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The Bellow of the Beast | First Order Dominion of Belgaroth Hex

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Post XXV
Objective: Be Interupted

Carlyle was caught offguard by Yvarro's arrival. What sweet devilry was this? He watched on a monitor as the Hellstrom made its way into the sector. Carlyle decided that it was time to give some orders. "Give Grand Admiral Yvarro a report as to our status." Carlyle coldly commanded to the Comms Officer, "I believe that when these stations do arrive, it will be prudent of us to take our lovely captures and turn them over to the appropriate authorities." Caryle informed the officer.

Rausgeber turned his attention outwardly to the fleet. Bloody Yvarro. The Grand Admiral and her space stations were a thorn in the side of Carlyle for the longest time. He saw them as a threat to him, as well as poorly made attempts at sector control. Hadn't the FIV Kurigan taught Central Command anything of strategy? Why was it that sector commands would be established by space stations, rather than the cheaper and easier defended FIMB project? Rausgeber sullenly resented Fiolette, with a vengence. Capable officer she may be, but he ad always personally seen her as too close to the Grand Moff for his liking. His spiteful side swore it was favouritism.


Well-Known Member
Post V \\ Objective I, Big Game Hunt​
It had taken the tracker longer to arrive than he'd planned - the uneven and dangerous terrain of the salvage fields slowed his progress. Not only in traversing but also tracking. nevertheless, he'd finally caught sight of the beast. He'd reached the supposed berthing grounds of the Droidbreaker without event, but once arrived he found the lair abandoned. Nestled beneath the rusty hulk of what used to be a star freighter of some kind and a large chunk of durasteel girder, a small depression amidst the salvage indicated a bed of sorts. Scattered about were what looked like partially corroded, partially consumed junk, littered around the outer edge. Definitely the creature's lair - or one of them. Buruk had no doubt the creature traveled from place to place, and given the current vacancy he -- *CRUNCH*.

A loud noise sounded from just over the next mound of salvage, the screech of metal against metal. Perhaps the lair was not nearly as vacant as had been suspected. The readouts in his helmet aided him little, and so Buruk stalked forward, ready to climb the hill and determine the source of the loud commotion. If he had to guess, the Droidbreaker was consuming a meal.
Location: Phu
Objective: Make a choice
Allies: [member="Zmej Ren"]
Post: 5

All of a sudden the Ren was upon her. Emilia gasped in shock as the tall blonde woman closed the small space between them. In the blink of an eye her imposing figure rose above Emilia, intimidating, and hostile. This was it. She was going to die here in this cramped garage, choked by the noisome scent of tabac. Not exactly a dignified way to go.

"Don't be afraid," said the Ren. To Emilia, she was a snake, a reptilian predator lulling its prey to sleep before it struck the killing blow. She recoiled, raw fear and panic cascaded from inside her in an unstoppable torrent. She raised her hand weakly to try and block the Ren but it was a pathetic effort, and the woman yanked her gun from its holster. She tried to beg, but her throat was tight. The words would not, and could not escape her lips. The Ren raised the gun, and Emilia flinched. The fair-headed woman's eyes seemed to drip fire as she pressed the blaster into Emilia's shaking fingers, locking them in place with a grip like coiled steel.

The Ren raved, spitting zealous prose like her life depended on it. She talked of the strength, the security the First Order provided. Emilia didn't know about that, but she wasn't exactly in the position to argue over politics. The woman was so close to her now she could feel the heat radiating off her body, she stood behind Emilia, her iron grip directing the blaster at the shackled, hunched form of Abraxo even as she continued to rant. By this time, the Devaronian had realised something was up. He gazed, bewildered at the spectacle before him. The calm, confident agent he had seen before was being wrestled into submission by the one who had beat him. The gears began to turn in his head, and Abraxo grew less confident that he'd receive the immunity he'd been promised.

Emilia shivered as the Ren whispered in her ear. "Do it for me" she said. Emilia knew there was no way out. She steeled her gaze. Abraxo began to yell, hurtling abuse and threats. He was a gangster, he knew the look of someone who was about to shoot. Emilia sniffed, hot tears welled up in her eyes, her face flushed bright red. But there was no escaping it, no other option, nothing other than to do exactly what the Knight of Ren wanted.

Emilia pulled the trigger, releasing a bolt of red energy that tore into the helpless Devaronian like a hot knife through butter. Emilia watched the blood splatter against the wall. This wasn't like the battlefield, this was murder.

Deep within herself, she felt something die.
Location: FIV Concordia, Phu System
Objective: Presumably
Post: 04/20

Tytos offered up a minute smirk. "I see." He did not see. He supposed the directive was to take the needed time but not drag his feet about it. Very nebulous. It would have been easier to squeeze results from underlings when laboring under a tight schedule. Grace under pressure, diamonds from coal, et cetera. He'd ultimately set a tight schedule himself, but it was easier to invoke urgency when powers far greater than him were involved. And that those higher powers had a vested, lethal interest in its timely completion.

