Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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That Escalated Quickly (Invite)

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Amnell glared coldly at Anja. More than a touch frustrated, and upset at this point. "So I'm, as your prisoner, just supposed to do as you demand? Without question?" That wasn't an idea she liked, but then again this whole situation was one she was not comfortable with and desperately wanted out of. Sighing, she shook her head, "Great, so it's a matter of only telling me what you want to, whenever you feel it might be needed. Fabulous." Her words dripping with sarcasm.

Still she glared at the woman, though occasionally Amnell would glance back the way they had came. A part of her till debating if she could actually make that run, and actually make the escape attempt. Hearing she held some great importance, did actually give her some slight reassurance of her safety, and just slightly stroked her ego at the same time. "Of all the people in the galaxy that you could have chosen from .... You picked me. Why? There are beings far smarter, far better at what you want me for. But you picked me anyway...." One more thing that didn't make a lot of sense to her.

"Is it because I live a mostly solitary life? Because I'd likely not be as missed as others? Or that I lack a powerful family to come looking for me? What is it that you see in me that made you pick me?" Her voice calmer now. Amnell finally seemed to be settling, realizing she was going to get few if any answers at all. A part of her realizing she was going to have to at least accept this life, this reality for the time being. Perhaps if I stop being so stubborn, so demanding ... Maybe this won't be so terrible... Gods I still loathe that I am a prisoner, with no freedom and no answers. I just want to know why.... Why this is happening, and why me? But I guess I may never get a straight answer from her.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Anja remained silent as she spoke and finally their walk was coming to an end. Their destination laid beyond a blastdoor that opened at a walking pace. The doorway revealed a relatively comfortable interior, it was a living quarters. There was a bathroom, a bed, what seemed to be a wardrobe and an empty desk with an archaic book on it. It wasn't luxurious by all means but it was unusually equipped for a warship and was likely reserved for higher ranking officers or envoys.

Stepping inside the Umbaran motioned for her to follow.

This room aboard the starship was in fact Anja's quarters, "You can rest here if you're tired or not. Regardless you don't leave the room until we reach our destination." The amount of time it would take honestly wasn't that long, perhaps 35 hours at most before they reach Dubrillion. This was thanks to the advanced hyperdrives aboard ships manufactured by Titan Industries which were far superior to those of their own design.

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Amnell's gazed flicked quickly about the room taking in the details though she paused as it's threshold. Against her leg she felt a nudge from Nine as he tried to encouraged her to move forward, and into the room. With a sigh, she gently patted the droid on his dome. Glancing one last time over her shoulders, she finally took the last step into Anja's quarters. There was a part of her that wanted to test the Umbaran. To attempt to leave the room the second the woman left her side.

Nine seemed to somehow know Amnell's thoughts. "Don't try it." He chirped sharply at her, which drew an icy expression from the brunette. Walking slowly she moved over to the bed, and slowly, carefully sat down with a soft hiss as her body protested the pressure upon her backside.

"It's not like leaving this room would do me any good, now would it? It'd just get me snatched by one of your guards, probably injured in the process and eliminate any sort of trust that we've developed. Not that I imagine you have any trust in me at all, not at this point." She said bitterly. "So, I'll stay." Amnell huffed as she shifted further on the bed, to lean against the wall as she drew her knees up to her chest. From there she lightly rested her head upon her knees, just watching Anja. "The possible punishment for such actions, is not something I really want to bring upon myself." She said with a shrug.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The rhetoric was kind of an annoyance. Was she trying to cite knowledge or boast intelligence? Perhaps this was her way of asserting herself in situations where she lacked true strength. Of course there would be no point in harming the girl further but honestly she should realize by now what The Primeval are capable of.

Best shut your mouth.

The Host Lord couldn't help but think those words silently within her own head. The moment of annoyance passed rather quickly and without much hesitation the woman began to leave the room. Anja's footsteps were slower than earlier and more relaxed and almost contrary to popular belief her waist swayed with a feminine movement as her posture lost its commanding aura. Whether or not the young woman realized it, the subtle nature of the witch's change in personality suggested that she felt comfortable and in privacy when inside this room. Almost like a switch had been flicked, she regained her poise and strode into the hall with dignity before turning the corner as the sliding door shut.

