Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Abyssal Zone (GA vs. OS: Invasion of Dulvoyinn)

Location: Aboard ANS Belshazzar
Objective: Repair the Starr / Defend the GA
Allies: GA ( [member="Sturgis Tal'Verda"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Aeron Kreelan"] | [member="Matthew Robinson"] )
Enemy: OS ( [member="Darth Ophidia"] | [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] )

"We've been breached. All soldiers and personnel, report to your defensive positions. Critical blast doors will be closed in ten seconds."

BB really didn't need the warning with the stormtroopers attacking from the open hanger bay and all. As they poured in through the doors BB had already drawn his BTI-DSG "The Hibernator" and begun trying to cover the nearby flight crews that were running for their lives. Cutting the comm with Matt he switched over to his ships internal comms so to give Sady her matching orders.

"Sady, deploy the Battle Droid and order them to fire on anyone in Sith trooper armor, and get our Mace Kinetic turrets going, those people need covering fire!"

BB knew the Cyclops units he used were dumb as kark but at least they would give the oncoming troopers something to think about. As the enemy poured into the bay by the hundred or so BB wondered where the ships marines were. This must be a high level target so why are their so few around? BB watched as the troopers slew any near them regardless of rank or duty. These were animals BB thought, bloodthirsty beasts that fouled the name of all sentient life. It sparked, what his master called the fury. Without time to properly call upon the force BB didn't quell the feeling but let is grow as he watched more good men and women injured and slain.

Using a force jump he leapt from the Starr and into the fray, taking his Shoto in his off hand he lit it and began to charge the masses of troopers storming the bay. While this was hardly a wise choice the fury left him few options, if BB was to use it then he must submit to it completely and that he did.
Location: Hanger
Objective: Change of plans - get on the OS carrier.
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Galactic Alliance

One name, that was all Annaliese needed to hear to rush to the hangers with her supervising Inquisitor trailing behind her. Climbing aboard the nearest starfighter, she commenced the ships starting sequence.

"Hey, Mr Supervisor, are you coming with or not?" she called at the man who had only caught up to her.

"We have orders Annaliese." He responded in a stern tone.

"It's Lady Zambrano." The Zambrano bastard snapped at him, displeased. "Defend the ship from the infidels was the order, it didn't specify which one. If you have no intention of coming with me then, I will to take my leave now."

Every breath spent speaking to this wilful woman was a breath wasted it seemed. "I'll fly the ship. I was pilot for a smuggler before the Inquisition helped me see the error of my ways and guided me onto the path of righteousness so I'll stand a better chance of weaving through the battle and getting us on to the carrier."

"Good choice."
Immortal Titan
Lower Weapons Deck
[member="Kyber Salurra"]

She heard a voice half echo in her hear, though in truth she barely understood it.

Her lightsaber flicked forward, then back, then to the side. Bolt after bolt went flying away from her, some redirected back towards where they came from and others flung towards the ceiling or against a nearby wall. With every shot that went flying Aela took a step forward, a slow, methodical advance that saw her cross the length of the hangar. The last few steps were broken into a sprint, a quick, almost unrecognizable dash which took her into the midst of the line of stormtroopers.

The bright pink blade seared through armor and flesh, carving shallow disabling cuts into the troopers. She sliced through legs, arms, blaster rifles themselves. Screams erupted around her, though no one died, no one even lost a limb. As she cut through the last trooper Aela turned and pushed her palm forward, fingers curled slightly as she grabbed the lead trooper and threw him into his compatriots. Half a dozen of them went flying to the floor, the surviving Galactic Alliance troops quickly pushing for control of the weapons deck.

"Secure the door!" Aela shouted towards one of her soldiers, unsure if her comm was even still working.

She had no idea where they were, but she had to find out quickly.
Location: Fondor’s Aegis, Passageway
Enemy: [member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="Evaelyn Zambrano"] | [member="Joycelyn Zambrano"]​

Behind the Sith Lord, Korr could see more of his accursed brood, waiting like leashed nekkus, bloodlust in their eyes and setting their hearts racing. To them, the horror of battle was just a game and soldiers their disposable toys to break and discard as they saw fit. The confines of the passageway did not allow them full use of their numbers, barely wide enough for two men to swing their blades.

The Tyrant gave Korr no time to think, for after a pass at Dun Möch he charged bodily on, a tilt which would quail many hearts, given evidence of previous carnage wrought.

Gritting his teeth, the Jedi Master focused in on his foe and time seemed to slow. For the ordinary soldiers behind, Vornskr would be only a blur, but Ryan saw him approach at a sprint, saw the way his arms angled for blows from either side.

In the storm there was a rock.

Korr took a step back, left foot forward, right foot to the rear and perpendicular. He kept a two handed grasp on his longhandled saber, left hand over the right with two palm’s width between them. His elbows were bent and he held the saber slightly away from his ribcage and pointed straight up toward the overhead. The grip was firm. The grip was sure.

