Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Birth of Industrialisation

“You have done well Master Sonn.” The hologram was stood at the center of the room, casting a dull blue light across the darkened space. The figure was tall and menacing, cast in a great cloak and dark hood, it was enough to send shivers up the spines of any man. Ileris included. “You have done well with your design implementations, however I am in need of something more.”

“Of course.” Ileris Sonn, chief operator of SONN-BLAS was currently sat at the table that was projecting the image, his posture relaxed even if his sweaty forehead hinted otherwise. It wasn’t like him to sweat, he had implants that took care of such simple things as perspiration, but there was something about this Supreme Leader that made them unable to override the natural occurrence. “I have already stated that you have my full support behind your cause.”

“We need you to start mass development.” There was a hanging silence in the air.

“Mass?” Ileris tried to get a read of the man’s face but it was stuck behind the darkness of the hood. “I don’t have the means to mass produce anything larger than a speeder at the moment.”

“Don’t play idle with me boy.”
The tone changed and Ileris felt a tinge of fear and anger shoot through his emotions. Nobody called him boy.

“I am just stating the facts, we have a production plant that is basis to creating our goods in a handmade system, we cannot start producing what you ask without a considerable raise in existing funds.”

“Then funds you shall have.” The hooded figure took no regard for the question and released the answer without a second guess. “We will double your existing allotment, I will send an envoy out to you with your first payment and as an advisor for our needs.”

“Digital processing will do fine, we have no need for a visit.” Ileris tried to be polite.

“He is already en-route.” The Supreme Leader seemed to revel in the dis-pleasure. “He will be there by nightfall.”
Ilaris looked out of his window that was part of the Sonn-Blas quarters, the snow peaked mountains already bathed in setting sun glow.

“I look forward to meeting him.”

“I’m sure you do.” The hologram faded.
When it wasn’t being attacked by Vong, industry on the planet of Rothana was booming. Since Morpho Pharmaceuticals was on the Executive Council of the Techno Union, Tmoxin had access to all of the new contracts, hostile takeovers and closures in the Southern Systems. She had investigated Rothana specifically to make sure not too much had been damaged by the recent Vong raid. But so far, the number of new contracts remained high and closures were also low – or at least the same as they had been. No one can say the Vong are good for business, she thought, but at least they aren’t scaring away the entrepreneurs.

But one contract caught her eye. Sonn-Blas. Yes, of course, that was the name of it. Tmoxin had promised funding to the Supreme Leader, and funding he would get.

She arranged another trip to Rothana, this time on her luxury yacht, The Sovereign Stingray. The Hapan, through her various Morpho businesses, ran a mentoring program for young, promising junior military or executive types. This would be the perfect trip for [member="Sylvia Nuru"], a pilot who had signed up for the program. Lt. Nuru just happened to be in the same squad as her own private pilot, and occasional lover, [member="Carten Flaa"]. The girl reminded Tmoxin of herself at that age, and it wasn’t just the fiery red-hair. Lt. Nuru had a good pedigree, was the daughter of an Admiral, and came from an esteemed flight academy.

Tmoxin sent her a curt holocall: “Sylvia, please meet me on Rothana tomorrow. I have a business meeting and it will be good experience for you to shadow me on this."

Eventually these pilots would either advance or need to retire to the civilian sector. Having a good business head would help the young ingénue when it was time for a promotion.

[member="Ileris Sonn"]
Because of the Techno Union’s burgeoning relationship with The First Order, there were opportunities for Sylvia that she hadn’t been able to take advantage at the Coruscani Pilot Institute. Of course, growing up on Coruscant was an education in itself, and the red-haired Lt. of the Sabre Squadron prided herself on being cosmopolitan and well-traveled. But truth be told, she was a little sheltered in her upbringing, spending her nights, either in the flight simulators or the library, more interested in books than balls.

So she jumped at the chance to be mentored by executive [member="Tmoxin Temi"], owner of Morpho Pharmaceuticals and the Morpho Sports Complex. Sylvia wasn’t too interested in drug production, but to learn something about the sports complex and arena would be exciting! Shock ball, smash ball, swoop races, pod races… there wasn’t too much in the way of popular sports and pastimes that Morpho didn’t offer.

Sylvia took a public shuttle to Rothana, and then a dusty speeder taxi to the hangar where she would meet Ms. Temi at her yacht. Sylvia had no delusions of grandeur but she still hoped to make a good impression.
“Executive Sonn.” The call came through the enclosed channel direct to his office, it was from the desk droid who had been stationed outside his office to deal with the day to day redirecting. An annoyance at the best of times. “We have a ship incoming.”
“Great. I assume that means their representative is already here then?” Ileris smirked at his own misfortune. “They have landing clearance.”
“Of course they do Executive Sonn, the ship is transmitting a responder from the Executive Council.” The droid stated matter of factly. “Shall I issue a welcoming party?”
“The Executive Council?” Ileris sighed inside, now the Techno Union were here. “No I’ll meet them personally.”
Ileris lifted himself out of the chair and made his way out of the office.

