Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Dream to be.

Elias Arna

Elias shook his head when he saw Silvia "Drop" the data pad. Just to mess with her he came over to her and before she could straighten back up he smacked her on the ass and said "If you keep playing that game I might be tempted to follow thought." he chucked alittle at the thought. He thought that she was a beautiful woman, it was just that he didnt want anything seirous right now. "Maybe later" He thought to himself.
"If you'd both be as so kind to follow me."

He'd say as he would wait a few moments and then would start to walk away. At that point he was walking towards his own shiip. A turbostorm class Gunship that had been modified to be a bit more stream lined for space travel as well as basic combat purposes. As he approached an entrance door to the ship would open up from a cargo hold. The inside of the cargo hold would light up as he was stepping inside. In the cargo hold was a small workshop that he used to create some of the contraptions that he'd use in battle. He'd slow down and roll his shoulders a bit as he'd ensure that his new found friends would be keeping up with him so that they didn't get lost on the way to the ship. After all, they had yet to exchange comm frequencies for communications.

After everyone was aboard, the door would close and Orrin would lean up against a wall of the ship while folding his arms up in front of his chest. The workshop contained all kinds of strange gadgets and tools, but inside of it were also ignots and other materials used for creation of items. The Durasteel ignots were laying exposed , as were small rockets and repulsor systems and even a suit of gutted powered armor. Orrin had been working on a few things obviously, but that was something for another time. With the two of them there to hang with, he'd allow Elias to look around to see just what and how much of it, he needed tfor his wings.

Silvia Starfire

Silvia while flirting didn't l appreciate the sudden slap on her butt, Her first and only reaction was a fist to his face, She used all her might to hit him. She might of been flirting, but she didn't deserve the complete lack of respect that he just gave her, She didn't care if she had flashed him a view... she had clear boundaries and he had violated them. She glared at the man. and followed the other one, clearly set off by the man's actions. She hid near D'Orrin, wanting to stay clear of the man who she felt so self righteous to hate at the moment.

Elias Arna

Elias just smiled when he got punched. Yes he deserved it. That was not the right thing to do, but it got her to stop the flirt act. Elias followed D' Orrdin to his ship. It was different from some of the other ones that he had seen before. He chucked when Silvia hid behind D' Orrin so she wouldnt get slaped again. Elias saw the durasteel ingots laying around the man's ship, a few repolsors, some rockets, and tools. More tools than he could count. The man had some armor laying on a workbench, but he didnt want that armor. it was gutted for its items and used for something else. He had his own armor anyways.

He looked around and then said "How much can you spare me? I dont want to take what you may need for your own projects." Elias then looked at one of the rockets that he had. The rocket would have to be long enough to go though the center of the wing and keep it all together, If it was too short then it wouldnt work. "..And how much propulsion do these rockets have?"
"You can take about a quarter of what I have. I have one hundred ignots of durasteel. Which means, you can have a hundred. And as far as the propulsion systems go, they'll do fine. I use to take them off of R2 units. Two small ones would propel an R2 unit as the unit needed. YYou'rwe a bit heavier than an R2 unit, so what you could do is use four small propulsion units. I have a couple of ideas on how to put them, but that's up to you. I'm sure you have your own idea on what you want to do. "

He had taken note of Silvia moving a bit closer to him. He wouldn't say anything about it as he didn't want to make the situation any more uncomfortable than they already were. So for the time being he'd remain quiet on that subject. Though he was looking between Elias and Silvia for a moment before he spoke again.

"So now what else do we need? We have a good portion of it, but we still need......songsteel and ultrachrome was it? But now where do we get those items?"
And it was at that point that he'd look over at Silvia. He was more than sure that she knew how to go get the items that they still needed.

Silvia Starfire

"I can help but it won't be cheap... " She said with a smile, "We just need to know a place that carries it. I can take it from there" Siliva was resourceful, and a slicer she could hack the best of security. It was time to earn her keep, as this is how she got paid, when other people could take the fall for these things when the slice was discovered.. if it was discovered. Look hard enough and you can tell when something is doctored. She just worked the system. So she smiled and tried to ignore the man's slight. She had been rather forward.

Elias Arna

Elias thought about the propostion. about a hundred ingots would do that job that he needed. So he was good on that end. When Silvia said that she would do if for a price he wondered what she wanted. "First what price would you want for your troubles. I am going to get you off of the planet, and D' Orrin what price would you like for thoes ingots?" He didnt look at Silvia when he asked her because he knew that the trip would become awkward if he furtherd himself in the subject of her flurtacious acts.
"Never said I wanted anything for them. Just like I got them prior, I can acquire them again. And if you were paying attention I said that you can only take twenty five percent of what I had. I suppose you may have been only listening in part. But that's fine enough. So now that we have at least that much out of the way, we can go about acquiring the rest of what you need, correct?"

And with that the cargo bay doors to his ship would open again. almost as if on que for something. In reality he was manipulating the ship via the force. Letting his energy flow out from himself and touch over the controls to manipulate what he wanted to happen. That was how he had gotten the cargo bay doors to open for them to enter to begin with. As they opened though, he'd linger on the wall he was leaning on. Instead of leaving first, he'd ensure that his guests left prior to him.

"So. Getting off world. Any idea on where you want to go? I don't know about our fair Elias here, but I have some friends that may be able to help you gather up parts at the very least for a ship of your own. Or. We can go about acquiring the parts for ourselves. Something of an adventure between us. Choice is yours really."

