Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Battle for Everyones Souls


Equipment: None
Tag: Darth Mori

Felix and a small team of scientists from the Quartermasters guild had landed upon the corrupted and polluted world of Pi III with singular purpose; re-invigorating the entire world. Within their possession they held samples of the Chlorocumulus C bacteria which had been engineered to devour the carbon rich atmosphere which had poisoned the planet over thousands of years of industry reaping the planets natural spoils. It was time for the first test to see if the bacteria was able to take root in one of the many toxified rain-forests, where the rain that fell burned the skin with irritants and the water that ran through what few natural streams there were glistened with remnants of the oil stained soil.

According to their calculations, it would take little more than a calendar month to begin to see visible results within the forest that they were beginning to project in as men and women in sealed Environment suit worked to set up monitoring equipment as well as the vaporizer which held the man made miracle that had been created through genetic engineering. Dressed in little more than his house obsidian armour-weave regalia, he appeared to have no weapons or potent armor on his person, most notably the lightsaber of Shaela Nurr and the parrying gauntlet which he usually carried on his left arm.

"Alright people, listen here... I want everyone's attention for a moment, pleas. Wow... I'm shaking. This is the moment we've been waiting for huh...? We've tested C. Caeli in the lab for years, dreaming that we'd be able to employ it in an open ecosystem, thanks to our efforts, this forest is going to become the first nature reserve Pi-III has seen in more than seven thousand years! After the pollution ends, we may begin to see amazing things happen, animals may be able to be re-introduced, natural flora may grow, people may be able to live here again! This has been the dream of Ho... My Dream, ever since I became head of this Noble house. To building better worlds!"

Felix would raise a canteen in a makeshift toast as the group of seven scientists would begin to applaud, shaking each others hands, taking photographs, however... as the emotional event reached its crescendo, a flash of red crossed Felix's eyes. A future where all seven scientists around them were killed, the equipment broken and shattered and aflame. Dreams cast into oblivion as he could feel a deep sensation of dread, sorrow and hatred stem from within himself. Felix didn't just see his futures... he experienced them. Any pain of seeing his own death or injury any taste or smell that he would experience and finally... the emotional state he would be in at the time of feeling it. It dawned on him that the anger, that unfathomable hate was coming from him...

Something was wrong... he had no-idea what, who, when or from where... but at some stage within the coming moments, or days.

Something terrible was going to happen.





There were seldom few things in the broad swathe of stars that made up the galaxy which could compare to the satisfaction one felt upon getting even, the chances of doing so, however, were considerably less. It took planning, drive, and, perhaps above all, opportunity. She was a Shi'ido, a people that had evolved from millennia of being opportunistic hunters into the shapeshifting species that they were today, and she was a Sith lord, one of the more terrifying sorts that still walked free and living today. Many were known by one name, perhaps an additional epithet or two at best, but the one that carried the mark of Typhojem tattooed permanently onto the middle of her back had two - one, Vesta Zambrano, was perhaps known best by those that had known a younger version of the same woman, a being that tended the blur the lines between man and woman as she was determining who and what she was, while her other, Darth Mori, was considerably more well-known at this point, particularly given her part in the sacking of Coruscant and assault on Jakku.

But, first, foremost, and originally, she was a killer.

She'd learned to walk, to talk, to handle a knife and to slip through the shadows with the sole intention of killing one Quinn Varanin in her sleep, a measure of perceived vengeance for being deprived a mother by the girl's own. Things had changed when she had met the girl, but only just - she had been bred to kill and that had become such an integral part of her upbringing that, separated from her source of humanity she became anything but. The Maw had drawn her in, preying on her aimless rage, and helped shape her into a better Sith than she could have ever been on her own. That is, to say, made her terrible in ways her own family had yet to comprehend. Ways she'd unveiled, in part, on Rhand. That was where she'd encountered the Varanin girl again, where she'd let loose so much raw emotion that she had been bottling up that it'd nearly resulted in her engaging the Echani in a fight if not for the timely interruption of orbital bombardment of all things. It was also where she'd encountered Felix Aquila Felix Aquila for, as far as she knew, the first time.

And where he had absconded from with the single person that lived whom Vesta placed equal importance to herself.

For a time he had escaped her thoughts, her mind wandering towards the potential she might have had to rekindle things with Quinn, but that escape had only been fleeting - he had been mentioned, if only in passing, among the others that she had, more or less, admitted envy of for their closeness with her. If envy had been all that was made clear, and had things gone as intended, then that would have been the last time her mind went to his face.

It wasn't.

Finding him, afterwards, was trivial; she had connections that kept tabs on those hiding in exile within the old Sith Empire, finding a man that wasn't actively hiding from her was child's play in comparison. It was only a matter of watching, of waiting, for an opportunity to present itself, for Aquila to make a mistake or isolate himself so she could spring her trap. That, of course, required time. It was fortunate for him, then, that a considerable amount of it had passed from when she'd begun stalking him, enough for her to very nearly have grown distracted, but after Jedha she had still remembered - and now, after a passing of time finally allowed that opportunity to arise, she began to close her metaphorical fingers in around him.

"To building better worlds!"

His enthusiasm was followed by applause and grins all around. Seven scientists and one man isolated on a forested land, no one to spoil the fun but six spares. One of the seven was noticeably less interested in the fanfare and the applause, distracted even, but that was because it was Vesta herself standing in the guise of another. Her mind had wandered to the core, for a moment, but her eyes moved directly towards Felix as he experienced his vision - conflict that spoke to her as ripples in the force, like a lake disturbed. Again it tried to interfere with her vendetta, to warn her mark of their fate before it was, perhaps, too late. She hadn't noticed it before, until it was too late - until she, herself, had nearly met quite the painful and sudden end, but things were different now.

She simply rushed into things immediately.

Someone extended a hand to her, pulling her attention towards them for a moment, and, though she hesitated, eventually she took his hand and--

Set the man and the environmental suit he was wearing ablaze.

There was a scream, panic, while she tugged at his hand towards the ground, throwing him out of her way as she moved towards the woman behind him - the environmental suit that Vesta had appeared to have been wearing vanishing around her, seemingly having been little more than a part of her ever-changing flesh, while her arm stretched considerably with a hand that shifted into a bone-like spear that skewered the woman where she stood through the throat. Her extended limb shrank as she ran towards her until it was its original length, and with a spray of red retracted her hand from the woman's neck to grab a third scientist with a telekinetic grip that promptly crushed him into a small marble of flesh in a shower of pink mist. That closed fist then opened - lightning arcing outwards from her fingertips towards the remaining three, electrocuting them as they tried to flee.

For a moment there was dead silence, just the sounds of nature and the heavy breathing that came from her and Felix in their stressful seclusion.

She turned her head, her gaze catching his.



