Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Fall: Hope Never Dies

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
After The Fall almost every system was touched by war and destruction, some luckier than others. And in the wake of its destruction and death tyrants rose and people were subjected to cruel and inhuman conditions. Conditions that bred crime, death, and a loss of morality. What was once a proud galaxy was now cinders and rubble all just waiting for what was next, and to be honest a lot of people didn't know what to expect. All they could do was try to get by in this new world.

But for some it was harder, for some they had to live under the thumb of criminal enterprises and people who taxed towns of their resources and very substance. People like those who lived on the Ronin homeworld. A group of mercenaries who helped the dark alliance destroy the light and soon fall apart after their betrayal.

People lived in fear of the enterprise and their leader Ahogo. It was a nonstop life of scavenging only to have to give it to the gang in return for not being killed. And for those who couldn't afford were taken as slaves or beheaded as example to the others living on the world with no way of escape. Something needed to be done, someone needed to do something.

Far off the young vigilante [member="Dustrig Leomax"] has enlisted the help of smuggler @Brookly Justice daughter to the now deceased James Justice who had passed during the war. The mission was simple, find the leader Ahogo and kill him or find a way to set these people free. Life was challenging after the fall, but it was not without hope. As few as there were heroes still existed and they were out there trying to bring good to a galaxy in despair.

[member="Ahogo Skuji"] [member="Brooklyn Justice"] [member="Dustrig Leomax"]
During the war Brook had done what it took to keep herself and her family alive. That was until that fateful day on Naboo, Brook and her father had been transporting weapons for a high priority client. It had been a dark and dreary day, they had just landed on Naboo when all of the sudden there ship was attacked and James killed in the ship explosion. Brooklyn had barely escaped only because she was thrown from the ship before it exploded. So she fought her way out and made it back to the Space station where she would grieve for a year before coming out and resuming her career as a smuggler.

Brook played this scene over and over as she sat in the cockpit of her ship "Where are we headed again?"

@Ahogo Skuji @Dustrig Leomax

Dustrig Leomax

He had his arms crossed as he sat in the passenger seat of [member="Brooklyn Justice"] 's ship. "Ronin. I have someone I have to take down. His name is [member="Ahogo Skuji"] . He's brutal, cruel, and needs to be taken down. I may need your help in a fight, but I know I only paid you to get me there."

Through the twenty years of war, Dustrig was thrown from his life of studying the force and history, to living the force and living history. He took part in many battles, and was given his master's lightsaber when she died. He hadn't even gotten to make his own yet. Since then, multiple comrades of his had fallen, and he had taken all of their sabers. To remember them by. He hardly held them in his hand, opting to use the force to hold them. He now had ten on his person, all clipped onto his belt. He wore knee-high black boots, black pants that stuck to his legs, a blue hooded shirt and a black Jedi vest on. Around his waist was the bottom half of a cloak, coming off of the vest. It would sway in the wind and float around his steps.

[member="Brooklyn Justice"]

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