Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seasonal Terror and Tepani | Obulette, Harvest Day Festival

The Vulptex

Thief of Thieves. Ninja Master.

Objective 1: Night Lights


A raven haired girl wandered the many stalls. There was plenty to buy, plenty of watch. People watching was a past time of the girl, and she could pretty easily be ignored if she wanted. Being 4'5 had it's benefits. No one pays attention to the short girl.

Maybe she should socialize. Sitting on a bench watching people go by, watching them go by.

Ugh, alright. Let's go talk to people...

Tag: Open



Objective: Night Lights
Tag: Open

Rowena had left her Jedi garb back at the temple and stepped out onto the streets of Obulette in plain clothes. "Ah," she said, glancing around at all of the people dressed up. It hadn't even crossed her mind to wear a costume or something special. Suddenly, she felt very under-dressed in her jeans and hoodie.

She also felt odd about not having a book with her, so the librarian forced her anxious hands into her pockets.

The night-time air had a definite autumn chill, but it was quite refreshing. And the Harvest Festival decor was spectacular -- there were some fantastic costumes as well. Rowena especially liked the warm glow of the lanterns people were carrying through the streets. She wondered where she could get one of her own, it would help her navigate the dark sidewalks, after all.

Perhaps she'd find one... or some other souvenir to take back with her.



Location: Obulette
Wearing: Mummy Costume
Tags: Syala Syala

Hearing ‘Rayne’s’ words concerning his eyes made him raise a brow. Did she really care? Maybe she just felt bad for the two of them bumping into each other? Either way he would try and answer it rather briefly. “Oh well um, I lost them during a fight. It was a vong thing.” It was possible that that would interest the Sith lady. Learning that he lost his eyes from something vong related. Or not, Ko wasn’t really trying to appeal to her sithy interests.

“A Bow?” It took him a moment before he realized what she meant. Letting out a soft laugh from under his mask. “Nature can be just as soothing and inspiring as any musician, I would agree. Not to mention all the animals as well, or the crashing of waves.” Ko added her words seemingly appealing to part of his identity as an outdoorsman. He was about to ask her if she perhaps wanted to share something to eat. But before he could he felt ‘Rayne’ suddenly grasp his hands. “Woah…” He blurted out for a moment before he found himself pulled into an abrupt dance with her, feeling a rush of excitement as she did.

Well if that’s what she wanted, then he surely wasn’t going to protest it. He didn’t expect to dance with anyone tonight so it was a pleasant surprise. Don’t ruin a good thing, right? Thanks to prior experience and training from his Master Ko actually had some decently impressive skill with dancing. Using his insight with The Force to match her energy and movements some.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

Rayne's attention was now on an man in a strange helmet. Masked individuals always gave her anxiety. Anyone could be behind there, and they didn't typically come out of the blue in the middle of the night for any good reason. She frowned, crossing her arms in an attempt to come off as not startled by him.

"Sorry, I'm saving this seat," she lied, speaking through the vocoder on her waist. She needed a moment to come up with the second half. What was convincing? "For my boyfriend."

A part of Rayne died on the inside saying that. The Twi'lek, very much so, did not have a boyfriend. It was perhaps believable, but she couldn't help but cringe internally.

"What's with the weird get-up?" the scrapper remarked. "Costume or something?"

A lot of folks were wearing those for some reason. Probably part of this weird festival thing.



"Oh I look fantastic."

Kahlil smirked in turn as he glanced towards Valery. This year he'd decided to lean more into her own outfit style. Full vampiric attire. At least, the general consensus. High collar, black cloak, classic Dracul. It'd be fun to match this time around. Kahlil was all smiles of course, watching the triplets as they fully embodied the Ewok mentality. All of them really were quite the chaotic group. Save for Aris.

He glanced to the boy, smiling faintly. Aris had decided to go in a completely different direction. Je'daii. He stood in full ancient Je'daii garb, and Seszil, the floating sword that accompanied him, even 'dressed up' to look like one of the ancient Force Imbued blades. It was really just a glowstick applied to the metal to make it look like it was glowing, but it was enough.

"What do you think, Aris?"

"I think a lot of people are going to have too much candy. Do they really just give so much away for free?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Tags: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Annika Starfire Annika Starfire
Costume: ARC Trooper Armor

Noah Corek Junior was no stranger to celebrations, holidays and festivals. Growing up in a mixed species home, a father who was half Human and half Morellian, one mother who was Epicanthix and his other mother who was Echani, there were no small amount of holidays to choose from to celebrate and as such the Cadera-Feanor-Corek family often found themselves celebrating as many as they could.

