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The Bespin Infestation

[member="Raven Ashe"] | [member="Abaigeal E'ron"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Jeralt Ovmar"] | [member="Saverok"] | [member="Ao Xian"]

"Who would bring cyro grenades to one of the biggest carbon freezing depots in the sector?" In truth, his stock of gear had been running a little light in recent weeks. The Guild took a disapproving stance towards frivolous use of its resources, and after a somewhat unfortunate misunderstanding involving three crates of high yield baradium detonators and a section of lower Terminus that would require a whole new map drawn up, Garrett had seen several of his requisition privileges revoked. Not that he was going to admit that out loud to a cantina full of strangers, least of all his own brother. “We will just have to do what we do best. Improvise.

Which was, admittedly, what had occured on Terminus, but that was neither here nor there.

His gaze shifted towards the new voice that broke in as the older looking gent departed, that lopsided grin becoming predictably even more damnable and crooked before it faltered a little. She was attractive at first glance, or even a twelfth or thirteenth, but there was something about the woman that prickled the hairs on the nape of his neck. Something borderline unsettling that extended past the faint lingering scent of deathsticks and clearly poor decorum for eavesdropping. Of course, it probably was just nerves from the impending hunt. Things always felt a little on edge right before blood was spilled.

Garrett snorted softly, bringing his glass up to his lips only to find it disappointingly empty. With ‘Flat Cap’ having departed, he doubted he could convince his brother to spot him another drink. Stealing one from the Gen’dai seemed a little fool hardy, even for him. Least while moderately sober. A pin for later, perhaps.

If he feels he can take it alone, who are we to stop him? A man must walk his own path. If he’s lucky, the monster is already sated. If not...” He gave a dismissive, callous shrug of his shoulders, turning slightly to plant the empty tumbler on the weathered, beaten looking bar behind him. “A fresher trail for us, no?

Still, without alcohol to anchor his purpose…

But I suppose he will make good bait if nothing else.” The hunter added with an exaggerated sense of reluctance, a sentiment reflected in the begrudging way he slipped to his feet. The fact that 'Flat Cap' also seemed to be the only one that knew the way to the lower levels wasn't entirely lost on him. After sparing a small upchin nod towards the Gen’dai, he tossed an expectant glance towards his brother. “Coming, yes?

It was apparently rhetorical, for he was already moving towards the cantina doors and the fast retreating form of ‘Flat Cap’ even as the last word tumbled from his mouth. Confident that his brother wouldn't let him face an unknown creature alone, if only to avoid hearing his younger sibling brag about it later.
"You have no idea." Raven lifted the glass set before her in Rekha's direction. "To never drinking alone, and waking up tomorrow." Yeah, it was better in company. Real company, the type that didn't hide in her shadow or whisper ceaselessly in her ear. Just normal people doing normal things. Sadly, she couldn't say interactions grounded her in any real sense. Reminded her, perhaps, the rest of the world existed, but the hunger...

Her left hand reached up to lift her helmet up and forward a bit to expose her dark blue lips, and blue skin. Just her lower face would be visible to anyone in front of her, while the hood would shield most from the side except a flash of blue flesh. With relief the drink's burn set her body on fire.

After she'd lowered both glass and helmet, Raven looked over at her new friend. "Did you come here to hunt monsters as well?" An eye watched as Elias began to draw near and move by toward the door, though her words had been for Rekha. She would not mind the others overhearing -- either to join or prepare themselves for competition. Either would suit Raven's purposes being in this city.

So many delicious creatures to devour, the voice hissed. Raven could practically feel it drooling over her shoulder. It took conscious effort not to draw in a heavy, shaky breath with its overwhelming desire washing over her thoughts. At least the one Raven had just shared a toast with seemed safe. All living creatures were imbued with the Force, but hers was not that of one that used it; so it was far too little to draw the monster's notice. Most of the others weren't so fortunate.

One way or another these people could be useful.

Tag: [member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Jeralt Ovmar"] | [member="Garrett Ovmar"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Saverok"] | [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]
[member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Jeralt Ovmar"] | [member="Garrett Ovmar"] | [member="Saverok"] | @abigeal e'ron | [member="Raven Ashe"]​
"Waking up tomorrow" Rekha took a draw on her drink just as she realized her drinking companion was blue...."ooo" the word slipped out, "you're blue" she whispered her voice hinting at how fascinating and awesome it was to be blue.

She inched closer, "so pretty" Then as if catching herself she smiled awkwardly and stepped back.

