Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The bounty Hunter, and the Force.

He understood what he had to do, he made sure he looked presentable, and approached the tall wall, with the armed guards at the door, both with imperial grade Spears.
As he made his approach, the guards crossed their spears, in an aggressive manner.

"Official business only citizen, move along"

"Please, i have personal buisness with the man your protecting"

They pushed him backwards

"Back off, or we'll use Force, we're no idiots"

He exhaled and raised both hands

"You Will let me and a colleague of mine in the premises"

Both guards had an empty look in their eyes, but Ronen was still a padawan, the effect wouldn't last for long

"We will let you and your colleague in the premises"

The gate opened, and Ronen raised his Communicator

"We're clear to go, we'd better hurry"

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden watched as Ronen made his way over to the guards. A few seconds later a voice sounded through his comm. Ronen had told him that they were clear to go. The teen bounty hunter quickly made his way to the gate to catch up with Ronen. He closed the gate behind him.

The interior of the estate contained the main building with five guard's patrolling the courtyard. Carden looked over to Ronen and smiled.

"The target is most likely inside, I counted five guards here in the courtyard, an unknown amount is in the main building." Carden whispered he then pulled out his knife and looked over at the courtyard.

There a guard standing with his back to Ronen and Carden. He was overlooking a planter filled with exotic plants. Carden smiled as he twirled his knife in his hand. He then quietly made his way to the two guards. One of them turned and Carden quickly plunged the knife into the man's stomach, he brought his hand up to the man's mouth and covered it.

"Shhh," he whispered to the guard as he pulled out the knife and threw the body into the planter.

He then looked back to Ronen.

"Tell me...what do you see, what's our next move?" He asked because he wanted to see if Ronen could handle planning out his moves.

He would learn on the job.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]
Ronen wasn't the greatest at make split second decision, but he made the best he could think of.

"If i wear the armour he's wearing, i can scout the inside of the building, so we know what we are dealing with, and then we plan our moves from there"

He looked towards the guard, who was slowly put to sleep by his blood loss.

"He's about my size, it could work" He looked towards Carden and shrugged his shoulders, as if to say 'It'll probably work?'

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden liked the idea, it was risky, but it'd be worth it. Carden smiled as he nodded his head. He crouched down and looked up at Ronen.

"That's a good idea RJ, a bit risky if you get caught, but I won't let that happen." He pointed to his comm.

"Once your in, survey the area and give me a que. I'll be there." Carden whispered as he made his way to a bush, his knife still in his hand ready to pierce something.

Carden watched the four guards move around the courtyard. He watched over his friend.

'He should be fine as long as he kept the armour on.' Carden though.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]
The armour was horrible, the man prior must have been sweating something awful, it was worse than tatooine. He put up with it. He threw his bag over to Carden, except his lightsaber, which he snuck into the inside of the armours lower skirt-lit.

One of the guards passed, looked at him strangely, but carried on.

"I think they bought it" Ronen said on the Comm

He made his way into the building thinking 'Well, he can't have that much protection' He was suprised to sense over 9 guards surveying the small area, the noble sitting in the middle, enjoying his food, and sitting there, high above what he must have considered commoners.

"There are too many to be sneaky, we can't take them out induidually, we will have to flank from the back, and take them from suprise, otherwise it'll be suicide"

One of the guards walked up to Ronen

"Hmm... What's your I.D Number?"

"You don't need to see my identification"

"You think you're some kind of jedi? Guards!"

He started to call over the supporting guards, he had no choice, he shed his armour, into his robes, and brought out his saber.

"Take out the Noble, i'll take care of these guys." He whispered on the Comm

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden laid another body down softly as he heard his comm go off. It was Ronen.

The teen said to take care of the noble. Carden brought his comm to his mouth.

"It was worth a shot. I'll be there in a moment." He said calmly. The teen then watched as a guard walked in front of a window. Carden stood from his position and pulled out his blaster, he then began to sprint towards the guard. When he got to the guard, he threw him into the window and it shattered. He then jumped through, it was the dining room, a guard attempted to stick Carden with his pike, but the bounty hunter fired his blaster. The man dropped, Carden had set it to stun when they were on the ship.

He then ran over to the noble and aimed his blaster at him. The noble flinched. He then fired. The noble fell out of his chair stunned. Carden picked him um and threw him over his shoulder. He then pulled out the detonator for the bombs he placed . He pressed the button and an explosion appeared across the street. Screams were heard.

Carden continued to fire his blaster. More guards started to enter the building. Carden made his way towards the window which he had entered. Then jumped out. Outside he looked around . "Now's our chance kid, let's get out of here, the front gate should be clear, but that building is swarming." The teen said as he waited.

"The diversion has started."

[member="Ronen Jerik"]
His light saber made a loud igniting sound as it clashed with the blasters shooting towards him, deflecting into others, hitting arms, legs, heads...
He saw that Carden had grabbed the Noble, he jumped out of the entrance window where Carden was standing.

Ronen pushed his hands outwards, as he collapsed some of the front of the building, slowing down the oncoming guards.