The difference between then and now? They were usually celebrated in private at the family home and not a public event. So the experience was rather new to him, though he had found so far he liked it. He had done his research on the festival he was currently attending before hand and found out that the attendees often wore costumes and for once found himself with many things to choose from.

Before leaving home, and the smattering of times he had been back since, Junior had taken it upon himself to raid various stores that were kept around the family home. One such store he had found silly to raid at the time, but was now enjoying, was his history nerd of a father's eclectic collections of both reproduction and authentic weapons and armors. Though he had kept far away from the authentic ones as many were literally priceless.

It was from this collection that his current costume was acquired, a fully functional reproduction Phase I Clone ARC Trooper armor, with matching, and functioning, DC-17 Hand Blasters. The costume was both very authentic and very well made, the only downside? The helmet. The inside had been specifically designed for normal human ears of which Junior certainly did not possess and it was for this reason that said helmet was perpetually clipped too the armors belt.

As he walked down the street of the festival he caught sight of something ahead of him. It appeared to be someone he knew. Walking a little further he squinted his eyes to try and better recognize the person and was soon delighted to find that he indeed recognized the person, though the other individual with them was unknown to him. Raising an arm above his head he fervently waved it to catch her attention. "Hey! Lossa!"

Todblaz Graker

Makes me wish for a nuclear winter


Tags: Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to
Outfit: (What he's wearing in the image)

Todd stood there and nodded in response. His attention briefly drifted away when he noticed something drop in his peripheral vision, but he quickly refocused when she asked about his outfit.

"This? Work attire, I wear it everywhere. Though it can get uncomfortable when it gets really hot out." He said. He studied her for a second looking at her outfit, this could be seen by his head bobbing up and down. While he found it a little revealing, was a simple garb that someone may wear during a festival.

In his head he was thinking of what he could tell her he did for a living if she asked, the outfit doesn't really fit any profession except mercenary or military. While that would be fine if someone was seeking someone for that line of work, it had often been a conversation-stopper or a point of unease in social interactions. He just elected to remain vague if she pressed further.

"So what brings you to the planet, festivities?" Tod began. "Or a resident of the local area."



Costume: Vampire
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I like the confidence," Valery smirked and reached out take his hand. She interlaced fingers and leaned in a little closer while they walked together. The kids were all up on their own feet, even if she knew that wouldn't last forever with the little ones. But the triplets were far too immersed in everything to not run around and take it in for themselves.

Valery's eyes then drifted down to Aris, who had chosen something more fitting to who he was for his costume. An ancient warrior with blade and all. She wasn't going to tell him that he looked adorable, not with him in his badass warrior costume, but she really wanted to.

"Too much candy?!" Vera stopped abruptly and pointed a chonky Racyon claw at her brother. "There is no such thing as too much candy. We will get it all!" She giggled and looked around again. Besides collecting snackies, there were also games to play and people to scare.

...and was that BB-610 BB-610 in Valery's fishnet stockings?

Valery blinked but pretended not to see anything, for fear of getting teased over it by her husband. No, she was drawn back to the triplets, and noticed that Aeryn had stopped moving. She was staring at another kid in costume.

An AT-ST costume.

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Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

Oh, this was too funny. Seeing the man's countenance slide from pride to annoyance as the full meaning of her words set in was a reward all its own. He clearly hadn't expected to meet anyone like her today. No doubt, he had expected to make an appearance at this dreadful music festival, smile and wave to the cameras, then head home. She herself hadn't expected to have so much fun here.

"Maldor Mecetti. And please forgive me.

I did not realize I was speaking to a child."

The closed-lipped smile on Athsheva's face sprouted into a full grin, the sharpened points of her canines now in full view. Not only was her opponent the Senator-- she had done a little research on this planet before her arrival-- but he was, at last, capable of holding his own in a little verbal spar such as this. She couldn't even be mad about it, truly. The Yuuzhan Vong had yet to hear an insult that really got under her skin.

"Think nothing of it, dear Senator. Your ignorance is both understandable and forgiven," she cooed, using a tone of voice not unlike the one these infidels reserved for their children. Athsheva gave him a little bow of her own, barely more than a deep nod.

"What brings the Yuzhan Vong to Obulette, Miss Rin? Or are you a lone traveler?"

"I am the vanguard of an invasion force that will raze this planet to the ground. All that you love will be swept away."