Where she was going now was unclear but eventually she would return.

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Watching was all she could do, though she had noticed the change in as the woman left. Once the door slid shut, for a moment Amnell just stared at the door. Her mind working through what her chances really were. After all even if she did make it back the way they had come, to the ship in the hangar bay, they were still in hyperspace for an untold amount of time.

It took her a little while to gain any bit of courage, but she finally slid from the bed. Though Nine instantly hissed a warning at her. "Don't, Amnell."

"You seriously think I'd try leaving this room at this point?" She gave a small shrug as slowly she crossed the room to the desk. Curious eyes fell upon the old book there as she ran a slow hand over it's cover.


The brunette shrugged, "Believe it or not I have no intentions of stepping foot outside of here. It's not like there is any point. There's not a chance for any kind of escape while in hyperspace."

"So you have been thinking about it?"

"Of course I have. Only a fool wouldn't." She sighed heavily, "I just don't understand her."

"And that matters why?"

"I guess it doesn't. But just like how I like to know what makes a droid tick, what makes you tick ... I do like to have some small clue behind sentients. Their actions and their reasoning. And, she gives me next to nothing. It's frustrating."

"Maybe you should just be quiet as difficult as I know that is for you. You don't want to irritate your captor."

Amnell gave a shrug, returning her attention briefly to the book before she lowered herself into the chair at the desk. There was some logic to the droid's words, even if she didn't want to admit it just yet. "Just doesn't make any sense to me right now. And maybe that's her point, keeping me in the dark so I have little clue of what is actually being done. But feth if I know." She whispered as attempted to rub the grogginess from her eyes.

"Just listen to her, obey. It's not like she's actually done you any harm beyond the bar and the liquor store. And that was all just to get to you come along."

"Oh, what you're on her side now?"

"No. Just the logical side. What else can you do? You've admitted nothing at this point. You have no chance at escape for the time being. So that leaves you with obedience."

"You know, I really freaking hate you some days."

"I know."



Amnell finally gave up not bothering to respond and let Nine have the last word as she lightly rested her head in her hands. There was little she could do for the time being other than wait for the woman's return.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Anja's connection to that old book was quite an oddity. She herself was completely unaware of its second nature. Almost like there was a ghost around her she felt a hand brush against her cheek like a mother would to sooth her child. In an instinctive reaction the woman's hand went up to feel what had touched her only to find nothing. As any sentient would--religious or not--her mind resorted to logic and brushed off the eerie feeling as little more than a change in atmosphere, perhaps the ship's pressurization was faulty just in that brief instance of the hallway.

The corridor continued onward to a wash room of sorts. It was not too far from the Host Lord's chambers and she entered. In the center a cylinder shaped protrusion about the height a toddler stuck out, it was a machine that generated hot steam from water and a boiler. Along the edges was a continuous bench that stopped only at one point, a gap between the two big enough for one adult human with a waterfall-esque shower head for bathing in. Bottles of liquids and soaps rested along a small ledge that protruded from the wall at about shoulder's height. All of this was beyond the dressing room that was between the outer and inner door.

Anja undressed herself, first undoing the various pieces of her armour until nothing but her robe remained. Her bare feet touched the cold metallic surface which sent a brief shiver up her spine. Undoing the single strap forced the robe down to reveal the rather basic and functional undergarments worn by the woman which were then neatly folded in a pile with everything else. If anything, she was organized beyond understanding -- almost tediously so that it might annoy a messy person. Stepping through the secondary door she entered and pressed a button against the wall. Swiftly steam began to pour out from the generator which only hummed quietly and the room filled with humidity. As the hot steam touched her bare skin she felt comfortable, all the pains of her mind faded as she took a seat on the continuous bench not too far from the shower.

The witch couldn't help but wonder again what that feeling was before... She may be cautious but she wasn't naturally suspicious, the fact that it worried her was an odd feeling and because it was odd it did concern her.