A bead of cold sweat trickled from the nape of Ryan’s neck and down his back.

The storm said move.

Blades surged toward him and he flowed with Force-gifted grace and precision. Ryan’s weapon, more short spear than saber, gave him reach. And girded in light lamellar, he moved just a hair more quickly than his heavily armored foe. The azure saber tilted and chopped out and down from left to right diagonally so that it intercepted with the outside of Vornskr’s right blade before it could reach Korr’s body. Ryan pivoted on the balls of his feet, straining as he sought to push that right blade into the line of the other and tangle up Kaine’s arms to thwart the attack.

He considered himself a tall man, but the Iron Tyrant, clad in that horned helm, towered several inches over him. The glow of the Sith’s sabers cast a crimson pallor across Ryan’s pale features, highlighting the divot of a scar just under Korr’s right eye and turning his long, auburn hair the shade of blood. Muscles twitched across Ryan’s clenched jaw and his eyes stared back into Vornskr’s emotionless helmet, coldly defiant.

But the rock did not move.
Location: MMC25 Danios-class Corvette Atropos, Dulvoyinn System
Allies: [member="Reshmar"] | [member="Irys Arist'lar"]
Enemies: [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]

"Change heading to the port by 20 degrees," barked the captain.

Gir glanced at the ship's captain, a bony mon calamari that went by the name of Cimrab. There were surprisingly few records behind that name however, and Gir couldn't help but wonder if it was an assumed name or somewhat falsified identity. But as long as he does his job well and never does anything illicit while in the Directorate's employ, I doubt that we'll do any deeper digging...competence is everything in matters of life and death...Gir turned his eyes from Cimrab as he walked around the bridge's stations. The blonde man hadn't had much practical experience on the newer Mon Calamari Shipyards vessels, though he knew of their strengths well if by nothing else than the faction's own wargames. He hadn't decided yet if it was fate or fortune that he had been visiting one of the vessels that had been attached to an allied fleet when they had found the One Sith. Gir stopped to linger over the shoulder of the ship's sensor operator.

"Is something the matter sir?" questioned Cimrab, ambling towards him.

"Nothing, just observing the relative position of the ships around us."

Cimrab didn't seem entirely satisfied with the response, but he didn't press Gir any further about it.

The Atropos sailed through the depths of space accompanied by a pair of Galactic Alliance Strike-class Corvettes, the Direct Approach and the Watchful, recently launched from one of the massive Kerrigan-class Star Defenders that formed the heart of the GA's battle fleet. Gir watched as the the Watchful and Approach gracefully slid behind the Atropos's mass to form a single column as they barreled towards the Paladin. The former Republic officer glanced at the sensor readout to see that another larger ship was slowly following in the wake of the fast carrier corvettes. But it's still smaller than the Paladin...They probably all amass to the same tonnage of the Paladin...we'll have to play our cards to be successful...not that I can fault the Alliance's leadership in can only devote so many resources to a given task...

Gir watched a bead of sweat roll down the sensor operator's neck before finally deciding that he should move on. He idled around a couple of stations before finally settling down next to the flight controller's station. And all of the carrier corvette's birds are in...that's interesting...Gir knew a couple of reasons why that might be the case. Judging by the concentration of the ship's shielding to the bow, Gir could hazard a guess what Cimrab's intention might be. Now to see if that's actually the case...
Location: Mess Decks of the Titan
Allies: [member="Cameron Centurion"]
Enemies [member="Sal Katarn"] [member="Glavo Pahro"] [member="Cath Lorr"] ~40ish Marines

Dismissive arrogance? No. There was simply no sense in showing panic in a potentially explosive situation. She wasn’t being aggressive at present, but that would change at any moment. Sure, one of the 42 of them was talking to her and sizing her and Cameron up. The others? They were focused. Crystal was well aware of what Cameron was capable of, but was always surprised. She was not the only scholar. The two of them had studied together even before marrying. They worked well together.

Crystal knew that no words were coming. Weapons fire was. She smiled. And disappeared. Into thin air. It turned out that she didn’t have to, since Cameron stopped each of the pellets. That she could have done too, but it was just so predictable. The Sorceress reappeared behind Cameron once more. She almost broke out laughing again. Cameron a pacifist! That was even funnier than the one she had heard just minutes before.

She kept her composure and stepped out from behind Cameron just as the Jedi spoke again. Threats of violence, aggression and patronizing inquiries. Crystal did not believe than any being that carried a lightsaber would be stupid enough to do so without training. To do so would be incredibly stupid. The Jedi moved, and another was approaching.

Crystal took advantage of Glavo’s focus and concentration on the impending battle and attempted to invade his mind.

~Stop~ the Sorceress said firmly in Glavo’s mind. It was a strong suggestion that she hoped he would take. If he did not, well that certainly wouldn’t stop her from trying, and she was more than confident that she would break through his barriers. The less resistance he put up, the less it would hurt. She could and would rip through his thoughts, and enforce her will upon them. He would see what she wanted him to see, and hear what she wanted him to hear. Glavo amused her.