The lie was nothing more than a joke in poor taste of course, but still, it felt good on her tongue, and she delivered it with complete and utter seriousness. She allowed her statement to sit for one long, uncomfortable second, before tossing her head back in a single, sharp laugh.

"Ha! Now you must forgive me, Senator. I merely wanted to see the look upon your face," she explained, reaching out to place a placating hand on his forearm-- and prevent him from politely getting up to leave. If he wanted to go, he was going to have to be rude about it. She fluttered her eyelashes at him. "No, no, it is just me. I travel this galaxy alone. Call it... a pilgrimage, if you would like. I cannot think of a way to phrase it that an infidel would truly understand."
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Wearing: Black Frilly Dress and Cheap Vampire Fangs/Jewelry
Tags: Annika Starfire Annika Starfire Noah Corek Jr. Noah Corek Jr.
The sudden talking directed at her made her eyes go wide. She'd already made someone else run off, and now someone was-

Offering cosmetic glue.

The slightest tilt of her head and wide eyed stare quickly shifted as she clapped her hands and garbled out something that might have been a thanks. Pulling the teeth free in one hand, stretching her jaw briefly as she addressed the girl. Eyes batting twice in realization as she grinned.

"I would greatly appreciate it. Every place between here and the Rim seemed to be out." Eyes roaming the girls features before grinning.

"Surprised to meet anyone from Zeltros. You doing alright among the crowds?" Accepting the glue with a gracious smile as another voice hollered over the crowd. Holding the cap between pointer and thumb while the bottle precariously perched itself between the two halves of her palm. Relying on her attention as she split that resource once more. Eyes squinting as a hand waved at her.

Blinking and squinting once more, she didn't dare let go of the bottle. Face scrunched as she caught sight of red hair and pointed ears.

"Hey!" Not entirely sure who was hollering at her yet between the blurry contacts and low lighting. Figuring waving at the person would bring them closer, fangs held tight before she set about applying the glue and trying to pop them in. Simultaneously putting the bottle back together with ease as she grumbled behind the setting glue. Something about horrible timing or maybe about a horrible shiny. It was hard telling as her hands came together in a praising motion to Annika.


Maldor regarded Athsheva silently for a moment, debating whether she was jesting, or whether he should motion for a Ministry of Inquiry operative to seize this woman for questioning.

She settled the matter with a laugh, and he gave her the look of a man who was not amused.

He was begrudgingly, secretly amused, however.

"Well, if you were part of a conquest group, I'd urge you to hurry up, so that I wouldn't have to endure the remainder of this concert."

She mentioned a pilgrimage, and heretics, and Maldor was reminded of writings he had barely paid attention to, which mentioned her people's fanatical zeal.

"I usually associate Gods with primitive cultures," Maldor said, "who need permission to shape the universe around them. People too timid to pursue their own ambitions without the cover of an imagined deity."

He shrugged, "Though I suppose that permission doesn't actually come from a God. It comes from designated individuals in the religious caste. Pious peoples just replace Kings with Priests, and declare themselves closer to the divinity."

He fell silent then, waiting for her response so that he could weigh the veracity of her religious conviction.

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

"Well, if you were part of a conquest group, I'd urge you to hurry up, so that I wouldn't have to endure the remainder of this concert."

That statement actually did manage to draw a genuine laugh from the Yuuzhan Vong. "Oh, no, my people love pain. I think I would let them keep playing."

"I usually associate Gods with primitive cultures, who need permission to shape the universe around them. People too timid to pursue their own ambitions without the cover of an imagined deity. Though I suppose that permission doesn't actually come from a God. It comes from designated individuals in the religious caste. Pious peoples just replace Kings with Priests, and declare themselves closer to the divinity."

Now they were finally getting somewhere. One slim eyebrow rose as Athsheva pretended to consider his words, drawing her knuckles beneath her chin.

"Who was your tutor, Senator Mecetti? I must have a word with them. It would seem that your education in the humanities is only half-complete," she shot back. "To embrace the gods is to acknowledge the self-evident and fundamental truth of this reality-- that the fingerprints of design can be seen in all things, from the smallest bacteria to the mightiest koros-strohna. Perhaps I can put it in words you will understand: every droid has a maker. All of us spring from the godhead, even infidels such as yourself."

She paused for a moment, allowing her words to sink in, then shrugged. "Of course, even I will admit that you are half-right. False prophets and blasphemers can be found everywhere. That is why I am traveling: to learn the truth for myself."
Maldor thought back on the many tutors he'd had in the rooms of his family's palace. Historians. Mathematicians. Martial Artists. Philosophers. Political Scientists...

