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Public The Beginning of the Lilaste Order [ Closed/ Finished]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a grunt Laphisto would jump through the air propelled by both the force and his own wing landing himself in front of the droid and rel attempting to block the shot with his blade

stumbling at the landing he would deflect one of the blows the second shot smashing into his shoulder causing his body to jerk to the right with a grunted growl
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
perking his ear he would try and find the location of the war droid growling to himself as he preps himself to block another shot from the war droid. the blaster bolts from the droid haven been deflected and or absorbed by the Beskar armor Laphisto wore

unable to find the droid he would grunt being struck a few more times by the droid. being semi-thrown by the force into the back of the shield with a growl.
[1 sentinel 1 war droid 20 meters from shield]
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a large snarl he would push himself forwards attempting to use force blast to throw the droids and anything around him away to get some distance between the group and the threat

managing to cause the sentinel droid to stumble onto its back, throwing parts of the droids in randomly into the air
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
giving a grunt he would look to the war droid grabbing at his hand and attempting to use Force maelstrom to throw several force-charged bolts at the droid

the blast hitting the droid but not being strong enough to pierce the droids heavy armor

" we need to disable the legs, prevent it from moving"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
watching as the droid begins turning its attention to Jacen he would give a small growl rushing forwards to slice the droid moving to try and jam his blade through the droids "head"

missing his intended target the blade would slam into the droids front leg
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
taking several deep breaths he would shake his head lightly the t3 droid still remaining in the background the collector looking absolute appauled before screaming out at the three

" you absolute Moof milkers! do you even know how much those things cost! this is outrageous! how could you steal my ship, destroy my droids, and AAAGHHH"

the collector would grab at the sides of his head grabbing and pulling out some of his hair. his face red with frustration

" ill kill you all, i swear by it?!"

the T3 droid would shut down the projection seemingly deactivating. before lifting its head and flicking up an antenna. and shortly after a large Turbolaser bolt would fly down smashing into the droid the collector seeming to have gone mad began to bombard the landing platform.

" dank Ferrick! grab rel and get into the ship hurry!"
Rel uses the Force to grab his lightsaber hilt and runs toward the Agenda .

Jacen holsters his blaster pistol and grabs his bag while quickly deactivating his Palisade Shield and shoving into the bag as he chases after Rel. As he runs, he lifts a hand up towards the air in attempts to Slow down the falling bombardment.

He fails and keeps running toward the ship.
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
running for the agenda the bombardment that Jacen attempted to slow would hit nearby Laphisto causing a grunt to roll from his throat being thrown into the air giving a grunt he would try and straighten himself out with his wings

" gahk!"

he would roll through the air grunting and slamming onto his back groaning as he quickly pushes back to his feet stumbling to the loading ramp holding his side
Jacen and Rel follow Laphisto into the ship and Jacen closes the loading ramp as he too clutches his side and grimmaces.
He charges into the cockpit and sits down hard in the co-pilot seat. He flips several switches and the ancient ship began purring as the engine(s) sprung to life.
"Sit down, guys! We're getting the kark out of here!"
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Rushing to his seat laphisto would flip on some switches alongside Jacen, a small growl escaping his throat, kicking the shields on not a moment to soon, as suddenly the ship is struck by one of the shots the shields holding together and preventing any damage

" by the gods lets get out of here"

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