The only thing that had yet to be determined was how much time it would take. And, you know, the other 44 people in the room. Or less. She wasn’t counting bodies yet.
Location: Tactical Airspace around the ANS Fondor's Aegis
Objective: Redirected, Initiating a Strafing Run.
Allies: Galactic Alliance, Rogue Squadron. [ [member="Berric Kelso"] | [member="Loske Matson"] | [member="Choli Vyn"] | [member="Encouragement Gets"] | [member="Asmus Janes"] | [member="Areiana Slayer"] | [member="Alexandra Russo"] ]
Enemy: The One Sith - [member="Isamu Baelor"] and His Boarding Parties.
Equipment: T-70 X-wing Starfighter, MF-9 Scattergun, DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol.

Squeezing the trigger, I felt the slightest shudder of inhuman pleasure surge through my Starfighter as it belched forth two bolts of coruscating crimson death. Within a blink of an eye, the enemy fighter that had been caught in my crosshairs vanished into thin air, leaving behind only particulate echoes to dance across my carbon-scored hull. There was a part of me that wished to share the joy my mechanical steed had reveled in, but, such desires was swiftly extinguished by the interjection of yet another hostile fighter. Was there no end to this stale encounter? These pilots were simpering fools, seemingly flash-trained and tossed behind the control stick. There was no artistry in how they moved, and every subtle maneuver had lacked personality. If anything, I had at first believed them to be crewed by droids. That was quickly corrected as one cocky bastard thought to open a channel and call me a heretic over our momentarily shared connection. My Droid and I got a kick out of that, but our jovial nature soon soured as my artificial Co-pilot retracted the underslung blast shield and lowered the dorsal blaster cannon. It seemed this Astromech didn't appreciate the hostile pilot's words, and had shown him the error of his ways at the point of an energetic falconet. That swiftly restored a smile to my lips.

"Good shot," I spoke aloud, informing my mechanical companion of my approval. "Keep it up and we'll be punching through this swarm in no time." In return for my praise, my little friend had chirped appreciatively and continued to slay those that sought to escape my X-wing's murderous wrath.

Casting a glance over my shoulders, I saw the outermost edges of the spear-tipped formation following in my wake. It seemed that even though we had plunged into the heart of the enemy's lines, they had managed to keep up. Sweeping my hand over the outermost edges of my console, shifting my fighter's scanners to a more localized picture, I saw that I was tailed by fewer than the total number that had left the Belshazzar with me. Three pilots had fallen under the sheer ferocity of the enemy's fighter-screen, yet not enough to steal the advantage of firepower once they had reached their intended target. Leading the way through the tides of darkness, I forged onwards, punching holes in the swarm with every compression of the firing mechanism. When the opening was made by my deeds, and that of my droid, I ordered my detachment to move into the gap and push forward.

Once we were through, our number had dwindled once more - this time by a factor of two. They perished in the silence of space, riddled with carbon scores and rapidly cooked munitions. Now free from the enemy's deadly embrace, our fighters soared through the bespeckled void, lining up for our attack run as we danced through the noxious weave of turbolaser broadsides. As the final preparations had fallen into place, my communications terminal had activated, overlaying a new set of orders on top of the ones I had bequeathed unto myself. The new assignment was to take my marshaled forces to the Alliance Flagship and rake the parasites that despoiled her hull as we streaked towards the enemy carrier. Easy enough. Relaying that information to my fellow surviving pilots, we banked hard to alter our heading and accelerated towards the newest objective.

It didn't take us long to reach our destination, in fact, our course correction had timed itself perfectly with the departure of another carrion bird of a Star Destroyer seeking to feast upon the flesh of the seemingly slain Command ship. The exchange of turbolasers and ion cannons was brief, but as the insignificant specks below had sought to burrow themselves within the metallic flesh of the Aegis, it seemed that the Capital ship's duty was done - thus was no longer interested in slogging it out with its prey. While the thought of enemy soldiers crawling over the beloved taskforce's flagship was abhorrent, the notion of dying before their task had been completed - shot down by the massive destroyer that was almost phallic in its appearance - was far worse by comparison. Thankfully, the vessel had considered us nothing more than a minor irritant and had parted with only a token measure of resistance to our arrival. Throwing my starfighter into a stomach churning roll, I was able to avoid their radiating barrage narrowly. Sadly, another light on my temporary squadron roster had winked out, leaving us with the diminished number of seven fighters; including my own.

Half of the group was dead because I chose to assault the Carrier, and was waylaid by a new set of orders. However, I couldn't have known what would've happened if the alternate route was chosen. Such mysteries were better left to the Jedi and their religious ilk. Here, in the now, I cycled my cannons back to ready status and pulled back on the trigger - raking the enemy soldiers that had yet to find comfort and safety within the hallowed corridors of the Aegis. I couldn't see if my bolts had taken any lives, but as the projected path my Astromech had created shown, it was likely that casualties were to be expected. With my strafing run complete, seconds later the remainder of Green Group moved into for the kill; sweeping the outer hull with their dorsal mounted Quad- turbolaser turrets. Though far from assault munitions that would've torn open the surrounding decks, such an array of firepower was assured to be deadly - especially to the common soldier.

