)

Finally The droids were finished.
they needed some tinkering after all they were made from derelict ship parts.
the droids were strong sturdy armed to the teeth and as dumb as a rock.

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