"I imagine our forces will be landing soon," said Tytos. "Will you be accompanying me to the planet's surface?"

There was no need for the natives to regard him as a phantom menace. Phu had already capitulated so he doubted there would be much in the way of threats. Local terrorist cells probably hadn't even had time to form yet. Besides, better that they see what he looked like; get a face put to the man who would be orchestrating their assimilation.

[member="Natasi Fortan"]

Fiolette Fortan

Post 20
FIV Hellstrom
[member="Morro"] | [member="Leskie Tomiet"] | [member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

"Captain, we'll transfer sector command to Taloraan for now." Grand Admiral Yvarro remarked as she walked back onto the forward operations center. "Watchtowers will be in place along with several Manjarrez stations, how goes the relay?"

Captain Wilhuff turned a quarter to be able to see the Grand Admiral, as his attentions were focused on the Hellstrom's squadron launch. "Finished, new networks are installed. We're perparing to deploy mobile garrisons and fortresses now."

"Good, we'll establish a base just outside of the race tracks." She said with something of a smirk. Wilhuff wasn't sure if he should be relieved or scared, perhaps both in this case. "Inflictor and Imdomitable are on their way back, our three Raptors report complete with the freighter pulled off."

"Have the freighter's remains sent back to Central Command. I gather they'll want to have a look at the ship that gave the Malice such a run." Fiolette ordered as she walked along the upper level, peering down into the trenches where crews and officers worked together. The hum of the Hellstrom's engines gave the admiral a bit of comfort, the viewport showed the good side of the Malice as images and details of her damaged ends came through from the two Inflictors. "Once the Manjarrez is here, I want the Malice given another look over before she's set to sail again."

The last thing she wanted was an unprepared ship going into a hyperjump and meeting her fate much like the Kuragin. The Admiral's eyes studied the holomap a moment, "once they arrive we can depart for Belagroth itself." She had plans for Belagroth, plans that looked remarkably similiar to the Starfighter Outpost on Rutan's moon of Senali. Which as of now lay under construction, only this time she was going to pull a page out of ol' Rausgeber's book.

"Once the FIV Knowledge has arrived remind its commander that they'll depart with us to Belagroth. Commander Morro's group is to remain with the more than capable Rausgeber." She added as an afterthought.

"Yes Admiral," the Captain acknowledged.

Fiolette's attention turned to the FIV Concordia, she knew who was aboard her but did not bother to engage or hail the vessel. Whatever the Grand Moff's purpose for being here was her own, and the Grand Admiral would carry out her own agenda as planned.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 19
FIV Concordia

Natasi hesitated over this question, her dark eyes narrowing slightly. "Do you know, I hadn't thought of it." She glanced out the window and then shrugged. "Why not? It's been too long since I was on the bleeding edge of the Empire, and I'm only tangentially familiar with the surveying process, so it will do me some good to get a first-hand look at how the process works." She stood and circled the table to one of the communicator stations built into the surface and depressed a key. Clémence Wallace answered with a chipper: "Yes, Your Excellecny?"

"Governor Ardik has agreed to our request. Please see that his permissions are updated accordingly," said Natasi.

"Very good, ma'am," said Clémence.

Natasi smirked. "One more thing. Please inform Major Telworth that I will be accompanying the surveying team to Phu. Please see that his security measures are updated to reflect this."

There was a note of hesitation before her private secretary answered: "Very good, ma'am."

Natasi turned back to [member="Tytos Ardik"]. "I'll just go and change into something more substantial. Shall we meet in the main hangar bay in fifteen minutes?"

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Location: Phu
Objective: Buy the podracing track
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Ka Zor Cartel
Post: 19/37

Now is time to announce the results of the bidding process that she hastily entered with a Tunroth investor, over a bedtime meal (from her own standpoint; for the Tunroth, however, eating is not something that they would normally synchronize with sleep). The question being: was there even another bidder? It was understood with the Tunroth that it would be just that: a bid. She knew that violating due process could be expensive, as evidenced on Jiroch-Reslia, where they went about 1 million over budget - and that's for the first stage. Understandably she was nervous and it almost seems that it was first come, first serve for bids, but will the First Order actually take into account her expertise gained from running the podracing track on Lanteeb? She watched on her holo-screen for any indication pertaining to the bidding process, for any indication from the First Order Public Works actually releasing results. And then...

"Star Tours is awarded the operating rights to the podracing track on Phu"
Location: Phu
Objective: Get out of the mess somehow not caused by Jaya
Post: 5

Jaya seemed to put an extra zip in her step as the edge of the rooftop came closer and closer. Stormtroopers were already close to the top of the ladder and there truly was nowhere left to go but to to take the leap. Where such a prospect would scare most the woman felt nothing but the rush of adrenaline as the small elevated rim around the roof was only a few steps away now. "Just give it up bucketheads, I'm innocent anyway!" She made sure she yelled loud enough to make sure her pursuers could hear it. While that was true in the current situation, there were quite a number of things she had done back on Tamanen that weren't entirely legal. Not that the troopers needed to know.

