Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Capture of Novus

Seems as I have just returned, I want to rethink what I do with Novus, also known as Jardo Snow and Colt. He is a devote Sith, but a former Jedi. He was brain washed by Mythos and saved by the man, but it's time to turn once again. So, what am I looking for? I need two Jedi, preferably Padawan's to hunt out Novus on his planet of Astria. They will attempt to arrest him for his crimes, he fights back and eventually gets overpowered.

He won't be fully Jedi, he'll continue to use the darkside powers he has. However, the padawan's will be able to make him realize how harsh the darkside is, and perhaps teach him some light sided powers :)

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