...And also a very different kind of tutor he'd studied under, within the vaults of that same palace.

"I'd have to consult a directory to find out who has so disappointed your expectations," he said in response to her question about his humanities instructor.

But then, hearing the rest of her reasoning, he shook his head. "But I think you do my tutors a disservice. You see, they taught me something which apparently eludes you: It is easy for someone to say that every effect needs a cause. Every object needs a creator. Simple enough logic, as far as it goes.

But ask a religious zealot, 'What cause effected your Deity? What craftsman's efforts resulted in your God?'

Suddenly the rules change. Now one thing can happen without cause. One exquisite entity can exist without a craftsman. The greatest, most complex, and most powerful thing in the universe suddenly needs no originator.

Theists don't solve the paradox of the universe. They merely highlight it, and then lie about what they've seen.

A true intellect accepts the world for what it is.

They don't try to explain away the paradox of reality by offloading the mystery to an imaginary father or mother.


They embrace the universe as they find it: An artifact of mystery waiting to be molded.

True intellects use their will to craft the universe into their preferred image. They seize for themselves that which theists pray to be given, or to be judged worthy of receiving."

He paused as the music reached a crescendo. Then it faded into a moment of blissful silence before an eruption of applause followed.

Only after that bombastic audience reception receded, did he attempt speak again.

"Well, at least you are seeking truth for yourself. That marks you as an individual of some intelligence."

He scrutinized her for a long moment.

"It also marks you as a heretic. Theist cultures do not favor the search for truth, in my experience.

They tell you where the truth lies, and expect you to fall in line. They value obedience, not inquiry.

Are you in disfavor with your people, Miss Rin?

...Is that why you roam the galaxy in search of truth?"

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin

Location: Obulette
Outfit: Superhero Outfit
Equipment: Datapad
Objective: Checking out these overpriced stalls
Tag: Open!

Aerona had decided to check out the Harvest themed night market. She adorned her figure in some generic superhero attire, while there were plenty of people wandering around the stalls, Aerona had checked out a few trinkets and food items on sale and was astonished at the excessive prices of such items. They were beyond overpriced. It was excessive to the point of suspicious. Aerona decided that there had to be a crime going on, some kind of mafia or crime syndicate hosting this event scamming people out of their credits to the extremes that it was insane. Holding onto her datapad, meaning she was attempted to investigate and interrogating each and every stall owner.

"Why is this five times above market price?" Aerona leaned forward, her eyes narrowed as she stared down the stall owner, "are you working for some larger organisation that is laundering elicit business?" She could tell that the stall owner was looking to spill the truth.

At least she thought he was about to.

"It's just the Harvest festival. A time where plenty of tourists come, not understanding how much these products actually cost and don't get a chance to haggle." The Quarren stall owner responded.

Aerona couldn't believe he was hiding the truth from her, she was adamant that he would be the one to break. "Sure. Sure. Just a Harvest festival price increase." She mumbled to herself, totally not convinced the event had been the cause of the price hiking that was going on here. Instead, she made some notes on her datapad.

Interviewee 14 confirmed the previous interviewees mentioning that the Harvest Festival was the reasoning of the event prices for food. However, I feel that I am getting closer to the truth, of some bigger conspiracy surrounding this whole event. Whether this is some pirate crew, Hutt cartel or some other criminal cartel organising this event to launder their ill gotten gains in this event.

Looking to the next stall, Aerona collected her silk cape and wandered over. inhaling deeply as she attempted to adopt a sweeter appearance before. She decided that she needed to adopt a sweeter, more disarming tone to lure the interviewee in. She needed to find the truth here to expose the criminal pricing to all.

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

She patiently listened to the good Senator go on about the limitations of her logic, as if the ultimate source of divinity did not eschew the logic imposed upon the natural universe. They were, of course, the depraved ramblings of an atheist, of someone who witnessed the beautiful design of the universe and lacked the intellectual complexity-- or the moral fortitude-- necessary to perceive it. A shame, really. Here was a man with all the advantages in the galaxy-- wealth, education, resources-- and yet he lacked the only thing that mattered, the only thing that remained when all else was lost.


As the song closed and the crowd cheered, Athsheva basked in the self-assurance that her neighbor lacked.

"Well, at least you are seeking truth for yourself. That marks you as an individual of some intelligence.

It also marks you as a heretic. Theist cultures do not favor the search for truth, in my experience.