Once our attack was complete, and without checking to see if the enemy had retaliated, those that had survived the strafing run soared across the length of the Alliance Flagship and resumed their path towards the enemy Carrier.

In Summation:
Strafing Run - Six BTL-S8 K-wing Assault Bombers, Escorted by Rogue Twelve in his T-70 X-wing Starfighter, broke through the enemy fighter screen surrounding the ANS Belshazzar, navigated towards the ANS Fondor's Aegis, and mounted an attack run against the Enemy soldiers affixed to the Flagship's hull.
Aboard the Alliance Carrier - ANS Belshazzar

Objective: Bumping Uglies with Longbottom and friends.
Allies: [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Matthew Robinson"]
Enemies: Coming for you bby boo [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] | and eventually [member="Darth Ophidia"]

NPCS: Doing NPC Defensive things like defending against whatever One Sith NPCS are attacking, breaching, trying to do near engineering, bridge, whatever --- Expect whatever proper things, blah blah blah. Really, just pretend it is a super neato background cause I can't be arsed to do npc work. Too much of a headache!

My amazing personality is my number one weapon!
And my right hook.


Oh our plucky medic crashed.

Crashed quite hard.

Hard enough to bounce off the Omega Pyre's Prex chest and out. A grunt, the brace of legs, and then a whip of two-toned umber and blonde hair were all the medic would see before a hand went snapping out to grab him by the scruff of his neck before he fell.

"Watch it!" the curt voice snapped out, but it wasn't long before her other arm went snapping up. The MK I Bolter shot out a volley at the incoming One Sith boarder. He gave a flinch as his body twisted back, jerking with a thud to the ground.

"LOCK THIS DECK DOWN!" Aeron yelled out, Omega Pyre elite forces moving to secure the areas deck after deck. Klaxons were blaring, access points shut and security procedures that kept a ship this size properly defended enacted. Alliance troops went head to head with the enemy forces, trading volleys of fire and keeping the invaders back from pushing forward. The scent of charred flesh, plastoid, wires, and the screams of the wounded from both sides were enough to keep the cacophony of battle going.

But this wasn't about the greater picture. It was about the few.

Bright ice blue eyes shot down at the man who had bumped into her. It swept over his unruly mop of dark brown hair, his attire with the medic patch, and the rather lack of any true armor to protect his skin from holes. Whatever analysis she made of him then was punctuated by the brisk movement afterwards.

"Better stay behind the lines Doc," she told him, half turning away to duck down for cover.

[ Got a big one here, Prex! ] came the crackle through her earwig.

"Tell me."

Details of one @Kylath Connar Amadis came shortly.
Location: Hangar of The Hungering Mynock
Objective: Board The Belshazzar
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Galactic Alliance
-One Czerka Machine Pistol
-One Czerka Machine Gun
-One Czerka Combat Knife
-Two flashbangs
-Di-tactical armor
-Asheran Armorweave

Upon the hangar deck of The Hungering Mynock were dozens and dozens of boarding teams rushing to their designated shuttles ready for the pilot to take them to the voids of space and be judged by the Force or whatever mystical force they believe in would survive the dogfighting happening around four symbolic vessels, two of each belonging to their respective factions and were leading the brutal fight above the skies of Dulvoyinn. How long have the two sides been continuing this motion? Weeks? Months? It really didn't matter how long this cat and mouse game was going on. What mattered was that this needed to be put to a complete end. No doubt that's how everyone felt during these past skirmishes.

Dressed up in a black painted prototype of the di-tactical armor which was vacuum sealed, had magnetic boots, and a wrist grappling hook, Lyle and his squad comprised of eight men, including Lyle, were about to make a dangerous trek between the four titans to the Galactic Alliance's carrier. Everyone was suited in the prototype design of the di-tactical armor and were equipped with weapons of their choosing.

"Alright, Illusion Squad," the agent began to his men, "we're about to board The Belshazaar and basically do what everyone else had been instructed. Neutralize it, or destroy if we're forced to do so. What's our main target? I don't know. Consider it as 'to be declared'." No questions were asked and no comments were said. Admittedly, his plan was very frowned upon, but there was no time to be spared in asking questions when the stakes were too high.

They boarded the shuttle that awaited them and flew out to the cold, lifeless void and would enjoy what was out of this ride. For now they would have to trust their guts and instincts before a plan was formulated from the Baelor's mind.
Sector One
Inside the bowels of the Hungering Mynock


There was something different about Vexen then. The Talith could feel it, much like a flutter in the wind or the nuance of muscle rippling over one's brow. He didn't need to use his mother's Lorrdian talents to figure it out. Their Force Bond certainly helped, but it wasn't all that told him this.

