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Populate The Bryn'adul | Lessons Learned | Populate of Empty Hex above Traedaris

One Day After the Events of Broken Jewel and Reap What is Sown
The flock of refugees has been culled, and the survivors have been loaded on transports back to Concord space, each one unwittingly a carrier for a lethal and terrible Virus. This terrible plot orchestrated by the Bryn'adul aims to bring about the death of millions throughout Concord territory with little regard for whether those afflicted are combatants or not. Now that the vile work has come to its conclusion, there are other matters throughout the facility that must be attended to such as compiling the information from those interrogated, deciphering whatever encrypted files and devices were taken, and removing the corpses of those who were too weak to survive captivity.

Thankfully, the arrival of additional Bryn'adul warriors, leaders, and scientists from neighboring worlds means that this work may be completed fairly swiftly. This is especially important given recent commands from the Ish'makra that are pushing for a retaliatory campaign against the forces of the Concord. Stirred on by the loss of Nar Kreeta, this propaganda and the promise of a brighter future if it can be attained has already managed to drive many into patriotic fervor. How this affects the work of the facilities' workers waits to be seen.

Whatever the end results of all of the activity throughout the Caerdar Superstructure, there is an undeniable sense of tension in the air - change is coming for the Bryn'adul - what form it takes is yet to be determined.

  • Consolidate - A veritable treasure trove of information was extracted from the lips and the data-drives of the Nal Huttan captives. All of it is either in the minds of the interrogators, or else waiting to be unlocked by skilled artificers and analysts. Guarantee that none of this information is lost, and that it can all be appropriately transcribed and prepared for delivery to the Ish'makra and to the Warlords.
  • Maintain - Corpses line the storage rooms - a result of the affectations of vicious Ultras and other guardians as well as punishments meted out to those who were unwilling to obey. Furthermore, the equipment used to raid and to guard may require maintenance and rechecking. Guarantee that we have not exposed ourselves to malicious schemes from the criminal elements of Nal Hutta or the crafty acts of the Jedi.
  • Prepare - By the will of the Ish'makra, a significant amount of propaganda has begun to flood the facility on Caerdar intending on raising unity among the Vaydralen and the Draelvasier - and more importantly - focusing the ire of all toward the Concord for the loss of Nar Kreeta. Warriors and engineers alike find themselves swept up in the fervor, and must prepare for the campaign of the Ish'makra - gathering together forces for the attack, setting up their equipment, and guaranteeing that everything is established for the coming strike against the Jedi.


Objective 3
Post One
Aboard the Chieftains Legacy

The Ish'makra had called for mobilization, and Thova 'Mdanam had followed those orders. Across Caerdar, his beloved homeworld, millions of Vaydralen warriors were being mustered for the coming campaign that was planned. Entire Clans were committing every male member in their Akra, the Fortress Cities of the Vaydralen, to the cause. A fleet of nearly three hundred warships had gathered in orbit above Caerdar, from small corvettes to the largest battlecruisers that had ever been designed for the cause.

Thova stood in the Stratagem Bridge, a smaller chamber located above the main bridge of the warship. Here, through glass plating, Thova was able to oversee the entire bridge of the Chieftains Legacy while observing a massive holographic image projected from the ceiling of the Stratagem. A few other Vaydralen officers were in the Stratagem, primarily Shipmasters of the various Vaydralen flotillas assembling. Their red cloaks contrasted with Thova's black, and a low muttering of voices filled the Stratagem. Before the assembled officers, a massive holographic image of the Bryn'adul and Silver Jedi Concord border was projected, with dozens of flashing icons representing military forces on both sides of the arbitrary line.

"If we move the Fifth Fleet closer to Roche, they will be in position to counter any potential Concord response mustered near Hapes." Thova's voice carried clear across the discussion in the Stratagem, and he pointed a long digit to indicating a flashing red dot, dragging it across the holographic display. The Shipmasters in the room nodded their heads, jotting down notes on datapads they had brought with them. The talks had been going on for several hours, and while the Vaydralen warriors would never express it, Thova could see they were getting tired.

"We shall continue this discussion tomorrow, return to your ships." The assembled warriors departed the Stratagem, leaving Thova alone with the holographic image. Folding his arms across his chest, Thova leaned on the side of the rails lining the middle of the room, staring silently at the projection. The war that was to come was going to be one of the largest that the Bryn'adul had ever planned up to that moment. It was an honor to take part in it, and plan many of the coming battles, but the past glories and honors that Thova had felt had begun to dull.

Things were changing.

Osam Osam

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Objective 3
Post 1
Thova 'Mdanam Thova 'Mdanam

The willingness of the Vaydralen was perhaps their most impressive feature to Osam. Certainly each individual of the allied race was fully capable, and well-built enough to facilitate their martial lifestyle, but the hybrid was not prone to fixating on the solely physical. He had been among the weakest of the Draelvasier for several years before he had been elevated to the position of Risen, and yet, though he had lacked the musculature of the Baedurin or the flexibility of the Aeravalin, he had been possessed of a tactical cunning that out-rivaled all of his "better" kindred. It was why he knew that flesh and bone were nothing compared to will and drive.

