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The Doctor Will See You Now (Tegaea/Anemone)

@[member="Anemone Nivalis"] | @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

"No explosions? No promises."

Giving Anemone a friendly pat on the back, Dells got in one last parting shot.What kind of person would she be if there wasn't one final comment?

"Try not to fall into too many bosoms kid."

With that, Dells left to activate the 4th and get back to work. After all, she was busy pulling double duty while her Colonel lounged around all day seducing women. Seemed more like a vacation for Siobhan than a hospital stay. Then again at this point, wasn't a hospital stay vacation for the Colonel?

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
What could be done? Between Siobhan and Dells, she wouldn't win this fight. She never could. Anemone hung her head as she sighed heavily, and in defeat. I quit. I just quit. Why do I ever even bother with these two? Her hand rose to give a half-hearted wave. "Whatever, sis. Just be careful." She then mumbled to herself slightly, "Last thing I need is to be dealing both of you at the same time. I don't think my blood pressure can take it...."

With that she looked to Siobhan, her fingers fidgeting far more than just a bit. The curious look in her eyes would tell anyone that she had something on her mind. Whether she'd say it or not is another thing.

@[member="Delila Castillon"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Siobhan turned her gaze to Anemone, happily munching on and then swallowing a piece of the ribs Delila had so thoughtfully brought for her. Not that Siobhan's judgement had been influenced by the bribe. Not at all. Her decision had been based solely on sound tactical arguments - and that she hated Reavers. "You want some?" she held out her meal towards Anemone. Even someone as occasionally oblivious and self-centred as Siobhan could notice that there was something wrong. "You got something on your mind, hun? Say it then. I don't bite - unless you want me to."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
A nervous grin came across her face as waved off the offer of ribs. Food was the last possible thing on her mind, and the innuendo wasn't making that any better. Anemone's eyes locked onto Siobhan's for a moment before she turned her head away. After all that had transpired between the two, she had little idea of what to say to the woman. Thank you? Did you enjoy me? The simple thought of such questions and statements filled her face with color for about 15th time today. Her eyes looked back at her patient once again, hands still fidgeting uncontrollably. "Uh, well, I kind of do have something I wanted to ask. I mean, I'm not really sure how to say it, so I'll just come out with it." She took one final deep breath and closed her eyes, as if making a wish. "Would to maybe do something some time? You know. Just me, and you. Outside of here? Y-you don't have to answer right away! I was just wondering. You know, cause of what we...did. And what you said, so i was just thinking that maybe.....maybe...."

Yep. This was the boldest thing she'd done in some time. Not to mention the dumbest.

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Far as Siobhan was concerned there was no question that she had enjoyed their moment together - and enjoyed Anemonen as well. She smiled first, the doctor was just too adorable, but then looked confused. One might say that Siobhan was a bit dense, but she could not quite figure out what Anemone wanted. Wait...did she think this was more than just pleasure? Surely that could not be it. Siobhan had seduced the cute doctor into her bed, they had had fun together, something Siobhan would be quite happy to do again. One could not get attached to someone that quickly.

"Anemone...I'm not sure I follow..I had lots of fun with you and I enjoyed it. I'd be happy for us to get together again and have a good time, you know."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Now, Anemone was the one confused. She thought she'd been straight forward with what she had said. How could anyone misunderstand that? Once more, she scratched at her head, a nervous laugh escaping her lips as she stared at the woman. The invitation had been accepted, but not fully understood. The fact that she may have to actually explain things made this even more awkward. Siobhan was beautiful, but could the same woman who essentially led the Protectorate's military really be this blind? This dense? It wasn't possible. It couldn't be. Or maybe she just didn't want to believe it.

A small sigh of relief escaped her lips and as she rested her hand on Siobhan's. "Really? You mean it? I mean I know this is sudden and everything but I thought it couldn't hurt. And now I have ...well, we have, you know, time. But I don't want to cause you any extra trouble. I mean, won't it be bad if people see know, together?"

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

Anemone's confusion was indeed understandable. Siobhan was being...remarkably oblivious. Dimly she seemed aware that there was more to it, but the lightning bulb had apparently not been switched on yet. However, to be fair Siobhan slept around a lot. Her appetites were ravenous and the girls she was with knew how she operated. Of course, the fact that Siobhan was rather self-centred probably also played a role.

