Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff The End Of An Empire | Farewell, The Empire

"I get a little bit Genghis Khan."
As a result of the 2023 SWRP Staff Team Intervention: Major Faction Recall Vote, the Empire passed the vote. This vote was selected for the first veto in recent memory, and was overturned by Head Admin Tefka.

I've talked to several people over this decision, including a Staff Team and a Major Faction Owner, and I get it. I understand it's not fair. But in short, it's time. Everyone has a ticket to punch, and the direction I want to take this forum in has no room for another round of what the Empire brings to the table.

It's time to either understand and reflect on that, or it's time to understand that those memories you have with the early days of this faction cannot be repeated. You can honor that, and now is a time good time to do that. But as mad as some of you may want to get, you can't rewind the clock.

Long live the Empire, Long live it's Kings and Queens. o7

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