He stood on the landing platform to SONN-BLAS with his hands behind his back as he watched the shuttle approach. Hopefully everything was okay in the world of Credits and production.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] | [member="Sylvia Nuru"]
He pondered simply while he awaited the arrival of the Techno Union Executive Member, Rothana was a pallet upon which he could mould his success.

The recent attack of the Vong had left a gapping hole in the work force and the Industrial estates of the world, many of the more established groups relocating their operations further inwards towards the centre of Techno Union Space for protection.
He had not decided to do as such.

Sonn-Blas was a single facility for sure, it’s workings dedicated to the construction of weapons for the average joe in the galaxy. Yet he had his vehicle divisions and the armour smith to the south. The complex spread for seventeen miles each way and had some of the more advanced construction systems within the sector.
Yet Ileris wanted more.

He had heard a rumour that the Vong had seen to the removal of RothAir, the working development company that had been the holders of Rothana’s sole shipbuilding business. This opened up an opportunity that he had to take advantage of and with one of the Executive Board about to land he had just the means to do it.

Looking into the darkening sky he smirked as the Rothana Shipyards fell into view as they dominated the orbital landscape.

[member="Sylvia Nuru"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"]
Tmoxin had enlisted Lt. [member="Carten Flaa"], also of the Sabre Squadron, to pilot The Sovereign Stingray as they set off from the Seven Moons Ranch on Bothawui to Rothana. She remained in the living quarters of the yacht, dealing with Morpho business for the duration of the trip, while the Lt. was in the pilot's seat, but she knew he would enjoy flying the Mon Calamari-designed ship. The Stingray was sleek, fast and built for speed.

Once they landed on the Sonn-Blas platform, the two debarked. Tmoxin, not leaving anything to chance after recent raids on Hypori and Rothana itself, brought along two Mirari Bodyguard droids. It also helped to have the combat-ready Lt. by her side in case they were suddenly ambushed.

Now they just needed to find Lt. Nuru, and then they could meet with Mr. Sonn. The Hapan executive didn't bring Beulah, her assistant, so using her own datapad, she typed out a response to the Sonn-Blass owner: We will be there momentarily. Just awaiting my colleague, and we'll be inside for the meeting.

[member="Ileris Sonn"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"]
A ting in his mind sounded off that his cybernetics had taken a message dispatched from the Executive’s own channel. The display placed before him as if it was a reading hologram yet to anyone else he simple appeared to be staring off into nothingness.
“File respond.” He muttered. A whir sounding from the metal band around his head. “Understood, will meet with you in the main conference chamber.” His words would be deciphered by his enhancements and sent back to Tmoxin as any others would have typed it.

He made his way down the hall and into the large plain conference chamber where he took his seat, not at the head of the table but to the left. If there was a member of the executive council than she would be given the option to sit at the chairman’s seat.

He had to make this work to his advantage after all. There was an entire shipbuilding empire hanging in the balance.

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"] [member="Carten Flaa"]
Carten had remained in the cockpit of the ship for most of the journey. His entire speech about fraternization had to be seen as important, and with a member of his squadron on board, he kept things professional with his lover, [member="Tmoxin Temi"], or did he best at least. There might have been a moment or several when she had snuck into the cockpit to check on the pilot, but other than that, Carten and Tmoxin had remained separated. They had remained as such enough she had not noticed the new bars on his uniform. He was no longer Lt. Flaa, but a captain. Daska had insisted they share rank, he did not argue. He was her subordinate to promote as she saw fit.

The ship came down with a precise landing. Hopefully Tmoxin had never experienced such a smooth approach in that particular ship. He'd handled other ships she was in, but this was the first he flew her private ship. There was another pilot assigned to it, her private hire. He was here for security purposes. Yes, she had the droids, but Carten could think on his feet without the programming. His time as a bounty hunter proved valuable for such things.

Booted feet sounded as he came up along side the Hapan executive. He brushed his hand along her shoulder and upper arm to let her know he was behind her. It was a sensual gesture, but the most he'd show in public. This was a negotiation for a First Order company she had agreed to house in TU space. Carten had to present the right face for this. After all, he and Lt. Nuru were the military representatives for this.

"Ready when you are. If I have to find the Lietenent to keep from making us late, her PT will not be one she'll soon forget."