"Monsters me....I hadn't thought about a monster...I've actually came for.....well.." She couldn't say thievery, "shopping. But heck I can do monsters." She knew a few, and they were really hideous things. Not in appearance but in their treatment of others yes there were all kinds of pretty monsters out there. Loup was a monster.

She thought again about the news cast where those the monsters being hunted if so..she was on board and ready.
[member="Raven Ashe"] | [member="Abaigeal E'ron"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Garrett Ovmar"] | [member="Saverok"] | [member="Ao Xian"]​
"I thought what we did best was kark up quick and often. 'Til it almost looks like a plan, if you peer at it from just the right level of intoxication and angle." Jeralt drawled lightly as he watched Elias go. All he did was give him a salute. The first mind was synced with Garrett. Let the old man wear himself out- either he'd fix the problem for them or he'd at the very least soften it up. The big behemoth rose up and the shift in weight made the floor twitch anxiously. It probably wasn't sure if it could hold him. For any long stretch of time, anyway.

"Ah, y'know how it is, big lad. Something likes the heat? Safe to assume they dun' like the cold." A sharp look at his brother. "But apparently we are improvising, so it doesn't matter one way o' the other."

Starting to rise up himself.

He already knew how this was going to turn out, since Jeralt knew his brother. The moment tall, dark and mysteriously beautiful spoke up in Elias' favor? Well, that was that, as far as Garrett was concerned. There was something off about Abaigeal though. And it wasn't the split lip still bleeding off an' on. "My oh my we are certainly both charitable today, aren't we?" Clasping Garrett on the shoulder. "Y'know, I liked the idea of him going off alone and us moping up after him more, savvy?" Jer murmured, before letting him go.

A stretch there.

Studying the contents of the bar.

This was a mess and a half. "If anyone else here feels particularly heroic? Anyone who comes with us facing death... I will buy the first round, if we come outta it still breathing." A lazy salute, before following the datapad guy out of the bar.

What's the worst thing that could happen?

Besides half the bar suddenly following around, because of the offer of free drinks, of course.
The word monster conjured up many images, and to label something that, was purely subjective. From the reports on constant loop on the monitor, there was not much to go on. No witnesses, no one survived an encounter to tell the tale, it seemed. Was this a rancor size beast of a monster that was terrorising Bespin? If it was most likely it would be in the refineries taking sustenance and solitude. But you would have thought somebody would have saw something or heard it.

Was the monster humanoid size, if that was the case, it could literally be anyone, be anywhere. Or was it small, an infestation that worked as a unit appearing to be one big lump of a monster. It might explain why there are no witnesses, more difficult to spot if able to disperse at the first sign of threat. And a hell of a lot harder to locate, to kill.

So, all they had to go on was it liked heat, she thought watching the scruffy lads head off for the exit and walk to their deaths. There was something off in the way they both looked at her, especially the first one, it was like he was looking through her and it almost made Geal want to turn around to see if something was standing behind her. Maybe she looked like someone he knew, who knew.

But the second one, he gave her more cause for pause. There was something familiar in his features. Maybe he looked like someone she knew, that one couldn’t place a finger on. She shrugged it off thinking it a trick of the lighting or a flight of fancy.

Geal twisted on her stool, casting a look around the bar to see if anyone was going to take up their offer of free drinks, at a price. Most of the patrons gave them a blank stare or a scoff before turning back to their business. Although, she did spot two females chatting that might show some interest.

She was about to take a long sip of her drink, but instead found herself staring into the dark contents. A prickling of conscience looked back at her in the swirling mix of rum and ice, odd place to find it but there it was. Fine. Geal slipped off the stool and headed for the exit, placing her drink on a table on the way.

They had not got far, and she soon caught up with them and matched their stride. "Need a fresh drink, mine went flat".

[member="Jeralt Ovmar"] | [member="Raven Ashe"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Garrett Ovmar"] | [member="Saverok"] | [member="Ao Xian"]
Elias had already been gone from the cantina when one of the lady patrons had urged the rest to follow up with the flat cap monster hunter in the quest of the beast responsible for the dead bodies.

So instead of just him being down shuffling through the durasteel floors of hallways connecting the major refinery and core, it was him and a bunch of the odd patrons from the cantina, including the generous gent and his pal - the drink thief.