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
After a moment or two more, Amnell's attention returned to the book as she reached out and slowly pulled it towards her, intent on reading through it while she waited. Curiosity was getting the best of her, wanting to know what the book was about. After all in this sparsely furnished room, it had to hold some importance. Curious as a cat, Amnell was. Something that was bound to get her in trouble one of these days.

Nine whistled harshly at her, "Leave it alone. It's not yours. And do you really want her to come back in here and see that you've been going through her things?"

"You're no fun, I hope you know."

"Just trying to protect your ass, you worthless human."

"Worthless? You seriously are aiming for never having another hot oil bath in your lifetime."

"I take it back! Oh, great goddess of the hot oil, I shall worship the ground you walk on. Please forgive my insolence."

"Laying it on thick are we?"

"What? I like my hot oil baths, what can I say I'm a total suckup."

"Clearly I need to fix that part of your programing." She turned back to the book, curiousity growing more and more by the second. Carefully, slowly she lifted the cover.

"What are you doing?! I said no. Do you really want to deal with her after you've been snooping?"

"If she didn't want me looking into it, why did she leave it out in plain sight? And last I checked, you didn't give me orders. I gave them to you. So ... relax. It's a freaking book. What harm could possibly come from it?" If she only had a clue what trouble she was about to step right in the middle of. Leaning over the desk she settled herself over the book to start to dive into it's great mysteries.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The steam continued to fill the room until it was covered in a thick fog. Visibility wasn't impaired, really, but it was hazy. The sheer warmth and humidity touched against her skin, forming droplets to the point she couldn't tell the difference between condensation and sweat. Leaning back her shoulder blades touched against the synthetic surface. It and the floor were made of a material that did not absorb energy very easily so thus the surface did not increase in temperature and cause burns.

Closing her eyes, Anja thought back to less troubled times when she was a teenager. Although there were still troubles then... She fought with fellow students, put her mind and body to the test, and was forced to kill... Well, that was a thought she put in the back of her mind. After all these years there was still a place somewhere in her heart for that person.

In the room beyond her perception where the captive was a book had been opened. Unlike before she did not feel the touch but her heart sunk and butterflies filled her stomach and as quickly as it came the feeling passed. What she felt only raised tension within her briefly relaxed body.

Am I sick?

She wondered to herself before shaking the thought out of her mind. Whatever that feeling was she wasn't going to allow it to dictate what little personal time she had to herself. Almost artificially she allowed her muscles to relax further as she closed her eyes again; letting out a sigh. The steam was finally getting to the point where her few minutes of the sauna would finally need to be over. Oddly enough as relaxing as it was there was also a risk of dehydration which is what the shower is for.

With only a few moments left she drowned out all thoughts and went blank...

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
"You really should leave it alone."

"Don't make me find something to throw at you, because you know I will."

"Oh, as if you could even hit me. You missed every last shot, the last time you decided to use me for target practice for your tools."

"It was good anger management." She said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"If you say so."

"I do. Now, hush you."

"Yes, Master."

"You know, I worry when you actually listen. It's completely unnerving."

"I know." He whistled in a rather sweetly in reply. "It's how I entertain myself."

With a roll of her eyes she returned to the book. Turning to the first page, she encountered a series of strange symbols. All of them completely unfamiliar to the young brunette. For a moment, she just simply stared, trying to make sense of it. After a few minutes longer, just looking the page over ... a most strange thing happened. There was little way for her to explain it, she wasn't sinking into the book ... No, but the symbols, seemed to somehow sink into her and oddly enough, there was some sense of understanding as she flipped to the second page.

The sensation was strange enough that she shook her head, trying to push the odd sensation away. But alas, as long as she sat there with the book, it wasn't going away. With it there was something esle, even more strange than before. There was a sense of power that flooded her, but it wasn't from the book itself. It just happened to be the spark that lit the flame. The power came from her. With it came a feeling, that she wasn't the force inept that she thought herself, but increidbly gifted. If only she'd seek it out and learn. Greatness lived within her. An odd realization and one that actually made her pull away from the book.