[member="Ileris Sonn"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"]
Sylvia watched the sleek, silver yacht glide onto the landing platform of Sonn-Blass. She had to purposefully keep her jaw from dropping. The Sovereign Stingray as it was called was an amazing ship design with an aquatic feel as only a Mon Calamari designer could dream up. Her parents were somewhat well off, but not enough to afford a ride like that.

The red-haired pilot was dressed in civilian clothing as Ms. Temi had instructed. It was still a youthful outfit, but the black leather gave it a touch of sophistication.


The wind on the platform blew her fire-red locks into her face. She tucked them back with long, tentative fingers. Catching the eye of Captain Flaa, she waved once and then with both arms twice. Gosh, I must look like an over eager tourist, standing here gesturing like a lunatic, she thought.

The Hapan executive was radiant and beautiful. There was a familiarity between the pilot and his employer, but for now Sylvia didn't think anything of it.

"Captain Flaa," she said, giving her superior a sharp salute, which she held until he returned it, and then the red-head dropped her hand down again. Reaching out to shake Tmoxin's hand next, she continued, "Ms. Temi, thank you again for the opportunity."

[member="Carten Flaa"] [member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Ileris Sonn"]
Tmoxin acknowledged Carten's touch with a subtle look. She then noticed Lt. Nuru beckoning them over. The girl was dressed appropriately which was good. The Hapan felt satisifed that between the three of them they would be able to impress Mr. Sonn. With the Vong crawling around, it would be good to keep up a ship-shape facade that the economy was booming and trade was plentiful in the Southern Systems.

She watched the red-haired pilot give a salute, but what caught her attention was that she called the Lt. a Captain. Her eyes drifted to his Captain's bars.

"Oh my mistake, Captain Flaa. I will be sure to acknowledge your correct rank from now on." She didn't congratulate him with words, but a warm smile crossed her lips for a moment, and he would be able to tell she was pleased. The ambitious Hapan was always proud when her friends excelled at their work, even more delighted when it was her companion.

"Come this way," she said, and they entered the Sonn-Blas building and entered the conference chamber. Tmoxin greeted Mr. Sonn warmly and took her place at the head of the table.

[member="Carten Flaa"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"] [member="Ileris Sonn"]
He allowed the representatives to enter the room one at a time and take their seats, one looked business minded, the others? They were hired muscle. Or at least some form of hired help. It mattered not.

“Sorry for the lack of preparation My Lady.” Ileris began. “I wasn’t expecting visitors from the Union Capitol.” No he wasn’t, it was a First Order representative he was awaiting, he just had to hope they didn’t over book. “However with you here I have come to take advantage of a small situation that has arisen.”

He opened a database hologram that displayed the accurate imagery of the shipyards orbiting above them. “I believe that recently the Vong attack crippled operations out of this station. I would seek permission to evaluate, assess and reverse the damage.” He was peaceful in his tone and didn’t once push the point. “Of course it would be relabelled under the Sonn-Blas name, but I have recently been made privy to a contract that would profit both Rothana and the Techno Union as a whole should I have the expansion approved by the Executive Council.”

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"] [member="Carten Flaa"]
"That's fine, Mr. Sonn. You do not need to impress me with fancy arrangements," Tmoxin said, indicating the standard meeting room in which they sat. "I do hope we didn't thwart your plan for other visitors."

She would not come out and ask this directly - her Hapan manners forbid her to do so - but she was curious about the businessman's other investors.

But when he directed her attention to the hologram, Tmoxin fell silent. "Why yes, that station was badly damaged." She glanced upward at the Chief Operator again. He was so calm, almost robotic in nature. "The Executive Council would fully support this attempt at refurbishing a fallen station and turning it into a profitable business again." Although the Morpho CEO stood to profit herself if she arranged an exclusive contract between The Techno Union and Sonn-Blas, that wasn't why she had come in person to Rothana. Her aim was simple. To support the First Order in any way possible, be it material or militarily, or even with her own lightsaber.

"And furthermore whatever funding I provide or even contract that is signed, will be non-exclusive I assure you. I only want Sonn-Blas on a Techno Union retainer as a provisioner of weapons, arms, ships and the like. But by no means do you need to exclusively sell to our organization."

It was an offer he couldn't refuse. But of course, Tmoxin would want something back. A small stake in the company perhaps? She watched Mr. Sonn for signs that he was pleased or on the contrary, dissatisfied.

[member="Ileris Sonn"] [member="Carten Flaa"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"]
Tmoxin put down her terms and Ileris’ cybernetic mood displays attempted to hide the smile that was slyly trying to creep across his face. Where he had been expecting someone from the Executive Council to rip his control out from underneath him with little give and prospect she had proven most equal and even fair in her rights to the station.

