Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Duchess' Lair

Lyon Hara

Hara laughed, something he hadn't done since he and Zane were young.

"Looks like you might have to get used to it." Lyon said with a chuckle.

He took a sip of his whiskey.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
"What else are you up to on this night?" She wasn't asking just to fill the conversation, she was truly curious.

"That is ever so true." She shook her head and her hair fell in front of her face again.

[member="Lyon Hara"]

Lyon Hara

"We actually have no other plans, the Jedi can wait, who knows we might just sit here all night." Lyon said.

Dane smiled.

"So why did you pick this business?" He asked.

Lyon took another sip of his whiskey.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
"I take it you have a special job occurring?" She looked at the two, she could smell the bitterness of the alcohol but it also had some sweet to it. Lyon and Dane seemed like they either had a rough night or they have not much to do at the current time.

"Well, I guess because I thought it would fit me best, I'm not great talking to people most of the time because they look at me like I may kill them. Plus I am still learning to use the force properly. Plus I think I made like 70 credits tonight." She did like to entertain when people weren't not freaked out by her.

"How do you decide what is the best person to hunt?" She smiled and finished off her drink.

"Coke and vodka please." She smiled at the bartender graciously.

[member="Lyon Hara"]

Renato Sarkin

[member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Lyon Hara"]

Sarkin strolled through the streets with a small smile on his face. He had been making one heck of a Cantina crawl since he arrived in the haven of criminal and vagrants. Truth be told it was his kind of crowd and looking the part of a miscreant made things that much easier.

Lost in his own thoughts Sarkin almost missed the sign for the club. Stopping to gaze at the place for a moment Sarkin stepped in gently scratching his chin. He wondered where this Duchess was but shrugged it off walking up to the bar taking a side glance at the two guys in armor and the girl. Setting a stack of credits on the bar Sarkin spoke his voice only partially slurred.

"Hey lettttt me get sommmmmmmm whiskeyyyyyyyyyyy."

Sitting a few feet from the trio Sarkin turned towards the stage to enjoy the second thing he appreciated more than credits. The first of course being booze. Checking his blaster was still on his hip Sarkin leaned back slightly his elbows resting on the bar waiting on his drink and the next show.

Lyon Hara

"Yes a very special job indeed." Hara said.

"Hey, whatever keeps you happy." Dane said.

Hara turned to the man.

"Hey are you ok?"

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
[member="Sarkin Vance"]

Renato Sarkin

Sarkin laughs when asked if he is ok.

"I am innnnnn a place with goooood leassss it will be if it everrrrrrrr gets here and beutifl women.......... I hope."

Sarkin smiles when the bartender set the whiskey on the bar grabbing it and sipping it.

"Ahhhhhhhh yes verrrrrrrrrrrr nice."

[member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Lyon Hara"]
"I am glad to here it is special."
Eliza eyed the man as he walked in, when he sat down he sounded very drunk. She listened carefully, he seemed like he was about to cause some trouble.

"Why don't you drink some water sir? Maybe calm you down a little." She shook her head, she knew what drunk people brought, hazards and a mess.

[member="Sarkin Vance"] [member="Lyon Hara"]

Renato Sarkin

Sarkin chuckled picking his whiskey back up takig a sip and holding it out to the girl his hand steady as a rock a sign of being in his current stat way more often than he should.

"Gottt smy wter rit here swetnss."

Sarkin downs the rest of the whiskey and turns swaying just slightly as he orders another one froming when the bartenders shakwes his head and plops down a caf instead.

[member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Lyon Hara"]

Lyon Hara

"Ahh it tis a lostt cause ma'am, he won't listen." Lyon said.

"Just don't drink yourself to death." Dane said.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
[member="Sarkin Vance"]
"Okay, but I have to be heading out. I have some things I feel I should buy." Smiled and nodded at the three men, "Hope you 3 have a lovely night. I work again tomorrow as well in case you were wondering."

She stood up and headed out the door. She needed to find somewhere that sells cheap glitter, she hoped it would be easy but who knows. The night air was cold and sweet, and her breath was warm. "I think i also to feed." She mumbled to herself.

[member="Sarkin Vance"] [member="Lyon Hara"]

Renato Sarkin

[member="Eliza Downheart"] [member="Lyon Hara"]

Sarkin watches the girl leave until the door closes behind her obstructing his view.

"Sounds like I am coming back tomorrow."

Sarkin chuckles scratching his chin begrudgingly sipping the caf the bartender and set down in front of him. The horrid taste making him cringe but he keeps drinking.
Eliza found a couple small shops selling what she needed, she used the money she earned that night to pay for them. By the time it was nearly dawn she had just gotten back to her new apartment. IT was small but suitable for her needs, sleeping, eating, and getting ready for work.
She took her extensions out and threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and headed to bed.

The next afternoon when she woke she hopped straight into the shower to prep her hair for curling it to wear to work.