It was in the ripple of emotion just before she unsheathed her claws.

Micah was all about keeping things light humored. It was the go-to method to try and smooth out tense situations. This one... well. This one would likely require some discussion after the battle. All he could do for now was remind her that she should not act recklessly.

The Defel would feel it more than any echo of the mind. Telepathy wasn't required of that. It was a sense. They had trained, lived together, fought together, were each other's best friend and held a master and apprentice relationship. It would be all that Vexen would require to aid with her state of mind.

Both were stealthy, camouflaged through the Force. Klaxons blared around them, and as expected, blast doors sliding shut to protect those vital areas. Micah's mouth would twitch under his helm.

Right on time.

Alex, his cloaked droid, hovered near his head. Inside his helm, he said, [ Hey Alex, how about something with a little... grit to it? ]

Ahhhh ahh ah-ahhhhhhhhhh ah!

Patching through his earwig, the first strains of a classic wail and guitar rift began to play. If anything, Micah enjoys annoying these guys with a little jam to it.

With that, Micah gave himself over to the Force, to his awareness of his surroundings, to his sudden oneness with the Iron men and droids trying to kill him and Vexen. If anyone would compare him to his sister [member="Aela Talith"], they'd quickly realize their fighting styles were completely different. Vex and he stuck to the shadows, moved for vital attacks when necessary, but only then.

Things were going to get a bit complicated with the blast doors. But if anything, heh - as orange eyes flashed with a faint orange glow -- well he may not be his little sister, but his mum and dad certainly taught him a few tricks. The cloak fell, and in its place, he let his the Force saturate his senses.

Moving forward, Micah followed in pursuit of Vexen. Where her batons bit down to stun, so did Micah's hands as he fought his way down the corridor. All non-lethal, but hitting with enough pow through the Force to paralyze and temporarily stun. A volley of blaster fire illuminated the area. In answer, a bright orange glow of a lightsaber snap-hissed to life.

When Micah felt the bolts angling towards him, he would twirl his lightsaber blade in line and bat them away, using the Force to guide him. Non-lethal was the intent. However, Micah wasn't too put off when push came to shove, and he had to use his gauntleted fist for a good ol punch.

Pops would be proud!
Location: Near the ANS Belshazzari in SPACE
Allies: GA/Rogue Squadron [member="Berric Kelso"] [member="Loske Matson"] Choli Vyn [member="Encouragement Gets"] [member="Asmus Janes"] [member="Areiana Slayer"] [member="Lucius Varad"]
Wingman!: [member="Alexandra Russo"]
Enemy: OS [member="Kylath Connar Amadis"] | [member="Raien Keth"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] All your space things are ours!
Equipment: T-70 X-wing
Background GA NPC fluff -- whatever other fighter squadrons that carrier has xD I cannot be arsed to keep up. Just pretend they are there.

"Feth, feth, feth, feth!"

Rogue Seven had a death grip on her piloting yoke. The starfighter pilot barely managed to get the X-Wing under control, her Pebbledrone Astromech wailing in the back.

"I'm trying!"

With shields down, she was as good as a sitting drunken mynock ready to get blown out of the black. A rush of adrenaline pumped through her veins, senses a bit overwhelmed. It wasn't just the Force, but also the stark realization that she could very well die here.

"Rebooting!" she flipped a few toggles, systems flashing green sigils and a series of rebooting codes. All the while, she had to keep a look out through the view port and what other systems she had left to make sure she kept ticking.


Choli had one minute. One, long, agonizing minute to reboot her systems. Gorram it! At least it didn't seem as if whatever shook her other fellow starfighter pilots was ongoing. Comms crackled through her helm, various numbers checking in and giving the okay.

[ Rogue Eleven, this is Rogue Seven. Rebooting in progress -- ] Choli was suddenly cut off by a widening of her eyes. K-Wings and other Alliance fighters were flying thick to pick off at the parasites sticking to the Alliance hull. A sudden volley of green blaster fire shot high over her.

A jitter and a barrel roll seemed to sink her belly deep down and her heart kick up into her throat. R2 sent a frazzled series of beeps, boops and a sharp hoot.

"Well if you can find any way to get them up faster, then maybe we'll get out of this with our skins!"

Swinging wide, she did her best to play the defensive; at least until she could form up with Rogue Eleven again.

With shields.
[member="Lyle Baelor"]
Satra, who was tagging along with the squad, stood there. She boarded the shuttle like the others, and readied her lightsaber for what this battle would become.

