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Approved Starship The Daisya Infiltrator

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Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug

Image Credit: BOOP
Intent: To Create a personal ship befitting the Hands of the Dark Lord and Specific Agents
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Intergalactic Solutions
Model: Daisya Infiltrator
Affiliation: Intergalactic Solutions
Modularity: No
Production: limited
Material: Fiberplast, Durasteel
The Daisya Infiltrator is a prototype stealth ship designed by Titan Industries in order to supply The Dark Lords Hands with an infiltrator vessel

The Daisya was designed and based off of a famed ancient vessel of which records were found of in the library of Coruscant. The Ship that The Daisya was based off of was known as the Scimitar. The ship similarly to The Daisya was also a Stealth based craft, and was also designed for a Sith Lord. Based off of schematics and system specs the Daisya was created in the spirit of the ship, though losing much of the design aspects.

The First and greatest of the differences between the two ships are their vastly varying appearances. While the Scimitar had an elongated almost Star Destroyer like look to it The Daisya far more resembles a Manta Ray of earth, long protrusions at the front of the ship and huge wing like structure expanding out from it. These wings serve as solar panels that the ship uses to collect energy to supplement power needs for its Composite Beam Laser. When the ship first becomes uncloaked these Solar Panels need to quickly gain energy in order to allow the Composite Beam laser to fire, this process takes about 1-2 minutes. The long tooth like protrusions at the front of the ship serve as the basis for one of The Daisya's weapons systems.

Though the Infiltrator is not armed to the teeth, the Daisya certainly has the ability to defend itself against ships of smaller, and even greater size. It is equipped with four laser canons. Along with this The Daisya's forward “jaws” hold a powerful weapon known as a composite beam laser, able to do quite a bit of damage to enemy ships. To further augment its damage capabilities The Daisya also come equipped with two Concussion Missiles launchers.

The Crux of the ships design however apart from its unique appearance are its stealth systems. Like its long lost Cousin the Daisya was meant as an Infiltrator, and as such to serve that function it is equipped with the most advanced stealth systems known in the galaxy. First and foremost the ship is almost entirely constructed out of Fiberplast, the lightweight material thats painted matte black in order to make it difficult to read on sensors. Along with this The Daisya is equipped with a Stygium cloaking device and a myriad of other systems designed to keep the vessel hidden from even the most powerful of sensors.

Due to the Omega Event, this vessel is no longer available icly or oocly in any manner unless acquisitioned by Intergalactic Solutions directly. Vessels may be purchased and owned as per Major Factions and Minor faction's ship ownership limits.

Classification: Stealth Infiltrator
Role: Stealth Infiltrator
Height: 25m
Width: 76m
Length: 45m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor/Solar Panels
Hyperdrive Rating:
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 3
  • Composite Beam laser x1
  • Laser Cannons x6
  • Concussion Missile Launchers x4
  • N/A
Non-Combative Attachments:
  • Communications Array
  • Encryption Network
  • Escape Pod x1
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Navigational Systems
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Standard Targeting Systems
  • Stygium Cloak
  • Thrust Thrace Dampeners
  • Thermal Dissipator
  • TibannaX Fuel
Passenger Capacity: 5
Cargo Capacity: 2 metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 4
Alright, I like how you did two dev threads for this even if I don't agree with just finding the scimitar's blueprints in a public library. Not something I'd think sienier would want to be associated with or shared around but that's alright, you've done the work.

Please change the classification to something listed in the guide, role and classification should be different.
Also the way I'm reading your weapons the composite beam which is traditionally fighter/gunship scale (clone wars stuff) is more akin to a vastly scaled down composite laser emerging from the whole ship a-la ST Nemesis style. You're also mounting two massively destructive beam weapons that ignore shields, more than a little over powered. I'd like some severe drawbacks or a tech sub or an alternative weapons listing. Right now I'm worried about this being abused and firing these weapons on an unsuspecting ship while cloaked or seconds after uncloaking.

[member="Darth Mierin"]


[member="Domino"] i decided to take out the Solar Ionization Cannons and replace them with Laser Cannons, i also added a bit about the Composite Beam Laser not being able to fire until uncloaked for 1-2minutes due to capacitors having to build a charge.

Is that acceptable?
Okay, you've put a lot of work and thought into this and it's a bit under-gunned for a ship near corvette sized, I'm not sure how this large composite laser will play out but it's not a superweapon. I'm going to give this my stamp and the usual warning, abuse and we'll yank it. I'm also going to ask that unless you keep it as a unique weapon for these ships that you create a tech sub for the composite.
[member="Darth Mierin"]
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