Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Best Ideas are When Your Drunk, Sometimes

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
"Mhm, the same place where they'd likely take a organ in the process." Hazel added, nodding in agreement. "Oh hey, we transplanted those breasts you wanted. We also took a kidney, hope you don't mind."

Hazel rolled her eyes at that, she wished those types of people wouldn't exist. But there was always someone out there that wanted it, and in turn those that could supply it.

The Hapan's joke seemed to backfire, if it could be considered one to begin with.

"That was a joke, Force knows neither of us need anymore drinks after last night." She glanced over at Joza with a deadpan look. Which broke into a snort and chuckle. "I know I certainly have."

Hazel began to wander around a bit, hands brushing across a wall just was opposite to the doorway. Her eyes lingered around that specific area, seeing a receptionist's desk sitting nicely in that spot.

"This is kinda strange for me, if I'm being honest. I remember back when I was studying at university, I had this dream of running my own clinic or hospital. Back when things were a lot more simple, and there was no need to worry about war...or your birth planet getting cracked in two."

[member="Joza Perl"]
“Too early to start drinking after a night like that.” Was sort of a lie, but it wouldn’t benefit either of them in the long run. Maybe later on tonight if they felt up to it.

She vaguely followed Hazel’s path, meandering along the perimeter of the room before leaning against the wall as Hazel settled onto the desk. Her head picked up when the other woman spoke, eyes flashing in earnest. Joza winced at the mention of her birth planet, knowing that something like that could not be easy even in the simplest of terms. She’d seen Zeltros razed by the Sith as a child, but that was a distant memory and her people had rebuilt—and repopulated—swiftly.

“A good strange or a weird strange?” Joza had never pursued higher education, but she’d gradually come to realize that the more you learned, the more you realize you didn’t know. Dreaming of running a hospital as a student was a different reality than actually being a physician and working in the field. You saw more, learned more, able to feel out for what you wanted to do and what your limits were.

“We can do more of this, if you want. If this clinic works out,” She paused, looking Hazel over. “I don’t see why we can’t place more medical facilities in other parts of the galaxy. I can handle the business side while you run the medical sector.”

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
Eventually Hazel stopped her wandering, and simply remained standing still, turning to face Joza as she asked her question.

There was no answer for several moments, a pensive look on the woman's face as she stared at the Zeltron before Hazel's gaze lingered around the clinic once more.

"A good strange...I think." She finally answered. It was clear the Hapan seemed almost uncomfortable to some degree. Almost awkward in the way she held herself as she got lost in old memories, and even older wishes she had back in the day.

"I've been so use to running across battlefields for many years, then trekking across the galaxy to help whoever has asked for aid. It's a strange feeling to actually be able to do this, you know?" She had felt this before, while back when she had first set foot on Monastery. "Even with the Sacred Lotus, it felt like I was finally settling somewhere. Albeit, I was certainly still offworld plenty of the time." Though as of very recently, that had become less the case.

Her head almost seemed to snap back to Joza, hearing the Zeltron's offer. The smile that immediately creeped out across Hazel's face made it pretty clear her answer before even speaking.

"I would love that. Zanteres & Perl, taking the galaxy by storm with medical clinics."

[member="Joza Perl"]
Hazel was somewhat lost in her memories while still maintaining awareness, which was good to see. It was the thoughtful side of people she liked, when they let their guard down to a degree and just felt whatever was going on in their head. For Hazel, it appeared a mix of nostalgia, longing and well deserved pride.

“I hear you, Haze.” Joza sighed in a mix of contentment and exhaustion. “Didn’t really know what I was doing when I joined the Jedi. Didn’t really know what I even wanted from life until the last few years, I’d say.” At first she feared that having a baby would tie her down, but it only inspire her to build better life and become someone she could be proud of. And hopefully in the future once he understood, someone Alan could be proud of to.

She pushed off from the wall from her shoulder only to lean against it with her back so that she could better face the other woman. “Even if we were drunk as chit, I’m glad that we’re doing this and I’m glad that it’s with you.” Working with someone who went after profit was one thing, but working with someone earnest who would put their energy into making sure the final outcome was as they envisioned it was more assuring.

Not that there was anything wrong with being in the game for profit so long as you didn’t cut corners and made sure that you provided excellent care regardless—some of her sponsors could only afford to see things in red and green—but Hazel actually gave a damn. Hell, they both gave damns. So many damns.

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

Hazel Zanteres

The Angel/Devil on your Shoulder
She nodded her head softly, a look of understanding in the Hapan's eyes.

"I feel you on that." And she genuinely did, although it seemed Hazel had more an idea when it came to hers. "Looking back on it now, I suppose there was some measure of obligation in my decision to join the war. After everything the Republic and the Jedi had done for me."

And that wasn't to say it wasn't worth it, because it had been despite how ugly those days had been. That and it had certainly shaped her into the woman she was today.

"'cause Force knows, I spent roughly ten years doing that. Just moving from one battlefield to another, with only short breaks in between conflicts. then other matters took me away from the fighting for a whille." Hazel's expression twisted slightly, growing misty for a moment until the Hapan sighed and it seemed to wash away. "But then they died, and there wasn't really worth going back."

That looked returned then, the one that had appeared hours ago in the midst of their drunken states, when Joza had asked about Hazel's fighting; when she was reminded of her dead squadmates.

"I spent a few years just aimlessly wandering, finding work here and there but nothing particularly solid until very recently." She smiled again, though this one was plainly forced. Trying to push away those haunting memories. "And well, you know what they say; the best ideas are when your drunk." Hazel chuckled at that. "But I am glad to have met you Joza, can't think of a better person to undertake this with."

Of course Hazel wasn't exactly a stranger to profit, she was after all paid for the independant work she did. But it was never about the credits, those were merely to keep herself comfortable. Her intent was and always will be to help the person or persons in need.

[member="Joza Perl"]
Hazel’s demeanor seemed to gradually shift to something more sober and sincere. It wasn’t upsetting, and the Zeltron joined her with a more somber expression as she pushed off from the wall and made her way over to the desk.

“I’m sure they’re proud of the person that you’ve become, Haze. Sometimes it’s a lot of work to just keep trooping onward. Sometimes it’s all we can do, you know?”

A hand came up to cup the side of her face, thumb brushing over her cheekbone in a tender, platonic gesture. To some it might be considered borderline romantic, but Joza was used to being handsy with her friends in a non sexual way. And in sexual ways too, but that was beside the point.

She laughed a little, wolfish grin tilting one side of her lips. “I guess we’re two peas in a pod that way, huh?”

[member="Hazel Zanteres"]

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