It was then that the scanners flipped through his in-eye display. She had been seen before by Ileris and not inside Techno Union Space. Several times the Sonn-Blas CEO had been noted on worlds that held the First Order in high regard, it was one of the many reasons their weapons and ships were to be designed by his company. He had won that license, or rather the First Order had won him.
It was during these visits that he had not been privy to the actual workings of the Authority of the Order, however he had saved his journeys for future reference and suddenly Tmoxin’s near constant involvement in the First Order’s upper ranks suddenly became apparent.

“Sonn-Blas will be capable of the hardware pricing necessary with the purchase and restoration of the station itself.” He had to be sure it wouldn’t send the company in a spiral however, so he needed some form of backup, Executive Temi proved capable of being this backup. “So any assistance from yourself would off course fathom a percentage in the ownership of Sonn-Blass, I am willing to offer eight percent of the future holdings within Sonn-Blas, plus additional sub-contracts that could be passed to your own business through our own contracts. This can be taken as a silent investor if wished or public, if these are agreeable of course?”

[member="Tmoxin Temi"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"] [member="Carten Flaa"]
Tmoxin glanced out of the window for a moment and at the icy, unforgiving landscape of Rothana. Like Kamino, where the weather kept most sentient species indoors, these barely hospitable planets were good for business and industry. The entire population was hunkered indoors and underground, producing goods with machine-like efficiency.

"Mr. Sonn, I could continue to negotiate with you for a better stake, but the truth of the matter is that neither of us have time for a lengthy back and forth. Time is against us, and we need to make sure the First Order is properly stood up for success."

Looking at the businessman with her shrewd, chestnut eyes, she said, "I agree to the deal, and I would like the details to be made public. The First Order is here to stay. Despite what rumors are on Spacebook or Wookiee Leaks about my own name, the alignment will not damage Sonn-Blas's reputation. If anything it will solidify that the Techno Union is stronger than ever and choosing the right allies."

Tmoxin couldn't help but gaze at the door again. "Are we expecting the Supreme Leader in person today?" She did hope to see Aram again, if just to reassure herself that she was at the top of his mind as a friend and colleague.

[member="Ileris Sonn"] [member="Carten Flaa"] [member="Sylvia Nuru"]
There were several scattered reports constantly flowing through his data-streams while the meeting between them all took place. However every time that Tmoxin spoke Ileris made sure any additional information feeds were disconnected from his neural implants as to pay her the utmost attention.
“I see that you like myself agree to our particular business methods.” He smiled, a rare occurrence but one that was gifted at the mention of a cease in bartering for terms. “I will be happy to offer you the share as agreed.”
With a click of his hand against the specially designed table the states were drawn, signed and sealed with the purchase of the space yards being approved by Ileris. Millions of credits seamlessly travelling from one digital account to the other and landing firmly where they needed to.
“The First Order is as stated here to stay. My exclusive clients aboard that particular government will be pleased that we have agreed to trade our expertise with them, I can see this becoming a most profitable endeavour.” He made note to have some refreshments delivered to the board room.
“In time of course our goal would be to have Sonn-Blas become the premier development on Rothana. Noble rights included of course.” He gave a sly smirk to Tmoxin, he was fully aware of the Techno Unions allowance of planetary rulership under their titles. He just had to play his cards right. “I have been alerted that a First Order representative will be arriving on the planet, be it the Supreme Commander or not I am uncertain.”
He was impressed with the direction of the meeting.
“So with your new found support I shall launch Sonn-Blas into the starship construction business. Rothana will once more see warships over her in the most spectacular fashion. If there is any means I can serve the Executive Council with our new found powers please do not hesitate to ask the House of Sonn.”

[member="Tmoxin Temi"]
“Very good. I’ll have my legal team draw up a contract and send it over for signature. Just for each of our records.”

She noticed the funding already changing hands, but that was to be expected. Sonn-Blas needed to move fast to keep up with the rest of the galaxy, and so did the First Order. While companies were under threat of nationalization in nearby Republic space, most of them in the process of picking up and relocating, hopefully to the Techno Union where they would no doubt receive safe haven tax deductions for choosing the Union, here in the Southern Systems business churned along like it always did. Even though competition was always a threat, at least there was no selectivist government entity threatening the spread of capitalism. Even the new monarchy system would still allow businesses to grow, most of them operating independently, some of them under the same merchant oligarchs as they had been for centuries.

Buy local not global as they say.

"I may be in the market for a warship myself," said Tmoxin.

[member="Ileris Sonn"]

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