The Vaydralen had both in droves.

The saurosapien race had taken to the news of their coming conflict with remarkable speed and efficacy. Already the hybrid had received several notifications from throughout the established holds and fortifications of Caerdar that indicated the pledge of assorted clans and their levied troops. Though still outnumbered significantly throughout the Bryn'adul Empire as a whole by the myriad Draelvasier, the Vaydralen demonstrated an uncanny desire to prove themselves, to make themselves useful in the righteous war - millions already had deigned it necessary to devote themselves to the carnage to come.

A smile creased the Warlord's face. He'd dealt some carnage himself, hadn't he? Though he had lacked the knowledge of xeno-biology and genetic manipulation that the Aeravalin had, he had devoted considerable resources toward the creation of the Curse, and even now he knew that multiple shuttles filled with infested plaguebearers were headed back to their pitiable Concord.

"Behold, my knife cuts on its own." He whispered to himself, hateful spittle spattering the inside of the Vessel's covering. One of the Vaydralen passed by him, slipping around the Warlord with a respectful nod and a gesture, and the hybrid forcibly composed himself, clearing out his throat in the process.

The Worm-Mind bristled against his skin as it finished its task, allowing Osam to know that it was about to speak before it had actually verbalized its thoughts. Passing through the intangible sheet of consciousness, the words slipped directly into his head, an intrusive thought, but not an unwelcome one.

"It is done, Warlord. Transportation will be here shortly to take you to the Chieftain's Legacy."

It was not a terribly long journey into the orbit of Caerdar, but it still afforded Osam with the opportunity to sift through at least a few of the available data reports that had been brought up regarding the upcoming campaign and about the dispersal of the virus. Whatever telemetry could be gathered from the shuttles seemed to have indicated that they were heading en route for a remote world - all of them had apparently managed to communicate with one another and deemed it necessary to travel as a pack.

He hoped that they would not quarantine themselves. While any cursory medical examination would doubtless come up flat, they were working on a limited timeframe. Reaching a critical mass in the numbers of those afflicted with the Curse would require all of those currently bearing it to travel often and regularly through crowded areas. Nevertheless, any loss whatsoever would still be a victory, however minor it may prove to become. Perhaps they would strike a terrible blow... the Grandmaster of the Concord had been one of the captives taken, hadn't she?

A shame if she withered and died. Perhaps the Ish'makra could be talked into a broadcast insinuating her participation in the ordeal as a double-agent if it seemed likely that she would live.

The Flesh Vessel walked on behalf of the Warlord as he continued to sift through whatever information could be provided on an artifact held aloft in his right hand. He must have seemed pre-preternaturally aware of his surroundings to anyone observing, but he had little time to dispel their primitive superstitions or questions. He and the Kraemonen were one now... any explanation beyond that would be a waste of time. He did glance up briefly in order to acknowledge a gathering of Vaydralen Shipmasters who were passing by en masse. Perhaps they had been dismissed from a meeting, or else had been brought together to celebrate some festivity or another.

Good. He hadn't come to dally about with others - he had come for Fleetmaster Thova... for more reasons than he might've expected.

"Inform the Fleetmaster that we are on his Flagship, and that we are coming to meet with him - we may do so in whatever room he desires." Osam commanded, feeling as the Kraemonen writhed against him as it transmitted his message to the appropriate officers aboard the Vaydralen Flagship.

The Vaydralen had willpower in droves - and he was here to put it to good use.


Objective 1 - Consolidation
Post 1

Aberrant had not been present for the goings on of the interrogation and detainment of Nal Huttan peoples. Nor had she been present for the following evacuation. She stared silently into the sky above, wondering how many would fall victim to the curse about them.

Wondered if any would follow behind her footsteps in change or simply perish to the oncoming symptoms that would run riot through their bodies and be consumed.

Little sentiment was shared to the peoples that would find themselves with the curse. Her own feelings lingering between the perceived betrayal of her former life and the one that stood before her, waiting to be tread. Her wings flared briefly, irritation at herself for even the remote and discordant thinking of the people she had thrown herself upon the pyre for.

That her late brother had done much the same to do and wasted his future potential on.

Claws flexed, mind stepping back to her task. Mining the data systems for information. Old connections through her mind ignited, codes and other details filtering through as she stepped into a building that held the majority of the systems to be delved as she looked over those working on the displays around her.

Such a strange difference that the two groups worked. Humans relying on smaller systems while the larger Bryn'adul requiring for upright or even larger systems to allow them space to work. The small digits of humans a small impediment to her adopted kin. But not nearly so much for herself.

While having changed so dramatically, the ends of her claws could still navigate the more delicate systems with ease. A thought was spared to those systems as she brought a hand forward to observe the deceiving ends of each claw.

They seemed delicate at a glance, but her own experiences had shown her different. Capable of ripping through a plethora of things, the display pads might have had issue with them being perceived. Her hands extended to either side of the hallway, scraping along the walls as she passed in an attempt to further blunt the ends.