She glanced back to Nine, then the book and back to the droid. Her brow furrowed together as one last time she looked at the book. Reaching out, gently she closed it. That was enough of a strange experience for her, for now. Though she was bound to get curious again soon enough. Maybe she'd get bold and ask the woman about the book. Maybe she'd get some kind of answer from her. Or not. It wasn't like she'd been forthcoming so far.

With a sigh, she rose slowly and walked back to the bed. And while Nine thought this all was odd, he for a change made no comment on the matter. At least not openly. At least she isn't throwing tools this time. He thought to himself. Something I will always be thankful for.

Her mind ran over the brief events, as she once more took a seat on the bed. Am I really that talented and never knew? Could I really have just missed that? Or was that something else? Amnell's mind quickly filled with a million thoughts and possiblities. Which actually left her no time to actualy contemplate her captivity. That could only be considered a good thing.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Anja looked down at her feet, her mind had finally came back to the world. Standing up, she began to walk towards the wall, when she arrived she pressed another button and the steam stopped being generated. Turning back she made her way towards the large overhead shower and turned a valve which then released a waterfall that poured down on her body. The cool liquid flowed down her skin to wipe away the sweat and condensation, it felt soothing. Her dark hair began to soak and hung from the back of her head and down past her neck and shoulders. A hand went out and reached for a metallic cylinder which sat on a small ledge, it contained a liquid that was similar to shampoo and kept her hair clean.

After cleaning her hair she proceeded to spread a body soap like material along her skin and washed it off under the water. Finished, she turned off the water and felt the air touch her skin and caused her to feel unusually cold. Shrugging off the feeling, Anja walked back towards the entrance and exited through the interior door where she left her clothes. A white towel hung from a metal bar attached to the wall, using the linen she dried off her skin and squeezed it against her drenched hair to stop the dripping. The green robe that rested under her armour was adorned to her body and strapped closed, her hair hung freely over the front of her shoulders.

She still couldn't help but recall that feeling she had and an ominous undertone remained like she was being watched by an invisible force. Leaving the pieces of armour behind she left through the exterior door, and walked back down the hall towards her private chamber.

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Nine whistled as he sensed someone coming, alerting Amnell. She gave a slow nod in reply but said nothing for the time being. Her mind was still wrapped up in the thoughts that strange, strange book had brought on. What if I was wrong all along? And a fool for not taking the chances I had? I turned anyone down that thought I was anything more than an engineer with an expiration date. Not like I can actually go back and change any of it. But I can change what happens next. Well, in theory. All depends what this woman wants from me, with the droids and if I ever really gain freedom again. Suppose we'll just have to see. Or I'll have to take my chances and try and escape when I can.

She sighed softly and shifted back against the wall, just waiting. Knowing it could be the odd woman, or it could just as well be someone else that was soon going to be entering the room. And at least she'd left the book exactly as it was and even pushed the chair back into place to not be noticed. After all trouble was not what she wanted here. Amnell had already had enough trouble to last a lifetime in the last couple of days. Anymore would not have been pleasant.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The remnant's of water glided down the strands of dark hair and down her shoulder along the fabric of her robe. Her bare feet quietly walked across the smooth surface of the corridor's floor and turning the corner she stopped at the entrance of her room. Taking a moment to readjust herself in the pause, she slowly walked through the sliding door and into the room. Her eyes glanced around to make sure everything was just the way she left it and that nothing was taken. Although there really wasn't anything of value small enough to be snatched up and go unnoticed. She didn't take the girl as a thief, either.

More warily her eyes fixated on the little droid which had attempted to cause problems many times before. Finally she set her eyes back on Amnell, the person of interest aboard this very ship.

Anja crept closer and took a seat at the edge of her bed on the same side as the wall Amnell was resting against. "I'm surprised you weren't protesting or screaming aloud whilst I was gone..." The comment was not intended to agitate, although it could, she was genuinely speaking her mind on the matter -- perhaps a bit too accurately.

Crossing her legs at the ankles and placing her hands on her thighs where the robe extended a few inches more and draped just over the knees, she leaned forward.