The celebration of the century for the eight who were in attendance was to be the moment that their lives would change forever, however as they first of the screams echoed into the crepuscular evening, the attention of the Aquila would focus on the scientist who had seemed to to rogue. Tearing through the other six like a vicious Vornskr, shredding their forms before letting out a blast of lightning that would leave their corpses blasted across the rain-forest in smouldering heaps before Felix could let out a cry of alarm.

The man was unarmed, barely armoured, he was able to fix that, but not as immediately as he would like. However, his senses clouded with emotion as fury would well at the death of not only his colleagues or employees, but friends he had shared a dream with. An inner circle of the Quartermasters guild wiped off the face of the earth as a familiar face would rise like the dawn of a crimson sun. Mori. Dread would begin to overwhelm the boy as she leveled her command at him like the dictation of a god to its surf.

And Felix didn't need to be told a second time.

Memories of Rhand came pouring back to him as he would turn on his heel and tear through the forest behind him heading for one of the nearby automated mining facilities, the final words of his bother echoing in his mind, telling him that he was forgiven, for everything. A nebulous sentence without specifics which drove Felix to anxiety like he had never felt before. Vesta was the reason Quinn had been in danger, the reason that the force had called his future to rescuer her, in place of his brother. The Damned Maw of the Sith had a world to answer for, and here he had a damned good chance to do so.

"Lightsaber..." He would utter as he ran, weaving in and out of trees like the wind, hoping to ensure that he could keep line of sight between her and him broken. Flickering green on black fire would erupt into his right hand, the night-sister magick he commanded transporting his weapon to his person. The light-saber of Shaela Nurr, although it was missing its Solari Crystal, the Sun Rose Crystal which sat in its place. The weapon was hungry for the destruction of the dark side. Although it wouldn't be a Terentatek on some forgotten planet that was going to be wielded against, but a monster who had fallen to some of the darkest expressions of the dark side of the force.

Weapon in hand, surrounded by trees and ancient industrial sprawl, the Obsidian Lord would pull the trigger on the Sabe, extending it to the length of a shoto as the brilliant golden blade would emit, radiating the area around Felix in golden sunlight as if lit by the midday sun instead.

"Come out, creature!" Felix would challenge the open air, assuming he could not see the creature that stalked him. Waiting on the feeling of a spiritual presence in order to summon more things to his side, but, his saber was just going to have to do in the mean time. His eyes resonating with solar energy as the light which was emitted from his blade. The Rylothian cast out the invisible glow into every direction would bend back to his own eyes after making contact with an object, allowing him to see everything within and most without the open industrial battleground at his back.

"So, here to kill me huh? What? You couldn't do the job at Rhand so you hunt me down now!?" his voice was ice cold, eyes beginning to bleed a toxic looking red into his corneas broken with lavalike gold which cracked through the crimson shoals. The energy on his weapon resonated briliantly like a pilot light for anything that would deign to not do him harm.... yet somehow brighter and brighter as Felix focused on the force.
his blade would hum in anticipation as he would search for the soul-powered lunatic.

"You're going to find me more difficult to take than most!" He'd warn his incoming challenger, his left hand beginning to glow with the same green black witchfire as it had a moment ago, his focus channeling yet another object of his to his person across thousands of miles to be at his side.

He'd Avenge his brother if he could help it!





He wasn't the first and he wouldn't be the last - whatever it was that he might have heard from Quinn was too soft a picture to paint for the rough reality that was Darth Mori. The sprint he broke into wouldn't be followed with the same earnest run that Felix Aquila Felix Aquila had broken into, there wasn't a need. Alone on this miserable hell-hole, there wasn't anywhere for him to run except away and there was no where he could go that would prevent her from reaching him. She lifted a broken tree limb from the ground, imbuing it with the dark vigor that ran through her, and followed solemnly behind him like a panther after its prey. Silent, opposite to his loud and raucous panic, her mind was sharp - focused - where his leaped from thought to thought.

Ice gripped her heart while fire burned in his.

The shrill call of a primitive expression of the force, magicks, reached her ears as the green flame was caught in her force-empowered vision and she knew he'd conjured a weapon. Pale-painted lips curled into a faint smile the moment she understood the nature of the man she was tailing, wondering if he knew just how out of his depth he was, and she was pleasantly surprised to know that he had surpassed her expectations of fleeing to a way off of the planet. She'd only just reached the same general vicinity as him when he had called out for her, just in time to hear him label her something as demeaning a thing as a mere creature. 'Humanocentrist, then.' She thought, her already small smile shrinking as she set her eyes on the golden glow of his lightsaber. Unlike him, though she was more than knowledgeable on the art, there was no conjuring of weapons to bring her lightsaber, or her sword, to her hands. To further symbolize their divide in skill she completely discarded the thought of bringing a real weapon to this game of cat and mouse.

She glanced down at the branch she held in her hand, deciding it would suffice.

"You thought I was trying to kill you on Rhand?" She asked, breaking her silence with a tone resembling disbelief and amusement both. A short laugh, a giggle perhaps, left her lips as the faint smile spread into a wide grin. The laughter, however, was directed at his warning; the idea that he would compare to Fel or those in the same stratosphere was ludicrous. She shook her head with a silent tut and momentary closure of her eyes, deciding to throw the man a bone. Despite whatever it was he might've thought there had been no attempt or inclination in her to remain hidden from him and she hadn't slowed her pace as she stepped out from the undergrowth that might've obscured her from him - their distance still relatively far, at least for someone holding a lightsaber.

"No, you're just someone in the way and I don't tolerate obstacles."

She stared him dead in the eyes, ignoring the green flame he'd manifested in his hand as he tried to bring forth yet another weapon.

"How would you prefer to go - silent or screaming?"


Tag Darth Mori

As she stepped into the open, Felix could feel his heart skip a beat, he'd seen the woman who was little more than a chord of souls being blasted apart again and again as the ever-shredding ribbons would attempt to knit themselves together. That power in the dark-side was something terrifying to behold, and Felix would be a liar if he said he didn't feel the cold skeletal hand of fear tracing circles lovingly across the nape of his neck.

He thought about how his words were interpreted, she'd assumed he'd meant himself, but a nervous yet ever so wry smile crossed his lips. "Well, your faction certainly, but I wasn't the target I was referring to..." He began, as facing down his opponent he would begin to compose himself, shedding the fear as he processed it, rationalized it. The longer he could talk, the less afraid he would be when they fought. She'd had time to work herself up to the fight, but Felix was still shaking from the new scalding rapids of adrenaline that coursed through his body. "So tell me, Vesta, did you shed a tear when you arrived back at your lair, did you scream?, lash out in petulant tantrum or cry helplessly? How does that kind of weakness feel?"