They tell you where the truth lies, and expect you to fall in line. They value obedience, not inquiry.

Are you in disfavor with your people, Miss Rin?

...Is that why you roam the galaxy in search of truth?"

Like a dagger between her ribs, the Senator's words hit sharply. Her smile went tight again, lips closing, and the biggest tell of all was that her right eye twitched. The fingers beneath her chin tightened into a fist. In five sentences, the tide of the conversation had turned sharply in his favor, and now she found herself on the defensive.

"My people..." she began to say, a tinge of venom lacing her voice. The Yuuzhan Vong took a moment to compose herself, hand dropping from her chin to instead hold the armrest. "My people are lost. Like you, the truth is in front of them, and they cannot see it. It is a pitiful state of affairs."

She gestured before her-- not just to the stage in front of them, but to this world, to the galaxy. "One only has to look around to see the failures and pitfalls of a society that has left faith by the wayside, Senator. Your Alliance is a voxyn chasing its own tail, going nowhere. You lack the conviction of your forefathers. An enemy bloodies your nose, and your kind debate about it in the Senate chambers."

Vong?! Oh. Now Syala was definitely interested in what happened to Ko as she fought the urge to experiment once again. But she couldn't let that out. It would just cause more issues later on. Focus on building a friendship with the Kel Dor...Then she could eventually get what she wanted without violence. It was unlike Syala, to think of the big picture but she had slowly been changing over the time she had been training. Either way, she'd have to try and learn more about the Vong and their effects now that Ko had said that he had lost his eyes...Though maybe she could try to help the Jedi. Get him to owe her. "Have you tried to get artificial eyes put in place? Cybernetics? Of course, it'll be different from the real thing...but it could also make up for some of the weaknesses of flesh and blood."

"Yes. A bow. Like the...ribbon you wrap around a present. I was just tryna' rhyme."
Urgh. Laughter. That wasn't the kind of sound Syala liked. Though it seemed like he was having a good enough reaction to her statement. Good. Good. Keep him from getting suspicious. Just focus on the moment. Which is exactly why she was dancing with the Kel-Dor. Whilst she didn't have any professional or official training in dancing, her training easily translated to being able to twist and turn herself. Though her eyebrow did raise at the sight of Ko being able to keep up with her, especially considering...well...he was lacking in his own sight at the end of the day. If he could see through the Force however...She'd have to keep her Force presence even better hidden now. Make sure that they didn't give her away.

Ko Vuto Ko Vuto
Maldor smirked.

It was not a smirk born of viciousness, but of genuine appreciation.

She had now done two things to prove her intelligence. She was searching for truth, and she showed disdain for the democratic government of the Alliance.

"Well, if you are irritated by the slow and pointless machinations of the Alliance, you are in good company."

It had been a good long while since he'd enjoyed a good discussion with someone who wasn't in the spheres of power. He did not need to manipulate this woman. He did not need to defeat her, nor to secure her allegiance.

This was all a refreshingly honest conversation, shared by two people who were openly arguing their convictions.

He could not help but feel that in another galaxy they might have been friends. Friends who enjoyed a good verbal fencing match, perhaps, but friends nonetheless.

The music started up again, allowing him some semblance of privacy within the cocoon of sound.

"Rest assured, I hold the convictions of my forefathers. Which is why I can share in your poor regard for the inefficient machines of our democracy."

He leaned slightly closer to her.

"What this Galaxy lacks is a common purpose.

A true purpose. One which springs from within, but flows out to create concrete benefits for real people, born and unborn. It is a chain of benefit that stretches like an infinite genetic strand from one horizon to the other.

It is this purpose which will ultimately shape the galaxy, and sweep away the problems that plague it.

But the Alliance is comprised of myriad groups, each pulling in different directions, with different motivations. That is why it is such a shock when a small group with a common purpose shows itself capable of inflicting wounds so deep.

Such foes defeat themselves even as they gain victories. They give the Alliance the one thing it lacks: They provide a common purpose around which everyone can rally.

Then the danger passes, and we forget ourselves. We become fractured and vulnerable once more.

That cycle needs to end."

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

"Rest assured, I hold the convictions of my forefathers. Which is why I can share in your poor regard for the inefficient machines of our democracy."

The Yuuzhan Vong's ears twitched, giving away the fact that, finally, Senator Mecetti had managed to genuinely surprise her. Hearing one of the Alliance's very own Senators bemoaning the shortfalls of their government? That was unexpected... and, to be frank, a relief. Ever since her arrival to the wider galaxy, Athsheva had held little regard for the institution. Democracy, in her eyes, was allowing the weak and the simple-minded to carry equal weight with the strong and the quick-witted. She turned away from the stage, interest reignited in her dark eyes as she returned to looking at him-- and when Maldor leaned in closer, she did the same, listening closely to his words as the music encircled them.

