"Then your first lesson begins now," Taeli said with a smile, standing up. "A fair warning, you are not my only apprentice, but I suspect that won't be a problem for either of you. Anyways, your first lesson is to learn the Sith Code, but not simply learn it, but to fully embrace the dark side, one must understand more than just the words. These words are the cornerstone to unlocking the true power of the dark side."
Pacing slowly around the Chiss, Taeli continued by reciting the Sith Code:
"Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. These words are the basis of our power, and why we are superior to the Jedi in many aspects. We embrace our emotions completely, but they can not rule you. You must rule them, and only then can you truly have more power than you could imagine."
Still walking slowly around her new apprentice, she continued saying, "As you told me on Avidon, you have a skill for combat and stealth. I sense you have a form of precognition that manifests itself in a sixth sense, a common trait for the untrained. We will hone that sense and your skills, and you shall become one of the most dangerous Sith in time I suspect."
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