Felix pushed her, hoping to hit a button, hoping to hit a nerve. He wanted to get her off center in such a way that she was prone to make a mistake, something he might be able to capitalize on. This woman before him was capable of making a barrier so powerful it withstood orbital bombardment... but she did so high off the souls of a slave cities inhabitants... there would be no such advantage here.

Stalling for time, he would inhale, drawing in more of the light from his lightsaber causing the colour in his eyes just to resonate that little bit brighter, moving into a defensive position, not quite willing to charge his opponent. That confident smile becoming broader and broader by the moment. Felix was gaining power, hopefully bridging the gap between them as time ticked by.

Her final Jeer however, gave him a goal, something to focus on and channel his will towards. Knowing how damned powerful this woman was, he may not be able to win, but he could certainly ruin the fun for her. "No matter what you do to me, I won't give you so much as a whimper."

With that, Felix would make the first move, holding his hand by his lightsaber, through ones eyes it would look as though he was warping space and time, the blade would curve and bend as he would draw power from it as though a warped mirror has been placed beside it. But the mirage was simple him drawing light in all of its forms from the weapon and compressing it in his hand, an orb of pure light and solar energy that he would cast in her direction.

The blast of force power would travel flit at incredible speeds before detonating in a gigantic flash, bright and hot enough to sear skin within meters of it and permanently blind exposed eyes with excruciating pain, even through something as thin as an eyelid. The blast would part for Felix having already bent the light around him as he would take off at a sprint towards the woman, hoping to bridge the gap while her world was bathed in nothing but white and burning pain.





If there was any trace of satisfaction on her face in that dim light it had vanished before he'd finished the first of his questions. The way he had framed his question before had led her to believe that he thought this had been something meant to tie up loose ends, like she'd been out to get him on Rhand and Quinn had just gotten in the way at the worst time, but it was obvious to her now that he knew quite clearly why it was that she was here and wasted no time in making that clear to her - and in quite the thorny way, too. The corner of her mouth twitched, the muscle along the length of her jaw tightening reflexively as it was wont to do in moments of stress, and she stepped towards him again, knuckles white with the grip she had on the branch she was holding. He had shut her up, taken the wind right out of her sails, but it was a very different kind of quiet that he'd invited - the sort that Quinn had seen and experienced just the other night.

The silent rage that wound itself up just before it became a storm.

She slowed her approach as Felix Aquila Felix Aquila made his move, watching as the light which would've normally reached her eyes was dragged back into the air between his fingers, seemingly warping space and her perception of time itself in the area around him. Admittedly she knew very little about him, besides his apparent connection to the reason she'd taken the time to set this all up, so she wasn't quite certain of how skilled he was, however she had assumed that he wasn't much trouble given his actions on Rhand. There'd been plenty of opportunities of someone of comparable skill to even her own apprentice's to take advantage of in order to eliminate her, so she had come into this expecting him to be, at the very least, beneath Darth Daiara Darth Daiara in that regard. Toying with physics like this, however, was the sort of realm of skill that her mother ruled over. And, despite their shared attitude towards strangers, she was not Ellie Mors Ellie Mors .

Darkness erupted around her like smoke from a volcano, flowing outwards faster than pyroclastic flow, and coated everything it touched in the dark side of the force itself - its waves rushing headlong into the bright light that Felix had flung towards her. While it did nothing to the thermal spread of the explosion, its heat scorching everything around it just as the man must've intended it to, it smothered the bright flash and muzzled it - dropping the two of them into a pitch black that carried with it much more than literal obscurity while he ran towards her. The fear that he'd felt before his attack, if it still remained, would be far more profound now, and whispers of futility could be heard from wherever the darkness covered. The sounds of thunder, of roaring winds, and cataclysmic despair screamed out from the aether, tricks of the mind that would push those that heard them towards further horror - and the weight with which the darkness hung was oppressive, suffocating even, to connections between the two to the light side of the force. Vesta, of course, was caught directly in the explosive heat of the man's grenade-like technique, damaged with mild burns along her torso that became more severe the closer they got to her arms and hands, which she had raised, along with the force-imbued branch, to shield her face with.


Tag Darth Mori

The orb he launched would be swallowed by tumultuous waves of chaotic darkness which would erupt from Vesta in a surge. Felix felt himself lose control of the orb, his fine connection to it smothered while no sign of its detonation seemed to escape the black antimatter void which lurched towards him, draining the world of all its light as the ephemeral storm would crush his sense of sight. Felix hesitated, guarding his face for a moment as no harm befell him upon contact, opening his eyes to see nothing around him, just roiling darkness and the distand sounds of thunder.

Voices echoed through the storm, muffled yet somehow hollow as Felix felt the familiar hammering of mentalism on the asylum gates of his mind. However, unlike the minds of most humanoids, those of many Epicanthix were ironclad to the likes of psionic persuasion. closing his eyes and re-orienting himself. There was no way Felix could control this shadow, it was something more, something darker and far more vicious than any shadow he had ever felt before. Though sensing its presence, the shadows of its absence in the shape of those who stood within it. Bodies blocking its all consuming body could be seen by the Aquila.

Instincts taking control, Felix would tuck and roll to a side dropping into a shoulder roll, unsure of an attack, but knowing he'd been still for a fraction too long. Keeping low, charging head-first towards the location of Vestas Shadow, the blade in his hand struggling to emit its brilliant golden sunlight, little more than a distant spark to the eyes of Felix who held it no more than a meter from his eyes. What a terrifying power... even now he could feel its mental domination hammering on the walls of his mind, demanding hi to feel fear, despair, to drain him of his will to fight as the slivers of its darkness hoped to penetrate what cracks his own seedling doubt had opened.

Reaching for the force, Felix would attempt to run with all the force empowered speed he could muster, his intention to create a burst of acceleration that would see him upon his opponent in moments. Only finding himself to stumble and nearly trip, the power he reached for with little more than muscle memory denied as he would redouble his focus upon it and finding it caged. As though it were blood his heart did not have the pressure to push through his body. "Chit! Is this that Darkness!?" Another twinge of fear opening another crack in his mind as his run would continue.

He wasn't fast enough, soon enough she'd be able to attack him in this shade with reckless abandon. So, without any other plan to his name he would hurl his lightsaber. A practiced throw, as one would make who was experienced in throwing knives without it being force empowered. Using the momentum from his run and wielding the weapon overhead before hurtling it in her direction spinning as it went in such a manner that the weapon would hope to penetrate her blackened heart with its radioactive resonant beam.

Something to distract her just long enough to throw a punch and hopefully shatter her damnable focus.