One foot landed on the outer rim of the rooftop and she kicked off of it as hard as she could. While she was airborne she couldn't suppress a "WOO!" and as she looked down and saw the solid ground of the neighbouring building she couldn't help but smile. The landing was followed by a roll to break the fall and without missing a beat she kept running. Blaster fire came her way once more which gave away the face the Stormtroopers had made their way onto the other building's rooftop, leaving her no choice but to make yet another jump.

Building up speed once again Cupcake went to repeat the jump to get onto a third building, but as she approached she noticed the distance was quite a bit further. "Force thing, if you really exist, which I still doubt but that's beside the case," she panted while talking to herself, "please let me make this jump." Once more she took the leap, but this time she wasn't going to be able to land onto the rooftop like she had done just moments ago. Her feet hit the wall but before she could fall she firmly grasped the outer edge of the building with her hands. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she pulled herself up and as she looked back there was too much distance between the troopers and Jaya for them to make an accurate shot. Kicking open the door that lead to a staircase down she made her way inside the building and started looking for a place to hide.
Location: Phu
Allies: [member="Emilia Ravel"]


“Memorize every detail.”

Reduced to a lifeless sack of flesh and bone, a smoking pot-hole caved into his chest, the Devaronian slumped down, never to get up again. And just like that, it was over. Silent, dead, cold, everything came to a halt, drowned in a faint smell of vaporized flesh. In one sharp motion, the hold that used to control the agent’s arm disappeared, replaced by free will and guilt. It could practically be tasted, as if the agent had bathed herself in remorse, a sensation that screamed loud enough to spill into the Force and reveal itself to the Ren.

Regarding the dead gangster with disgust, almost grossed out, Zmej spared him one last glance before spinning on her heel and setting off. Ruthlessness was a virtue to be admired – and by giving the flame-haired agent the necessary shove, Zmej hoped to crack the woman’s weakness. Seeing her shaken after the act irritated the fair-haired knight, yet there was hope for less hesitation next time. Sieger Ren had no use for weaklings afraid to pull the trigger, thus the Hand of the Supreme Leader easily justified the act as great mercy.

Not just for the FOSB operative, but for their nation.

Already completely disregarding what had just transpired in Abraxo’s garage, the Ren set her sickly yellow sights upon the city. Everything, from property to sentient lives, all belonged to Sieger Ren. As his enforcer, already in possession of names to be either converted or disappeared, she needed to announce the First Order’s presence. A message, loud and clear, declaring slavery illegal and crippling those who practiced it. The end of Ka Zor.

As she defiantly strode through streets that were to be graced by the First Order’s soldiers as soon as the cartel’s head’s been separated from the body, the blonde turned, looking at the agent who walked in tow.

“Have you ever watched a boxing match? Box is a combative sport. Not only for the strong and who can already fight, but also for those who lack confidence and courage. It hardens both body and spirit and develops perception, swift reactions, fearlessness and courage. You should consider it."

Zmej’s favourite sport – even if she never practiced it, trained in far deadlier arts. Still, it was a manly sport. Exactly what ordinary citizens needed to grow into strong beings capable of pushing the Supreme Leader’s vision forth.
Location: Phu
Objective: Hide
Post: 6

A few sets of stairs later Jaya realized she was not in an apartment building. Instead she was in a hotel, but definitely not a fancy one. This all would actually work to her benefit, the scene supporting her attempt to hide from the stormtroopers that would no doubt show up very soon. Her eyes darted around and when she was satisfied to see nobody was around she took out a small handful of computer spikes out of her pocket, she always kept a number of them on her person, and bruteforced the door security of one of the rooms. After the third attempt the door clicked open and she quickly went inside and closed the door. "Time to set up shop."

The first thing Cupcake did after closing that door was quickly walk over to the bed and start pulling it toward the door. On her own it was a struggle to turn it to block the only entrance to the hotel room but she was able to get it in place fairly quickly, it now stood sideways against the door. The closet was next, which was dumped on top of the bed. Random pieces of furniture such as a table and multiple chairs were put up against the bed as well. "That should hold them off for a little while." Clapping her hands together she went to sit on one of the chairs that she put as part of the barricade and waited.

About thirty minutes later she heard the door rumble and voices from the other side of it. "The door is blocked. She's probably in here. Get ready to ram it open." She immediately jumped off her seat and looked down the window, seeing nobody on guard outside. "Sayonara," she whispered as she opened the window and started climbing down, "See you never."

When her feet touched the ground she went into a sprint for a little while until she was assured of the fact she had shaken the stormtroopers off. She walked into another hotel and casually walked over to the front desk. "I'd like to book a room for the night. Do you people do combos with space travel too?"

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