​"Sir, I have not made a place in war yet. How should I identify the enemy?"
Location: The Hungry Mynock
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Enemies: [member="Darth Erebos"] [member="Cale Gunderson"] [member="Reinhard Baelor"]
Equipment: Dueling Armour, Pink Lightsaber
Forces: Housecarls 70 Thul Reapers 20 Plasma Casters 10 Disc Cannons
4x Pioneers as well as 12 Thul Infantry Companies
lost three infantry companies

Corridors to secondary command deck

As her troops headed forward, they started to encounter heavy resistance. As the hungry mynock crew, started to organise themselves. This however was not the main thrust of battle for her, it was just a way of tying up some of there forces. They soon pulled back, and brought up some more troops to hold the ground they had captured. As they found ground they could hold with just riflemen, it was time to bring up heavy weapons. They had thirty four in total heavy weapon pieces they could bring up, twenty of them where Thul Reapers, and then twelve grenade launchers, then finally two plasma casters. As the thul infantry fell back, the reapers returned fire down the corridors. They had deflector shield to help protect them, and as there fire hit corridor walls it began cut through them, killing and injuring people taking shelter behind them. The grenade launchers where behind them, ready to fire if the enemy came down corridors. The two plasma casters where in reserve, if the positions looked like they where going to be overrun.

Whilst they took up a defensive formation, a group of pioneers began to tap into power supply of the ship. As without juice, the reaper ammo packs could not be replenished. They did this by unscrewing panels, looking for three phase cables behind them. Then they begin stripping the outer sheathing, so they could get to actual power supply. They they use voltage resistant crimpers, to attach the own wire to it. Now they could keep the blaster ammo flowing, near this battle and the deflector shields running.

Ahead where her troops where forced back, and her men cut down where over seventy dead and forty odd injured troops. Her enemies attack was more than successful, but this was never her main objective. This was a faint, designed to draw the crew into a battle they could not win.

Hangar bay

The hangar bay was rather full troops, as they finally all got aboard the hungry mynock. The pioneers here had worked out which wires, where swtich live for hangar doors, and had control of them now. This meant that they could not space them, from the bridge at will. This must have been frustrating for them, as the computer systems would say opening, but nothing actually happened, thanks to local overrides they had put in. The bulk of her forces, where now in the hangar bay moving up, as when order to. As her forces made progress, more these men would be used. Their job would be to guard the corridors, that she had vacated as she advanced with her main forces. This was necessary to keep supply route open, as without that, her housecarls could become cut off, and soon become low on juice. The ships in hangar bay where also being used, to recharge fusion batteries as well as ammo packs. As army always marched on stomach, and without them supplies they would soon become nothing more than bunch of men with spears.

The True front line

Elaine was with housecarls, driving forward to try and get to the engineering deck. They come across a snag, all the bulkheads have been shut down. They been cut off from the hangar bay, she new this was bad. They had no way opening all doors, at once she have to do it one at a time. This would long and drawn out affair, she lite up her lightsaber and plunged it in the door.

As she did this, some pioneers began to disassemble the door control panels.

Once they got in they used multimeters, to try and work out the switch live. This would repower the door to open, and overrule the computer. Though each and every door, would have to be done separately. This would take time, but once done they had control of it. Elaine was lucky not to just bring soldiers with her, as without the engineering skills of the pioneers units, they would all be dead now. As they got ready to open doors, the door would be open by infantrymen though, as they where too valuable to lose in open combat. As doors where opened, plasma casters would be ready, to burn who ever was in the room behind it.

This was not going to be easy, but the enemy could only slow the process of advancement by this tactic.
Location: Onboard her Phasma Class Infiltrator.
Allies: One Sith, Sith Assassins.
Enemies: Galactic Alliance, [member="Alexandra Russo"]

Assassin armour.
2x curved-hilt lightsabres.
Nagajj & Tsaisibola.
Rudis of the Dark Lord.
3x thermal detonators.
Standard issue vibrodagger.

As expected, shots were taken while they tried to get out of the fray. They were not headed towards the carrier but out of the combat zone and fast.

Ophidia reached inside and nurtured the anger in her heart. The air in the ship and the general atmosphere around it would grow steadily colder as she released her restrictions in order to focus on her danger sense. The force whispered to her: left. The Phasma rolled left, and klaxons went off as the shields took hits, slightly reduced by the evasive maneuvers already in effect. The engines stayed in effect, but the ship had taken a beating. Feeling her danger sense tingling further, she swooped the ship down to avoid another X-wing, still under the crushing thumb of Raien’s fear technique.

Darling, take the controls and continue evasive maneuvers. I will deal with our tail.

The droid immediately stepped over to take the main controls. He was programmed to fly as well as any combat pilot in The One Sith. The only thing he lacked was the aid of the Force and imagination. Still, she trusted him to be able to keep them safe for a few moments as Darth Ophidia, the Queen of Shadows, closed her eyes and focused on the surrounding flickers of sentient life. Her influence spread like a mass of invisible tendrils, each loaded with a promise of fear and despair. She lashed out for the minds with her invisible fear in an attempt at turning the pursuers away from her tail while they ran. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she gritted her teeth and summoned every terror she had committed or willed to commit. The sensation of knives tearing skin and peeling away the skin, electrocution, asphyxiation, drowning, burning, or the eroding away of flesh. She knew them, their effect, the scents, and tastes summoned by one’s own body as it begged for release. These were the images she summoned to whoever pursued. It was not the terror of death; rather it was the fear of such pain that would make one scream for a swift end.

