Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public The Contract, Hunting A Jedi - Invited

Planet Aquatus

Storm troopers were gathering up the locals on Planet Aquatus, the reason? Zeks had an assignment that he was given. To hunt down jedi in order to properly dispose of them. So the locals were just bait for the situation to happen. Zeks was nearby, playing as a possum as he sat at a nearby bench. Reading the newspaper and just being off distance from the storm troopers that were rounding up the locals and forcing them to their knees. The locals were searched for weapons and forced to sit on the ground as all of them were just waiting for a jedi to show up so that Zeks could deal with them. Zeks was a trained assassin since the age of 10, learning how to properly assassinate someone took skill, it also took patience as well. While he read his paper, he kept his right hand steady, holding a golden dagger from within the robe as his right hand held onto it tight while he held onto the newspaper. The storm troopers looking around, to see if they could spot anyone who could even resemble a jedi, for the most part, one couldn't typically tell who a jedi was at a glance since all of them don't wear the same attire or are the same race.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto was on the planet visiting local settlements for recruitment efforts though when we walked closer to the towns edge and noticed the local populace being rounded up like cattle he quickly moved into action pushing himself against the nearest building. along with the five shoulders that were accompanying him. with a small freowm he looked to the lieutenant. " Fisco, take Broker and Vilania push to the left side of the village, me Horis and Derak will move to the right, set up a cross fire, stage yourselves up high and down low we will scope things out and see what exactly is going on here. this isn't our jurisdiction but if they start to fire on the civilians do not hesitate, try and wait out till i give the signal"

with that the group split into two. the soldiers that were accompanying Laphisto wore Lilaste Order standard issue LO-56A, all armed with
LO-17D Rifles save for Broker who was using a LO-26R. the two groups quietly went to work on concealing themselves within the housing structures of the small village and awaited further orders.
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It seemed too quiet like no one would show up. So Zeks did the next best thing in order to get the ball rolling.

"Execute Plan B"

He spoke in a whisper as the newspaper did its job in concealing his radio that was just behind it.

The troopers understood what was going to happen next. Now the plan had slightly changed where the civilians were now being stepped on their backs and now the rifles were aimed at them, firing the laser straight at their backs. Some were lucky by moving out of the way in time, while others weren't. Now the next part of the plan was set in motion, Zeks placing his radio within his robe and now one of the storm troopers proceeded to snatch the newspaper from him, grabbing a hold of his arm and bringing him over to the group of stormtroopers.

"Get your hands off of me!"

The role would continue as Zeks would be placed on his knees and now the storm troopers looking around to see if they would spot any opposition. Zeks would also be looking around and within his robe on his right side where his bandaged arm was, he held onto his golden dagger that was concealed by his inner palm. He was ready for a jedi to show up so that he could get the drop on them. One of the stormtroopers began to shout, acting as leader.


The rifles were aimed on all of their heads including Zeks.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
The moment they began executing the civilians he would give a small frown growling softly to himself clicking on his comlink and pushing himself forwards. Rushing twords the group of armed soldiers. At first he looked to be nothing more than a common mercenary - or mandalorian tho those who could recognize the sigil of clan ordo on his shoulder, or knew the sight of beskar armor - that is untill he grabbed the broad saber on his hilt igniting the deep blue blade as he rushed himself forwards. The first trooper to aim thier weapon at him was met with blaster fire from behind the group of storm troopers, fisco broker and valania begining to open fire.

Laphisto let no time from the ambush go to waste, the moment they were distracted with the gunfire he reached forwards with the force pulling the civilians including zeks either to him or off to the side trying to get them out of the way.
Two stormtroopers would find themselves thrown the the glass window of a cantina they were were trying to gather civilians from. The large Mandalorian did not take kindly to having his drink interrupted.

Astrus stood up silently and placed a handful of credits onto the bar counter to pay for his drinks and to pay for replacing the window. His face steeled into a frown. Placing his helmet on, he was not happy. His whole body tightened with rage.
Who would come here and out civilians and risk, and for what purpose?

Walking out of the cantina, he picked up one of the trooper’s blasters in one and, and grabbed one of the stormtroopers by the ankle with his other hand. He dragged the trooper with him to the town square, where Astrus saw a firefight going between the Stormtroopers and some armed force he didn’t recognise. He did recognise the one that was leading the opposition as a Mandalorian of Clan Ordo, but he didn’t recognise who was working for him. Though, it didn’t matter to Astrus. With incredible strength, he lobbed the trooper across the square. The stormtrooper collided with one of his comrades and both were knock to the ground.
With one hand, he leveled the blaster he had lifted from the trooper and started firing at the other storm troopers.

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