They both ran, carrying and deflecting.

"Let's go!" He ran as fast as he could, following Carden.

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Soon the front to the building fell, RJ followed as he began to run towards the gate, upon reaching the gate, he pushed it open, outside there were people rushing around as they helped each other out of the collapsed building, others crying at the loss of their home. Carden sighed at the pain he caused them.

He rushed to his ship, looking back, Ronen was right behind him.

The ship's ramp came down and he hurried on. Upon entering the ship he looked back at Ronen.

"He didn't walk straight to the cockpit instead he took a different which led to a room filled with cages. Carden opened one of the cages and threw the man in as hard as he could. He then closed and locked it. Looking around, the other cages contained various animals and even droids. Carden smiled. The noble began to wake up.

"Why?" Was the first thing he asked. Carden crouched down near him and laughed.

"Nothing against you of course...but our employer wants you taken to Tatooine." Carden said as he stood up and turned to Ronen.

"We'll be heading to Tatooine soon, the chaos outside was is definitely a good cover..." He said as he walked out. He stopped at the door.

"I'll be in the cockpit. Feel free to explore this ship if you wish." He said as he walked to the cockpit. He powered up the ship. The ship took off and began to leave the atmosphere.

He then pushed the ship into hyperspace on a course for Tatooine.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]

Ronen looked around the ship, it was in fairly good condition, he clearly cared for it, as it was clean, and must have been upgraded. He found a small room inside the ship, mostly empty, a few things here and there, but there was a large space in the middle. He decided to meditate there while they go to tatooine, as it could spell trouble. He placed his robe on, and crossed his legs on the cold, metal floor. It was calm, as he heard the Whirr of the Hyper-drive, the clank of the machines that kept the ship going.

He started to have a vision, of his childhood parents, who abandoned him, it was not a pretty vision, he saw their torture, but oddly...

He didn't really care...

He felt he had been thrown away, back stabbed, betrayed, scorned... It wasn't fair... He stopped himself, he was becoming to angry, he decided to go back to the helm.

"How far are we from Tatooine?"

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden switched the stun off on his blaster before holstering it. The bounty hunter pulled out his knife and began to play with it. He twirled it in his hands. Soon, Ronen had appeared, Carden smiled as he looked over at the teen, he seemed relaxed about the whole thing. RJ asked how much longer and Carden looked up. As soon as he did, the hyperspace slowed down and Tatooine came into view. He eased the ship into the atmosphere and began to bring it towards the location...a spaceport.

"We're on the planet now...we just need to meet the employer." He said.

Carden found the spaceport and landed, it was dark and empty, the ship's engines whirred down. Carden made his way back to the noble and pulled him out of the cage, he continued to bring the noble out into the empty spaceport. Just then a message on Carden's datapad popped up, it was from their employer.

The message read:

Kill the noble, payment is in the black case behind a group of crates.

Carden looked back at his ship. A smile spread across his face.

"Hey Ronen, come on out for a second." He said into his comm.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]
Ronen heard the message on his Comm, grabbed his things, and walked out, he decided to wear his normal clothes, as he didn't think he would be exposed to the public eye for too long.

He walked out and saw Carden with a wide smile on his face, and saw a group of crates.

Carden had the noble in the cage, watching him squirm, for any mercy

"What did you want me for?"

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden pulled the noble out of the cage and threw him towards Rome's feet.

"Simple, I need you to kill him yourself, I'm going to start loading those crates onto the ship." He paused, debating if he should take back what he just said. He shook his head and turned on the first crate's anti gravity.

"We could get something to eat afterwards." He said as he brought the crate up the ramp. Carden would then start to load up the rest of the crates.

The employer didn't want to show face aperantly... Carden hated when they did that, he always got screwed over that way. The boy smiled as he turned off the anti gravity and walked back down the ramp.

"Look him in the eyes or you won't learn." He offered as he walked to grab another crate.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]
Ronen stayed silent. What had he done to get to this point? He was going against everything he had been taught to never kill someone, unless absolutely necessary, he stood in front of the man, and he could sense everything.

His fear, his anger, his hate...

He knew this was the life he had chosen, he had to learn to survive on his own, and this was the price he had to pay, he heard the man shout and retaliate:

"Please, i'll pay you! Anything you want!"

Ronen pulled his lightsaber from his side, it's ignition created a loud hum, filling the air, with the sound of a true weapon.

Ronen kneeled down, and whispered a Jedi prayer. "May you be one with the force in death"

"Please n-"

His head rolled to the floor, no blood, a smooth cut, Ronen put his lightsaber back. He grabbed a piece of Jewellery hanging of the nobles ear, and hung it on the hilt of his saber, he wouldn't forget who he killed.

He walked back to Carden. "I want a Bantha steak..."

This started Ronen's path, down the unknown.