"I suppose you might be hungry"

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Nervously Amnell scooted a little away from Anja but not too far. She still wasn't comfortable around the woman yet. No doubt that was going to take a while. The brunette then shrugged her shoulders, "What's the point? Other than making my chest and lungs incredibly sore and agonizing painful from overusing already exhausted and overloaded muscles... It's not going to get me anywhere here. I've got no chance for escape while in hyperspace and I know that." She said firmly.

Some things were just simple fact. This certainly was one of them. "Not a point in doing anything now." That doesn't mean I won't try it later. I'm not entirely complacent in this. She grumbled internally, and then sighed softly.

Shifting her gaze to the floor she nodded, "I am, of course." It had been a while since she'd last had anything of real nutritional value to eat.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
It seemed that for now she was being cooperative with the Host Lord.
As far as her being hungry went, Anja was about to make a comment until she was interrupted.

The ship-wide intercom blared on, "Attention: We are making emergency docking procedures with Citadel Station." Without further information the ship exited space at a halfway point; Telos.

Anja was visibly surprised at the sudden delay but more importantly, Telos' Citadel Station was not a location she wished to be at in times like these. The terraforming orbital space station was restored by Titan Industries and ATC in an effort to tap into terraforming technologies and facilitate a new shipyard in Primeval space. Now that the man behind the brand, Alric Kuhn, had been assassinated and the company taken over, there were many rumors surrounding what could happen in a Titan facility at any given moment...

Of course Citadel Station was still The Primeval's, but the fact it was also partially converted into a shipyard meant that there was potential conflict brewing inside the mostly empty station. Fully operational, the space station could house thousands if not more and wouldn't be inhospitable; just an unpleasant delay.

"We need to get ready to leave."

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Amnell seemed confused at the announcement. Not only that but she had caught the surprise on Anja's features. This was wrong and she knew it without asking. Though there was still a very good chance that Amnell was going to ask about what the hell was going on. At the woman's words, she motioned Nine over to her. He only whistled worriedly in return as he came to her side.

"Is there a problem?" She asked as she rose slowly to her feet, with some visible effort made to mask the pain she felt through every inch of her body. This also did mean they were out of hyperspace, even if only for a short while. Being out of hyperspace was always a chance, but she did wonder about the shock with her captor. That did concern her.

The question of the hour: Was she safer with this woman? Or was she safer attempting escape here? Escape here would mean finding a ship she could hack, and that had hyperdrive capabilities to escape any trouble that might be going on. It certainly was a risk. Was Amnell willing to make that gamble without rest ... The girl wasn't sure. Not in the least.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Anja rose from the bed and went over to the wardrobe, she left her armour in the steam room where undoubtedly a servant would retrieve it and proceed to clean before returning it to her. However; it seemed there wouldn't be enough time. Already the starship drifted towards the station and would soon dock with it. The massive space station was nearly one fifth the surface area of the planet and sprawled out in close orbit. At the wardrobe Anja opened the doors and pulled out a rather odd uniform, unlike her green robes these ones were formal and had the symbol of a red circle with what could only be described as dripping blood.

As if to further suggest her detachment from the rest of the galaxy, she didn't hesitate to undress in her robe right there. If they were good friends this wouldn't strike anyone odd, nor would it in a more appropriate environment but for a captor to feel so comfortable with privacy in the presence of a hostage who'd probably like to kill her wasn't such an environment. Dressing herself in the formal robe, it didn't take a genius to understand that although it was formal, it did breathe well for combat situations and was likely made out of some type of armourweave rather than a traditional fabric.

The uniform was a bit snug, as Anja hadn't worn it for almost twenty years... She may have been the same height back then but one fills out a bit as they become an adult. It was one of the few items she had from her birthworld and it was the uniform of the Bleeding Sun, the cultural enforcers of The Primeval.

Having ignored her question during this she finally answered. "Just stay close and whatever you do don't wander off when we dock... Like I've said, I don't intend to kill you but there are others who will." She spoke more clearly than usual, if that was possible.