The waves of darkness that had spread so quickly was a dated act of sith magic, something that had long since fallen out of favor for its extreme niche and lack of versatility when its castor was exposed - an exploitation that the young man had taken clear advantage of despite, perhaps, knowing much less about the ability than those who knew how to thwart it. The darkness quickly began to thin as the whirring sound of a lightsaber cut through the air and was met with a loud and resounding crack of the branch the woman held in her hand - a piece of fallen tree limb that she'd channeled the force into in much the same manner that the precursors to the damnable Jedi had before the discovery of the Rakatan forcesaber or the later lightsaber. The sound, loud as it was, had not been the sound of wood splintering but of the lightsaber striking against its surface and being struck down into the forest soil far from her feet - simultaneously exposing the Sith lord for where she stood, and for the splotches of pink and red that lined the length of her arms and backs of her hands.

She was a shapeshifter, however, and if she had wanted to appear untouched she would have; that was the opposite of how Vesta operated her life, however.

She desired the open display of hurt, craved the feeling of hopelessness that eventually set in beneath their eyes as they realized the futility of their efforts in facing against her, loved the slow wash of realization that she was a weapon that would not be stopped. Pain, though often the tool used by dark siders and Jedi alike in pacification efforts, was what she used against her enemies like dun moche.

"Insects like you are why this great canvas needs to be wiped clean, started fresh." She said, tossing the branch to the side, the force leaving it as it left her grip. Tools, weapons, they were all disposable to her. When lives were tossed aside as easily as ruined art or illegible scrawls the tools they carried became further removed from importance. She wasn't here for some Mawite preaching, though, and she had never been one for vapid speeches, only to make miserable the lives of the people that worked against her own interests. Jealousy, envy, pride, they were feelings she wasn't very used to feeling in such quantities. "You crawl through the mud, wriggling like flies," Vesta continued, stepping towards him as he moved towards her. "Insignificant on your own, mewling for the attention of the powerful," She continued as she lifted one hand to tug on the man's saber through telekinetic force - seemingly keen on making use of the weapon. "Incapable of becoming powerful, of shaping history with your own hands, so you play others against each other - split them apart." Her eyes narrowed at that, her other hand lifting with fingers spread, electricity playing at the tips of her fingers. She had taken special exception to Felix Aquila Felix Aquila in her usual desire to keep to few words, letting her emotions play her like a marionette.

"It is up to those of proper stock, of power, with vision, to put you in your place and to.. remind.. you.."

Lightning erupted from her outstretched hand towards him, white streaks framed by blue and purple glows.

"That you are nothing more than worms."


Tag Darth Mori

Roaring from Vestas flank as Felix's speed would erupt in the absence of the blackness which once spun in ethereal vortex, he would be upon her! Felix was all but airborne with the blow to her face looming, eyes gleaming gold with righteous fury when the lightning licked from her arm in violent arcs, crashing into his chest like a wave with its direct hit. The light, basic, armour-weave clothing he wore protecting him for a but a fleeting moment as it was torn asunder barely worth its weight in paper, hurling him backward with the force of the chaotic rippling strands, burns and scars engraving trails across his olive body. His skin flaying at their touch as he bought his arms up to defend his face. "You Sith cling to power as if it wont consume you! You're all mad! Time and time again thinking you'll be different, that you can control it and bend it to your will!" Felix grit through his teeth.

Attempting to absorb some of the energy with Tutaminis while the pale flame in his hand would flicker, nearly at the ready... and not a moment too soon. One of the bolts of lightning scored past one of his eyes, causing the man to stifle a cry. He wouldn't give her the satisfaction. So too that he absorbed her lightning he bore fangs at her barbed words. "Yet, here you are, already lost to it! That power is isolating you, pushing you to cut off all earthly ties so that it can drag you secluded and alone into the void just like every other pathetic creature before you! This power isn't yours ... its your crutch, and in the end it will erase you! All you deigned to love, and all you became this for will curse your memory for what you became and reject your achievements."


The green on black flame would erupt, cascading around his arm as it surged from his hand, completely cloaking his arm to the shoulder. Space would tear apart, calling to the item of his desire as the spirit who newly reached across the cosmos for him would grip the steel thunder-bird talon, wrapping it around him like a glove. After it was donned the flame would flicker dormant at his hand again, tired and waning.

Engaging the ironclad claw at his side, the steel would let out a falcons cry! The ion plasma tearing through the air chirping with the voices of a thousand birds while Vestas Lightning powered it. The superconducting steel of the weapon would draw a large portion of the electricity in upon itself like gravity.

Felix had absorbed a lot of energy, he was brimming as his body worked to metabolize the Sith lightning into something he was capable of using, digesting it, but he needed to hold out just that little bit longer. " Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin will learn to hate you for the pain you put her through and despite all your supposed power would have lost twice over. Failed to kill her,"

Reaching out for her with his spare arm he would claw at the open air to summon what telekinetic power he could around her form in an attempt to pull her hard toward him, stepping forward with a thrust from his talon in order to feed her lightning back into her chest. Though unlike her, not so gradually. No sooner than her body would make contact with the metallic claw she would complete the circuit, all but whispering as he would throw his blow "...and also failed to keep her!" the lightning in its entirety flowing into her with a blast that would see her launched as if she were riding a singular bolt of lightning hard enough to put her through one of the smaller trees which surrounded them here. Should it miss, the Lightning would still be expelled, splitting a tree in two with a sickening crack and setting it aflame like a natural bolt of lightning.

Felix was panting, in pain, the lightning had almost scored his right eye but the blood from the burn bubbling from the surface was beginning to blur his vision red. He'd reach out for his saber, calling to it as it would clatter along the ground a meter before whipping up for his waiting hand. Felix was ready for her now, her attack of opportunity had come to its inevitable end.

"I will be an architect of worlds. I will build worlds, a galaxy, universe for myself and the people i love. For her... And you'll be just stepping stone to my inevitable future and a regrettable memory."

And with that, Felix's eyes would take on a special hue of crimson, vagrant whisps of bloodied smoke smouldering from his cornea. Vesta would be able to feel something deep within the dark-side resonating within his eyes, something not unlike a curse being wielded as it would seek to twist futures into reality. A reality where Felix saw Fear in Vestas eyes.

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Tired of the condescending words of faux concern, of warnings that were altogether far too late to make a difference, and exhausted of the judgmental tone these words were always delivered with. Power, death, and corruption of her very soul were the compromises she was willing to make if it meant making her visions for the galaxy come to pass. Like all the rest he thought she was after power for its own sake, or perhaps thought that she wanted it as a method of obtaining control over the stars like some sort of tyrannical despot, and it never occurred to him that perhaps, just maybe, she had already known she was alone and intended to exit this reality that way. His lectures, their preaching, all of it sounded like the ravings of the Sith that came before her, of their compulsions to accept the flawed state of the galaxy and mold an ideal society within that imperfect mold.

She rejected that, and them.