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden dropped the last crate in a storage room, he then walked to the ramp and watched Ronen. His friend had stood there for a second, Carden felt a twinge of guilt as he watched the teen's lightsaber ignite. Carden knew what he was doing, he had hung out with Jedi enough to know that this wasn't their way, soon theNoble was dead, no blood, no problem. The noble's head on the ground, a permanent pained expression on his face. The boy's saber deactivated.

Ronen collected something from the noble's ear and hung it from the hilt of his lightsaber. Carden smiled.

'A trophy...a reminder of his first true kill.' Carden thought as he watched Ronen walked up the ramp. The teen had said he wanted a bantha steak. Carden nodded.

He then started to walk towards his quarters. He stopped by the door.

"There's a quarters right next to mine, that's yours if you like. There should be enough room to do what you Jedi do." He said before holding out the black box to Ronen.

"This is yours. Go freshen up, there's a small Cantina not far from here, we could walk." He said, he then walked inside his quarters.

The agreed payment was 10,000 credits. He began to change into normal clothes, which for him was just taking off his mask. He then unlatched his bolted and left his blaster. He kept his knife on his person as he walked out of his room and waited for Ronen by the ramp.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]

Ronen heard what he said, and walked over to the quarters to grab his things before going to the Cantina. He thought on what he had done, everything he had been taught, he just threw it away, but the power... it was intoxicating, he began to hear whispers in his ear, he shook it off as something he eat, and put on his clothes. He took off his bandages, and replaced them with fresh ones.

He thought on his old friend Tydus Wyreens, who had taught him the origin of the force, he had to control his emotions, and not let the dark take over the light, and vise versa.

He walked out of his quarters, towards Carden

"Let's go to the Cantina, i need a drink"

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden smiled. As he put his hand on Rome's shoulder. He felt bad. He shouldn't have let him kill the noble. But what's done was done, the kid said he wanted to learn to live, well that's what living like a bounty hunter was. He looked at the Jedi in front of him, where was he leading this teen...

"I promise it gets easier...we don't always have to kill...but it is part of the job." He said as he let go and began to walk off his ship and out of the docking station. From there they would walk into a Cantina, it was mostly empty. He would walk to the bar and sit down.

"I'll take two shots of your strongest drink, and two bantha steaks." The bartender nodded as he began to make the orders. He turned to Ronen.

"You holding up okay RJ?" He said.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]
He sat on the stool staring at his succulent Bantha steak, and he felt okay, better than okay in fact, what's done is done. He did it like a bounty hunter, no harm done. At least that is what he thinks. He can't don't himself at this point, he had killed a man, but he was a corrupt man, it was only business, he got some money too, a life for a Bantha steak.

"I'm great My friend, let us drink to out victory!"

He tapped his shot glass on Cards before downing the drink, he dug into his Bantha steak, hopefully it would stay calm, he didn't want anything to disturb his and Cardens meal.

"This steaks pretty good!"

[member="Carden Lorps"]
Carden laughed at the teen's answer. They then tapped their shot glasses together.

"Cheers RJ to a long full life." He said as he downed the shot. He then watched as Ronen took his first bite of Bantha steak. At the teen's comment Carden busted out laughing, he nearly fell off his stool. The ninteen year old smiled.

"That it is" Carden agreed.

He then began to eat the steak.

"One more round." He said to the bartender, the bartender nodded.

Carden smiled as he continued to eat.

"Good Job today RJ. You kept good under pressure."

[member="Ronen Jerik"]
He looked towards Carden and gave a large smile
"Between you and me, that is my first battle out of training, first time I've even used my lightsaber effectively"

He carried on munching on his Bantha steak, thinking, god, this thing is the best steak he's ever eaten. Between The plants he was forced to eat on Commenor and this, there was no contest.

"So, since we're working together now, tell me about yourself, i barley know anything about you"

Ronen put his steak down, and looked at Card inquisitively

[member="Carden Lorps"]
"Good job for a first live fire operation." Carden said. As he took another shot. Ronen had then asked a question that Carden didn't hear much, a question about his past. The binder gazed straight ahead for a few seconds. Collecting himself and thinking what he was going to say.

He took a bite of the bantha steak and swallowed before turning to Ronen.

"Well, I didn't officially begin my bounty hunter career until about a year ago. Before that I helped my dad run his bar back on Coruscant. When he died was when I decided to get out there. My first encounter was with two sith, it was in the lower levels of Coruscant, they ruffed me up pretty hard. That was when I was first learning how to shoot. A few weeks after, I received a message from Tugoro Tandarius, a Jedi who hung out on Kashyyyk. Turns out that he was looking for one of the Sith. I helped him for a bit, and we developed a friendship, he saved my life multiple times. Then one day, I didn't see him, he disappeared. Soon after I fell into a bad spot, spending nights in Cantinas getting flat out wasted. One night I went back to my father's old bar. I was going to end it. But then the same with that ruffed me up saved me. He talked me out of it and brought me back on my path. A few months later here I am taking bounties and searching for some answers. With the One Sith and Republic gone, I don't know where they went. Now I get to hang out with another Jedi." He smiled as he took another bite of the steak.

[member="Ronen Jerik"]

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