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Character The Dark Inquisitor - She Who Has No Name

The Dark Inquisitor

Age16 years
SpeciesHalf Zabrak
Height5ft 8 inches
Weight125 lb
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive/ Force Wound

Notable Quotes

"I am the Darkness in which all Life Dies!" screamed the Dark Inquisitor. "All Life exists simply to sacrifice itself to me!" Her darkened voice spoke as a violent whisper through the force, draining the person before her of their life force. - Spoken by the Dark Inquisitor when facing a lone Jedi along the outer edges of the unknown region.


This Strange Sith Lord, is an inquisitor styled warrior, utilising a Sith Stalker variant style of armour. This possesses clawed fingers, armoured pauldrons, airtight helmet, torso armour, shin guards, boots and blackened robes along the waist down, and under the armour across the torso. This Sith wields a Split Saber variant of Lightsaber, with the handles being able to extend to form a true Saberstaff or separate to form two standard sabers. They stand fairly tall, with the visor being the only way to see the person beneath, but this is highly unlikely due to the extremely tinted/ polarized glass with a black finish.


Dark Inquisitor Armour/ Sith Stalker variant armour,

The Dark Inquisitor's Lightsaber

Cataclysmic Harbinger Starship - a Modified Raider class 1 Corvette

Empty jedi Lightsaber


The Dark Inquisitor has an intimidating aura, with every action or word spoken rippling through the Force. She often focuses on her drive to slaughter anyone that is Force Sensitive, civilian and Jedi alike. Her tactics outside of combat when facing an opposing force, or a large town or city, she will use a group of soldiers known as, "Envoys of the Dark Inquisitor", also known as a "Death Squad" to attack with precision and devastating weaponry. Her own goals are simple for those who understand the Dark Side. "Cut down the Jedi, Extinguish the Light, Devour the Galaxy."


Master Duellist:
The Dark Inquisitor is a master duellist in multiple forms of lightsaber combat. With the skill to recognise form styles, mixture or true, and combat them perfectly.
The Force is my Power: Being a highly volatile being within the Force, the Dark Inquisitor is able to use many Force Abilities from both the Light and Dark Side of the Force that many would consider too dangerous to wield. This also has an effect on some Force Abilities such as Force Lightning, Force Push, Force Drain and similarly powerful and dangerous abilities to the Sith and Jedi alike.
Covert Communication: When on the battlefield, the Dark Inquisitor uses a form of language used by her Death Squad, a form of Death Trooper Encryption, to communicate orders and commands. This is highly difficult to decipher without intense study or the cipher key.


Rage beyond anger:
The Dark Inquisitor is highly prone to anger and enter a rage like state. This can be in the form of a heavy use of an adapted Form 7, or Force Rage.
A Wound in the Force: Despite being a strength of the Dark Inquisitor to gain power and even overcharge her Force Abilities, her need to feed on the life force of others after heavy battles has forced her to take people captive after battles simply to use them as temporary "Life Force Packs" as the Death Troops have dubbed.


The Dark Inquisitor can utilize an extremely wide spectrum of Force Abilities that many would consider dangerous, unnatural, or even beyond evil. Outside of more standard forms of the force, the Dark Inquisitor specialises in the following Force Abilities:


The History of the Dark Inquisitor is kept in shadows, but she seemingly arrived into the Galaxy's wide gaze after the Venture of Kinhaes Maluibon, the Jedi Padawan, who had foreseen the Sith's arrival and subsequent destruction of the Jedi Order. The Dark Inquisitor collects trophies from her conquests. Lightsabers, Padawan braids, Unique weaponry, helmets and similar items. She will even take banners of cities or towns after destroying them to prove her strength.

Her location in currently unknown to all, but through the Force, she can be found easily due to the Sith being a Wound in the Force.

How the Inquisitor Sounds in combat and during idle moments \/

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