Her eyes narrowed half a millimeter more as he proclaimed what she had willingly committed herself to, as if anything he was saying was actually profound and not the ravings of a man at the mercy of the very same power he was condemning. It didn't matter to her how much more she was hated, how much her notoriety would be reviled, and how little such insects as him thought of her - did a woman concern herself with the thoughts of the ants she tread underfoot? - this book was nearing its close and she would place herself in the position of the author of its sequel.

She'd improve where the status quo failed.

" Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin will learn to hate you for the pain you put her through and despite all your supposed power would have lost twice over." He said, bringing her back to that moment when she rejected Quinn's pleading to turn away from her path towards apotheosis for her - in equal parts to Quinn rejecting the Sith's own begging to take her as she was. She remembered the end of that conversation, the promise, and despite whatever Quinn, or especially this delusional man, thought, she had no intention of failing or of giving a shred of empathy to anyone anymore. This Quinn, the one who, at least to some degree, squandered the opportunity Vesta had given her, was the past - all of this was. She willingly moved towards him, his hand reaching for her chest, and accepted his taunting jab with its electric consequence without batting an eye - he looked so much alike to Rurik Fel Rurik Fel in that moment to her, another faceless man with delusions of grandeur that wanted to take everything from her when she had nothing left to give.

It didn't matter to her anymore what else could be taken from her, because in the end she'd get what was coming to her - and the galaxy owed her much for the hand it had dealt to her. Thrust backwards from the sheer voltage coursing through her, smoke rising from the burning tatters that hung loosely to the reddened skin exposed beneath it, straight into a sapling and through it in the flash of light and thunderclap that followed the spark that coursed from his hand into her. For all appearances it was as if she'd been dealt a deadly blow, her body crumpled in a misshapen crouch against a much larger tree that was quite a ways behind the one she'd torn through, her gaze turned towards the ground with a clenched jaw and shoulders. She turned her gaze towards him, her expression becoming unreadable beyond the unending hatred that seemed to roll off of her in layers like the smoke that was curling away from her in wisps.

"I will be an architect of worlds. I will build worlds, a galaxy, universe for myself and the people I love. For her.. And you'll be just the stepping stone to my inevitable future and a regrettable memory." He declared, darkness drawing towards his now-crimson eyes. The threads of fate that she had cut so many times before, forcefully, steadily snared her in their tangle once again with his glare - the will of the man to direct the fabric of reality itself to force upon her something so final as fate itself. She could have given in then, to the despair and the fear of what he desired to impose upon her, but there was nothing more she could lose, nothing more he could take from her, that she hadn't already been robbed of.

Far from the decrepit state the man had likely thought she would be in, or had been in, and despite the future he tried to sow for her, there was a single thing in the woman's possession that he, nor anyone else, could take from her. It was all she had left to her, the only thing she truly could claim that was her own as it was something she'd gained as she lost everything else she had held dear - self-determination. She should have died on Rhand, fallen on Nirauan, killed in the ship over Krayiss II - but she didn't. It wasn't because of insurmountable power, Vesta herself had no illusions that her strength was limited, even if in some ways by her own design, but because she refused. The same would be said of this moment as she stood up and seemed unbothered by the scorched x that marked the center of her chest, stretching out above and below her partially obscured breasts.

Threads that had bound her were torn and ripped as she took a step towards him, whatever hold he thought he had on her future shaken as she wordlessly challenged his claim with her continued persistence alone. A master of the force, one whose own mother was far greater a witch than whatever teacher he had learned from, Vesta had learned as much as she could of the arcane powers her mother had wielded in her day and was no stranger to the ethereal smoke and fire that conjured weapons and tools of power that the dathomiri had. Black smoke that had lifted itself from her chest, where the scar that was now quickly fading had been, shifted its direction as if there was a sudden change in the direction of the wind, but rather than dissipate its tendrils swirled into a vortex that led into her closing hand. Weapons of tradition, items gifted or crafted and handed down by others, were objects that many carried with them - Vesta refused. What appeared as the smoke compacted, solidified, wasn't something given to her, it wasn't some tribal heirloom from a parent fifteen thousand years out of time, but rather the weapon that she, herself, had forged with strength that she, and she alone, had given to it.

If his play at weaving the complicated threads of fate had been intended to inspire fear in her, then the
Faithless as it arrived would invite despair for him - its hunger for sustenance nearly as great as her own, and its arrival heralding the continued spread of the dark side in equal proportions to her own.

And she hadn't even given him a glimpse to that great terror - until now.

"You will be an architect of your own demise." She said icily, the warmth in the woods vanishing as if they'd been plunged into the middle of winter - not by the twisting of the environment through the corruptive measure of the force, but because of the sudden feasting she began to endeavor upon the world around her. Leaves on the trees withered and dried, the undergrowth turned brown and then ashen gray as whatever life it carried was made no more, and the very color of the world diminished as the force was pulled towards the tear within itself - of which Vesta was its center. It was clear now that there hadn't ever been a scar, its appearance entirely gone - a fabrication to give the man a false sense of security, to lure out his desire to lord over her with his misplaced feelings of superiority. Like the sword she now held aloft in her hand, she had taken the blow he had directed into her and repurposed it to provide the catalyst to conjure her blade from its place within her halls on Avidich; tutaminis in its most subtle form.

"This galaxy is in the midst of its death's throes, and I will put it to rest - to create the new beginning, write a better reality."

She lifted her blade up parallel to her torso and glanced at it longingly, then turned her gaze back towards him.

"One without you in it."

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila



Tag Darth Mori
Theme: Warriors
Felix understood he was standing upon the precipice of the attempt to fell a giant, a colossus in the force capable of pooling the souls of an entire battlefield around to fuel their infernal machine of self preservation. Vesta, Mori, whoever the creature before him was or claimed to be, Felix could only see her as the monster that he had witnessed on the battlefield of Rhand. Wreathed in the death of others as she announced the termination of any love she had between Quinn and herself as imperious as the power she commanded.

Felix had watched her resolve fade that day as the goalpost of her intent slipped from her, from moving to kill the object of her desire, to merely deciding to sever ties. Severing ties until they were reknit of course... such was always the way.

So it was the Rylothian was not surprised when she revealed the damage she had taken had been little more than an illusion, or perhaps a fast recovery, the stern look on the boy's face deepened as that fleeting light of hope had faded and cogs began to churn within his mind. She'd absorbed the blows, just as he had been doing, with far more success he might had added were it not for the string of hope he clung to. Her wicked smile cresting features that Felix could only see as monstrous, it was as though Felix were face to face with one of the Sith Leviathans of old. Obsidian smoke coiling at her hands like the smothering of infernal fire as she drew a weapon unlike any, a wicked fang or claw to complete her form.