[member="Lyon Hara"] [member="Sarkin Vance"]
When her hair was finally curled she was ready for work, her makeup had been applied and her new shoes and glitter were ready to go. She had bought new sparkly black platforms to match the outfit she was to wear tonight. It was a black matte bikini with a school girl style outfit over top.
"Well I suppose it is time to go." She put her heels in her bag, slipped on her flats, and headed out the door.
Walking along the road in the lightly moon lite night she was happy, open, and relaxed. Her mind was taking in her surroundings and really loving them. The smell wasn't as beautiful as she hoped but it wasn't bad either. By the time she got to the club it was just opening it's doors. So instead of going in through the front she made her way through the back doors and into her changing room.

"Hey Trilla, you ready for tonight?" She smiled as she sat down to do the final touches of her makeup and then change.

"Hey doll, yeah. Tonight I am booked for a bachelor party, so I'm not on stage." Her bouncy hair fluttered around her face as she spoke. "I have to go though hun, have a good night." Her hips swayed as she left the room.

"Thanks." Eliza said knowing she would not get a reply.

[member="Sarkin Vance"] [member="Lyon Hara"]
While Eliza was getting ready. Somebody, he doubted very much she would expect to see, entered through the doors. It was Ice. The man she herself had brought into the fold of the Shadow Empire. And a man who had risen quickly in the ranks, till he was now apart of the inner circle to the Emperor. Having spent a bit of time of Nar Shadaa in the past, he still had a few contacts there that kept an ear to the ground for him.

It was one of these contacts that sent him word about Eliza, and her new line of work. Ice was intrigued, so he went to see her. Normally he didn't visit such places. However, he wasn't above them. One of his three weaknesses was woman after all. He moved through the club and took a front row seat of the section he was told Eliza would be performing in.

He didn't wish for her to be thrown off though. So taking advantage of his species abilities, he changed his appearance to a rather ugly looking Quarren and waited.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
Eliza shook out her hair to give it a little more fluff, when she stood up her hair fell lightly around her neck. She hoped the crowd was good tonight, nobody rowdy. She checked her teeth for lipstick and made her way out to the far stage, this one was smaller than the main stage but is still had a purpose. She smiled at the person handling the curtains as she leaned against the pole behind the first set of curtains.

The curtains opened to a small but open looking crowd. There sat a very interesting looking Quarren at the front. She could feel the energy was wrong though. Without thinking about it she made her way through her dance, grinding, and dancing around the pole and across the stage. The glitter on her chest shone as she stripped off her top, leaving her with just a bikini. Her eyes fluttered as her song ended and she made her way to the back, someone would pick up her credits and her outfit as soon as she was off stage.

When she got her things she put her skirt and top back on so she could make her way to the bar and get a drink, something strong was due tonight.

Ice watched the woman dance. Funny, he hadn't actually thought he'd see this much of her before this. He tossed a credit chit up on the stage. it had a piece of paper wrapped around it. When the person handed Eliza her credits, she'd notice the one that had the paper around it. The letters, written in basic, were "SE". Changing back into his normal form, he had waited till he saw Eliza heading to the bar.

A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth. Ice quietly made his way to bar and sat next to her. Without looking her way, he called to the barkeep. "A Meltdown, if you don't mind. Need something strong tonight." He expected his voice would finally give him away, but he'd wait for her to actually notice him.

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
When Eliza sat at the bar someone had come sit beside her, the bartender brought her a vodka and coke like the night before. Then she heard a familiar voice, was it? Could it be? Oh my goodness she thought, it was Ice.

"What are you doing here?" She spoke in a relaxed and curious tone. She drank back half of her drink, not looking over once. "I didn't think you liked these types of places." She shook her head and finally looked over to see him sitting there next to her. He looked a little rough around the edges but pretty good at the same time. She on the other hand looked and smelled like she had been thrown into a large bucket of glitter and perfume.

He turned toward her and gave her a pleasant smile. "Well, this isn't normally my scene, true. But I heard through the grapevine, this place had a great new dancer. I was a little surprised to hear who it was. So I'd thought I'd drop by and check up on ya. Hope you don't mind. You did look great up there." Ice allowed a smirk to appear on his face as he wondered if she'd guess which person in the crowd was him. He also couldn't help but allow his eyes to rove just a bit. But he made sure it was discreet enough that she wouldn't notice. She also smelled amazing. But then, he supposed, she should considering her new vocation.

"So how ya been Eliza? What has working at this place, if you don't mind my asking?"

[member="Eliza Downheart"]
She looked over at him gracefully, "Well the grapevine is not incorrect for once, and thank you. Why check up though? Why not just come for the show?" Eliza's eyes were curious and seductive, she pushed her hair over her shoulder.

"Sorry if the perfume is strong, it has to be. Us dancers can't smell bad you know, especially if we have privates booked." She finished her drink and waved to the bartender to bring another. "I have to dance again in about 30 minutes, will you be around after I'm done?"

She looked at him, was he really making small talk? "I have been alright, in need of some cash though and since I don't fight much I figured this was a good option."


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