"You're so adorable when you're like that. Well, Dells just saw you in bed with me and didn't mind!" Siobhan said with a lazy smile, giving Anemone's hand a squeeze before kissing her. "Long as we're not getting it on during a meeting. "I mean, we're having fun, it's not hurting anyone else, so it's no one else's business. It's not exactly a secret that I have a way with the ladies," she joked, winking at the doctor. "Or is this about Tegs? Told you she doesn't mind me showing a lady a good time on the side. It's not gonna affect your job at all."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Something was wrong, or more seemed off. It was like they were in opposite chapters in different books. Or maybe not even on the same bookshelf. Anemone simply looked at Siobhan, wondering what was going on. At this moment, it became painfully obvious that one of them was misunderstanding the situation. The question was which one was it? Her or Siobhan? There was only one way to find out. Anemone suddenly leaned forward, planting a firm kiss on the woman's lips, lingering there for a few moments.

The kiss would be broken with her simply staring at the woman to gauge her reaction to the impulsive act. One way or another, both were about to understand what was going on.

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

The kiss was unexpected, so was its firmness, but Siobhan returned it hungrily, matching it stroke for stroke as if on impulse. She was surprised, but she did appreciate the intimacy. Oh, she really likes me, Siobhan thought, feeling quite smug and satisfied, but then at this thought realisation seemed to slowly dawn on her. The Colonel had been, to put it bluntly, remarkably dense, probably also very much focused on her own pleasure, and had missed plenty of signs. Anemone's confusion appeared in a new light now.

Really likes me...oh, crap. You gotta be kidding me. This is like a bad holovid.

In this moment Anemone broke the kiss, leaving the part of Siobhan's brain that was firmly riding on the lust train hungering for more, while the more rational part was trying to process things. "Err...Anemone, you're not starting to take this...seriously are you? I mean, we both had fun and that was were great and I think you're hot and fun," she rambled a bit awkwardly. She had been...really blind. "You know I love Tegs."

Anemone Nivalis

M.D., Expert Trauma Surgeon
Part of her heart sunk into her stomach as Siobhan spoke. it wasn't anything Anemone didn't already know, but it wasn't something she could avoid either. It was part of the reason she never got close to others. Her heart was always remarkably open. and her emotions were written all over her face. This was not different from times before. Meet someone, fall for them to some extent, things don't work, be crushed, run back to her mother on Coruscant. Rinse, and repeat. She began to smile, nervously laughing. She felt stupid. Dumb. Utterly moronic. Then again, this was why she had fought so hard to fight the woman's advances.

Anemone rose from the bed, facing away from Siobhan. As secretively as possible, which was about as obvious as can be, she wiped at the tears that had begun forming in her eyes before looking down and checking the pager on her hip. Time to make an excuse and an escape.

"I, uh....I have to go. I think my interns need my help. Uh...Dr. Osway will be with you...eventually. Take care of yourself, and good luck in your recovery, Exarch Kerrigan."

Of course, the pager had made no sound. Anemone simply rushed from the room, wiping at her eyes once more. Why did this always happen? Why couldn't her heart be more reserved? She rushed down the hall, removing her coat and throwing it over the nurses station as she passed by. An escape was needed for a while. From Siobhan, the hospital, and because of the woman's rank, probably from the Protectorate as a whole. For the time being, she needed to find her way back to Coruscant. Just a chance to hide under a rock for a while. Honestly, Anemone was getting too old for this sort of thing...

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Anemone Nivalis"]

"Anemone, wait...look...I'm sorry," Siobhan called after her but by then the Doctor had dashed out of the room. Siobhan tried to get up and move out of the bed but then a wave of pain hit just as she was steadying herself on the bed railing. She managed to hold on to it and keep her balance for a moment, but then as she tried to take the next step she slipped and fell, landing hard upon the floor. Her injuries were still significant, her legs had taken a hard beating back on Metalorn.

Immediately a nurse was upon her in the room, helping her up. "Are you alright, ma'am? You know you should not strain yourself!" she spoke, stabilising the woman and helping her into bed.

"Yeah, yeah. Where's Doctor Nivalis? Have you seen her?" Siobhan demanded with an irritated tone that brokered no contradiction. Giving how much of a fool she felt right now, a little bit of pain shooting through her legs was nothing.

"She ran out of the hospital, threw away her coat. No idea where she went. Did something happen, ma'am?" the nurse asked concerned.

"Well, then go get her number and address," Siobhan snapped as she slumped back into her bed, letting out a long sigh. She could not get how Anemone could get so attached, but felt even more foolish at having missed the signs, a feeling intermixed with guilt about having hurt the woman. Siobhan was undoubtedly a nymphomaniac and inherently self-centred, but not deliberately hurtful. But now Anemone was out, somehow Siobhan doubted she would show up again.

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