Objective 3
Post Two
Aboard the Chieftains Legacy

The arrival of the messenger, a small Ungulloi part of the engineering crew of the ship, drew Thova from his thoughts. He delivered the message detailing the arrival of the Bryn'adul delegation, and a single nod from the Vaydralen sent the creature scurrying from the room. It was to be expected that Bryn'adul representatives from the other races would arrive to discuss matters, but he had hoped they would do it tomorrow. He was tired like his own officers, but the burden of command often forced him to push farther than others.

He folded his arms across his chest, the black and red cloak he wore around his crimson armor obscuring his features beneath. Turning his head, he looked down at the bridge, his body suddenly bristling at the sight of the one coming to see him. Osam...the mastermind of the pathogenic assault soon to be deployed against the Concord. A vile, dishonorable weapon and strategy, a tactic that the enemies of the Covenant had used against them not so long ago. Their foes would die, yes, but they would die without ever seeing the might of the Bryn'adul above their worlds. They would die without the chance to redeem their inferior existence in battle. They would die, and would not die well.

The dishonor laid at the feet of the Vaydralen had begun to mount far more quickly as of late than ever before, tainting the Great Plan with its every breath. It was a shame he had discussed with his officers after reports of growing dissent among minor Clans on Caerdar had wound their way through the fleet. Thova had been quick to tighten down on such talk, fearful of the potential outcome. His people were strong, but the Bryn'adul did not take kindly to even the thought of treasonous thoughts.

Staring at the door, Thova did his best to contain the boiling emotions he felt inside.

Osam Osam


Post: 1
Obj: Consolidate
Tags: N/A

Sethrak walked with speed toward the exit of the interrogation room, stepping over bodies, limbs, and puddles of blood. He had just learned the successor of The Grandmaster of the Jedi. It was one piece of a three piece puzzle. That puzzle would unlock the path to revenge for The Bryn, and the ultimate way to finish the Jedi once and for all. Three pieces. Who leads while the Grandmaster is gone, Where are the Jedi invading next, and how many forces are on Nar Kreeta.

Indeed if he could pry the rest out of the grandmaster tomorrow, the Bryn would crush the Jedi. They would assassinate the leader, deflect the next invasion with ease, and reclaim Nar Kreeta. With no leader and two defeats, the Jedi would be easy pickings. But he needed the rest of the information, and he needed to make sure others knew what he now knew. So he would leave the room and enter the Warlock's dome, where he would reveal the information to other warlocks.

He wanted revenge more than anything he had wanted almost anything. The Bryn had been disgraced at Nar Kreeta, a planet that was his. This was beyond the Bryn'adul. This was a personal quest and The First Warlock would see to it that it was completed successfully. He clenched a fist in anger at the thought of their defeat, stepping over yet another body. His brothers in arms were so...sloppy. They could have gotten twice the information with half the mess, but they chose the quick way. Sure, brute force and combat prowess was often enough for victory, but the events at Nar Kreeta proved that sometimes there was more to victory than strength.
Objective 3
Post 2

Thova 'Mdanam Thova 'Mdanam

So much activity and movement went into running a starship such as the Chieftain's Legacy. Osam was reminded immediately of the constant hustle and bustle that occurred throughout a super-construct, of the nigh endless shift of materiel and personnel as they went about their assorted duties and guaranteed that everything was operating smoothly. The hybrid frowned at the concept of having to take command of a vessel of such utterly massive size - there was a reason why the Warlord had never invested in a customized flagship for himself.

The hybrid raised his eyes at an opportune moment, catching a glimpse from the Vaydralen in charge of both the humongous warship and of the nearest fleet. One of Caerdar's finest, and yet, someone who had only been promoted within the bounds of mere days. After all, when they had begun the raid, Thova had only been a Shipmaster. It seemed that he had taken to his position swiftly at least, and had established himself well among the members of the Chieftain's crew and of the fleet as a whole.

Of course, perhaps his ascension to the top had been too swift. Osam was not blind to the reports that had been provided about Thova's attempts to interrupt the interrogation of the Jedi Grandmaster. He'd not had the opportunity to confirm the situation directly with Warlord Sethrak, but the witnesses to such folly had been less than conservative with their storytelling and reports. To openly confront a Warlord was a problematic situation - barring a few scenarios wherein it was completely and wholly acceptable - but to do it in the midst of an interrogation?

Osam began his approach, gradually winding through the ship until he had made his way to the Strategem Bridge. He stepped slowly, gingerly into the room, taking a moment to assess the entirety of the confines and to guarantee that the two of them were alone.

Though he lacked any kind of Force sensitivity, he was not completely without a sense for emotion... though he could not tell exactly what it was that his Saurosapien compatriot was feeling - perhaps anxiety?

"Fleetmaster." He addressed Thova by his title, as was the custom of the Bryn'adul. "It seems that you've settled quite nicely into your work. The vessel here runs well, as far as I can tell." He nodded to give weight to his words of approval. "I did notice a band of Shipmasters departing... I trust everything is well with the fleet?"

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