"Then the danger passes, and we forget ourselves. We become fractured and vulnerable once more.

That cycle needs to end."

Her lips pulled back from her teeth once more, fangs on fully display. Athsheva braced her elbow against the armrest, cupping her chin in her hand. She was slightly leaning over the armrest, beginning to break into the Senator's personal space-- but she could not care less.

"... My, my, Senator Mecetti," she crooned, "those are quite powerful words. Perhaps I misjudged you. You are unlike the spineless, mewling whelps that crowd the halls of the Senate building. Whoever mentored you in politics does deserve some accolades."

The Yuuzhan Vong lifted her free hand, her Shaping hand; the cephalopoidal creature extended one clawed pseudopod into the air, the equivalent of holding up her index finger.

"However... the purpose you speak of cannot be generated from thin air. As you have said, it must spring from a source. A godhead, if you will," she continued, calling back to her earlier words. "If not a literal god, then a figurative one. An idea so powerful, so universal, that to question it becomes not just anathema, but unthinkable."

Her eyes twinkled. She had an inkling of what the Senator had in mind, but wanted to hear the man say it in his own words.

"What would that idea be, I wonder? What purpose do you wish to bestow upon the galaxy?"
Maldor's eyes were alight with excitement as he nodded.

"It's just as you say. A universal idea. But not one that needs to be taught. It is an idea intrinsic to all sentient beings, but forgotten.

We are born into family. We understand that the well-being of the family is essential to our own well-being from an early age. We understand the elders of the family are there to teach us, guide us, and discipline us.

That is what is natural and instinctive: Family."

He waved a hand, as though dismissing the alternative institutions he was talking about.

"Government comes, and pulls our allegiance from Family, giving it to the State.

Religion comes, and pulls our allegiance from Family, giving it to the Church.

Business comes, and pulls our allegiance from the Family, giving it to the Corporations.

But anything that takes your allegiance from your family is a perversion of the natural order. Any system that tries to replace the family will fail. People will rebel against it. It can be divided by divergent interests, all competing for false loyalties.

The only way a government can succeed and remain united is if that government is your family. A Family extended to a House, a House extended to a World, a World extended to a System, and a System extended to a Galaxy.

The future of humanity is in a return to the Family.

Service, not to some distant State, or an Unfathomable Church, or a soulless Megacorp.

Service instead to the men and women beside you. The House leadership above you.

And on behalf of those who will follow after you."

The music died again as another song found its end, and another round of applause enveloped the crowd. Maldor amused himself by imagining that the audience was applauding him.

Athsheva Rin Athsheva Rin

Athsheva Rin

Yuuzhan Vong. Shaper. Exile.


Tagging: Maldor Mecetti Maldor Mecetti

"We are born into family. We understand that the well-being of the family is essential to our own well-being from an early age. We understand the elders of the family are there to teach us, guide us, and discipline us.

That is what is natural and instinctive: Family."


The idea was somewhat unfamiliar-- and uncomfortable-- to Athsheva Rin. Her own people did not embrace the basic family unit in the same way that these infidels did; on the homeworld, children were raised in massive crèches, overseen by teachers and mentors. She never knew who her true parents were-- but she could still remember the name of every elder who had guided her along the path of shaping. Among the crèchelings, competition had been encouraged, and Athsheva could also remember the names of every childhood rival. Many of them had grown up to be adult rivals.

In short, his idea-- while sensible and logical-- was not necessarily universal. But she could see the value in it, even with the most visible, gaping flaw behind his plan.

"An interesting thought, Senator. My people embrace a similar concept. We have organized ourselves into domains, much like your great houses," Athsheva explained. "And, ideally, our loyalty would extend beyond our domains, to the castes, and finally to all the people of Yun-Yuuzhan."

She allowed the words to sit between them for a moment. No doubt, he was bracing for the inevitable but.

"However... tribalism runs rampant, in both your society and mine. We do not view those in other domains with the same camaraderie, much less those in other castes. The idea of the extended family seems to have a natural limit in all societies. Perhaps it is constrained to the people you see every day, or the people who look like you... but there is always some limit, somewhere," she pointed out.

"Your idea has potential-- but until you can overcome these limits, it is just that. An idea."

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