The blade was darkness made manifest, pulling it from the ether in no shortness of flair, Felix could see, he could feel how light touched the ebony weapon only to be drawn into the blade. Absorbed. It was a Sith blade of some kind... life around the enigmatic weapon seemed to decay in a wave that pulsed outwards, the ground and everything it touched irradiated by the dark side of the force. What little lay around them became crumpled and desiccated while the trees creaked as they withered into husks of their former selves. It was evident that weapon was dangerous... yet like anything that was able to absorb energy, there was always a rate at which it was able to absorb, Felix was certain... such was true of ultrachrome, of any conductor. If you wanted to break it, you needed to exceed the maximum potential of the substance and overload its structure.

Felix would bring his light-saber facing down across his body, bringing his clawed hand to it as the women spoke to him. sliding it down the edge of the blade with agnonizing care as if he were sharpening its resonating edge with his palm. The force would coil around his hand, forming a convectional current, a three dimensional mobius strip that would turn the energy of his light-saber in on itself, that brimming golden power of a saber that not only shone but radiated, burning identical to the light of a blazing heavenly body. His power containing it in a way that would allow its continual flow of power to build up and compress itself within a circuit. It was complex, forming it was a process as he dragged his hand down the length of his shorter-than-most weapon, the light-saber vanishing from sight after his hand passed over it, totally invisible to the eye and ear as not a single lumen or decibel would escape his profound web of light control.

"An interesting Hypothesis..." The Rylothian would utter, musingly, as his blade plunged into visual oblivion. Felix could still feel the hilt of the weapon getting warmer, the ultrachrome guard turning white with heat as it was simply being connected to the nuclear blade as it raced towards absolute hot contained only by a small electromagnetic field and Felix Aquilas' willpower. He could almost hear the voice of the weapon of Shaela Nurr feeling the presence of something dark-yet-monstrous, begging to be wielded against a beast in another great Jedi hunt. While Felix had not yet found a Solari Crystal to grace its form with to restore it to its former glory, the amanecer that gave his blade sunlike qualities was a close cousin to it in many ways.

With the deed done, Felix's attention would move to Vesta, beaming red eyes watching how the flow of time would crash across her like waves against a cliffs edge. She was resisting it, walking against the current of time and destiny with her every move, gritting his teeth it would become obvious that reading her future was nothing short of an act of folly, she was too powerful. But even she could not stand stalwart against the limitless pool of causality, perhaps altering distant or even approaching futures, but as they drew closer and closer the tides that ebbed and flowed became nigh irresistible the nearer they drew to the now. It wouldn't give him much of an advantage, certainly, but even if it were a half second of certainty before what came to be, it was enough to enhance his reflexes with little toll on his body.

Vesta approached, to be met with the first of Felix's feet hitting the ground as he made his way towards her in return, the vast dark aura of her weapon threatening to wash past him at any given moment as the bracken earth crunched under his boots. His left hand, clad in ultrachrome would tense, fingers coiling into a fist as his second step would see the wave of her darkness wash past Felix who would stand alone within this field as a glowing beacon of the light. Leaning forward, the young Aquila would feel his center of gravity drift, allowing his leg to bend preparing for the inevitable thrust as he would spring into action.

The Speed in which Felix moved was uncanny, empowered by all he had absorbed, feeding the muscles of his body and reinforcing his movements, the humanoid had transformed into a comet trailing two crimson ethereal tails which would twist and flow from his eyes as he would be upon his opponent with a flash. Pulling the trigger down tightly on what had once been a slightly shorter blade, it would extend to beyond that of a full length saber without so much as a hum escaping the weapons extended reach.

"Lets test it!" Felix would swing his weapon hard and strong for the center of Vestas body, begging her to block his weapon with her newly acquired sword as he would close the gap between the two of them. Using his free hand as he would attempt to reach between them and grab her blade with his taloned grip. Should he get a hold of her blade, be it by its edge or another metric he would pay careful heed to its effect on the ultrachrome of his gauntlet, but figuring that a still blade would have trouble hewing solid metal.

Should that prove successful, Felix would step backwards, spinning to around and along the back of her weapon to use the leverage of his entire moving body with her thumb at its fulcrum as he would attempt to wrench her weapon free of her control, bringing his light-saber down on her hopefully defenseless neck hoping to pry her head from her body as he'd whip around the point of the sith sword to plunge it through Vesta's beating heart. Perhaps the absorbing quality of her weapon turned against her own could create some kind of dark-side feedback loop if she didn't command the blade? But just as simple was she could likely control the flowing nature of her deadly weapon and cease its efficacy if it pierced her.





The day Felix Aquila Felix Aquila had resolved to take the single thing of value from Vesta Zambrano was the moment he made his gravest error. In all the wars the galaxy had fought, of all the causes for genocide the stars had ever seen, none had woven themselves so tightly into a trajectory for history than the lengths Darth Mori was willing to go to in order to create a reality in which she could have Quinn Varanin Quinn Varanin . No danger was too great, no challenge too daunting, no man, woman, or beast too powerful for her to reconsider her dedication to a cause that had caused her to ruin so many lives without an inkling of regret. A mere man, one punching far above his standing, had positioned himself to try to become another cog in the great machine that worked to keep the Sith and Echani apart - not for anything as noble as love, but because of something so base as desire.

Her drive wasn't passion, it wasn't envy, greed, or rage - it was hatred, through and through. Despising a galaxy built upon the backs of people that had walked her way of life, not as a Sith but as someone caught in the conflict of two crashing powers - be they Sith, Jedi, or otherwise. There were others like her, others without the circumstances, the insight, or the connections to pull herself up from the bottomless pit that she had been birthed into, no help to escape from the hellish chasm of despair that she knew so intimately. Quinn had been hers, the one and only person she had known to care about her unconditionally - something even her father had struggled with, satisfying himself with the notion that she had been a memento of her mother's, a mere relic of what he had lost.

The New Imperials had clashed with the empire of Sith long before she had been born but that conflict had quickly spread into a campaign to destroy the lives and families of everyone associated with the Sith power structure - her own included. Everything she had, everything she was supposed to know, was taken from her at the moment of her birth at the last drawn breath of her mother in her final hour. The conflict swallowed whole the lives of youths, burned them with the hungry flames of a machine that desired not just to take from those that lived within the borders of a Sith empire but to destroy them - to make them, all of them, suffer in a thirst for power and control. That was how it had started, what had driven a younger Vesta to reach for the darker path in order to obtain power for power's sake, but it quickly became an effort to carve out a legacy her paramour and their future could live in. Now, a decade and more later, that, too, was taken from her.