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
Amnell's gaze followed as Anja moved across the room to the wardrobe. Seeing the green robes, she only lifted a brow ... but wondered for a moment, Would she really undress in front of. ... "Whoa, whoa ..." The young girl managed as she covered her eyes and turned away. That would be a yes. Yes, she would.Totally not expecting THAT! Geez! Starting to think this is some kind of circus. Reaching up she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed quietly. Clearly she has a different definition of modesty than I have, dear gods.

"Oh joy. This day just keeps getting better and better. What's next? The giant green god Gahala is going to show up?" Her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Stars know I can't handle that crap." Another sigh followed, So not liking my odds today. And intend to kill me? So you'll do it by accident one of these days, or just without planning? Not a question she voiced aloud, but it certainly wasn't a comforting thought.

"And you are aware, I can't fight my way out of a wet paper bag, even if I wanted to, right?" Something she had to ask. After all, if things really were going to get that nasty, she'd rather not be left without some form or protection. But right now it looked like she really just had Nine for the moment.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The starship finally docked with the station and per procedure all important personnel were to leave as they investigated the issue that caused them to dock in the first place. Safety wasn't necessarily a huge factor in The Primeval but when your greatest leader was aboard the ship then it was the only factor. Anja walked towards the door, "Come along."

The two would walk down the corridor and towards the docking port which opened into a much larger hallway that could accommodate many people. The airlock opened and the breeze of fresh air from Citadel Station swiftly found its way inside as pressurization became normalized. In the event Anja's ears managed to pop, a minor annoyance compared to her caution. First three squadrons of guards entered first and secured the port. Anja marched next, hopefully with Amnell behind her, and a fourth squadron behind them.

Inside was a particularly pleasant sight. Thanks to Titan's involvement the station's interior was restored and redecorated to fit a modern, above middle-class feel that could make anyone feel comfortable no matter the circumstances of their livelihood. But that of course meant that Anja's concerns must've been related to something other than the station itself, perhaps what was also aboard.

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

Amnell de Portiers

The Girl With An Expiration Date
She's doing that thing again, not responding. I do wonder if she realizes how frustrating that is. She thought as she followed along behind Anja, with Nine right behind her. What counted for glances were exchanged between the two of them. "To be fair, sometimes, even I don't understand you."

"Gee, thanks." She mumbled. Clearly mildly annoyed and concerned at once. There were few words she had for a reply to him truly, with most of her snarkiness disappearing into nervousness.

That same sensation hit her own ears as the pressurization normalized. Seeing the guards, made the young woman feel a bit better. Though if not more anxious. Battles were not something she did, and a part of her wondered what the woman beside her expected to find on the station. Truth be told, she wasn't in the mood to find out. Couldn't I have just stayed in the nice lovely ship behind us? Wouldn't that have been marginally safer? And the station to her, so far seemed fine. Something else had to be the problem, but hell if Amnell could put it together.

Amnell wasn't about to ask another question. Not now. She mostly wanted to disappear into the background. To not be noticed and sure as feth not get in the way. For now she figure silence was the smart move. Not smart-assed comments.

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The fourth squadron ran up behind them and split as to move around them before reforming at the center. Together, the four squads of troops acted like they were in a combat zone or on some hostile world where danger lurked around every corner. Yet all the eyes could see was a comfortable, quiet space station devoid of all life except for them and the occasional Titan employee which wandered the halls. They sat still for a while until someone else marched up behind them, they seemed to be an officer of some type dressed all fancy in a military uniform.

He commanded the squads to spread out except for one which would remain behind to guard the ship's port access. With that Anja turned to her, "Follow me." The squads weren't a security detail, they were a minor occupation force and if any danger struck them Amnell would have to rely on Anja--not soldiers--to protect her. Although her droid was feisty and she probably trusted it above Anja by far, it hadn't exactly proved useful in any recent scenario in which the young woman had been attacked... Maybe upgrades were due.

Anja walked forward and headed down one of the station's corridors. There were many paths that split off of their course and many rooms, shops, and facilities surrounded them. The walls had plants hanging from their pots and troughs, small pools of water protruded from them too every now and then. It was like a technological garden designed by a project planner rather than an architect.

[member="Amnell de Portiers"]

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