In the engine room, Vark feverishly worked on resetting the cloaking system so they could vanish once more. He was not yet done, but it would be done soon.
Location: Secondary Bridge
Objective: Give Sith Lord a spanking
Allies: [member="Meeristali Peradun"] [member="Lilin Imperieuse"] [member="Ayme Katash"] [member="Trix Bastin"] [member="Dagon Mor"] [member="Nia Siroc"]
Enemy: The One Sith. [member="Darth Erebos"]
Equipment: Vanguard Armour, CC-13, Occluder Handcannon, Saber, Smoke grenades.

Jacen’s saber came across his body in a wide arc so fast that it appeared a shield. Two bolts were deflected up towards the ceiling; better to put them out of the field than risk hitting an ally. Two more steps and his next swing was designed to kill. Two white helmets were sent rolling and Jacen stepped forwards into the gap he’d carved in the defensive line.

His views differed greatly on the matter from many. He had been a soldier for ten years and was well aware of all the interplanetary conventions on the use of weapons. Weapons designed specifically to cause long term injuries or unnecessary suffering were specifically barred. Whilst he could focus his attention on using a lightsabre to dismember his foes that was no guarantee that he was giving them an extra lease on life. In these narrow corridors, battle raging all around them, a man with his arm taken off was perhaps just as likely to suffer a slow, agonising death as to survive and receive a prosthetic. Soldier were typically young men and women in their late teens and early twenties. He mourned every death, but when he was in a battle he was both a soldier and a jedi.

It was clear to him that there were being corralled forwards. A path laid open ahead of them towards one of the bridges. The assaulting group were aware of that detail, but this tactic had confused him at first. That was, until he sensed the challenge of Darth Erebos ripple through the Force.

[member="Elaine Thul"] and her Carls were headed for engineering. Others were moving in different directions. The goal of the Hounds and their soldiers was the bridge. “Lilin, Nia, Stali,” he said as the sound of battle receded to a distant background. “This is a trap. Stali you’re coming with me into it because we need to buy the others enough time to take the bridge.”

As they advanced towards their goal he could feel the presences ahead of them. He stretched out with his senses, faint tendrils through the Force that recoiled as they reached the dark presence of the Sith. “Two battle droids, a Sith Lord, some soldiers. Nia, Lilin, deal with the soldiers and then head for the main bridge. Big man, crush those droids.”

As they reached the corridor leading to Erebos several blaster bolts lanced out towards them. Jacen skidded to one knee, bringing his CC13 rifle to his shoulder. “Yoohoo, it’s the good guys!”


The high explosive grenade leapt from the underslung barrel. Jacen didn’t simply let it fly. He reached out with the Force to grasp it with the Force and urge it forwards. His logic was simply. Any Jedi would use to Force to stop a grenade and send it back. The grenade left the barrel with a significant velocity. To slow it down any Force use would need to apply a force as large as Jacen applied with telekinesis just to keep the grenade at a steady velocity. That little cylinder of explosives wasn’t going to be stopped easily.
Location: Hungering Mynock
Allies: [member="Micah Talith"]
Enemy: The One Sith.

Vexen replied in a manner. Acceptance returned to Micah as she relayed that his warning was understood. Claws were a last resort whilst she couldn’t use her batons without revealing herself. But could she really do that? Sink her claws into flesh and feel it rend beneath her? She didn’t want to find out, but the instinct was there, simmering beneath the surface.

As the blaster bolts started to fly across the corridor Vexen went onto all fours, pressing herself into the edge of the corridor where the wall met the floor. She scrambled forwards, keeping low. The bolts illuminated their surroundings in colourful flashes, but every photon was absorbed into her fur. Spotting the darkest shadow in that brief flash was no easy job. Besides, once Micah ignited his saber the attention was squarely on him. She could sneak past, ever closer to the reactor and deal with the soldiers quietly.

She rushed forwards to the sound of his music in her ear, She turned that down to a bare minimum. Catchy tune, but she needed her senses. The blaster bolts were problematic. Bright flares were stopped by her goggles, but there was always a delay before they became more transparent and allowed her sensitive eyes to consider what was going on around them. She had brief visual glimpses of their surroundings, just like the Stormtroopers. The difference was that in those moments she saw them, but they did not see her.

She leapt up behind a soldier, grabbing with one long arm and throwing him over her leg. His cry attracted attention. “Shoot it!” he cried from the ground as he scrabbled to find his blaster. Vexen pulled free her stun baton and threw it. The soldiers followed its path with their weapons and managed to shoot the soldier she’d aimed it for.

A flying, two-footed kick took one down before she resorted to her dart gun to bring down a third. As Micah finished his charge she returned to the one looking for a blaster. She touched her second stun baton to the back of his head and thumbed the activation switch. A burst of blue light and he dropped to the deck.