Here, as a lightsaber came roaring to her midsection, was someone who thought he could take the only thing she could cling to from her; but she was no longer that girl struggling to impress a princess with dark mystery. There was no hesitation in the pendulum swing of her blade to send it crashing against Aquila's weapon, not even a single spark to be seen as the steel gorged itself upon the light of the saber, just as there was not a single moment of pause between the curling of his ultrachrome-covered fingers around the width of her sword and the releasing of the blade from her grip. Though he understood the threat of power, of skill, and perhaps saw her for the impressions she had made on him through Rhand and the earlier portion of this conflict, there was little doubt in her mind that Felix had not a single ounce of knowledge regarding who she was beyond the occupation she had in the mind of the woman he so pointlessly sought after.

War, death, rebirth - the mantra of the Maw.

Solipsis was undoubtedly the rebirth of the Sith in its newest form, raw and chaotic, and Caelitus had become the war that raged across the stars, but the woman that had feasted on so many souls on Rhand did not merely do so out of necessity - she was the death that would grip the galaxy, especially once she fasted enough for Tython.

She didn't need a weapon to be deadly - any proper Sith that aimed for the coveted mantle of Dark Lord knew that true duels were battles of the force, not something as elegant as a dance of sabers or blades. She bent backwards and at the knees to avoid the swipe of the man's lightsaber as it came roaring through the air for her throat, and kicked her foot up to strike at the flat of her sword as the man attempted to make it taste its creator's blood and used the force to carry her up with her kick to flip backwards and away from the approaching bladesman. Earth and soil lifted themselves up while undergrowth split and parted to create a platform for her to plant her feet on - knees bending as she pressed the heels of her feet into the solid mass, pushing off from it to send her soaring high over him and out of the reach of his lightsaber in a somersault. Ataru, or even acrobatics in general, was something she preferred to reserve for enemies of a far higher caliber than a boy that had simply managed to disarm her, but the weapon he'd taken from her was one that was crafted as the perfect counter against someone of exactly her own skill set.

That didn't stop her from conjuring flames at her feet when she landed opposite the side of Aquila that she had been before, hands raising in a stance not unlike the threatening pose of Teras Kasi - markedly different, however, given the elemental manipulations that harkened to, perhaps, the Shapers of Kro Var. Maybe he thought she might be intimidated by her own weapon, and perhaps she would have been if she was not at the stage in life she had reached, but there were more tools at her disposal than something as crude as a length of steel. "A tool is only as powerful as its wielder, boy - and you can't even save your own flesh and blood." She taunted, her lips pursed into a smirk. "He felt so much fear in his final gasps for help."

"Fear eternal, inside of me."


Tag Darth Mori

Success! From the moment he disarmed her, he could feel the systems in his gauntlet find themselves immediately drained of energy, the power of the Dark Side resonating from the weapon in dark waves as his implement was almost drained dry. It was a good thing he didn't make physical contact with it, or it would have likely absorbed all of the energy he had stored within himself, and the battle would have been over in the flutter of a heartbeat. Though the swordsman wasn't done, her weapon in his hand he would become animated as he rushed whirling blades launching for her as Mori ducked, a hair shy of his brimming golden blade.

Felix's sword-play wasn't untrained or unpracticed, he'd almost bested Gerwald Lechner as a swordsman the day he was elevated to being a Lord of the Knights Obsidian. He'd yet to cross blades with an opponent that could put him on the back-foot in terms of raw martial skill, and it seemed that his opponent here was no different. No sooner than she kicked the flat of her blade upward, Felix would spin with his saber, striking an arc towards her legs with the intent of intercepting her landing. The woman's speed, cunning and power in the force it seemed was not to be under-estimated. The bade sawed through the rock she vaulted from effortlessly, but the surface tension it provided allowed her to leap over him... Big mistake.

Felix's eyes saw everything, there wasn't a speed she could move at or an angle she could have that could avoid the boy's falcon-like eyes. His vision expanding in limitless panorama as he would watch her graceful arc over him without needing to turn to face her. Using the momentum from his spin he would cast her own weapon back towards her spinning end over end with in a manner that would land point first as she neared the resolution of her leap. A focused blast of calculated telekinetic force riding the blades center of mass increasing its velocity tremendously from the point of his throw would hope to allow the deadly weapon to catch her as she was little more than a meter from the ground. The force of the sharpened projectile would be enough to penetrate the armour plating of a vehicle, yet alone a person's delicate skin.

Mind swimming as he awaited the result, unsure if his blow would land. His body begging him to continue his rush and keep the pressure on her knowing that if he could keep the monster on its back heels it would eventually rear its neck. But something about this attitude change made him hesitate, a feeling in the force like he was being lured in for a viper's final blow. So he stilled himself a moment, if she had averted his attack and continued her actions he'd listen to words spilled by her forked tongue. Felix's breath caught in his throat as he mentioned his own flesh and blood... his blood beginning to boil.

"The force had me save who was meant to be saved. Despite your best efforts, creature." He wouldn't dignify the monster before him with name or title, whether out of pettiness or a need to justify his own lethal intent. But as she finished her accusation Felix froze... The hell did she say? Confused, taken aback as he would stare unsuredly at the woman not quite appreciating the implication the animaphagi had made. That the soul of his brother had been absorbed by her that day...

His saber would find itself leveled towards her with a flick of his wrist, righteous fury welling up within him as cracked hardened eyes would begin to moisten. "You have six seconds to explain that statement... " Felix bit back his emotions, he could feel the power stored within his body reacting to them, amplifying and compounding as his body tensed, ready to be used at a moments' notice. Another hit of adrenaline surged through his body, almost making him tremble with its sudden onset. The muted pitter patter of warm blood from his myriad lightning burns weeping down his face and trickling to the ground the only music to the revelation that was to come.

But somewhere he knew... Felix had seen the maelstrom of souls that she constantly absorbed that day though his brother had yet to die at the time he'd escaped with Quinn, leaving Mori behind. He knew the possibility that her absorption hadn't stopped, it was likely how she lived, clinging to hatred, stubbornness and powered by the souls who died on Rhand in terror. And he knew that if it were true, she'd wield it as a weapon against him...

But, although he knew so much, knowledge alone couldn't possibly prepare him for this truth.




To live, to die, there was no difference. A blade soared through the air and she made no effort to take advantage of her abilities as a master of skinchanging to avoid the coming blow, instead deciding to push at the apex of the blade's tip as it reached for her to soften the blow from what would have been an incredibly brutal death to something that most would have probably preferred experiencing the former in its place. She had landed on the ground with a very open, gaping, wound in her side, vital organs spared this time by the shapeshifting she had shunned moments before were now exposed in a way that made it very clear that she had the capability to have avoided the blow entirely but either had some sick and deep-seated masochism or was trying to prove a point.

When she spoke, however, it was even more obvious that it was some twisted and convoluted cross between the two.