Silvia Starfire

A counter offer hmm well it was better than the other one who was lording it over her.. plus it wasn't even for her, the money was to get the damn supplies, well Orin seemed much nicer. " I would love the chance to get parts for a ship of my own, I have never had the chance.. I usually don't go about such tasks... I am really bad at directions... I don't trust myself to fly let alone go up in space alone... " She said with a smile, hugging D'orrin, with a smile. " but the money is for getting the stuff, we need a little to make it look like we are buying some other things.. I will work my magic but I need some money to grease a few palms. "

Elias Arna

Since Elias was the one who would be making the wings It would be his Job to fund the entire thing. He checked his pockets to grab 20,000 credits and said "Catch." he then threw the credit chip holding that mount of money in their direction saying "Here is some for right now. Get what you can from it. and while your at it buy something for your two's date you might have." He was being snide and He knew it too. Silvia was playing him, making him feel jealous by hanging on D' Orrin. He wasnt going to play thoes games. He shook his head and started to pock up about 25% of the ingots, which would be 25 exactly.

Elias made sure that He wasnt taking anything else he may have. He turned to D' Orrin and asked "Would you mind if I used some of your tools to build my Wings. I donot have the proper items nessasary for the job."
The fact that she had hugged on him was something of a great surprise to him. He stiffened up his body for a second. Not really being use to someone bothering to touch him outside of some sort of combat situation. It was something all togetheer foreign to him. though he would loose up a bit at Elias' snide remarkl. Slightly shaking his head from one side to the next a bit before he'd make a remark of his own.

"Yes, that's fine. I kinda figured tha would be the case. Just make sure to contact me so we can meet up and I can open up the ship's bay door for you. I know that may seem like a lot to do, but I'm really not for the idea of moving my tools off of my ship. I hope you can understand."

Silvia Starfire

Silvia smiled and and let go of D'orrin, and ignored his comment, catching the credit chip " Perfect, now which one of you wishes to help me? " She said with a smile and an innocent look. knowing that she was fine alone but she wanted the company of one or both of them but, she would let them figure out how that worked, She waited for one of them to figure out who was coming.

Elias Arna

Elias didnt respond to her question. He just contiued picking up the ingots. he shook his head. Elias then responded "Ill go with yuo only because I need thoes suplise." Elias finished picking them up and them left the ship. he was walking to his own ship to put the suplise in there.
"I don't mind going. I'm here for my own reasons anyway. So I don't really have somewhere to be right now. But the question of which one of us iyou're going with after all of this is done, does come to mind. I'm not attempting to put pressure on anyone or even attempt to rush judgement, it's just that, the decision iis suppose to be made eventually anyway. So I simply thought that we could get things as far as that out of the way now. That way either Elias or I could accomidate for your company with us on our ship."

He wasn't attempting to be rude or anything to that degree, but they had brought that situation up earlier and then simply had not spoken of it. He was thinking of that situation due to the fact that he'd need to get a few more things in the way of food storage items if she were coming with him. He had really only brought enough for him in that instance for the trip. Though Naboo was his home planet, he'd not made it a point to stay there. He was there to see if his own tribal home was even still standing, but the situation between the three of them had detered him from that. And now that he was with them, he wasn't so sure that he wanted to know if it were still standing to begin with. It's not like going back home would fix anything for thim. Nothinng about his past would be changed. He wouldn't miraculously wake up in his own bed and not have that cybernetic right eye, or hear the constant prattle of that damn cyber brain in his hea always processing and feeding him options or some course of action that it felt best and always giving him headaches. Noone of that would change if he wnet back home.

Silvia Starfire

She sighed, and didn't know which one to go with, she figured she would put it off. " Well first things first lets get some materials, now, I need a distraction and access to the harbormasters computer. Do you think you guys can get me that? " She said, serious, well trying to be, that was when she started walking in the complete wrong direction... she kept going though that is until someone would stop her. She had no sense of directions so she thought this was the way towards the harbormaster but all it really lead to was the exit to the dockyards. She smiled as she slowed down to wait for them. " Off we go! " She yelled as she waited, walking slowly the wrong direction.

Elias Arna

"I dont care who she goes with." Elias started to walk back to his ship when he saw Slivia walking in the wrong way. He shook his head and said "You are going the wong way Silvia. Why dont you wait for us to get there, and show you where to go." Elias was walking towards Silvia so he could talk to her privatly. He opend his hands up to show that he wasnt going to try anything. when he did the ingots floated in the air from the force. He then said "Look I wont touch you again. Id rather you not try and woo me into doing something for you."
He'd simply watch for the time being. Taking in the aspect of Elias manipulating the ignots to float up around him and from there he'd tlt his head to the side while he watched. That was something that was slightly interesting to him. Though after a brief moment he'd tilt his head back to the normal position with his arms folded up in front of his chest. Curiosity was what got him as he was wondering just where this was going, with Elias' display of his affinity for the Force.

Silvia Starfire

Silva blushed and tried to keep her cool " Of course, I was just testing you, and I wasn't trying to woo you, just some harmless flirting right? " She said with an innocent smile as she ran up to D'orrin. " So do you know the way to the harbor masters? " She whispered as she tried to escape the fact she had no idea where to go.

Elias Arna

Elas gathered his ingots that were floating and then proceded to go to his ship. He would place them there untill the time being. he didnt however take the rockets because if he could also find ones that would be better suited for his wings while they were going to get the other materals. Wehn he returne dhe saw that Silvia was hanging on D' Orrin again. he shook his head and walked up to them The stare that he got from him was alittle unnerving. Even though he did use the force.
"Unfortunately, M'Lady, I do. Believe it or not, I was born on Naboo."

He'd admit as he'd look at Silvia and then over at Elias. The youth had taken to placing the materials in his ship, so that left Orrin and Silvia to head off to the harbormaster's area. Which Orrin had begun to guide Silvia to. Though he did wonder just what she had in mind after they had gotten there.

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