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Character The Apostle



    • Name: Striga Montross
    • Faction: Brotherhood of the Maw / Death's Hand Mandalorians
    • Birthplace: Devaron
    • Age: 41 GSY
    • Species: Devaronian
    • Gender: Female
    • Height: 1.78 Meters
    • Weight: 58 kg
    • Hair: White
    • Skin: Red
    • Eyes: Icy Blue (Natural); Yellow (Dark Side)
    • Force Sensitivity: Yes
    • Face: A recent flat holo
    • Voice: Lorraine Toussaint as Shadow Weaver

  • In the history of the Mandalorians, there are few names as despised as the name "Montross". The source of this venom sprouted from one member of the clan who served under Jaster Mereel. This man was brutal, opportunistic, and a traitor to his mentor. Legends say he was also a long time rival of the revered Jango Fett, at whose hands this Montross fell. It is with this black mark that his kinsmen, the Clan Montross of the present era, have to deal with in their ledger. As an old wisdom once spoke: "A family can be the bane of one's existence".

    It was to Clan Montross that Striga Drusk would be adopted into. She was originally born into a family of Devaronians who came from the villages surrounding the Temple of Eedit. Such was their family gifted by the Force, as many of Striga's ancestors were either Jedi or otherwise Force mystics. Yet, she would not have the formal training of the Jedi. Her birth father had an unfortunate habit of gambling, and his debts came with a price. Her parents were murdered by enforcers. However, one of these hired muscle was a Mandalorian named Vigar Montross who took her as his foundling instead.

    As a foundling, young Striga was taught the ways of the Mandalorians. From her adopted father, she especially learned a strong belief in the Old Gods of Mandalore. She was told of the great war god, Kad Ha'rangir. Even more vile, Vigar taught his daughter of the ancient feuds between their Clan and those of Clans Fett, Mereel, and Skirata (who were kinsmen of the Fetts). The Devaronian foundling grew into her own, becoming a cunning and brutal warrior in her own right.

    As a young woman, she became involved with the bloody crusade under the banner of Ra Vizsla. It was during this time, however, that she became conscious of her own connections to the Force. She suffered spiritual dreams, constantly confronted by her image of Kad Ha'rangir astride a great mythosaur and cleaving Manda'yaim into pieces. She kept her visons to herself, knowing it was a dangerous time during the "curing" of Force wielders in the Mandalorian Empire.

    With the ascension of Yasha Cadera as Mand'alor the Infernal, she soon saw what she believed to the tainting of Arasuum. She felt that her people were becoming to complacent with decadence. When the Sith Empire came and nearly destroy the Mandalorian people, she felt as if her visions of years ago were fulfilled. In her mind, she was justified in being considered a Prophet of Kad Ha'rangir.

    In the years following the Sith Imperial attack, Striga became involved with the faction under Lady Apollyon, believing in her "might makes a Mandalorian" philosophy. However, Striga soon saw the cause apparently disbanded and fled known space to avoid retribution by the rival factions.

    Her travels soon found herself gathered under the Brotherhood of the Maw, with fellow Mandalorians who embraced their warrior heritage with savage pride. She also used the dark clerics of the Maw as teachers, learning to control her Force-gifts to better serve her destructive god. WIth the Maw, she soon was called "The Apostle" for her devotion to both Kad Ha'rangir and the destruction of any weaklings who dare call themselves Mandalorian

  • Strengths
    • Mandalorian-Raised Like all foundlings, Striga was taught in the ways of combat known to most Mandalorians.
    • Dark Training After joining with the Maw, she sought tutelage under the dark priests of the Brotherhood. She is easily as vicious as any Sith Knight, and knowledgeable in certain arcane arts she feels connect her to her violent god.

    • Cultist: The Apostle truly believes herself as a prophet of Kad Ha'rangir, and espouses a twisted variant of the Mandalorian Creed. She believes only the strongest warriors are deserving of being called Mandalorian.
    • Not a Sith: Despite being trained in the Dark Side, the Apostle does not consider herself a Sith nor does she believe in their doctrine. She is firmly devout to the worship of her pagan deity, and would gladly sacrifice a Sith to Kad Ha'rangir if one proved a worthy offering.

    • A set of beskar'gam inspired by the ancient Maulist Death Watch, with encorporates Dathomiri Zabrak imagery.
    • A vibromace of her own design, outfitted with electrostaff technology to electrically charge the mace-head for more devastating blows
    • A pair of Mandalorian vambraces that are equipped with whistling birds, a shield generator, a wristcomm device, and grappling line
    • A DE-10 pistol with a black chrome finish

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[div=max-width: 450px; padding: 20px; background: url(; background-repeat: no-repeat, repeat; border: 2px inset black; border-radius: 0px 45px 0px 45px;][div=max-width: 300px; margin: auto; padding: 20px; border: 1px solid black;  background-color: rgb(30, 30, 30, .75); backdrop-filter: blur(30px); grayscale(10%); text-align: justify; border-radius: 0px 45px 0px 45px;][FONT=Times New Roman][center][img][/img][/center]
We are the Death Watch, descendants of the true warrior faith all Mandalorians once knew. Now my people are living in exile because we will not abandon our heritage. Our people were warriors. Strong. FEARED! Now they're ruled by the New Mandalorians who think that being a pacificst is a good thing. They've given away our honor and tradition for peace. Duchess Satine and her corrupt leadership are crushing our souls, destroying our identity. That is our struggle.[/FONT][/div][/div]

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