"There it is again - the force and meaning." She retorted, spittle running from the corner of her lip as she struggled to stay in control of her mental faculties - the hunger within her now roaring with the rage that could have consumed the entire globe if she gave in. He was a toy, this was a test, she had to be in control or else she'd be wasting another tool - and judging by his aim he had potential. "If the force allows us our decisions then what meaning is there in action?" She growled, her pitch shifting lower as her face contorted and twisted, or, more accurately, half of her face. It took on masculine traits, traits which were a very similar quality to the man who had seemed to put her on the ropes.

"What meaning, what purpose, is there in a wretched life that is always subject to the whims of some fickle and cruel fate?" Vesta demanded, the folds in her throat shifting and vibrating in such a manner that the voice was eerily familiar to anyone who knew its source. "I saved your own flesh and blood by making them a part of me - he lives on to see his final and desperate rage realized through my eyes, from my hands." Two voices resonated from her chest, one heaving, the other steady. "This galaxy, the force, has failed us - you failed us." Her, their, whatever Vesta was at this point's thumb was thrust towards their own chest with a flare of melodramatic emotion. "We choose our own paths, you chose to do what you did just as much as I did." She - they - screamed. Honestly she wasn't even sure it was an act, the whispers of trembling fear as she had devoured the boy's soul had been very real and even now it - as much as every other one screaming over the other in her mind - steered her towards the direction, the path, she had managed to find herself on today.

She was moving towards him before she even registered the sensation of the tightening of muscles in her calves. Her eyes locked onto his, watching the movement of them as if she was peering through and into the innerworkings of his mind, and observed the smooth surface of shimmering light that wasn't quite as literal as it appeared to her - watching as a single fault line grew along its surface the closer she got and the more she spoke. Soil lifted itself up from the ground and coated her hands far faster than she could move, despite the empowered speed gained through the force, and as her hands moved for both his own and the lightsaber's blade jutting out from his grip that dirt was hardened into what resembled dried clay - clay made as much a weapon of the force as the stick she had approached him with earlier. Her mind nearly wandered back to her own blade, likely lost somewhere up in the air for the next several minutes given its speed and the trajectory it had been taking, but didn't waste precious neurons on dwelling on it too much.

"You are just as much the monster as me." She said, the dark side pulsing through her like the blood that was quickly abandoning her body - driven by it, sustained by it.

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

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Tag Darth Mori

Within the blink of an eye, the spinning blade penetrated deeply into the reinforced duracrete walls of one of the facilities that surrounded them, penetrating guard deep, tearing out a chunk of the assassins side as it passed through. However, even at the insane speeds the weapon moved, Felix was able to clearly spy her outstretched hand altering the angle of his force-pushed projectile. A crescent of blood exploded from the wound as organs visibly retreated from the blow. It dawned on the Rylothian that she was willing to take these hits, she had control over her internal structure in a manner that scarcely few creatures did. He'd all but squint at her as he made the realization, seeing for a moment just how much danger he was really in.

"Feth... You're a changeling..." He'd breathe between his clenched teeth, preventing them from shaking. He didn't know what kind, but if she was able to alter her form at will, opening her up or bludgeoning her meant nothing. She was able to simply manipulate her body to close wounds, repair organs or more... He'd need to deal cataclysmic cell damage.

But as she spoke about the force, Felix could see where her frustration led her, if a person had no relationship with the living force, it could feel as though you were a puppet on strings. To a Sith who demanded power in the force as a weapon to cut the material chains that bound them, they would only see them replaced with ethereal strings pulled to the will of the Force itself as more and more of it flowed through their catalytic body in a paradoxical twist of fate, or baleful irony.

"The force isn't a tool or a phenominon like gravity, It's a living, breathing thing. It calls to all of us sensitive to it, moving us in subtle ways to abide its will. But it doesn't order us, it doesn't command us. I know that all too well. There are many futures, not just one, splitting into infinite branches as it deflects off the choices of others. But if you ignore the voice, shut it out entirely, rebel against it. You'll be enslaved by the whispers pushing and pulling you through causality, blind to them."

But at the mention of his own flesh and blood he'd all but freeze, she... saved him!? How!? He'd heard his brother die on Rhand... but as she mentioned him being within her, he recalled her absorption of those souls. Heart skipping a beat, pain wracking his mind as his knees would feel week. Her voice was registered, words heard, but not truly understood as his eyes became unfocused, pupils dilated as shock overwhelmed him. "I-It's not possible..." He could hear multiple voices speaking, but something had twisted them, his cruel words merged with her own. His brother was barely twelve years old.

"It's ok... I..." Final words following Felix's apology ran through his mind as a phantasmal echo, his eyes regaining their focus to see Vesta face to face with him, hand on his barely lit, sputtering golden light-saber, fists coated in sediment protecting her from what seemed like the faltering choking heat. Proclaiming him to be as much a monster as she... And... something snapped... He noticed the blade in his hand, the mobius loop of its energy was fraying, breaking down, they could see his saber now... how long has it been visible for? Felix didn't know, but he knew this next part was going to hurt.

"Perhaps, Lets see what we look like in the sun!~"

Felix would do all he could to protect himself from the light and heat energy that was about to erupt, but he knew any effort he undertook wasn't going to be enough. A green flash would see what looked like armour attempt to coil around his body, head and hands moments before it would be annihilated. As a brilliant golden flash would emit from his weapon, the Mobius coil around finally allowed to fall. Stored, compressed and concentrated light would explode with temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun into the surroundings with a brilliant halo. Concentrated Gamma radiation tearing apart the Air around them into its components causing them to ignite and chain react, cascading destruction within the immediate clearing, albeit stifled by the carbon in the air. The Silica content within the dirt and rock instantly crystalizing into crystal from the blast, simmering and cracking as it cooled.

Even defending against the blast, Felix's armour would be ripped to pieces, his skin would burn, wounds would tear open across his body as rays of the energy would penetrate his body, charring the skin black and penetrating him entirely. His sword arm was destroyed, his other arm saved by the ultrachrome claw which the blast would all but annihilate as it overwhelmed the pure metal sending hot shrapnel blasting outwards. But this... was all he had, Felix would all but hang, coughing, unable to hold his own weight under the combination of her electricity, and his own exhaustion. He'd thrown everything at this Sith...

The blast was over in an instant, a brilliant flash that left the steel of the buildings around them white hot, compromised as they would now slowly warp, groan and collapse under their own colossal weight, rivets and bolts snapping and popping as if a living sun had been born on the planet of Piii for a heartbeat. To be snuffed out a moment later.

Felix was broken, he'd collapse to his knees panting, but somehow alive after his attempt, not daring to look to see if it was true of Vesta. All he knew was that if anyone else stood before that blast. They'd be nothing but a shadow cast upon the environment formally behind them.


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