The cool air from ventilation shafts barely kept up with the intense heat the deeper they went in. Elias had put his flat cap back within an inside pocket appreciating the sudden coolness rushing across his head. He put a hand within another inside pocket of his coat and pulled out a round vial. With a pop the tap of the vial was opened and its contents consumed in one gulp by the monster hunter. Details of his surroundings that were invisible before became quite clearer near momentarily after drinking the potion. Colors and sounds grew richer. The heavy infested smell of petro-chemicals broke down to layers for nearly each chemical that formed it but beyond it there was something faint and very different.

Twisted, even.

It did not belong to this habitat. If only Elias had more than just limited abilities in the Force school of Sense.

"There's something here...not exactly right." he said blankly staring into the empty hallways ahead. It had been far busier on the upper levels of the refinery but down here - felt like a ghost town.

He remained standing trying to dig deeper for more information into the scent that did not belong.

[member="Abaigeal E'ron"] [member="Saverok"] [member="Raven Ashe"] [member="Jeralt Ovmar"] [member="Garrett Ovmar"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Ao Xian"]​
Raven smiled more to herself than anyone as Rekha cooed about the blue skin. She turned her head to look over at the other woman. "No need to draw back. I don't bite." Another drink revealed her lips once more. "In public." Her lips curled up at the corners with the clarification.

Why in a Hutt's arse shouldn't she flirt with some random woman in a cantina in the middle of nowhere. Yes, Bespin. Nowhere. A floating city in the clouds was captivating for the first ten minutes before you found out it was just another city with plenty of its own revolting problems; and plenty of people that wanted you to fix them. They were too weak or couldn't be bothered. Get some mercenaries to do it.

"Shopping?" That was not what she expected to hear. Especially when she decided to go monster hunting instead. Rekha looked able to handle herself, but, "Are you sure--" Her statement was cut off as Jeralt made an abrupt announcement to everyone in the cantina.

A soft snort followed the open invitation. "Fools," Raven said under her breath before slamming the rest of her drink down.

If they're going to get themselves killed...

...then she might as well enjoy it, Raven finished the thought. "Come on," a quick wave signaled Rekha to follow. "Even if you don't fight the monster, you'll enjoy watching the drunks try."

As the cloaked figure made for the exit, helmet securely in place, her boot slammed into the back of a drunk's knee. Her right hand then swiftly guided his lowered face down into a nearby table without skipping a step. "You'll thank me later." At least that one would live.

I wanted to devour that one, the Darkness within hissed.

And develop indigestion?

But before the entertainment -- and feast -- began, they had to contend with too many people in too small a space with too little fresh air. Raven's suit kept the heat from cooking her like an oven, but it wasn't intended to brave an inferno. How many ancient ruins were inside of a volcano? Not half as many inside of a glacier.

Elias announced a strange presence in the area, which had Raven's hand slide down to her hip where a long, copper cylinder was secured in place.

Perhaps I should locate our meal?

Raven ignored the goading question. Her response didn't matter; she'd come to terms with the monster dwelling inside of her doing whatever it wanted and when it chose to do so. "It knows we're here," she chimed in. It might be possible Raven could stretch out and learn more of whatever it was ahead, but she had the inkling to not tip her hand yet.

Wait until it draws close, and then we will feed on it. And perhaps the rest.

Hopefully Elias' keen senses weren't picking up Raven.

Tag: [member="Jeralt Ovmar"] | [member="Abaigeal E'ron"] | [member="Rekha Kaarde"] | [member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Garrett Ovmar"] | [member="Saverok"] | @Ao Xia​
"I wonder what else you do in private" She quipped back. Flirting in a bar...........second nature to Rekha who worked in bars, owned bars, and loved them. When she started to ask her a question there was a slight interruption.

Ahh heroic? her? HAHAHAHAH, she made sure not to laugh out loud just to herself. Any heroics were certainly done by mistake. Least that's was her story and she was sticking to it. In the back of her mind though she wasn't wrestling with it at all she was ready to go. Her new companion just gave her a bit of incentive to go along. Luck favor the foolish let's go hunt monsters.

I was working on being one of the drunks...she thought to herself. She smiled and followed the lovely blue skinned flirt but not before she downed the rest of her drink. Paid good money for the swill she sure was going to finish it.

"I love a good show." She was beating feet to the door. She made sure she had her blasters the ones [member="Coren Starchaser"] made sure she had on their last outing together. What would he think of all this?

[member="Jeralt Ovmar"] | [member="Elias Logain"] | [member="Garrett Ovmar"] | [member="Raven Ashe"] | [member="Saverok"] | [member="Abaigeal E'ron"]​

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