Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Clockwork Rebellion: Dromund Kaas

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Pain was easier to deal with when it was my hand that caused it. Anaya's words resounded in Ashin's head as the Sith Empress considered Anaya's case.

"There was a Dark Lord once whose lover was stolen from him," said Ashin slowly. "When he got her back, he killed her so she could never be used against him. That strikes me as the ultimate form of cowardice, of distrust in one's own judgment. To be a Sith Master is not to run away from everything that might be used against you, it's to face it and put it in its proper perspective. It's to pursue whatever you want, knowing that you can put it aside if necessary. Frankly, it's about growing up. That Dark Lord was a terrified child inside, off-balance and paranoid. You have the chance to be better -- to value things and people and states of being, exactly as much as you want to value them -- and to be able to put them aside, even sacrifice them, when it is necessary.

"And right now, it's necessary for you to put aside your pain. You need to stand up and be what I know you can be. Strong. Your chains broken. The Force will set you free.

"I'm bound for Belsavis, as soon as we reach Korriban. Meet me there, and I'll see to it that purpose blots out your pain."

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