“Blast door?” she asked Micah, looking to the barrier head.
ANS Fondor's Aegis
Allies: [member="Ryan Korr"] [member="Kana Truden"] [member="Cole Katarn"] @others if I missed you
Enemies: [member="Raien Keth"] [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] @other Zambranos

NPCs: 43 Harbinger Droids, 10,500~ Alliance Marines (they're having a rough day already)

She felt him try and grip her saber hand, trying to make a point that he could have forced it into her face during her salute. The arrogance of this one, she thought. Too much pride and ego. When the Sith started to tear apart and blow apart the deck below her, she lightly took a few steps back in a measured way. He wanted her to move, but why? She was a Makashi user, footwork was everything in it and making her move wasn't much to make her unbalanced.

Then he was charging at her, his large mace...hand...thing being punched forward at her. Definitely Vong in origin... lovely. His armor seemed a hybrid of metal and Vong, noted. She sidestepped the punch, pivoting around as his momentum carried him forward as it would be hard to come to a stop immediately.

"Well someone is rather prideful," she said simply, angling her blade at him again. Her other hand flicked up and a bolt of Electric Judgment lanced sparked out at him.

Elsewhere on the ship, the enemy biodroids were exploding, hoping to cause as much damage as they could against the Harbingers and the area around them. A few of the Harbingers got caught in overlapping explosions, being destroyed, but the majority of them were not impressed by these puny little droids. Phrik armoring and their weapons meant many were far enough away or took the explosions well enough that the damage to most was negligible. They continued to hunt and route them out, terminating them with maximum efficiency.

The Marines were able to seal off the vital areas, transferring control of all controls to the doors to the bridge. To reach the vital ship sections, the Sith and their forces would need to take the bridge and there were plenty of Marines in between them and that target. Blaster bolts ricocheted around, grenades flying around while they fought against the Sith boarders and the Blackblades. They had been surprised by the ferociousness of Zambrano's personal troops, but they were recovering, returning fire and clashing with them.
Sector Two
Aboard the ANS Majesty
Allies: [member=Reshmar] [member="Gir Quee"]
Enemies: [member="Abelain Narv'uk"]
Kerrigan-classRighteous Indignation 100%Good
Scythe-classArms Race100%Good
Thranta-class Glory100%Good

Gir Quee
Strike-classDirect Approach100%Good

Kerrigan-class Redoubtable100%Good

Fighters (roughly split between three commanders):
Fighters276X-Wings, etc.
Bombers48Y-Wings, etc.
Interceptors48A-Wings, etc.
Elite Fighters24B-Wings, etc.

Well this was interesting. The One Sith fleet was certainly keeping their distance. Perhaps they were expecting their flagship to be victorious in the close in battle that was taking place fifty million kilometres away. It seemed like a long distance, but to a modern Starfighter that was a few minutes.

“They’re holding their position Ma’am.”

“The Hornet reports they’ve identified a Vanguard class near the centre of their lines, but it is not the largest ship in their fleet.”

“Very well then,” Irys spoke. She spoke in her usual clipped tones, but there was an almost serene balance of tone to her voice. A hush fell upon the bridge. Gir Quee and his tactical unit were branching off down one flank now, heading towards the identified Vanguard class.

“Let’s give them a wakeup call. All Hammerheads and Solo-class vessels to open up with a long range battery of fire.”

The hubbub returned. It was shortly followed by the distinctive tone of the Majesty’s long range battery opening fire. A first salvo, just to test the water. The inexorable march of the Alliance fleet towards the Sith holding position continued.
[SIZE=10.5pt]Location: Space, en route to the The Hungering Mynock[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Allies: One Sith [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Enemies: Galactic Alliance, no direct threats at the moment.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Objective: Board the carrier[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Gear: Armour, 2x lightsabers, 3x flashbangs, and a pair of fighting knives strapped to her legs. See signature for links.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]The starfighter weaved carefully around the battlefield narrowly dodging a few hits and losing half of its shields in the process to the ones it couldn’t as it neared the Hungry Mynock. With every passing second, her desire to see him increased. She had desired others before, but never this much. Even being in his vicinity excited her due to the mere existence of the possibility that she might be able to be with him at last.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Bringing up her comlink, Annaliese paused for a second before opening an encrypted channel. “Captain of the Hungry Mynock, this is Inquisitor Annaliese Zambrano, I am currently travelling aboard a starfighter piloted by a fellow Inquisitor that will be arriving shortly. Open the hangar doors in preparation for our arrival in 5 minutes,” the Zambrano bastard ordered. Despite her strong desire to hear his voice, she had decided instead to contact the captain of the ship so she might possibly be able to surprise him with her presence.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“The hangar doors will be ready in 10 minutes Inquisitor, we seemed to have a bit of trouble with the doors but, members of the crew are currently addressing the issue,” came the reply.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]“I suppose that is acceptable,” Annaliese replied with a tone of annoyance as her anticipation was replaced with irritation.[/SIZE]

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