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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

He nods his head
“well it’s morning for me, I had a nice nap.”
Jacen, realizing the implication of his words after seeing her reaction, stumbled over his words,
“Oh, I- I didn’t mean anything. Like you don’t smell bad. I, uh. Yeah.”
He nods his head nervously and chuckles
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
within a few moments, the ship would be hurdling through hyperspace, making its way to commence. Laphisto would be sitting in the captain's chair. his data pad opened as he scanned the systems of the ship, not being content with just sitting and doing nothing. he had to keep his mind working less he begin to delve into his own thoughts again. his eyes would hold the soft blue glow as he scanned over the subsystems making sure everyone was working properly. his lone ear flicking softly

Kayin Verd

Narrowing her eyes at him first, it could seem like she was offended only to replace it with a laughter. "Relax, i know i smell, I've been out for days! I could really use a shower." She tried her best to make it obvious that she really didn't take offense, that she had understood the message behind his original comment. "By the way, I'm on the right way back to the private quarters now, right? I'd hate to get lost on the first day, get stuck in a lower deck maintenance closet and starve to death." She joked
Jacen laughs and nods.
“I really needed a shower too, I woke up this morning and realized I smelt awful.”
He chuckles
“But yeah, the private quarters are back the way I came, passed the mess hall. I got lost more than I few times at first too.”

Kayin Verd

"Yikes! Oh, well. It's good to know I'm not the only one that find it hard to navigate a new ship." Kayin started to slowly walk again, torso half way turned in Jacens direction. "If i dissappear, promise you'll come look for me, okay?" She joked again, giving a quick wave and turned around the corner.

Once back in her room, she had a small break, feeling how the ship lifted and took off into hyperspace before normalising, giving her the oportunity to head for that shower. She didn't spend much time on it, and while dressing herself again, she suddenly heard screaming from one of the rooms near her own which made her open her door to peek outside
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
glancing to the bridge crew he would give a soft chuckle resentencing about days past. clearing his throat he would look to the third officer clearing his throat gently before speaking " Owen was it?"

the human male would turn to look to laphisto and give him a soft nod " aye aye captain what can i do for you?" the male would have brown hair and blue eyes. wearing a standard fleet uniform something that he had kept from his last job.

" could you scan through the nav computer and provide a list of locations that this ship has been to, and cross-reference it with today's navigational charts?" looking him over for a moment he would nod in his direction before turning his gaze back to the sub sensors. a small ping in the force causing him to stand from his chair. hand gripping at his lightsaber " I have something I must attend to keep us on course "

Laphisto would unsheath his blade holding his handle in hand as he walks through the ships hallways towards the private quarters
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the dark side pulling Rel in more
This Sith Lord he fears of is coming he knows about jacens force strength he’s wants to get in jacens head then all is lost
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
making his way down the corridors of the ship he would have his ear pinned back on his head eyes narrowed- or was he squinting again?- his steps would ring against the hull. a small grumble escaping his maw. making it into the Private quarts he would glance over at Karin shaking his head at the girl softly, in an attempt to try and non-verbally signal for her to stay in her room . turning his head back in front of him he would make his way to rels room.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
reaching rels room he would push the consol to open the door. ear pinned back, and his grasp holding the lightsaber firmly though the blade wasn't ignited he would grumble with a narrowed gaze.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
grumbling he would input his master key forcing the door to open up, as the Durasteel door slides open his gaze would flick to rel with a curious look of concern " rel what are you up to ?"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
"We just left Kashyyyk on our war to Commence, the Jedi are rebuilding their Jedi temple over there. once there we will see what they decide to do with me" glancing rel over his eyes would glow the blue as usual, peering into rel through the force, seeing his current alignment
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
seeing what was to happen he would narrow his eyes, bringing hid blade up swiftly to deflect the oncoming strike giving a small snarl he would push his out outwards towards rel, pushing him backwards with a narrowed gaze

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